Chapter 3


Sunggyu had a ing confusing dream that night.

It wasn't so much as what he saw, because in actuality he didn't see anything. His vision was out, but he knew he was sleeping. It's what he heard that made the dream strange. Bits and pieces of a one sided conversation; several different voices overlapped each other, both female and male, old and young.

He could only make out small fragments of sentences, words, and even then it didn't make any sense.

"... He's gotten so big, you should see him-"

"-I won my game today! The crowd went crazy and-"

"-Are you ever going to wake up? I-I don't know how much longer I can wait-"

"-I finally did it. I asked him and he said-"

"-Will you even remember me hyung? Will you-"

His eyes shot open and he was greeted, blinded, by the morning sun. Groaning, he tried to roll over and cover his head with the blanket, only to find himself immobile. Sunggyu was slightly irritated and craned his head over his shoulder, discovering that Woohyun had somehow shifted most of his body on top of the elder male.

In some people's mind this would be considered intimate, almost scandalous but it most certainly did not feel scandalous to Sunggyu, not at all.

Woohyun had a habit of bending his body at weird angles when he slept, similar to that of a cat. It's been with him as a kid and even now seemed to remain as a 22 year old college student. His arm, how did he even get it like that, was twisted awkwardly behind his back while his other one was wrapped around Sunggyu's tucked-in torso.

His head was too close, the caramel haired boy could feel small puffs of his breath on the back of his neck (which was as gross as it was giving him goose bumps). His legs were another story, one was stretched across the sheets while the other was hanging off the bed.

This boy is so weird, Sunggyu suppressed a laugh and wished he could take a picture; if only he wasn't trapped in a make-shift straitjacket. With a sigh, he wiggled himself as much as he could out of Woohyun's grasp. Sunggyu had only managed to sit up before Woohyun began to move again, fixing his position to a somewhat normal one. The only downside: he had both arms wrapped around Sunggyu's waist.

"You have got to be kidding me," he groaned aloud and grabbed his arms gently, trying to pry him off without waking him.

When he felt his grip tightened, Sunggyu knew what was going on and glared at the boy. Woohyun's peaceful face held a small smirk, barely noticeable but still just as annoying and earned a hard pinched from Sunggyu.

With a high scream, one similar to what he heard from Mrs. Nam after Woohyun put worms in her pillow, the dark haired boy shot up from bed, actually falling off the mattress and landing sprawled out on the floor. Sunggyu laughed loudly, causing Myungsoo to throw the door open and to see what was going on.

"What the hell Sunggyu?!" Woohyun whined, rubbing the blooming welt on his toned arm. Sunggyu was hunched over, clutching his stomach as he giggled madly.

"Um... this isn't what I was expecting," Myungsoo sighed, almost disappointed, and left the room.

Woohyun ignored the boy's words and scooted closer to the bed, resting his head on the comforter so Sunggyu could only see the top portion of it. The sight was endearing and after Sunggyu finished his laughing attack, he leaned over and petted the boys messy bed-head.

"Awww my cute little Hyunnie," he cooed, "Try to trick me like that again and you'll end up with more than a pinch on your arm."

"A pinch!?" he lifted his head slightly, "You call that a pinch? I thought you were going to skin me with your bare hands!"

"You're overreacting."

"You overreacted!" Woohyun huffed and crawled back onto the bed, relying solely on his arms to do the work. Sunggyu laughed again at the sight and grabbed the back of his shirt to help pull him up. He was rewarded with a soft grunt from Woohyun and a nice peek at the sliver of tanned skin from his back.


Sunggyu immediately released him, ignoring the pout on his face and reached for his phone as he asked quietly, "What time is it?"

"You tell me."

"9:26," he groaned, falling back in bed and throwing the covers over his head, "It's way too early for this."

"Yah," Sunggyu felt the boy throw himself, not too hard, on top of the mass that was his body and blankets, "We need to get ready.  Your mom is expecting us at noon."

"It's only an hour drive back. We've got plenty of time."

"You're not the one whose driving," Woohyun grabbed the comforter and pulled it back, smirking at his hyung's disheveled appearance, "If you make breakfast, I'll let you drive for half an hour."

"What makes you think I want to drive?"

Woohyun pretended to mull the question over in his head as he rested his chin on the back of his hand, which was resting on Sunggyu's chest, "Well, I know how much you love the Fast and Furious movies and that after 18 years of sleeping, you probably missed the feel of a car vibrating under your hands, speeding off on open roads and watching the scenery fly by."

"Well when you put it that way, it does sound appealing," Sunggyu propped himself up with his shoulders, staring down at Woohyun, "But I have an advantage over you."

"What is that?"

"I can drive when I get home. You, however, have no idea when the next time I'll be cooking is," Woohyun's face fell, his true intentions were found out, "Oh that's right. I remember how much you love my kimchijeon."

"Hyung, don't tease me," he huffed, "Mom has tried making them the way you do, but they never taste quite right."

"Of course not," Sunggyu shoved the younger male off him and laid back down, "I make them with my own style. Now if you want to even smell them again, you'll give me another 10 minutes."

"Hyung! That's not fair!"

"I don't care."

Sunggyu heard Woohyun huff in defeat and flop back beside him. Sunggyu closed his eyes once more and tried to fall back asleep. He got maybe five minutes of peace until the door opened again and Myungsoo came stomping in.

"Are you seriously sleeping in? Come on! I want to go home!" He whined childishly.

"Yah, leave us alone," Woohyun snapped drowsily, having fallen asleep in the short time period as well.

Sunggyu snorted and rolled over, accidentally rolling the boys out stretched arms. Woohyun didn't seem to mind though and merely snuggled up to him, "Give us another five minutes."

"Hell no. I've come to learn that your version of five minutes is normal people's version of an hour."

"I like how hyung's version translates," Woohyun added quietly. Sunggyu felt tugging on his side and paid no mind to it at first... until he realized he was being moved and his eyes shot open.

"What are you doing?"


"No, no, no stop it! No!" he shrieked as Woohyun rolled out of bed, taking the older boy down with him. To his luck, he landed on top of the younger male and laughed when he heard him groan in pain, "Serves your right!"

"Light as a feather hyung, you really didn't change."

"Shut up," Sunggyu scrambled off him and straightened his shirt out. Myungsoo raised a brow at his choice of clothing and glanced at Woohyun before he smirked and disappeared out the room. Sunggyu knew that look and swore lightly under his breath that he was gonna skin him.

Woohyun just stared up at Sunggyu with an expectant look in his eye, "Yah, Kim Sunggyu."


"Up," he reached his hand up.

Sunggyu scoffed, unable to fight his smile, and grabbed the offered arm. He lugged Woohyun to his feet before shoving him through the door and announcing through the house that he was going to make kimchi pancakes. He got two cheers, one clearly not from Myungsoo and turned to Woohyun confused.

"Someone home?"

"Guess Hoya came back early," he shrugged, and smiled when they entered the kitchen. Myungsoo was at the table, chatting happily with a brunet male. The stranger, which Sunggyu concluded to be Hoya, had bags by his feet, indicating he had just arrived from his rather short trip.

When the two made eye contact, Hoya's brows raised and he scanned him up and down, "I've seen that shirt before..."

"Hey Hoya," Woohyun greeted, patting his roommate's back, "When did you get here?"

"An hour ago. My parents went away on a countryside retreat and forgot to tell me about it. Remember the old woman next door to me? She let me stay in her son's old room until the next bus came..." he trailed off, and Sunggyu realized he was still looking at him.

Woohyun noticed too and motioned to him, "Roomie, I present to you... Kim Sunggyu."

"Oh? Your childhood lover? Least you kept your business in your room, I would have killed you if you took it to mine."

"Ha ha, very funny."

"Is this how he treats all your friends?" Sunggyu mused aloud, bypassing them to get to the kitchen and begin preparations for breakfast.

"Only the cute ones," Hoya replied unabashed, "I'm kidding man. Name's Lee Howon but I'd prefer if you called me Hoya."

"Noted. You hungry Howon?"

Woohyun laughed as the other male pouted, "Hoya, Please. And yes, I heard something about kimchijeon.

"Kimchijeon? Sunggyu, you know how to cook?" Myungsoo asked, looking up from his phone. The said male nodded and went back to preparations, all the while eavesdropping on Woohyun and Hoya's conversation. It was mildly boring, mostly about Hoya's girlfriend and plans for the apartment lease when they move back home.

Sunggyu didn't contribute to any sort of small talk for the rest of that time. While he waited for the batter to bake in the pan, his mind trailed off to last night.  Truth be told, he was tired because a little after they had officially gone to bed, Sunggyu sneaked back out and read some more letters from younger Woohyun.

He got through thirty before his eyes started to droop and the clock blinked "4:00 AM". However, his dreams did anything, but calm him.

Unconsciously, he started humming. It was a tune he heard in his dream, which in most cases would be creepy but for some reason it stuck with him. He only notice that the room fell quiet when he turned around with a fresh plate of Kimchijeon and blank faces.

Well, mostly blank faces. Myungsoo and  Hoya were eyeing the plate in his hands while Woohyun stared directly at him. His expression was unreadable, piercing, and made the older male feel uneasy.

"Ready," he coughed, setting the first three down in the middle of the table before retreating back into the kitchen. Myungsoo and Hoya immediately dived for the food, arguing over who got the freshest one while making Sunggyu laugh from his place, "Relax, there's more where that came from."

"I'd sure hope so," the reply came from behind him, Woohyun was far too close and when he bumped shoulders with him the latter jumped.

Sunggyu turned to glare at the idiot, who was holding one of the pancakes with a napkin and stealing bites every now and then, "Are they good?"

"Scrumptious. What's your secret?"

"Love... and piss."


"Go sit down Woohyun. There's plenty for everyone," he flipped the batter over and side-glanced at the male.

"Fine, let me get something to drink."

"Well move then."

Woohyun rolled his eyes and Sunggyu tensed when he felt a warm hand on his lower back. It was there for a few seconds while the boy slid past him and disappeared with the sound of the fridge opening. The touch confused him slightly, but for now he decided to pay no attention to it. After all, Woohyun made him burn the next batch of pancakes.




"Mooom!" Myungsoo whined, stomping his foot childishly, "This isn't fair!"

"It is completely fair," Mrs. Kim huffed, "You're not leaving the house until you finish your work! End of discussion! I let you go with Sunggyu to Seoul this weekend, that was enough fun for you."

"But Sungjong and Sungyeol are going to see the new Captain America movie! Do you know how long I've been studying English for? Why not practice it at the theater?"

"And what else have you been studying, hm? Certainly not math, your grades in that class are terrible!"

"Didn't think you'd be that bad," Sunggyu commented off handedly, smirking at the glare Myungsoo gave him.

"School has changed since 199-whatever. You wouldn't understand," he scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I've seen that look before," Mr. Kim snickered and turned to his eldest son, "He's gonna whine and pout until we give him what he wants. He did this as a kid, but it doesn't work anymore."


"That might be my fault, huh? Too many years from my childhood of throwing tantrums have got you immune, eh?"

"Maybe, though he was more difficult."

"You guys !" He snapped, his cheeks flushing as he turned to the stairs and stomped up them.

Mrs. Kim sighed after she heard the door slam and turned back to Sunggyu, forcing a smile on her face, "How was Dongwoo deary? I don't think I've seen that boy since you left college."

"Did you know he has a kid?"

"He does? My word I wouldn't have never imagined. Ah well, he seemed like he would be good with kids."

"Yeah, well apparently Myungsoo knows him. Is friends with him even."

"What's the child's name?"

Sunggyu thought back to their conversation and spoke slowly, "Sung...jong? Yeah, Lee Sungjong. He kept his mother's last name-"

"Ah! Sungjong!" Mr. Kim laughed, "Really? I would have never known. I recall only meeting his aunt on certain occasions, but I would have never guessed that he and Sungjong were family."

"Yeah. He even made me his Godfather. I'm going to go back after Myungsoo's graduation and formerly meet him. I'd do it now, but don't you think it would be weird to just randomly approach him?" Sunggyu asked, knowing that he would definitely never believe a stranger that just up and did that to him.

His mother laughed, "I suppose waiting would be wise. What does he do now?"

The caramel haired boy finished his drink and handed the mug back to his father, smiling innocently while the older gentleman gave him a look that read 'what am I, your maid?', "He's a choreographer. Guess he fulfilled his dream."

"You still can too honey," she put a comforting hand on his shoulder as she noticed his expression darken, "It's not too late."

"It might as well be. I'm 38."

"I don't think you quite realize how young you look," his father smiled, "Hell, Woohyun could pass as your hyung."

"That brat? Nah, he's still got his childish features."

"Where is he anyways? I thought he would have come in and greeted us when he came to drop you off."

"He went to go visit his mom," Sunggyu stood up and stretched his back, "Something about making sure she and Seokjin hadn't cleaned out his room. Bet he has piles of in there."


"Oh honey, don't act like he doesn't," Mr. Kim snickered, placing his palm on her back as he kissed her cheek. The action reminded Sunggyu of the incident in the kitchen earlier and his hand briefly brushed the spot Woohyun had touched. His mind flickered with a thought but he crushed it quickly so it wouldn't have time to 'bloom'.

"Say, mom," he began, his fingers playing with the sleeve of his shirt, "Has anything... drastic changed about Woohyun?"

"What do you mean?" her eyes traveled to the box Woohyun made sure Sunggyu took before he left the car. Sunggyu followed her gaze and kept his eyes on the object as well, "Did you read his letters?"

"Do you know what he wrote about?"

"Some of them, barely any. Myungsoo had tried to make a box for you too and Woohyun would help him write. When he didn't know what to say, Woohyun read him his to give him an idea. What's bugging you?"

"Nothing important. Probably just over thinking things."

There was a knock at the door, followed by the mahogany opening and Woohyun announcing his presence in the house. Sunggyu watched him kick his shoes off and enter the kitchen, smiling when he greeted his parents and asked how they were doing. He somehow ended up standing next to Sunggyu, a little too close for comfort, and nudged the boy gently.

"Ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"Did you not hear a word I said in the car?"

"Oh, you mean when you weren't blasting Stevie Wonder," Sunggyu smirked and swayed side to side as he began to mimic the younger male, "Well I'm a man of many wishes, Hope my premonition misses~"

"But what I really feel my eyes won't let me hide, "Woohyun continued singing, until he realized the male was distracting him, "Y-yah! Don't do that! I told you I was going to take you out today!"


"Because you owe me!"

"I don't owe you anything!"

"Sunggyu," his mother sighed, "Just go with him. You've barely been out of the house as it is. Think of this as an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with the town! There have been a lot of changes since you've been gone."

"You guys seriously act like this is Back to the Future," Sunggyu sighed, "I've yet to see flying cars-"

"Let's just go," Woohyun tugged his arm, dragging him towards the door when Myungsoo re-emerged at the top of the stairs.

He looked at the two appalled and threw a glare at his parents, "Why does Sunggyu get to go?"

"Because he's been lying in a bed for 18 years. Some fresh air could do him good," Mr. Kim replied, "Go grab your practice book. I'll help you with the exercises and if your hyperactive boyfriend can wait, then you take the car and go see the movie when you're done."

"W-wait right there, let me text him," Myungsoo was gone just as quick as he came, and before Sunggyu could shoot back an insult for just ditching him, Woohyun had already pushed him out the front door.

"When did you put on your shoes?" Sunggyu frowned as he was led to the car.

"When you were watching those two bickering," he grinned and walked around to the other side.

"What, not going to open the door for me?"

"Did you forget how to open one yourself? Do I need to teach you?"

The elder glared and debated on just turning back and running inside, but Woohyun was giving him a look and he knew better than to just escape... he would save that for when they were in town. Sunggyu slid into the passenger seat and waited for Woohyun to adjust everything before he started the car and backed out of the drive way.

Truth be told, he hadn't actually been in town. His trip from the hospital consisted of him sleeping the whole time since he was drugged with pain killers. When he took the cab to Seoul, it came directly to his house and picked him up. There was no need to go in town, not for buses or anything. He briefly wondered if anything was different, but Woohyun seemed to notice and answered the question for him.

"Nothing big has happened," he smiled, glancing at the caramel haired boy, "Some new stores have  been added, the mall under construction back in 2000 was finished, but the old businesses are still there. Remember 'Lee's Bakery'?"

"Yeah... How is it doing?"

"Alive and kicking. It's still really popular among students. When I brought Hoya back for a weekend, he couldn't get enough of the banana bread. I didn't even know he liked banana's until then. That reminds me, I have to pick some up for mom. You wouldn't mind going, would you?"

"Not at all. I actually miss her strawberry creampuffs."

"Oh, they still taste amazing."

Sunggyu smiled, "Good. Maybe she'll give me a discount for coming back."

"Yeah," he shrugged, "And the scolding of a lifetime."

"You punk."

"I speak nothing but the truth," Woohyun gestured his chin towards the right, "That there is the mall."

"Whoa," Sunggyu gaped at the blustering building, it's height blocked out the son and clearly showed how massive it was compared to the smaller shops they had passed earlier, "That's at least five stories."

"Six, if you count the basement."

"I don't."

"Well then," Sunggyu snickered at the boy's exaggerated pout and knocked the side of his face gently with his knuckles.

"Relax Namstar. I'm messing with you."

"I noticed," Woohyun pulled over in front of the bakery and got out. Sunggyu stared at him confused, thinking they were going to explore more places first before they got the food, "Sorry Hyung. I'm actually pretty hungry."

"Me too," As if on cue, Sunggyu's stomach growled and they looked at each other before laughing. Sunggyu's cheeks were a light shade of pink because, honestly, that was the worst noise his body could have ever made and the fact that Woohyun heard it made it ten times worse.

"Do you have a baby cow trapped inside you?" He joked, approaching the store front and holding the door open for him.

Sunggyu shrugged, his smile still present and stepped in. He stared in awe at the familiar store, feeling a strange sense of comfort warm him. The only thing that seemed a bit out of place was the new register and speakers installed into the walls. It still played a soft instrumental tune he had heard hundreds of times before and the old woman behind the counter gasped at the sight of him.

"Sunggyu?!" she called, nearly dropping her tray of freshly baked treats. The customers seated at the small tables by the wall watched them curiously as the owner shuffled around the counter and hugged him.

Sunggyu squeezed her gently and smiled at Woohyun over her shoulder, who was watching the reunion with a tender expression.

"Hey halmoni," he greeted.

"You've been gone forever!" she snapped, hitting his shoulder roughly when he pulled back, "Do you know how much help I needed? I'm an old woman for Christ's sakes! "

"Ow! I was in the hospital, what could I have done?!"

"Yeah I know. Woohyun-ah told me," she smiled at the said boy, "So what'll it be? Creampuffs?"

"You remember?"

"How could I forget? For a good while you were one of my best customers," she dusted her hands off on her apron and motioned for the two to sit, leaving with promises of whipping up a fresh batch and a new recipe. Sunggyu seated himself by the window, thanking the new waitress that followed them to deliver complimentary cups of tea.

"She's gotten old, huh?" he commented, glancing at Woohyun after witnessing the woman politely order her assistant to remove something from the oven.

"Well what did you expect? She's like 80 now."

"God, she has so much energy for her age."

"Well she's been spending the better half of her days here since her husband passed," Woohyun replied quietly, blowing on his tea while the elder gaped at him.

"Junkyun died?"

"A little over three years ago. Old age, passed peacefully in his sleep. She was quite distraught for a few weeks, but eventually she moved on," he leaned forward, "She said she hated seeing him suffering. It was his time to go, simple as that."

Sunggyu nodded dumbly and leaned back in his chair, feeling a lot sadder then he had earlier. Junkyun and his wife, the old halmoni, were like the neighborhood grandparents. They took care of the local children when their parents were too busy with work and helped delinquents clean up their act.

Sunggyu wasn't gonna lie, he had gone through a rough patch in middle school, but helping out at their shop taught him new lessons in responsibility and maturity. He owed a lot to him, to both of them. It was sad, now that Junkyun was gone he wouldn't be able to tell the man how much he appreciated him.

"Hey, don't feel down. She doesn't anymore, that you shouldn't either," Woohyun shifted closer, "Don't bring it up though. She'll go on a rant about how his good for nothing absence has just caused an inconvenience for her."


"Jokingly of course."

Sunggyu laughed and nodded. He noticed the way Woohyun's fingers twitch besides his, he felt the boy's intent and slowly pulled his hand away, hoping the message would be implied. Woohyun seemed unaffected by it, but Sunggyu knew when Woohyun was using a poker face and when he wasn't. This time it was painfully obvious.

"Woohyun ah," he began, his fingers skimming the rim of his mug as he tried to change the subject, "How has college been treating you?"

"Fairly. It kicked my the first year but I've learned my limits and adapted to it. I've been doing pretty well actually, managed to get a few internships over the past two summers," he replied, gaze going distant.

"You know, your mother never really did tell me what your major is."

"Really? You can't even guess it?"

"Would you like me to?"

Woohyun smiled, "I'd like to see you try."

Sunggyu hummed in response and leaned on the table, resting his chin against his hands as he stared thoughtfully at the boy in front of him. Woohyun stared back mischievously, not even bothering to hide the smugness present on his face, "Would you give me a hint?"

"I wrote it in a letter."

 "I haven't read them all."

"But you've read a majority or it," he corrected, thanking the waitress as she dropped off their orders of cream puffs, "I debated two majors initially and entered Seoul Uni. undeclared. But then I had a sudden epiphany-"

"Right!" Sunggyu snapped his fingers, "With your girlfriend! Hyomin was it? Yeah I remember you writing about making a meal for her and her telling you that you should peruse a career in cooking! What, are you a culinary genius now?"

Woohyun laughed, though it sounded slightly forced, and nodded, "I didn't think you'd read the recent ones."

"Your handwriting as a grade schooler is awful. I'll be lucky to translate even a paragraph of it."

"It wasn't that bad!"

"No Woohyun, it was pretty bad."

Woohyun frowned while Sunggyu laughed at his depressed state. Of course he was only teasing. Woohyun's handwriting was actually strangely neat for a child, but as he got older it grew increasingly worse. Sunggyu figured he was lucky enough to have practice with his father's (Whose matched that of a doctors: completely illegible).

"I'm just kidding Hyun," Sunggyu picked up the sweet treat and shoved it into the younger's mouth. The boy began to protest, but realized how good the cream puff was and ate in silence. Sunggyu smiled and picked up one of his own, examining the familiar dessert before plopping it in his mouth. He moaned; eyes rolling back as he sagged in his seat and savored the delicious treat, ", give me ten more of these and I'll have my puffy cheeks again."

"They were never gone hyung, quit deluding yourself," Woohyun snickered, "They're just cream puffs anyways."

"They're in food form. Shut up and let me enjoy this ic piece of heaven," he reached for another one and ate it just as slow, smiling as the flavor of sugar and strawberry made love in his mouth.

He cracked an eye open and noticed Woohyun was staring at him, again with that unreadable look, "You're weird hyung."

"S-shut up," he nearly choked, "So I noticed you stopped mentioning her after your third semester. How is she doing?"



"Oh," he grew unusually quiet and almost had Sunggyu stop eating. Almost, "We're not together anymore."

"Shame, she seemed pretty nice."

"Yeah, she still is."

Sunggyu felt like he should leave it there, but his curiosity got the better of him, "So what happened between you two?"

"You mean why'd we break up?" He corrected. There was a small pause before he continued, "Wait, you should know better than anyone that Seoul doesn't have a culinary arts program. I'm majoring under the department of vocal music while taking side classes at a community college. I enjoy both, so if I can't do one I'll do the other."

"You're evading my question," Sunggyu huffed, "Was it that bad of a breakup?"

"No. Say hyung, you haven't tried my cooking yet. I'll treat you on Friday, since Seokjin wants my help coaching the high school soccer team and prepping them for finals this week."

"Oh? What will you make?"

He smirked and pressed a slim finger over his lips, "That's a secret."

"You're no fun- wait! Quit distracting me!"

Woohyun tsked, "Damn. I hoped you'd forget."

"Well if it is really that uncomfortable then you don't have to talk about it," Sunggyu quickly clarified, feeling bad for pushing him. The look on his face showed distraught and he didn't want to upset the younger boy. He had no idea what the relationship was like, but he hoped it wasn't effecting him negatively.

"Thanks hyung. Maybe I'll tell you over dinner," Woohyun smiled, but his eyes showed something else.

Sunggyu swallowed thickly and turned his head, watching people pass the window without really paying too much attention to them, "So... What are our plans for this afternoon?"

"Well I figured I'd let you off your leash and follow you around. After all, you have no idea how much has changed."




Woohyun drove back late, really, really late. The clock on the car read 11:48 which wasn't really that late compared to Myungsoo, but enough to probably upset their parents. Apparently Woohyun had told Sunggyu's parents about coming back for dinner, but Sunggyu was interested in eating at a nearby BBQ place and used his squishy cheeks to his advantage (If Woohyun later claimed that he used aegyo, the older male would deny it with every inch of his being).

They ended up going to a noribang afterwards and spent the rest of the evening drinking soju and singing old trot songs. Woohyun had about being an old man, but Sunggyu paid no mind. He was having fun.

It was a miracle that Woohyun was even able to even drive them back in one piece. Instead of waiting for Sunggyu to get out in front of his house, he pulled into his own driveway, nearly crashing into the garage in the process. The two shared a look of shock before bursting out in a fit of drunken laughter.

"You were thiiiiis close to crashing," Sunggyu giggled, cheeks pink with alcohol.

"Y-yah, but I didn't. Show me some respect, hyung," Woohyun smirked triumphantly, but all signs of victory disappeared when he opened the car door and fell out on the concrete. Sunggyu slapped a hand over his own mouth so he wouldn't laugh so loud at the boy's ridiculous pose, but none the less stomped his feet rapidly against the floor in an attempt to control himself.

Woohyun slowly sat up, dazed, as he looked around, "When did the floor get so hard?"

"Y-you are an idiot," Sunggyu panted, dragging himself out and running around to help the latter up. Woohyun was practically dead weight in his arms and caused the older male to fall with him. He landed harshly on his ; he was still holding Woohyun under his armpits and looked down at the boy blankly.

The two snorted before launching into another fit of laughter.

"Shhhh, SHHHHH!" Woohyun nearly spit as when he sat up straight and turned to face the man, "People are... sleeping."

"Shhhh," Sunggyu mimicked, "W-what do we do now?"

"I dunno..."

"...Go inside?"

Woohyun let out a childish whine and shook his head cutely, "I don't wanna!"

"You hypocrite."


"SHHHH!!" he repeated, "I-I think... we're drunk."

The dark haired boy's head rolled to the side, "Yeah... probably."

"So maybe we sh-should go."

"But it's so far away!" Sunggyu rolled his eyes, still smiling as he got to his feet on unsteady legs and rocked back and forth. He blinked at Woohyun's house, at his house, and then crawled back into the back seat of the car, "Yah, what are you doing, hyeoooooongggg?"

"It is too far, so I'll sleep here."

"No! My car!" Woohyun quickly crawled after him and tried to squeeze himself besides him. Sunggyu was stronger, even when drunk, and shoved him off, "Gyu!"

"I was here first. Respect your hyung."

"Hyung is in my car though. My property," Woohyun reached behind the seat and hit a lever that folded the back of the seats into the trunk, creating plenty of room for two people and collapsing down next to him, "So I'll lie here too."

"Whatever," Sunggyu grumbled, feeling incredibly sleepy. The two shared a look with tired eyes until Woohyun began to smile, "What is it?"

"You're cute when you're drunk."

"And you're still annoying," the corners of his lips quirked up and adjusted his coat so it would act like a blanket around his body, "Sleep Hyun."

He felt the boy shift closer to him before a 'Yes Gyu' followed his fleeting vision.




Sunggyu woke up to a pounding headache and knocking. He rolled around in his bed and snuggled deeper into the sheets, yelling a pathetic 'Go away' to the offending noise. He let out a deep breath and nearly fell back asleep until he realized something was off...

How'd I get in my bed?

Sunggyu's eyes slowly opened as his door creaked and he squinted over his shoulder to get a good look at the intruder.

Myungsoo was smirking at him, holding a bottle of pain killers in one hand and a cup of water in the other. Sunggyu sat up cautiously as he approached the bed, rubbing his currently nonexistent eyes when his brother nudged him.

"You look magnificent."

He snorted, "I feel like a king. Give me that, slave."

"King's don't have slaves, and earlier this morning you definitely weren't treated like a king."


"More like a princess actually," Myungsoo's grin made Sunggyu want to punch him. The boy bowed lowly as he held out the two objects in his hand, "For you, your highness."

"Shut the up Myung," Sunggyu snatched the drink from his hand and popped a pill in his mouth. After downing half the cup, he blinked lazily and looked back at Myungsoo, "How'd I get here?"

"Woohyun carried you. He looked just as bad as you, but managed to bring you up the stairs and drop you off before he ran to the toilet and puked his guts out."


"Kidding, or am I? He had one hell of a hangover though. Said you two fell asleep in his car, how romantic."

"Yah, keep your gay to yourself," Sunggyu snapped, taking another drink.

"I don't know hyung, my gay is pretty contagious," Myungsoo spat back bitterly, "You got a problem with what I am?"

"Not at all."


Sunggyu sighed and looked up at him. Myungsoo was clearly offended, but was trying his best not to show too much of it to him, "Myungsoo-yah, love whoever the hell you want to love. I'm just a pessimist who doesn't believe in relationships... least not yet."

"Maybe you should switch teams for a while," Myungsoo suggested, sitting at the edge of his bed.

Sunggyu laughed, "I don't think so Woohyun."

"I'm not Woohyun, hyung."

"...Right, you're better looking," Sunggyu rubbed his eyes, wondering why the hell he was thinking of Woohyun then.

Myungsoo eyed him carefully before he spoke, "If it doesn't bother you that I like men, would it if Woohyun did?"

"Woohyun doesn't."

"How do you know?"

"Because he had a girlfriend."

"I've had a girlfriend."

Sunggyu smirked, "You're lying."

Myungsoo shrugged, "So maybe I am, but does he have a girlfriend now?"

"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't," the older boy groaned as he rolled out of bed and fixed his shirt. He stretched his arms and started for the door, "None of my business anyway."

"Would it bother you if he did?"

Sunggyu stopped at the door and looked back over his shoulder. Myungsoo was staring at him, giving him one of his piercing looks that told him he wasn't going to back down any time soon, "What are you trying to get at Myungsoo?"

"Just wondering is all."

Sunggyu didn't like that answer. If his brother kept talking about it, then he'd eventually start to wonder too... wonder more than he should. The caramel haired boy gave a short 'whatever' and headed back towards the bathroom.

When he was safe inside, he the water and splashed his face a few times, hoping that would wake him up. After a couple of light pats on his cheeks, he turned the water off and stared at his dripping face.

He didn't look bad, but not that good either. With a soft sigh, he straightened up and reached for the shower. However, his hand stopped mid way when he noticed something on the ground. Confused, Sunggyu leaned down and picked up a scarf that was hidden partially behind the toilet.

He recognized it to be the same grey material Woohyun had worn last night. Flashes from then flickered in his mind; he remembered their drunken state and how cuddly they were in the back of the car. His cheeks felt hot and he quickly shook his head. That was nothing, it was just us being friendly.

However, Myungsoo's marvelous words of wisdom did nothing but make him think more. What did he mean about Woohyun liking men besides... well... the obvious. It was all hypothetical anyway, Woohyun had a girlfriend before and he could probably get another one easily. The kid wasn't bad looking, he actually was fairly attractive and his personality was great and-

Sunggyu didn't notice how close he was holding the scarf until the faint smell of Woohyun invaded his senses. Surprised, he quickly dropped it on the counter and threw the curtain back.

Ridiculous, you're being absolutely and utterly ridiculous Sunggyu. Get yourself together, he scolded mentally, turning the dial to cold as he stripped down and jumped in. The freezing temperature attacked his pale skin relentlessly, but for some reason Sunggyu couldn't feel it.

His skin was burning with what felt like embarrassment and he vowed that when he got out he was going to chase Myungsoo down and force feed him some wasabi. He'd teach that brat not to mess with his mind.


Wow, there's a lot of you. Thanks to all who subscribed and read and upvoted and whatever! The next chapter is dinner at Woohyun's, what will happen? kekekeke, remember this is supposed to be somewhat short.... but so far i've typed 60 pages so maybe not. I'm not trying to rush things either, things 'll happen when they happen. If you like, please comment! Thanks babes, peace~


Stupid boy and his cute outfit and cute scarf and dfgonjkljfdl

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expect updates after my finals are over


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801 streak #1
Chapter 9: still reading this 😭
Chapter 9: Thank you pls updatesoon ^^
Chapter 7: So cute XD
Chapter 6: Kisseu! Thanks
Chapter 5: Woah gyu gave hyun a chance XD
Chapter 9: I feel content, again. Yet sad at the same time.

This story has problem. Yeah, 1 problem. Them. Their relation. Their .
I wanna see how the end is.

Will you? Eventhou it has been years since your last update. Hope you'll make a clear end for woogyu in this story. 2/3 chapters will do?

I wanna see how Sunggyu's progress with his latest life. How the way he solved this problem. Their . Their loved. It's hard to say when i am solely focus onto Sunggyu. Bcoz he is the main core right?

And Woohyun. Idk how his feeling grew to be like this.
He is still young yet decided this kind of thing. It's not a small thing. But a big one. He is only 22 but declared his loved to the a 38 old men.
His admiration, adoration changed to be loved. Eventhou he said that he is sincerely, am afraid that it's a momentary feeling. He is not right? Am not doubt him, doubt Woohyun. Just, he is so young.

At the end of the day, i am still curious how they'll walk this hard way.

I saw you logged on this first month. Hope you'll see it and re-think to finish this one.
Thank you! And hope will see your words soon♥
Oh, you deleted your AO3?
Chapter 8: Yes. Reality hit him.
He is the older one. A 16 years gap between him and Woohyun.
I know that well..
Beside the drama in the future but i am content with this uurrrrghhh

And what shocked me. People around Woohyun is ok with him and Sunggyu together!
That's awesome!

Just be official will youu!!
Chapter 6: Wow.
I hope it will last long. Their relationship.
Chapter 5: Just realized that this story is an .