Very Likely

Baby Girl

From: Suzy Unni

I haven’t told our boss about... you know. So he thinks I’m still performing.


“Can we have pizza for dinner tonight? I’m honestly too tired to cook and I really feel like cheese.” I say to Mark as we pull into the car park at our building. 

“Of course we can.” he says smiling. We get in the house and snuggle into the sofa. Mark orders the pizza and then goes to have a shower. I start to fall asleep when the doorbell rings. 

“I’m coming!” Mark yells as he runs out of the bedroom, hair still dripping wet and a towel draped around his neck. He returns to the living room and places the pizza on the table. He helps me to sit up properly before heading into the kitchen and taking out smaller plates. I watch him as he sets them beside the pizza and then returns to the kitchen to get glasses and a bottle of water. He returns and sits on the floor, pouring the two glasses and setting them down, one in front of me and the other, him. 

“What?” he asks when he realises I’m staring at him.

“Why are you being so good today?” 

“I just don’t want you to tire yourself out. The pregnancy makes you really tired and maybe more so because there’s two in there.” he places a hand on my stomach before turning around and taking a slice of pizza and placing it on a plate, handing it to me. I smile at his consideration and start eating. 


Two weeks later and I’m waiting to hear from Suzy. I want to put this whole thing behind me once and for all. I hope I didn’t offend her by asking her for proof. I don’t want her to think that I think she sleeps around or anything like that, but I can’t just accept the fact that she’s having my husband’s baby. Especially not when she wants him too. 

I still haven’t told Mark that (not so) minor detail. To be honest, I have no idea what I would do if it did turn out to be his. Do I have to give him up as well? 

The doorbell rings and I slowly get up off the couch to open it. It’s the post man. I open the door and he asks me to sign before handing me the envelope. This is it. Suzy said she would get it sent to me first. My hands are shaking as I sit back down. I place the envelope on the table and stare at it. I take in the hospitals logo in the top corner and read an re-read over my name and address. I originally intended to wait till Mark got home before opening it but he is in Busan for a concert and they probably won’t be back until the early hours of the morning. 

I take a deep breath and pick up the envelope, turning it over. I place my hand under the seal and slide my finger along. I take out the papers, making sure the print is facing down. My hands continue to shake. I take another breath and turn the papers over. I sigh as I read the first page which just states that the following is the results of a paternity test for Mark Tuan blah blah blah. I hesitate to turn to the next page. My foot starts to tap on the floor and I can feel my heart rate speed up. I remember that this nervous energy and stress isn’t good for my kids so I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down. I turn the page. I scan through all of the medical jargon before reaching the final result. 

DNA Match: 99.9% 

Possibility of Paternity: Very Likely 


I let the paper slip out of my hands as I lean back in the chair. I close my eyes, refusing to let the tears escape. 


Mark’s POV

We just finished the concert in Busan and we were headed back to Seoul. Some of the members were already asleep while I stared out of the window, listening to some music. The song changes and Lee HyoRi’s ‘Don’t Cry’ from the I Need Romance 3 OST start’s playing. I nod my head along to the beat as I check the time. 1.45am. SoRa must be asleep already. She is so tired these days thanks to the pregnancy. She’s usually asleep by 8pm. 

Finally, the manager drops me off at our building before heading off to take the others back to the dorm. I go up to our door and pin in our passcode. I try to go in as quietly possible, but then I realise something is off. The living room light is still on and the TV is running, at a very low volume but still running. Usually when I come home late, the house is dark. I go into the bedroom and the light is on in there too. At first glance I know that SoRa isn’t in bed. I go in further and check the bathroom. She isn’t in there either. Panic starts to set in. It’s already so late and I can’t find my wife. 

I run back out into the living room, looking for a clue as to where she could be. That’s when I see an envelop on the table and some papers on the floor. I look at the envelope and I can recognise the hospital logo in the corner. The paternity test. I quickly pick up the papers and I see what my wife would have seen. I collapse in to the seat behind me. 

“.” I say, quietly at first. “ !” I slam my hands into the arm rests on the couch. 

She didn’t leave me did she? She wouldn’t have. 

I get up running into the kitchen. Maybe she left a note at least. 

“SoRa?” I call out for her. I check our guest room, which we were getting ready for the twins. I sigh. 

There she is, lying on the floor of our children’s room, hugging one of the teddy bears that we bought. I slowly go towards her, trying not wake her. I look at her carefully and my heart breaks at the red puffiness surrounding her eyes. It isn’t good for her or the kids for her to be sleeping like this, but she’s in a state that I can’t carry her to our room. I put my hand on her shoulder. 

“SoRa? SoRa, honey, wake up.” I shake her lightly. Her eyes flinch and they slowly open. 

“Oh, you’re home?” she asks, rubbing her eyes. “When did you get here?” 

How can she still act like nothing is wrong after all this. 

“Just now. Why are you sleeping in here? Come on, come to bed.” I say helping her up. She leans in to me and lets me lead her to the bedroom. She lays down facing away from where I will be. I sigh, but I get ready for bed and join her. I stare at her back not knowing what to say about the papers that are on our living room floor. Right when I think she’s asleep she turns around. We stare at each other for a while and then she smiles. It breaks my heart. Her smile isn’t the same. She’s smiling but she still looks sad. 

What do I do now? 


A/N: Sorry - I don't really know how paternity tests work apart from the percentage thing. so 'Very Likely' is going to have to suffice. 

I'm hoping to end this in the next few chapters. :/

I hope you guys are enjoying this.. sometimes when I re-read it it seems kind of flat.. or is it that just me?

Thanks for commenting and subscribing! 

Maybe when this one and my other fic is done I'll take requests for new ones. :)


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Chapter 11: Ok! I just re-read this! And hell! I just want to puch Suzy clean and Straight! So selfish!
Chapter 11: I mean how would I describe Sora, she's a saint! A very open minded person! She jdat embraced her husband's mistake like a Queen! She set her mind taking care of Triplets! Even if one is not really their flesh and blood! Not no mention it caused her so much stress. It must be her material instinct kicking in.
hannah4567 #3
Chapter 13: WOW!! you should write a sequel about this story..It's amazing
Superstar98 #4
Chapter 10: Woah. Punching the nation's first love is just.... woah!!!
Superstar98 #5
Chapter 10: Woah. Punching the nation's first love is just.... woah!!!
Chapter 12: This is like the best cheating story ever!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: This is a really good FanFic, Well done authornim!^^
Chapter 11: Sora's so good! I really love Suzy in real life but I do admit she's being a btch here, trying to ruin Sora and Mark's life... Anyway, I'm glad it all turned out for the best! I'm just a little sad that Suzy won't be able to oversee Minki's growth... Anyway, this is a nice fic! <3
Xoriah #10
this was such a cute story!