
Baby Girl

The ride home was a quiet one. I didn’t have anything to say to Mark and I could tell he wanted to ask me something but he didn’t. We got home and as soon as we go through the door I feel his arms wrap around me. He buries his face in my neck. 

“I’m sorry.” I tap his arms comfortingly before pulling them apart. I go into the room and change into something comfortable before going into the kitchen to get cook. Mark places himself on the couch and watches something on the TV. 

I can tell he keeps glancing at me so I go into the living room and sit beside him. 

“Ask me.” I say, making him shift in his seat. 

“W-What?” he stutters. I turn to face him, putting a leg up on the couch. 

“You’ve been dying to ask me something since we left the company. Go ahead.”

“Uh. What did she say?”

“Nothing. She just asked me why I’m so cool.” I say, smirking. 

“How can you joke around right now?” he looks so guilty, I kind of feel bad for him. 

“I’m not joking though. That’s what she asked me.” I laugh. “Why don’t we call the members over tonight. I’ll cook them dinner. You guys haven’t had a day off in a long time, and I feel like I haven’t seen them in ages.” 

“Oh? Okay.” I pat his leg as I get up and return to the kitchen. I can hear him on the phone and not long after he joins me in the kitchen. 

“They’ll be here at 7.” I nod. I can feel his eyes on my back as I cook. Eventually he gets his laptop out and sits at the table, doing god knows what while I get dinner ready. 

“You haven’t told the guys I’m pregnant yet have you?” I ask, breaking the deafening silence in the house. 

“Not yet. I haven’t had a chance to.” I nod. “Did you find out if we’re having a boy or girl?”

“No. I wasn’t going to. Should I?” I turn around to face him. He thinks for a bit before shaking his head. 

“Have you been to the hospital yet? Geez, I should have asked you these yesterday.” he says running his hands through his hair. I laugh at him, turning back to the stove.

“It’s fine, sweety. I have my first appointment next week.”

“Do you want me to come?”

“Do you have time to? Don’t you have your fansigning event next week?”


We go back to doing our own thing in silence and at 6:30 the doorbell rings. Mark gets up to check the monitor. 

“They’re here.” he says. 

“Already?” Mark disappears and I hear the door open. The amount of noise the boys are making carries through to the kitchen. I hear the sound of scurrying feet and I know exactly who they belong to. 

“Noona!” he runs into the kitchen and hugs me. 

“Yah!” yells Mark. I turn around to return the hug.

“Hey Bam Bam. How are you?” letting him go and ruffling his hair. 

“I’m good.” he says. Then he looks down at the floor. “Noona, are you okay?” 

I pat him on the shoulder. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. Dinner will be ready in half an hour. You guys are early!”  I look behind Bam Bam at the other group members standing in the doorway. 

We greet each other and I can tell the atmosphere is a bit tense. They keep glancing at each other and the only one who seems semi-normal is Bam Bam. They move to the living room and talk. I can hear some hushed voices and Yugyeom and Bam Bam trying to make it seem like they’re having fun by laughing very very awkwardly. I smile and shake my head at their efforts. 

An hour later and we’re sitting around the table in the living room eating and watching Running Man. The atmosphere was tense and I needed to break it. I hate the fact they were tiptoeing around me. I decided to put an end to it. 

“Guys, can you loosen up please? I can’t eat if you guys are gonna be so awkward around me.”

“Noona! Ahhhh....” says Yugyeom, offering me a piece of meat. I take it, smiling at the maknae. I knew he would be the first to open up, he looked so uncomfortable from the moment he walked in. I return the favour by placing a piece of kimchi on the rice in his spoon. 

“The boss says you’re gonna write a statement.” says JB. I look at him and nod. 

“Do you want us to help you?” offers Jr. 

“Actually that would be great. I have no idea how to write an official statement. I know what I’m going to say but I don’t know how to word it.” JB nods. 

We continue eating, a bit more at ease than before. Once we finish YoungJae and Bam Bam help me clear the table. I cut up some fruit and we all gather around the TV again. 

“We have something to tell you.” I say, getting the boys attention. 

“Oh no. I knew those words would come out tonight. What is it? It’s not bad is it?” says Jackson, freaking out. 

“You’re over reacting” I laugh. “It’s actually really good news.”

“What is it?” asks Bam Bam.

“I’m pregnant.” I say, smiling. Mark takes my hand, smiling at me.

I see the shock form on each of their faces. Yugyeom is the first to react.

“REALLY?! I’m going to be an uncle! Yeah!” he starts jumping up and down. Bam Bam joins him, both squealing in delight. We all laugh at them. 

“Congratulations, you two.” says JB, punching Mark lightly on the shoulder. 

“No wonder she didn’t leave you.” says Jackson. We all stop and look at him. He places his hand over his mouth. “Did I say that out loud?” 

We all crack up laughing and push Jackson around a bit. I go to join in but Mark pulls me back. 

“Be careful.” he says, only loud enough for me to hear. I understand what he means and sit back on the couch as they all push and tickle Jackson until he’s in tears and begging them to stop. Eventually they settle down. 

Jr. sits down on the floor beside me. He keeps glancing at me sideways, at my belly. 

“JinYoung-ah, the baby isn’t going to grow any faster if you keep looking at it.” says Mark, putting his arm around my waist. 

“I know. I just think it’s amazing. Are you going to be okay?” I look at him confused. “I mean. You’re so little. What if you break?” We break into laughter again. 

“A woman’s body is made for this. You don’t have to worry.” I say. 

“It’s been a while since you guys came. Do you want to sleep over? We start pretty late tomorrow anyways.” says Mark. 

“Hyung. Shouldn’t you ask Noona first?” says YoungJae. 

“I’m fine with it.” I say.

“Call!” yells Jackson. “Can we hyung?” he turns to their leader, clasping his hands and placing them under his chin, doing a pretty good imitation of the Puss in Boots. 

“Call!” the members high five each other. “I need to help Noona with her statement anyways.”

“Ah! That’s right.” I say, remembering. 

The night continues, with the guys playing around together while JB and Jr. help me with my statement. I can tell Mark keeps glancing over at us. We finally finish when JB and Jr. join the rest of their members. 

“Mark, can you come here a second please?” Mark gets up and joins me at the table. “Do you want to read this before I send it?” I turn the computer towards him and get up to get a drink. I sit back down and watch the other guys playing around while waiting for him to finish reading it. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mark touch his face. I turn around to see tears falling from his eyes. I get up go behind him, hugging his shoulders. 

“Have you finished reading?” he nods, wiping his eyes again. “Is it okay?” he sniffles before nodding again, slowly. I move one arm, keeping the other around him, and I lean over to press send. “All done!” I say, squeezing him lightly. I stand up, leaving my hands on his shoulders. I can tell the guys are watching us, so I massage his shoulders, hiding him from their view. He calms himself down and holds my hand that is on his shoulder. He looks up to me and smiles, eyes still a bit watery. I leaned down and give him a small kiss. 

The night carried on as normal and like that months went by. 


I’m now 5 months pregnant and my belly is starting to show. After the first appointment, we were delighted to know that we are expecting twins. The other GOT7 members come over often to see the progress of my belly and to try to keep me off my feet. They always call before coming over in case I’m craving something they can pick up on the way. Their coming over tonight straight after their radio schedule, and I’m cooking dinner. As I’m waiting for the soup to boil my phone rings. I answer it and it’s YuGyeom.


“Hey YuGyeom. Are you on the way already?”

“Yep. We’ll be leaving soon. Do you feel like anything?”

“Actually, I do. Can you tell your hyung to get me strawberry ice cream, please?”

“Okay Noona. We’ll be there soon.”

I hang up and smile. Everything has been perfect since the scandal has died down. 

I finish cooking and set the table right as the GOT7 members come through the door. 

“We’re home!” says Jr. “Ooh something smells good.” The boys gather around the table and take a seat. Mark comes around to me and gives me a kiss before handing me the ice cream I asked for. 

“You’re going to have dinner first though right?” he asks. 

“Of course.” I say, taking the bag from him and placing the ice cream in the freezer. 

We sit down and eat, the boys telling me about their day and how their fans reacted when Jackson did a body wave. We finish dinner and as I clear up the table, Mark and Jackson serve up the ice cream, giving me an exceptionally large serving. 

While we’re all digging in to dessert the doorbell rings. Jackson bounces up to the monitor to check who it is.


“Who is it?” asks Mark, going up to check. He sees who’s here and he freezes. He glances at me. 

“What’s wrong?” I say, going up to the monitor myself as the door bell rings again. I see who it is and I panic for a split second, but I can’t deny a guest that has come to my house. So I go and open the door. 

“Hi SoRa. Sorry to intrude.”

“It’s fine. Come in. We’re just having dessert, would you like some?” 

“No. Thank you.” she says, following me through to the kitchen. 

“Oh? Sunbaenim?” says Bam Bam upon the arrival of our guest. 

“What are you doing here?” says Mark.

“Mark, Unni is our guest. Don’t speak to her like that.” I say, indicating the clearly uncomfortable Suzy. 

“It’s fine SoRa-ssi. I actually came because I have something to tell you both.” 

“Sure. Come into the living room.” I lead the way and the members follow. Suzy takes a seat in the chair for one while me, Mark, JB and Jackson squeeze onto the couch. Jr, Bam Bam and Youngjae taking the floor. YuGyeom on the armrest beside me. 

“I don’t know how to tell you this.” she begins. 

“It’s fine, Unni. Go ahead.” Mark puts an arm around my waist, almost instinctively. It seems protective, as if he thinks Suzy is going to hurt me in some way. 

Suzy looks around the room at all the eyes staring at her. Even though she is their senior they are facing her as my brothers, and I can see they are trying to control their expressions. Suzy glances at my pregnant belly. 

“I heard you’re having twins.” she says. I instinctively place a hand on my stomach. 

“Yeah.” Suzy places a hand on her own stomach and then looks up at me. I look her in the eyes and she looks.... sorry? Realisation hits me like a tonne of bricks.




A/N: Sorry the first half of this is just drabble, but I wanted to include the other members in there somehow. I hope to include a lot more of them later too. 

Oh and I'm sorry but I'm going to make Suzy a in this. :/ It would make for some good drama don't you think? 

Comments appreciated!

Thanks for subscribing and I will update again soon, but I really should get started on my assignments hehe 


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Chapter 11: Ok! I just re-read this! And hell! I just want to puch Suzy clean and Straight! So selfish!
Chapter 11: I mean how would I describe Sora, she's a saint! A very open minded person! She jdat embraced her husband's mistake like a Queen! She set her mind taking care of Triplets! Even if one is not really their flesh and blood! Not no mention it caused her so much stress. It must be her material instinct kicking in.
hannah4567 #3
Chapter 13: WOW!! you should write a sequel about this story..It's amazing
Superstar98 #4
Chapter 10: Woah. Punching the nation's first love is just.... woah!!!
Superstar98 #5
Chapter 10: Woah. Punching the nation's first love is just.... woah!!!
Chapter 12: This is like the best cheating story ever!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: This is a really good FanFic, Well done authornim!^^
Chapter 11: Sora's so good! I really love Suzy in real life but I do admit she's being a btch here, trying to ruin Sora and Mark's life... Anyway, I'm glad it all turned out for the best! I'm just a little sad that Suzy won't be able to oversee Minki's growth... Anyway, this is a nice fic! <3
Xoriah #10
this was such a cute story!