
My Savior

Xiumin's POV:

I went to visit ~you~ with Suho and them, and when we got up to her room, she looked so fragile just laying there.  It was sad seeing her unconscious.  I whispered into her ear even though I knew that she probably didn't hear a word I said. 

We stayed there until the time when Youngmin walked through the door.  He looked a little shocked that we were in the room, but threw his backpack onto the couch and greeted us. 

"Annyeong, guys.  I didn't know that you would be here," he said. 

"Oh, we just came for a quick visit, cause we got called saying that she was starting to get better," Suho replied. 

"Really?  I didn't get a call... I was probably in class then."

"Yeah.  We thought that we would find her awake, but she was still asleep from the time we got here."

We talked with him for a while more and then left to go back home.  We gave Youngmin the food that Suho and D.O. cooked earlier because he said that he's been staying here ever since she was first unconscious.  When I heard him say that I thought, 'he must be really in love with her.'  The last thing I said to him before I left was for him to take care of her.  He smiled and nodded his head and waved good-bye to us. 


A few weeks have passed and ~you~ still isn't awake yet.  I go visit her every chance I get and so that I can meet with Youngmin.  Every time we meet, I feel like I learn more and more about him everyday.  He's a really good guy and I approve of him dating my ~you~

As more and more days passed by, everything seemed so slow with her progression.  She seemed to not be going any where with her condition.  Even her wound on her head was healing slow.  But what could we really do?

Youngmin's POV:

It feels lonelier and lonelier every moment I spend with out ~you~.  I mean I'm always by her side in the hospital, but it just feels empty because she's not saying anything, she's not smiling like she always did with me, she's not kissing my cheeks, my lips, and I can't even see her stare at me anymore.  I sighed thinking about those things. 

Kwangmin came around the same time as he usually does to give me some dinner.  And as usual I thank him, we talk and maybe do some homework together, then he leaves. 

It's the same every day.  I wake up on the couch, Kwangmin comes to get me, kiss ~you~, then leave to school, come back to the hospital, greet Kwangmin, eat dinner, do homework, talk to her, then go to sleep.  Every single day cycles like that.  I just want her to wake up.  That's my only wish right now.  That's all I want. 

One night as I was watching ~you~ and doing my homework at the same time, I saw her hand twitch.  I got so excited that I put my math book down and watched to see if her hand would twitch again.  It did and I jumped out of my seat and ran to the nearest nurse walking by and told her.  She walked in quickly and did a small check up. 

"It seems that she's doing a little bit better than before.  But there are no real signs that she'll wake up soon.  But that's not for sure, she could be up by tomorrow morning.  We're not totally sure though," the nurse told me. 

I bowed and thanked her before she left.  Although she said there was no real sign that she would actually wake up soon, I didn't believe her.  Just ~you~'s hand twitching made me believe that there was still hope, that she will wake up soon.  Whether or not she wakes up soon, I'll still wait for her.  I won't stop loving her for as long as I live. 


A month has passed and ~you~ still hasn't shown any signs of waking up soon.  I still haven't given up hope though.  I still believe that she'll wake up soon.  Maybe not really soon, but soon.  I know she will, she's strong and will fight through anything. 

One day, it was a Saturday, Kwangmin came barging into the hospital room and pulled me up to my feet.  I was totally confused on what he was doing, but let him take me any ways although I really didn't want to leave ~you~ alone at the hospital just in case she woke up. 

I asked him lots and lots of questions as he drove to a certain place.  He answered them simply and focused on the road.  I gave up asking him questions once we made it to a basketball court.  I looked at him totally confused. 

"What are we doing?" I asked him. 

"A few friends and I wanted for you to get some fresh air before it starts freezing.  So, we all decided why not play some basketball or something like this?" he replied. 


I still could not get my mind off of ~you~.  But as soon as we walked out and met up with Xiumin and them, plus Minwoo, and our hyungs I was distracted.  We played some basketball and some soccer until late at night.  It was a nice surprise to meet all of them and play against them.  It really did distract me from worrying about ~you~ so much today, so I guess that was okay. 

We were all packing up and throwing our stuff into the car when I got a phone call.  I took a quick glance at it and saw that it was the hospital.  Now I was starting to get worried again.  I answered it. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Mr. Jo, I'm sorry for waiting at the last minute, but we're going to have to stop the machines on patient ~you~," the doctor on the other line said in a sad voice. 

My eyes widened and I stopped breathing for a minute.  When the doctor asked if I was okay, I crawled back into reality and started shouting at him for no reason.  And that kind of caused a scene. 

"No!  You can't do that!" I yelled. 

"Mr. Jo, yes we can.  We have no more space in the hospital and ~you~ isn't making any progress over the months," he replied still calm. 

"Wait!  Can't I do anything?!?  Can't I call a lawyer?  You guys can't do this!"

"If somehow she wakes up in an hour or so then we won't, but all doctors don't think she'll make it.  She's been in the same condition ever since she got here.  And it's our choice if we can do that or not because at this point, we have a lot of other patients needing the same room that she is in for different emergencies."

"No!" I yelled. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Jo.  I'll be hanging up now."  He hung up. 

I stood there with my mouth hanging wide opened.  My friends looked at me worriedly.  I tried telling them a quick summery while about to run to the hospital.  But right before I sped of towards the hospital, we heard a man laugh evilly that echoed the whole neighborhood.  It sent chills down my back.  We all turned around to find the three guys that attacked ~you~ standing in front of us.  This time, they brought friends. 




Annyeong!  here's an update finally!  this story is ending in the next chapter!  and i'm soo soo soo sorry that I havent updated this story at all for what seemed like forever.  it was just that I was kind of stuck on what to do next.  but i hope you enjoyed and look forward for the last chapter soon!!  :)




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Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa!!! It's so sweet!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 40: I finally finish read this story..that was great story.. :)
Chapter 40: Done reading your story... Daebak!!! I really love you story ^-^
Chapter 26: Kyaaaaa!!!! They finally confessed.... XD
Chapter 25: Kyaaaa!!! Totally getting hook in your story... Super love it <3 <3 <3
margiegarcia #6
Chapter 40: That was a great fanfic and it was so~~~ refreshing for me to be able to read another boyfriend fanfic after so long. I really love it thanks for making my day with your fic. =)
Chapter 2: new reader here!!! love your chapters 1 & 2... ^-^
JungAidee #8
Chapter 28: ... Is so amazing
JungAidee #9
Chapter 28: I have so much to catch up with ... But waaaaa! Youngmin confessed *rolls*...a nd then what KM told him when he saw her changing made him blush like crazy .... The fluff