
My Savior

Your POV:

I turned around to see who it was that knew my name.  "Minseok?"

"Yeah!  How've you been?"  he answered.

"I'm okay," I sighed, "How are you?"

"Great," he smiled.  Then three other people behind Minseok asked, "Yah, Xiumin hyung.  Who's she?"

"Oh, she's my old friend.  ~you~," he smiled again, "~you~, these are my friends Luhan, Sehun, and Baekhyun."

"Hi," I said with a shy smile.  Then I turned to Minseok, "So, you go by Xiumin again?"

"Ah, haha," he laughed embarassedly while scratching the back of his head, "Yeah, I know I told you that I'd go by Minseok, but I got bored with it."

I smiled and said, "Okay then, Xiuminnie oppa."

We talked for a while longer, then Xiumin said, "Hey, let's head to you house.  If you don't mind."

"Uh, you can't.  I don't live there anymore."

"Oh, then let's go to your new house."

"Well, I actually live with some guys now."

Xiumin's POV:

What?!?!?! ~you~ lives with some guys now???? She can't just live with some random guys!!!

"What?!?  What do you mean?"

"I... um," ~you~ started.

"~you~ -ah, is something wrong?  Tell oppa," I tried to say in a calm voice.

"Oppa... my parents... abandoned me," a tear left ~you~'s eye and rolled down her cheek.  Followed by more tears streaming.  Then I couldn't control myself and embraced her.  Something that I couldn't do for a long time.  I missed seeing her everyday.  I missed her smiling bright face.  I missed the way we talked.  I missed everything about her. 

She looked up to me with her teary eyes.  I loosened the hug and took one hand and wiped her tears.

"You could've called me," I said.

"I'm sorry..." she said quietly.

Your POV:

Xiumin let go, then Luhan came and put his hand on my shoulder.

"~you~ -ah, we'll be here for you," he smiled.

"If you're Xiuminnie hyung's friend then you're ours, too," Baekhyun smiled. 

"Always.  We promise," Sehun said while reaching out his hand to grab mine.  He was about to grab my hand, but then Xiumin slapped it away.

"You know she has another shoulder, right?  So, there's no need for holding hands."

"Haha!" Baekhyun laughed then said, "hyung doesn't approve Sehunnie."

"Oh, c'mon, hyung.  You got to hug her!" Sehun whinned.

Luhan also laughed then said, "Sehun, it's okay, I'm here for you."

"I'm okay," Sehun immediately replied.

Then everyone laughed.

It was getting late so I said good-bye to my oppas and went home.




Hihi!! heres another update!! :) i hope you like it!!  hehe, heres the new characters i've been talking about... now i have to edit my Foreward a little... but im too lazy to, we'll see if i do it ;P  but tell me what you think by commenting!!! and please if you are enjoying this so far go subscribe and upvote my story!!! i appreciate it!! :)




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Chapter 40: Kyaaaaa!!! It's so sweet!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 40: I finally finish read this story..that was great story.. :)
Chapter 40: Done reading your story... Daebak!!! I really love you story ^-^
Chapter 26: Kyaaaaa!!!! They finally confessed.... XD
Chapter 25: Kyaaaa!!! Totally getting hook in your story... Super love it <3 <3 <3
margiegarcia #6
Chapter 40: That was a great fanfic and it was so~~~ refreshing for me to be able to read another boyfriend fanfic after so long. I really love it thanks for making my day with your fic. =)
Chapter 2: new reader here!!! love your chapters 1 & 2... ^-^
JungAidee #8
Chapter 28: ... Is so amazing
JungAidee #9
Chapter 28: I have so much to catch up with ... But waaaaa! Youngmin confessed *rolls*...a nd then what KM told him when he saw her changing made him blush like crazy .... The fluff