The Hat Boy

48 Hours With You

Soojung is on the phone with Jaehyun.

“jung soojung,are you listen to me now ?”

“I heard you.”

“good girl. And also.....”

“what now ?”

“lets dating.”

“w..w..what are you talking about” soojung frightened.

“HAHAHA just kidding. I bet you’re very frightened when you hear that.”

“YA !! dont play with me or I’ll hung up,seonsaengnim.”

“easy,easy. Anyway,are you interested to be an actress ? our school will present some musical drama for this weekend’s event.”

“hmm. I’ll think about that later. Interesting enough for me.”

“yapp. Tell me your response at least tomorrow.”


Soojung put her handphone on the table. Jessica is still trying to about Ahn Jaehyun.

“soojungie ~~ who is that ? Ahn Jaehyun ?” jessica start to tease.

“yap,so what ?”

“nothing in particular. But you two looks perfect together,soojungie~~”

“tch. Whatever you say. Anyway,did that hell-jongin told something or apologize to dad ?”

“hmm. Unfortunately,he’s not. There’s no message,email,and call from him.”

“see,he’s totally a jerk. How could i be his wife in future.” Soojung mumbles.

Jessica gives her i-dont-care-no-comment face.

“eonni,what do you think about a musical drama ? is it good for me or not.”

“it will work perfectly with you ! join some,soojungie. You’re that kind of dramatic girl.” Jessica burst to laugh.

“you’re totally a bad sister,eonni” soojung ingnores her sister’s word and walk away from the room. She walks back to her bedroom and put clothes on her. With a black glasses and brown hat,she already turns into a stranger. She’s doesnt look like jung soojung anymore.

Soojung glance to her watch. It’s 7 p.m.

She walks out from the jungs building,drives her car to her favorite cafe,berryline. At high school,soojung almost spent all her weekend in here. The owner of berryline is one of her close friend,lee hyeri.

Several minutes later,soojung already stands in front of berryline.  The situation is so quiet,because its 7.30 p.m. already.  Soojung threw a raspberry and continue walks into the cafe.

Suddenly,someone pats her shoulder.

Its a boy. A boy with a brown hat. Soojung can’t see his face clearly.

He seems not familiar fo soojung.

And right now,he’s smiling widely to soojung.

“you’re bracelet,miss. You fell this in the parking lot” said the boy.

soojung checked her wrist. Yapp. Her couple bracelet with jessica is not there.

“thanks a lot. This thing is very important for me.” Soojung smiles.

Seems like the boy wants to say something ,but suddenly lee hyeri is shouting to soojung,

“JUNG SOOJUNG !! AAAAAWW I MISS YOU SO MUCH !! <3” hyeri runs and hug her tightly.

Soojung is already knew this will happen. She and hyeri are close friend for 7 year.

“I miss you too,hyeri ya~~.”

Hyeri talks cheerfully,but after one minutes she just realized that there’s someone stands beside her best friend. After that,she shouted,” do you know this guy !?!”

“who ? “

“this guy” hyeri is pointing to the boy.

“not at all.” Soojung gave her a I-dont-know face to hyeri.



Okayyyy bby this is the chapter 6 !!! how is it ??? who is that hat boy OwO  I’m a bit lazy to write more,because no one encourage me to write (?) kkkk~ but I’ll update as soon as I can,dear. Wish me luck for my exam pleaseee so I can update more faster XD sorry for the errors. Subscribers I love youuu <3<3 @bbymonst

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Chapter 3: Ooooooo.... Update soon