Soojung's lifesaver ?!?!

48 Hours With You

Soojung and Jinri is sitting down at soojung’s bedroom.  Soojung ask ed jinri to come becase she was depressed because  of all the sudden and jinri is the only one who can understand her feeling. They’re busy with their own activities.

“what a beautiful day isn’t it ?” Choi Jinri singing playfully. She used to make soojung happy. But soojung face still flat,nothing happened.

Soojung murmured herself.  Jinri pinched soojung’s cheek.

‘YA !!!” soojung frightened.

“soojungie ~ let’s hang out. I’m bored here”Jinri winks her eyes playfully.

“good idea. I really need to go out from this freak atmosphere”

Unfortunately,soojung forgot about his dad’s word. She can’t go outside before the issue was gone.                                                                                     ----

The two girls arrived in the plaza.

“soojungie~ let’s go to the ice cream shop !!” jinri said with a cheerful tone.

“hmm,fine. Lets go there”

Soojung and jinri arrived in front the ice cream shop.

“two portion of strawberry ice cream please”

“here it is”

“thanks” jinri smiled widely.

They sit at the chair near the window. What a beautiful view.

rum pum pum pum~” jinri’s phone rang. Its her mom. She answered the call quickly.

“yes mom. Whats the matter ?”

“choi jinri ? come back home quickly ! your dad is on his way home now”

“but mom,I’m with soojungie......“

“ YA !! I dont want to watch you two arguing each other again. Come back home now”

“okay mom.”

Jinri’s cheerful face turns into a pathetic face. As pathetic  as a girl who had a broken heart.

“sorry soojungie~ I must to go home,my dad is coming. I’m really sorry to leave you alone here”

“mwo ? It’s okay jinriya~  I can go home by a taxi” soojung smiled.

“i’ll leave now,soojung. Be careful with stranger”

“you too”

After jinri is leaving,she sits alone at the ice cream shop. Staring at the view outside the window. Daydreaming for a while. Suddenly,she realized that everyone is keeping an eye at her.

“what happen with all these people !”soojung grunts to herself.

And now,she felt like everyone in the ice cream shop are staring her with a weird face.

“excuse me,are you jung soo jung ?” someone asked her,a woman with a camera staring her intensely.  

“yes,and who are y......”soojung’s word stopped after she realized that the woman is a............................paparazzi.

Now the paparazii gave her a tons of questionand she feels sick of that.

Soojung dumbfounded on the chair.

Then,an unexpected thing happen.

A guy comes and take her hand away,and it forces her to runs. That guy saves her from those damn paparazzi soojung took a glance .at him but she can’t saw his face clearly because of his hat.

Soojung runs away with him,and the paparazzi follow the in the back.

They arrived at the parking lot.

Luckily,the guy brings his car. He turns it on and jumps in quickly.

 He gives a sign to her,told her to jumps into the car.

Soojung doen’t believe him. She just stands up and dont do anything.

“what should i do,if I jump,I cant believe stranger’s word !! i can’t jump into a stranger’s car. jinri told me that. What if he’s a kidnapper ?!?!”soojung is having a pro-and-contra in her head.

The guy seems to unpatient,so he open his hat and yelled,”JUNG SOO JUNG ! JUST JUMPED IN QUICKLY !!!”

Soojung jumped into the car and she just realized that the guy was........

“you !!!!” soojung startled.

The guy smiled  and said,”yosh. It’s me”


Yeah it’s chapter 3 !! how’s this ? hope you love it. Grammar error everywhere T__T seems like no comments left.  I’m a bit sad :( but thanks for the subscribe ! i love you <33 I’ll update as soon as I can. Find me on the twitter for any question @bbymonst :3

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LoveK-Pop4ever #1
Chapter 3: Ooooooo.... Update soon