
What We Can't Have

The long flight was finally over and I had fallen asleep half way in it. I couldn't wait to get off of that plane. Once I entered the airport bag security place my legs were completely numb. I tried to walk it off, but only made myself look like a fool.

"Wah, I'm in Korea." I whispered to myself as I saw the sign that said South Korea Airport.

My mind was finally starting to realize I was in KOREA!

"Hi, I'm looking for a blue medium sized luggage." I remember saying to the airport worker.

"Here you go Ma'am, have a nice day." The man said as he rolled my blue Infinite bag.

"Thank you."

I called a cab and asked him to take me any quiet neighborhood. The cab driver looked at me strangely and drove me around for a couple of minutes. Finally, the cab stopped and I paid the man. The neighborhood he dropped me off at was approximately 9 hours away from Willer University, but it was close to Woollim Entertainment Company and that's what really mattered. I began rolling my luggage up and down the sidewalk looking for a nice apartment building. I passed about 3 apartment buildings, but the managers all said the same thing, "Sorry we're full."

"Hmph!" I said everytime I had to hear that phrase.

My feet began hurting and I just wanted to stop walking, but it was getting darker by the minute. I became more and more aware of my surroundings, I listened closely to every noise that came about. From the squirrels, to the leaves blowing. Suddenly, I heard footsteps creeping behind me. My heart had rattled and began beating faster and faster. I tried to pick up my pace and roll my luggage a little quieter, but it was no use. The footsteps were getting louder which meant whoever was following me was getting closer. I decided mentally that I had two choices. Choice A, was to run and risk the danger of being caught and kidnapped. Or Choice B, fight back. I had a luggage handle in one hand and an umbrella in another. I chose Choice B and was ready to swing my umbrella. At that moment my heart beat 4 times faster than usual. It pounded on my chest like a judge with a gavel. I counted to 10 and prepared myself for a fight. The footsteps seemed to pick up as a drizzle of rain began to pour.

"Wah!" I shouted as I turned around.

I firmly held the umbrella as I spun around and swung for dear life. My shoelace was untied and I lost my balance from that strong turn. My "attacker" saw I was unbalanced and caught me just in time. I moved my hair out of my face and stared at the man who caught me. My heart felt like it was bungee jumping off the Washington Monument. Once my heart finally reached my chest again I squealed. My "attacker" was Infinite's Myungsoo.

"Oppa!" I squealed again before I stared deeply in his eyes. That was a mistake because once I looked directly into his eyes he smiled. I've heard rumors that his smiles could heal cancer. Whether that's true or not he definetly healed something in me. I can't really remember much after his smile because I fainted right there on the spot. I FAINTED IN INFINITE'S MYUNGSOO'S ARMS!


(Myungsoo's POV)

"Ah please don't rain I'm almost home." I whispered to myself as I turned the corner and saw a girl struggling to roll an Infinite suitcase. I didn't want her to notice me because for all I knew she could be one of those crazy fans. Then the sky began to drizzle with tiny droplets. All I wanted to do was get home and sleep, I was extremely tired and the weather was going to get horrible. I remember walking a little faster and then the girl in front of me swung an unbrella at me! I used my instinct and grabbed the umbrella. She was losing her balance so I grabbed her. Suddenly she screamed after she noticed who I was. I gave a friendly smile and she collapsed!

"Uhm...are you okay?" I asked to the fainted girl. There was no response and it was getting dark outside. I picked her up and carried her in my arms as I rolled her suitcase towards the Infinite dorm. I quickly knocked on the door hoping someone would open it soon.  Finally, Sungjong opened the door and giggled at me.

"Hey Hyungs, Myungsoo kidnapped a girl!" Sungjong joked.

"I thought we had something special!" Sungyeol added.

"Aish, shut up and put her bag in my room." I said as I laid her on my bed.

"Myungsoo-ah, you aren't supposed to bring women to the dorm!" Sunggyu yelled.

"Ah, I know! She fainted when she saw me, I wasn't going to leave her on the sidewalk!" I replied with anger in my voice.

"Calm down Myungsoo, don't turn into L!" Woohyun joked.

All of the boys gathered around Ga Eun and watched her sleep.

"She's pretty." Dongwoo chuckled.

"Yeah, but she must be a fan, did you see her luggage?" Hoya replied.

"Oh yeah, well when she wakes up we have to explain to her how she can't tell people where we live. We don't want another fan attack incident." Sunggyu reminded.

"We should get some rest you guys, it's late." Sungyeol added as he laid down on the floor with a pillow and blanket.

"You're right. Dongwoo-ssi, lock the door so when she wakes up she doesn't leave until we explain the rules." Sunggyu replied.

"Okay Gyu."

Everyone laid down on the floor and fell asleep beside Ga Eun.


(Ga Eun POV)

I remember waking up the next morning stretching out and accidentally tapping something. I immediantly sat up in the bed and saw Sungjong, Sunggyu, Woohyun, Hoya, Dongwoo, Sungyeol and...Myungsoo. I took a deep breath and was preparing myself for a loud fangirl scream. This was an Inspirit's dream to see Infinite sleeping in the same room. I was just about ready to scream when I feel a warm touch hit my lips. Sunggyu had covered my lips and whispered, "Please don't scream." I nodded my head and whispered back, "Oppa?" Sunggyu gave me a nice eye smile and nodded his head. I wanted to melt right there, but I had to watch everyone one by one wake up and greet me.

"Hi, we're Infin-" They were beginning to say before I cut them off.

"You are Infinite Oppas...I'm Cho Ga Eun, b-b-but you can call me Gia." I stuttered.

"Well, Gia, we need to talk." Woohyun replied.

"Okay..." I said as I fixed my hair.

"Myungsoo shouldn't have brought you here. Fans aren't supposed to know where we live because of the incident that happened last year. So we would like it if you didn't tell anyone about this place okay?" Sunggyu asked.

"Okay." I replied.

"Good, thank you so much. Here is your luggage please get home safely." Sungyeol said as he rolled her blue suitcase into the room.

"Thank you Sungyeol Oppa." I bowed. I began rolling my suitcase to the door and stopping. I couldn't bring myself to exit because I didn't know where to go.

"Ga Eun? Do you...uhm... have a place to go?" Myungsoo asked as he leaned on the doorway to the living room.

"....no Oppa." I whispered faintly looking down at the floor.

"Wait, let me see what I can do." Myungsoo replied as he went back into the bedroom.


(Myungsoo POV)

"Hyung, she needs a place to stay and it's the least we can do right?" I asked Sunggyu.

"Aish...I don't know L, we aren't a hotel!" Sunggyu yelled.

"So, it's the right thing to do!" I raised my tone back.

"What exactly are you asking Myungsoo?" Sunggyu asked.

"I'm asking if we can let Ga Eun stay with us, she's just a girl."



JUST A GIRL? Well that was chapter 2, please look forward to chapter 3!










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