Mobile Love

What We Can't Have

1 Year Later...

M= Myungsoo 
G= Ga Eun

M: So what are you doing Gia?

G: I just finished my research paper for the end of the semester ^o^

M: Oo sounds good darling, am I going to read it?

G: /.\ Sure Myungie I'll send you the link before I print it out later.

M: C: Gia...I miss you

G: Myungsoo we go through this almost every week...I miss you too, but I have to finish two more years of college here before I can travel back to Korea...

M: Can't you just finish two years here in a community college?

G: Buuuut that cost a lot more money and at least the college I'm going to now is ranked very high and less expensive :/

M: I could help you pay

G: Myungsoo, no I will not accept money from you... Can we change the subject my love <3?

M: Of course, but tomorrow okay? I'm kind of sleepy's late here you know

G: Myung don't be upset

M: Who's upset? :) Goodnight my darling until tomorrow when the next rising sun will pierce through your blinds and awaken my sleeping beauty...don't forget to call before you go to bed...Bye

G: Okay got it Myungsoo, sleep well...


I laid my phone down on the kitchen counter aggressively.

"Another GP problem? Let me guess you asked her to come back to Korea?" Woohyun stated with a tiny grin on his face because he knew it was the truth.

"She won't let me help her pay for schooling here." I replied stubbornly.

"Myungsoo-ah stop being a pain! You love her right?" He questioned.

"Of course I lo-"

"Well stop complaining! Out of all 7 of us you are the only one who has a girlfriend and a really cool one. Quit whining and start acting like a boyfriend or break up with her!" Woohyun stated.

I just picked up my phone and put on my jacket. I left the house wrapping my scarf around my neck.


"The bird has left the nest...I repeat the bird has left the nest." Woohyun said into his phone....


I dropped my phone into my deep pocket after checking it was about 11:58pm. I rubbed my hands together as I continued walking when suddenly I heard the city bell ring.

"Must be midnight..." I whispered to myself as I stopped and admired the sound.

Then a warm embrace smacked me from behind. I felt something small but warm wrap it's way around me like a snake. Snakes linger their way around your body almost suffocating you. However, this embrace I was feeling was not painful at all. It was actually really pleasant...then the scent hit me. I tried to turn around, but the snake wouldn't let go and had it's head buried in my back.

"Oppa...I don't ever want to let you go." The snake managed to say as it sniffed the cologne off of my jacket.

"You never have to....except for now. I want to see your face...and you're sort of crushing my ribs." I joked a little as I pryed the snakes arms off of me. I held them in my hands and turned around.

"I'm here." The snake said revealing itself as my love, Ga Eun.

"Your nose is red." I smiled as I tapped her small nose.

"Is it?" She replied very insecured rubbing her nose.

"Here." I said as I unwrapped my scarf and placed it over her neck.

"Thank you....Oppa?" She said before grabbing my face and letting gravity do the rest. She planted a passionate kiss in the cold weather that seemed to warm me up.

"I've missed you." I whispered in her ear as I squeezed her.

"I'm not going anywhere anymore, so you won't have to miss me." She smiled.


"I got accepted to ArmHart University which is a one hour drive away from here. Which reminds me, do you recommend any apartments around here?" Gia answered.

"Apartment? We've been apart for a year, you're staying with us!" I yelped.

"I didn't know if that was an option." Ga Eun chuckled as she grabbed my hands.

"We have more than enough room for you, beautiful." I said as I pushed back the strands of hair flying in her face.

"Oppa...?" Ga Eun asked looking down.


"For the whole year we've been separated, I've been good and I know you've been good too. I missed you a whole lot and it felt like I wasn't just missing my love, I was missing my bestfriend. I guess what I'm trying to say is....I'm ALL yours if you'll have me..." Ga Eun managed to say without stuttering, but you could see her cheeks turn a bright red.

"I'll have you...the truth is...I've always wanted you..." I said before wrapping my arms around her once more and pulling her close to kiss her.

"Ah-ah-ah no... one thing you forgot to say." She smirked.

"I love you Ga Eun." I stated still holding her waist.

"I love you too." She smiled.

I grabbed her quickly, leaned her back and kissed her. Not caring how cold I was or how late at night it was. Nothing is sweeter than obtaining....what you can't have....











Hiya, I hoped you liked this fanfiction. Honestly, I got writer's block and didn;t know what to write!! I decided to end it because I have a new idea ^.^


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