Just the Beginning

What We Can't Have


It's been about four months later since Ga Eun stayed with Infinite for a week.


I was doing a little grocery shopping at my local store off campus.

"Ugh." I said as I accidentally dropped my shopping bag that was full of tangerines. A man with dark shades and a black hoodie helped pick up my tangerines.

"Thank you." I bowed.

"Ga Eun? Is that you?" The man questioned.

"Yes?" I responded in a question.

"It's me....Sungjong." He said taking off his glasses for a quick second.

"Oh my gosh....Sungjong how are you?" I exclaimed and bowing.

"How am I? More like how are you? You look so mature now!" Sungjong replied.

"Haha thank you, I'm fine I just finished my first semester at the college and now I'm on break." I chuckled.

"That's fantastic." He said clapping his hands together.

"Thank you. Hm, I never see you around this store and this place is very far from your dorm. So what brings you out here?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, we relocated because a sasaeng fan broke into our dorm and tried to cut Hoya's hair." Sungjong stated.

"Oh wow, is everything fine now?" I said surprised. I had been keeping up with everything Infinite, but did not hear about this.

"Yes everything is fine, but you HAVE to visit our new dorm!" Jong exclaimed.

"Oh I don't know, I should really head back to my apartment." I said hesitently.

"I thought you lived on campus, well it doesn't matter. I insist you see our new dorm." Sungjong smiled.

"I did, but I didn't like sharing my room with someone else who was disrespectful. Anyways, I still have to pay for this." I admitted.

"Come on, please for me." Sungjong pouted.

"Okay." I said. I paid for my tangerines and placed them in my car.

"Just follow me okay? It's not that far." Sungjong said as he stepped inside the van that was waiting for him.

I drove about 10 minutes before reaching a very quiet, almost hidden neighborhood. I stepped out of my silver car and followed Sungjong who exited the van that immediantly drove away.

"Well come on, don't be shy." Sungjong said.

From the outside their new dorm looked huge. It resembled a house that a well paid family would own. l watched in awe as Sungjong unlocked the door and turned the beautiful golden door knob. He hung up his jacket and took off his sunglasses.

"Hyungs! Come here look what I found in the store." Sungjong joked.

I laughed a little and put a couple strands of hair behind my ears. I wore a finger tip length black pencil skirt with a dark blue silk button up blouse and small black heels. I had silver studd earrings and my long black hair was straightened.

The first person to step into the "greeting room" was Hoya.

"Whoa, Sungjong brought a girl home!" Hoya shouted.

"Hi Hoya." I smiled.

"How are you?" He smiled as he hugged me.

Suddenly I was ambushed by Sungyeol, Dongwoo, and Sunggyu.

"Wow, you look so mature." Sunggyu said as he hugged me.

"Thank you." I smiled. All I could do was smile, honestly I was looking for a way to escape before dark. It's not that I wasn't SUPER happy to see the guys, it's just I had something planned later and was worried I'd get in trouble.

"My girlfriend!" Woohyun exclaimed as he walked down stairs.

"Hiya." I smiled. He twirled me around and examined me.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He complimented and kissed my hand.

"Thank you." I blushed.

Then a figure emerged from the stairway wearing all black except for a white striped shirt. I wasn't the only one who matured, Myungsoo's adam apple was larger than it was when they first debuted. He didn't say anything to me at all he just stood there and flashed a smile.

"Forgive Myungsoo here, he was napping." Sungyeol added.

"Hi Myungsoo." I smiled immediantly hugging him.

"Ga Eun? Is that really you? You look so different." Myungsoo stated finally opening his eyes fully.

"Yes, the college life matures you." I responded bowing. Myungsoo grabbed my hair like it was an instinct. He my long 'straight' black hair.

"And your hair, you look fantastic Ga Eun." He said releasing my hair.

"Thank you, I've missed you all! When I was at the college I realized we couldn't actually stay in touch since we didn't have eachother's numbers!" I laughed.

We all started writing our numbers on a piece of paper then sat down in the living room. Their dorm was beautiful, it was huge too.There were actual places for privacy.

"Gia-ah you need to visit us more often!" Woohyun exclaimed.

"I will now that my schedule finally opened up." I chuckled.

We all just sat around talking about how life was going.

"Gia, you have to meet my mom one day! You two will love eachother!" Dongwoo laughed.

My eyes suddenly opened up wide as I glanced at the time. IT WAS 8:30PM! I looked at my phone which had four missed calls. Suddenly it rang again but with no noise because I had it on silent!

"Excuse me." I said standing up and moving away a little.


(G= Ga Eun H= Hajoon)

G: Hi, I'm so so so so sorry! I completely lost track of time!

H: It's okay, I told my mom you were working late. Where are you?

G: I'm visiting old friends, I'm sorry I should've watched the time!

H: It's okay, do you need me to pick you up?

G: No I'm fine, I have my car. Ah I'm so sorry! I feel terrible now!

H: It's okay really, let's get coffee tomorrow morning okay?

G: Sure, I'll see you at Sal's.

H: Awesome, bye G.

G: Bye


I hung up my phone and slipped it into my pocket.

"Was that your school?" Sunggyu asked.

"Uhm...no, my boyfriend..." I whispered.

"Oooo, Gia has a boyfriend!" Sungjong teased.

"Ah...I missed dinner with his parents tonight." I admitted.

Myungsoo got up and exited the room.

"I-I should get going, it's already dark outside." I smiled.

"Okay, well visit us more! We have your number now!" Woohyun joked.

"Okay, bye guys." I said as I left the dorm and entered my car.


As soon as she dropped the B word I felt the need to leave the room. I didn't want to hear about her sappy love life when mine was non-existent.

"Hyung, Gia is gone. You can stop hiding." Sungjong said as he saw me pacing around in the kitchen.

"I'm not hiding!" I scowled.

"Oh so you're jealous?" Sungjong replied.

"I'm not jealous! Why can't a man exit a room without being accused of hiding?" I snarled as I stomped my way into my room upstairs.

I even slammed the door a bit....was I really jealous?

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