Just My Luck

What We Can't Have


I quickly ran back to my bedroom and slipped on my shoes. I pounded on Dongwoo's door before entering.

"Dongwoo-ah, can I borrow your car?" I questioned.

"Why?" He said half asleep.

"Ga Eun went biserk, I have to go find her before she hurts herself." I continued.

"Look for her, but keep me updated." Dongwoo added as he handed me his keys.

"Thanks." I whispered. I ran out of his room and hurried to his car. I realized I left my license in my room. It seemed like the odds were against me right now as I ran into the house and grabbed my license off the table. I clicked on Ga Eun on my contact list and looked at her address. I drove over to her house and noticed it was a tiny apartment. I took a deep breath and entered the building.

"Hi I'm here to see Cho Ga Eun?" I stated.

"Name please? You might be on her emergency list." The landlord asked.

"Uhm Myungsoo..." I replied looking down.

"Oh here you go, this is the extra key. She has you listed as an emergency contact as well as a man named Hajoon. Her room is the first one on the left upstairs." The man explained.

"Thank you." I said as I hurried up the stairs.

I unlocked the door expecting to find Ga Eun there. I searched all over her living room and kitchen. Then I slowly entered her bedroom. There were Infinite posters everywhere and the occasional SHINee posters. She had the small fanmade Infinite figurines and pillows. She was truly an Inspirit. Her laptop was on standby resting on her purple desk that had all types of Infinite pictures. However, one picture stood out the most. It was of her and her family. She looked so happy and innocent like she always was. I smiled and her laptop. She was on the Inspirit blog, so she had been keeping up with Infinite?

"Surprised? She's not a stalker, just a fan." A random voice said coming from behind me.

"What?" I replied swinging my body around.

"I was just coming to return some of her things and was curious about her test score. I hadn't fallen asleep yet and had nothing better to do." The man replied with his over-confident voice.

"Hajoon correct?" I questioned.

"Yes, Ga Eun's ex-boyfriend."

"Ex? What happened?" I asked.

"Non of your business." He snarled.

"Well you must have hurt her because she ran off!" I snapped.

"That's not my problem." He said.

"It is your problem! What kind of boyfriend were you? You never showed her any affection nor did you actually consider her feelings. What did you do break up with her through text?" I continued. I felt like flood gates had been opened and I had to let the "water" flow out.

"Well I tried calling her!" He yelled back.

"Oh my god, you know what you are? YOU'RE a coward! You didn't have the guts to tell her your feelings face to face!" I screeched.

"She never loved me..." He responded.

"What are you talking about?" I said finally catching my breath.

"Look around...she never loved me. I was meant to be her distraction f-f-from you! And I'm the coward, hah you're the idiot. You can't tell when a girl likes likes   you!" Hajoon laughed.

"She's just a fan and a friend." I responded.

"And you're indenial!" Hajoon chuckled.

"Get out of my way." I snarled as I pushed past Hajoon and left the apartment. I headed back to the dorm and decided to wait. Usually when people are angry or sad they just need a little bit of time.


It was 7pm that same day.

"I wonder where she went." Dongwoo said as he hopped on the couch.

"I don't know, but it's worrying me." I replied.

"So what did her apartment look like?" Sunggyu questioned.

"Nice....uhm that reminds me. I'm going to go see if she's there now. The landlord gave me a key since I'm on the emergency list." I said.

"Here." Dongwoo said as he threw the keys at me.


I opened the door to her apartment once again. It still lacked her presence which was so lively and happy.

"I'm giving up my apartment." A voice said from behind me.

"Gia?" I questioned as I turned to face the voice.

She was almost unrecognizable. Her hair was trimmed and she had bangs. She hung her head down and refused to look up.

"Why? Are you okay? You had me worried." I continued.

"I can't ... afford it. I'm going to go to a community college...in America.......


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