In The Way

What We Can't Have

"No." Sunggyu stated firmly as he rubbed his small eyes.

"'re telling her." I replied as I pushed Sunggyu into the living room.

"Wah!" Sunggyu yelled as he slid into the living room.


(Ga Eun POV)

I looked around and spotted a shelf full of pretty "knick knacks." There was a bunch of fan made posters, books, t-shirts and banners. One of the fan made objects really stood out to me. It was a hand stitched blanket that had a huge Infinite sign on it and a small message beneath it. The blanket caught my attention and pulled me towards it. I realized it was the exact same blanket I knitted for 8 months with a small message I wrote...

You guys don't know me, have never talked to me or even seen me for that matter, but I feel like we've known eachother. Whatever happens to Infinite, I'll be an Inspirit because I'm in this fandom for better or worse until Infinity

I re-folded the blanket and hugged it, suddenly I heard the rough footsteps of Sunggyu.

"Ah....I'm sorry." I bowed and placed the blanket down.

"That blanket was a gift, I remember when we recieved it in the mail. We were all so excited we argued over who got to sleep with it. We ended up deciding no one should sleep with it." Sunggyu chuckled.

"....I made it." I whispered faintly.

"Really? It's absolutely amazing." Sunggyu smiled in amazement.

"Thank you Oppa." I bowed once again.

"Uhm....Ga Eun, I think it'd be better if you found you're own place.Where are you heading?" Sunggyu blurted.

" a week I'll be moving to Willer University dorms." I said looking directly in Sunggyu's eyes. I opened my eyes really big and continued staring.

"That's a great school...look Ga Eun, you can uhm....stay here until you move into the University." Sunggyu sighed.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Oppa." I squealed as I squeezed Sunggyu's waist.

It was Sunday morning and I had spent the night at the Infinite's dorm. Also, I was hugging Sunggyu who just told me I can live with them for a week. I was living the Inspirit dream.



Sunggyu walked back into the bedroom scratching the back of his neck.

"So you told her?" I questioned.

"Sort of."

"Well what does that mean?" I chuckled.

"Ga Eun is staying here for a week until she goes off to Willer University."

"Ha Hyung you couldn't even tell her to leave!" I bursted into laughter.

"Ha ha ha very funny, but you're the one watching after her!" Sunggyu snarled as she laid on the bed.

I walked into the living and saw Ga Eun staring at fan made gifts.

"Is one of them yours?" I asked, startling Ga Eun.

"Yeah a couple of them..." Gia smiled holding a fan made cd.

"Put it in the player." I said sitting down on the couch.

Ga Eun gently pushed the cd inside the player.

"Come sit." I patted on the couch.


(Gia POV)

I couldn't tell whether or not I was dreaming, did Myungsoo really ask me to sit with him? I was walking towards the couch and hit my leg to the coffee table and sure felt the pain. I tried shrugging it off and sitting down.

"I'm sorry, I pushed your table." I whispered.

"It doesn't matter, it was too close to the couch anyway." Myungsoo replied as the music started playing.

It was a mash-up of The Chaser and Destiny.

"This isn't good." Myungsoo said staring at me.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"I mean this isn't good at all, you're bleeding." Myungsoo said grabbing my leg.

"What?" I questioned as I realized I was wearing shorts and not pants like I usually do.

Myungsoo grabbed a tissue off the coffee table and wiped the blood off my leg. The blood continued to come out.

"I'll go get a band-aid." Myungsoo said as he released his grip on my leg.

I looked at my leg enviously and thought to myself, why couldn't you be my lips and chuckled. Myungsoo came back with a small first aid kit and sat next to me.

"Put your leg up here." Myungsoo patted his lap.

I followed his orders and placed my left leg on his lap. Myungsoo began patting rubbing alcohol on my small cut.

"Ow..." I whispered and grabbed Myungsoo's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but this will clean your cut and prevent infection." Myungsoo replied.

Finally he placed a blue band-aid over the cut. I released my touch on his shoulder and sighed.

"I hope that didn't hurt too much, your cut was pretty deep." Myungsoo responded.

"Thank you."

I suddenly realized why Myungsoo kept scratching the back of his neck. I still had my leg on his lap as if I was expecting him to kiss my "boo boo!" I immediantly retreated my leg and stood up. Like the clutz I am I hit my leg against the coffee table again.

"Ouch!" I yelped. Hoya ran out to the living room.

"Myungsoo what did you do to her?" He asked.

"Nothing, she accidently hit her leg to the coffee table" Myungsoo replied with sorrow.

"I told you that coffee table was too close to the couch!" Hoya retorted.

I just watched in amazement with an awful feeling as the two argued.

"You're the one who kept the table there!" Myungsoo yelled.

"You're supposed to be watching her not hurting her." Hoya stated.

"I wasn't hurting her!" Myungsoo persuaded.

"Stop please....I hit my leg to the table by accident, it's my fault." I stated firmly.

"Are you guys really arguing!" Sunggyu said rushing out of the bedroom.

"Not anymore." Hoya replied walking back to his bedroom.

"Ga Eun, you can put your stuff in my room and sleep there." Myungsoo said as he walked to the door.

"Where are you going Myungsoo?" Sunggyu questioned.

"For a walk!" He yelled as he slammed the door.

Sunggyu walked back into his bedroom. I was left alone in the living room and felt really bad. I chased after Myungsoo in my untied black converse sneakers.

"Myungsoo Oppa wait!" I yelled awkwardly as I lunged forward to him as he turned around.

Like the idiot I was I tripped on my shoelace and fell towards Myungsoo. He caught me just in time and stood me up.

"Thank you." I smiled. Myungsoo kneeled down and began tying my shoes.

I looked around at the empty neighborhood and blushed.

After he finished tying my shoes he began walking a bit forward.

"Are you coming?" He asked as if he had eyes behind his  head that knew I was standing still.

I ran a little and caught up to Myungsoo's pace. We walked and walked and ,you guessed it...walked. The silence between us ate away at my soul. I wanted to look at him to see if he was looking at me, but I knew it would only make this silent walk more awkward. I knew I had to do something to avoid freaking Myungsoo out. I grabbed Myungsoo's hand and stopped walking.

I looked down at my feet and opened my mouth.



I hope you enjoyed chapter 3 ^__^ It is exactly 8 minutes before the ToHeart Tell Me Why MV is released!



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