Chapter 2


Chapter 2, supposedly the real chapter one...but nah it's already posted :) LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR GIVING SUCH IMMENSE LOVE FOR THIS FIC! Hope I don't let anyone of you down ~


A/N; Still using someone elses laptop, so uh the format is really not my style?, some italicized or underlined, bolded words are gone when I paste them, cursed software difference and shiz ~ well I guess everyone could tell anyway ~ and the darn spacing too is messed up....


Being in her department, staring at the dead was a norm, also including her ability to see their floating spirits around it had just become a norm, but not this one....

Why isn't she as pale as the others?

She didn't really pay attention to her details last time they met, as everything was just abrupt, but now she can actually see her as physical as a living person, her outfit was that of the 40's, pre second world war or so that she concludes, a one piece dress that is, her features were all too natural...if she would put it that way, nothing too much on the eye to turn into discomfort,

But several questions still abound and seem to traffic the forensic specialist's mind, she didn't know what to feel, scared? never was she frightened of them, but she did jump in shock, a natural reaction.

And why in the world is she being called her Seobang, now that she thought of it Seobang was a term used in the olden days, it could mean that she could really be from way back in time.

She only stared at the floating apparition in heavy confusion, she couldn't actually use her feet to anchor herself on the floor or ground, she reminisced all the unseen she saw were also like that.

Yoona's only conclusion to that ever since, was it's because these spirits that she see are not yet fully accepted to their proper destination as they could have died not accepting their deaths, could mean many ways such as; injustice, and many other grim ways, and they are stripped off from using or anchoring their existence into the living world because they don't belong here anymore.

Goosebumps, heart about to jump off her chest, cold feet and hands, she was supposed to feel all that or so a person who wasn't used to them would have felt, but she didn't instead as their curious and anxious stared down stretched a bit longer, she was beginning to see signs of emotion from the other, worry.

" I ..uh " she tried to release words of sympathy, to no avail.

She never moved a limb ever since her sudden reaction, still turning the table into their only divider, as if that would help though.

" you..don't like my cooking..? "

uh oh doesn't help that no matter how much she wants to deny being her husband, weird at that of course, being both women again, but based on how their situation flows right now, she was definitley in the Seobang's shoes.

An eerie frown at first, as Yoona really is having a hard time comprehending with her situation, since she never really talked or interacted mutually and calmly with them, she was definitley having a hard time responding to her, and specially as much as possible not to provoke her in any way.

 " noo I uhh, I always loved kimbap " she said, whilst having her chin and teeth all shake in fear, still fear of provoking the spirit.

But her reply was honest, she always loved kimbap indeed, causing the floating latter to slowly grin at her.

woah....she was surprised - no overwhelmed at how she actually made an apparition smile, that never happens, even in movies.

Not to mention she looked more glimmering.

" you did tell me, on the day of our wedding ..and I asked you what were you favorite food " she finally responded in full sentence, but was shyly looking at the floor instead.

" I..did..? "

The apparition suddenly raised her head gesturing a confusing look at her.

" oooh... I did " she forced herself to agree, nodding and stuttering.

Damn she blind? I'm a woman for heaven's sake...and now she's forcing memories into me...

Yoona was panicking, strategizing carefully her next move, but some answers really do lay on the question itself, she looked at the floating latter once again, then it came to her,

" uhm ...." she inwardly scratched her head.

what should I call her?? what were the couple petnames during her time -

" I sweet ... " she tried her best not to sound reluctant and...sour.

But she only caused the latter to shyly gaze at the ground again, it was like she does that when she couldn't reply or comprehend to Yoona's reactions or whatever she does.

" to call me Yuri only... "

got it - it was a trick question to get her name.

" ohhh...right "

now to find out more about her, specially this husband...

" uhm so I should really call you ..uhmm my IM YURI, cause you're married to me ... " it was again a trick question - but she was having a hard time keeping her breathing cycle regularly, it was a really frightening question and answer game to play.

" mwo? " it was as if she was caught in surprise.

uh oh...I don't think...that's her real husband's family name - stupid Yoona! - was there even a possibilty!

" neh, its adorable... " she then gazed at the floor again, it was like she wasn't used to interacting with her so called husband.

Yoona was having a hard time trying to fit the pieces, but if she could help this lost spirit realize who she really is, then maybe she could put her daze to rest.

but wait....adorable?? wae??

" I was so..excited on having your name .. " she continued.

what?? you mean IM??

" but ...I barely gave honor to it ... "

honor..still lives in her day huh...

" what do you mean barely...? "

The apparition, Yuri suddenly played with her fingers, a gesticulation of nervousness.

" the you left for that...war ... "

so he was a..soldier..

" I barred our house instead of leaving with others to safety, I tried to defend the only memory I had of you, I tried to honor it, but bombings came crashing down in our neighborhood even though everyone wasn't properly evacuated, but I managed to hide to safety - "

It was getting confusing, a while ago she looked anxious but now she was all thankful and glad.

" then... " Yoona stuttered she couldn't help but get carried away.

" opposing soldiers broke into our house.......and... "

She was struggling to continue, her chin spazzing from held in shame, tears and anger, Yoona didn't want her to continue as she was anticipating something more horrific done to a woman rather than being murdered.

" ..instead I poisoned myself rather than be ...... " she purposely discontinued that part.

Yoona didn't know why but that actually halted her anger from pouring out, and she was definitley slowly becoming invested, unknowingly.

" I dishonored your name my seobang, the Im name, by ending my life and not even waiting for you to come back...."

If Yoona wasn't mistaken or having the dreaded REMs again, she could actually see tears flowing down the ....poltergeist's cheek.

Now that majority of her questions were answered, all she has too worry about now was too.....calm her down.

But how...

" it's okay's okay... "

" my sweet, my " she was intending to use all of the couple petname's she remembers that was suitable for her time period, but now that her stove suddenly burst vigorous flames, including her pots and pans flying about vigorously, it was obvious the petnames and all that sweetness wasn't working.

oh good heavens...forgive me for ..doing what I'm about to do ...

She did it out of panick, and tried to do the unthinkable.

Impossible for others experiences, she gently wrapped her arms around the floating apparition, wanting to give her a warmth giving backhug, a reasuring and accepting one at that.

Sadly, her arms went through, passed through her like nothing was at present.

shooot.....what's going on....??

" please ...Please ..stop..crying... " she was desperate and heavily worrying bout the non living's existence.

With all her apparent worry for the latter, and not with a spick of pretense, her arms was slowly filled with something living, flesh, not knowing her head was leaning unto Yuri's back, which was now physically visible, she was startled, she almost let go of her hold but seeing as the chaos in her kitchen was slowly dying down she held unto oblivion tighter.

After the chaos completley faded, she was now left with a seemingly stuttering out of awkwardness Yuri.

" I uhh..."

Yoona decided to let go off of her hold.

what just happened...?



 = = = Next Chapter/Update Bits = = =

" Corporal Im...I do remember seeing a really old photo of that particular..ancestor .. "

" now if I could find his grave....then maybe I could put her spirit to rest..... "

Toodles ~


caprigril -  ahahahha! I love your explosive reaction ~ haha! yeah I don't really know the difference between a poltergeist and ghost....ahahah! oh well ~ still thanks for liking this fic!

1217akkum4 - alright I'm deleting it - ;)

Sammy1396 -  ahahahha! it did scare you?? well uhmm if that's the case then good I mean hahaha! I was supposed to make it jumpy funny in the recent chapter but...from your perspective thanks!

ice - dancer - adorable dongsaeng!!! *runs to you, I misssheddd youuuuu ~~ I'm glad you liked this one! even saying it's different, although I kinda felt like I semi copied it..? I'm not sure ..hahahah! let's go eat somewhere to make you feel better ~

soshi1990 - sure bud! I just did, update keke thanks for the pints of love ~ it helps a lot!

YoonIsForYulOnly - my dear child! I love that you love this one as well!!! hope you hearing more of your support *gives you baked cookies to make you fat.....JUST KIDDING! HAHAHHAHA!

yy_08kkuma -  hahaha! I kinda felt..weird, initially reading your comment cause from what I understood; you didn't like the story...hahaha! forgive me I just woke up when I read your comment nyehehe, hahahha! *puppy eyes it does work on me since I love/wub puppies...but that didn't sound right now did it..cause I just turned you into a canine..hahahhah! just kidding! thanks for the love for this fic!

KumaKey88 -  hahahah! yup, a pretty odd pair, both literally and metaphorically ;) thanks for liking this fic!

NoviLimz -  woah woah woah ~ I love it when I have readers that uhmmm, seem to have a very good eye on the plot ;) love it! I won't say anything ..uhmm - you might have spoiled some of it..hahahha! but you're awesome! thanks a lot by the way!

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Chapter 7: This Chapter is so gay XD they kissed!!! HOMOGWAD!! XD

I hope yuwi wont see her weal husband xD
Chapter 7: Oh my! =0 the Im is on Sooyoung's house, this is getting complicated.

Pfff I was like ''Damn! They are so cute!!! I can't, I can't stop smiling'' that scene, the kiss scene, was very tender.

Poor Yoong u-u she is scared ;n;

Oh hahaha I know THAT scene can't happen yet xD I guess the y time will come later.

Ahora me hablas en español? Aww *-* que lindo!!! Y si hahaha esos trajes rebelan mucho -w-

Thanks for update ;)
Chapter 7: Yoonyul kissing scene... they r finally kissed.kyahhh...! Another impossible thing.. XD
wuttt...??? Corporal I'm...? Like seriously...?
Chapter 6: OMO! I don't want that the Corporal Im ruin the Yoonyul love :c

Update soon ^^
hkinki #5
Chapter 6: Love yoonyul !!!! This is so fun and cute !!!!!
Chapter 6: What do you mean by that umma? XD

Wait Cowpowal Im Is Yuwi's Weal Hubby wight umma?? aww what will happen to YoonYul When yuwi see him??
yy_08kkuma #7
Chapter 6: wowwwowwwwww^____^*giggling here*gigglesgigglesgiggles*^__^ kekeke:XDXDXDXD yeahhh unnie..Its CUTE and AMAZING at the same time ohaohaoha heeheXDXDXD opppssss sorry just excited kekekekeXDXDXD*giggles*^_^V.
unnie so cuteeee..hehe:) *giggling* yahhh aissshhhh unnie i cant stop giggling here *shakes head*tsk.tsk.-___- ohoh ohh really unnie your watching horror?? wahhh..i want that tho really really like horror movies with some killers slushing their bodies,or some zombies wowwww thats WOW*sigh* i love that movies kekekeXDXDXD*pass the popcorn back im done eating unnie but oppss i finish the popcorn kekekeXDXDXD sorry^_____^* heheXDXD
omg two seobang yul unnie what you gonna do???your lucky kekekeXDXD
update soon unnie..i rreally love your story:)^__^
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 6: They play hide and seek? kekeke.. ^^

but..... Yoona meet with colonel Im? Yuri's real husband?
O____o" wow!!

So that's mean you give me two imagination!
1. Yoona will talked more about Yuri with colonel IM and know more about their past life, OR
2. Yuri will crazy because she will meet with two person who really have simliar face at that building! "OMG i have two seobangggg~!!" kekeke..

So, If yuri meet with her real husband.. she will leaving Yoona alone?
T_____T OMG!!
Please update soon!! SOON!!! very soon author~ >//< because i really curious now!
Thanks for update author, i really miss you.. Oops i mean i miss your story! kekeke ^^
Do you will make some drama in this story, right? kekeke.. Colonel IM and Yoona in the same time! Just WOW~ hahaha...