Chapter 6


Chapter 6



“ where are they cousin! Where are they! – “


“ - Imma go karate, kung fu, grav maga, jujitsu on their @sses! “


Yoona’s hyped relative did a very sad martial art stance, with a couple of noticeable tremors, sweats and shakes; she was indeed ready to take on the spirits.


Yoona ran to her limping which worried they’re client, in his way of worry though, ever since he lay eyes on the doe he had decided to side track his hiring relations, supposedly –


“ you okay? “ he caressed Yoona’s shoulders massaging them on the way to her face.


Though Yoona was too preoccupied recovering her bearings, she didn’t have the time to react on both the client’s swerving intentional touches and –


“ woaaaaaahhh! – “


How he had suddenly been swooped by a strong gust of wind, and quickly out of her sight.


“ aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! – “


Sooyoung though the supposed paranormal expert sprinted for her life, leaving her cousin behind.


“ don’t worry cous you’ll have a better future in the afterlife!!!! “ she said whilst running.


Yoona only regained her bearings being shocked with her cousin’s dramatic exit, but as she looked for the client’s swooped body, he was nowhere to be seen.


“ uhhmmm “


She contemplated whether to be worried or not, knowing well who did such a phenomena to their client.


Her contemplation only piled, why she would smirk in hush-hush glee at the incident.


Not even an ounce of effort in her contemplation and she gave it up “ let’s go home …. “ she spoke undirected for the unknowing eye.


But for the single knowing entity, a sense of security and belonging she felt.


= = = =




“ so ..uh – “


Since both decided to walk home, it was awkward – comprehending to the fact that Yuri could only float and appear around in a snap, she happily considered walking beside her hubby, since that was the only mode of travel that was convenient for them.


“ uhm – “


Both would glance and open their mouths half way but as soon as they catch each other’s eyes, both quickly shyly turn away and to whatever that is safe for the eyes to look at.


“ you go first – “


“ – no you go first “


A chorus of muffled chuckles instead filled the air.




A black cat passed by them.


“ oh a cat “ Yoona stated, stuttering and pointing at it, obviously trying to change the atmosphere.


“ that wasn’t a cat – if you haven’t noticed “ Instead of smirking back at Yoona, Yuri sternly glanced at her.


“ oh “ Yoona raised both her brows in confusion.


And perhaps that settled the air for confrontation.


“ so where were you? “


“ so who was she? “ Yuri quickly retorted.


Fortunately, this particular situation was Yoona’s forte, analyzing from one hazy nook to the next.


She paused for a moment only staring at Yuri in the eye, eyes that were mixed with hurt and frustration.


So THAT was the reason she left…..


How stupid of me, it was right at midnight when unnie arrived


But then again, my conscience is clear, there’s nothing malicious between unnie and me.


“ well..? “


Woow – Yoona felt a familiar warmth creep up her nape and spread across her ears and cheeks, seeing the very different side of Yuri, a demanding one – which later made her realize it was blush that spread across her cheeks.


Why is she suddenly so adorable this way…


Yuri had a stern expression on apparently demanding for an answer.


Luckily Yoona indeed have a clear conscience,


“ that unnie was ..devastated and in need of help, so I did what I can do at the very moment, console her and embrace her, and if you knew what she’d been through you would understand “


“ soo…you’re saying I’m judgmental? “


Woow  how in the world? Nuh uh Yoona was shocked, this is a whole different side of Yuri then again she barely knew her.


“ ok I didn’t say anything like that – you’re the one that said that “ Yoona reacted trying to calm down both of them, whilst holding her arms up in surrender.    


Yuri paused for a moment, with her face in deep thought, unknowingly pouting her lips.


Geez then I thought I would never go through this kind of confrontation because I’m a woman myself.


She cautiously glanced at Yuri, and instead of being tense she found herself smiling and amused at the sight that is a lip pouting apparition Kwon Yuri.


“ why is your face like that? “ she noticed Yoona’s silly look.


Yoona still had that silly look on while shaking her head.


“ you’re making fun of me aren’t you? “ instead of a pout an adorable offended smile slowly painted on the apparition’s face.



Yoona tried her best to muffle her mocking chuckles but instead –


“ kyaaaahhahahah!!! “


Apparently various sides of her ghost wife have been pouring generously recently; this is one of it, tickling the answer out of her, poking her ribs and waist.


“ that was uncalled for ~ ! “ Yoona swatted Yuri’s arms away but she was persistent.


“ just admit it – dear Seobang is wrongly accused and she deserves an apology “ there Yoona finally said it, she had been muffling her mocking chuckles the whole time since she found it adorable how Yuri couldn’t admit her mistake yet or most probably can’t tear down her pride.


Yuri slowly retracted her tickling arms, then her head slowly drooping as if shying away from Yoona, while Yoona on the other hand still had her mocking mischievous face plastered on.


Abruptly making circles on the ground with her foot and with both hands stretched and clasped to each other, Yuri was definitely showing signs of emotional struggle, having a hard time admitting her mistake, but for Yoona she was surprisingly adorable this way.


Slowly twirling around, but before Yuri could even face Yoona, an avenging finger quickly electrified her rib, tickling her equally.


“ HAAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!! “ Yoona definitely looked like an idiot, but Yuri was too nice to shoot it right on her face, laughing with oh so wide and don’t forget about her generously dreading teeth, nuh uh know one should ever see that.


BUT – her laughing reign quickly ended, when she realized that…ghosts or Kwon Yuri herself don’t get tickled.


Though she could swore she really felt her ribs, and so she tries again, quickly poking Yuri’s waist.


Anyone without the ability and comprehension of their kind would have definitely gone mad or lost it, by the way how Yuri was slowly treading forward towards Yoona, even adding a face that had a horrific determination to retaliate, but for the forensic specialist this was all too normal for her, in fact though this is the first time she had such an interaction with the unseen it was getting way too comfortable …and warm…and fun.


Fun as every quick reach of tickle attempts are obviously getting useless, she still continues finding it naturally amusing to play around her, self proclaimed wife.

Yuri had a dreaded triumphant mischievous face on, while the other had an equally mischievous expression though difference was that she was way too eager of her loss, way too happy for it.




= = = =



“ aaaaaahhhhhhh!!! “


From someone’s very eye, seeing someone running frantically back and forth inside what seems to be an abandoned house, would immediately have their heart raced in fear and panic, some would even run to her help; call the authorities or rush to her aide – BUT, if anyone would have the same ability as Im Yoona’s and …mutual understanding as hers, then they would just dismiss it as a couple in a playful activity.


“ aaaaahhhhhh!!!! “


Through four of the windows in the house Yoona could be seen running past two of them, and then a powerful gust of wind follows after her.


“ kyaaaahhahaha ~ ! “ Yoona runs through two of the other windows.


And the sequence goes on, back and forth, through four of the windows of the house; Yoona runs and shouts in an amused manner then is followed by a particular vague gush of wind.



= = = =



Sooyoung had long been at her pad, after leaving her cousin to fend for herself hours ago, but instead of basking in her rest her conscience starts haunting her.


“ ugghh – she should have long been home by now “


She places her mobile phone under her pillow, she had been calling her cousin’s home phone and mobile but none were answered.


She flips on the other side of her bed, hoping to fall asleep, but her mobile phone starts ringing under her pillow.


“ Hellooo Yoong?! “ she picked it up and answered it quickly, but instead she receives another important call.


It was a long pause for Sooyoung, while listening to the other line seemingly explaining something, something that puzzled her, since she had her brows creased.


“ Im Yoseob’s grave site? Why would my cousin want to have that searched? “


A couple of replies from the other line and Sooyoung responds


“ you found it …that’s ..great “


She rests her chin on her knee, while waiting for the other line to finish, she was getting more puzzled.


I got to get to the bottom of this…


Kwoooorkkk ~


But first my tummy –



= = = =



“ hey what the hell?? “ a man with a disheveled face, apparently ran over by a car, quickly moved aside as Yuri swiftly passed by him – he was obviously dead too.


“ kekekeke ~ ! “


She had been playing hide and seek with Yoona this time around, AS IF she couldn’t see through walls, but she adores her too much to reveal something that embarrassing to her.


And so Yuri pretends to be reckless and makes too much noise while gliding to where Yoona is, therefore at times disturbing the other apparitions around the abandoned building.


“ okay okay “ an old lady moves her box of cats away from Yuri’s path, box of dead purring cats the same as their catlady.




“ alright – alright “ an old man arranges his severed legs and an eye ball away.


“ kkekekekee ~ ! “


“ ooohhhhhhkay – I’m moving away now  “ a man quickly stuffed all his spilled guts into his abdomen again whilst moving away from Yuri’s careless trail. 


A couple of more inhabiting ghosts moved away from Yuri’s reckless gliding.


“ woow! “


“ excuse meeeee ~ “


“ weeeoooowww! “


Dogs barking, cats meowing, cricket’s songs abruptly ended, that was all Yuri’s doing, just to give away her position to Yoona, though some of it was carelessly done because of how much fun she was having.


And how did a simple supposed exchange of apologies turned to this, both couldn’t even tell.


“ Seoooobannngggg ~ “ Yuri calls out in a sing song tone, smiling mischievously as she sees where Yoona had changed hide outs.


“ young love ~ “ a soldier of old spoke as he takes refuge inside the same building.


Yoona on the other hand, had been covering from either making too much noise from her heavy breathing and liberal giggles.


She had hid close to where the soldier was sitting, a stock room filled with cabinets, shelves, thrown away furniture.


“ Kekekeke ~ “ 


“ keke-khmmmphh ~ “ Yoona quickly muffled her giggle, she involuntarily giggled hearing Yuri’s giggle, it was getting infectious.


To be on the safe side of being the haunted, happily haunted, Yoona slowly moved from one corner to another, not noticing the apparition who had been studying her face intently.


“ can’t “


“ ?? “ Yoona heard him talk and of course turned around to face him.


“ …Corporal Im?? “








Deeryoong93 – keke – goatmuch for Yoong last chap keke. Well glad that you noticed how she begins to fall for her wifey ;) though unknowingly ~ Thanks for the comment dear reader! ~


NoviLimz – keke you’re welcome last chapter ~ wait up let me copy paste your cute celebrating smiley keke “\(^0^)/” THANKSSSSSSS ~

Yuuppperrssss :3 Yoong’s head is starting to be filled with Yullllll ~

Ahaaha, don’t worry that mad ghost is ..uhm what you call an expendable extra, hopefully not to be shown again ~ keke.

\(^0^)/ Hope you like this chapter better! Thanks a bunch for dropping comments on this particular chap!  GBU ~


Ususe_iil -  ……………….




Hkinki – you’re welcome for the recent chap! Hope you find this chapter more satisfying? – keke. Thanks for giving this fic love though ~ :3.


LovableMischief - *closes your mouth, and prepares popcorn, what flavor do you like??? I meant the sprinkles on ‘em, I like garlic and cheese. Sorry unnie is currently watching a slasher film with her buddies at the moment she is also updating kekee ~

Arrrggghhh ~ ..dongsaeng ..just had to say it…., that my last update was too short/fast paced, arrckkk ~ My heart…, it was crushed …cause of you …*pouts. Hahahah! Just kidding, well I loved your honesty actually ~ I got a little edgy whilst typing this particular chap cause of your comment ..hahah! and so I HOPE you find this present chap, longer or better paced. Keke

Ooohh the locking parttt, I kinda that influence from movies?? Horror movies, where the knowing lead character gets locked inside a haunted building and her/his friends couldn’t save her…:S.

Why dongsaeng? Have you ever been choked by a spirit before??? LOL!!!

Hahaha! don’t worry bout your cute longggg informative comments dongsaeng, *pats head. Keke they’re adorable for the author. *winks.

Yuuppersss familyyyy is forever ~

Hahahah! And so I’m gonna pull you into jogging, karate, badminton weight training and all the things your awesome unnie does! Hahahahah!

Come on it decreases stress :3   

Ahaha! Sorry bout the long lapse of update though ~ keke.


Caprigirl – hahahahahhah! Why did everyone give notice to Yoona’s no bathing streak ~ ! hahahahahah! Oh who doesn’t find that attractive ~ :3 LOL!!! – I wouldn’t! LOL!

YUPPP that’s karma too for Yoong..kekeke! Suddenly missing Yuri and all ~

Keke yup dear co – byun, maaann I should find a better catchy name for you fellow byun XD – haha! Well can’t help but stare at them in awe – I meant YoonYul’s thighs…mwahaha! Tsk! Must be really struggle to be in their shoes huh? Keke.

I said I’ll try giving..out a particularly like co – byun XD. But don’t lose hope, *crosses your fingers.

THANKS for the drops of love though ~


KumaKey88 – LOL!!! I would do that to my cousin too if they hadn’t bathed for so long… ~ haha! Push them towards the shower or something. Ahaha! We’ll see about that.., keke Yuri the ghost using a hand phone. Perhaps even a missed call would have helped lower Yoong’s worry huh? Keke. Like your comment though J it’s as if you’re commenting on a drama. Keke

Thanks for the supporttttttt ~ and get some sleep before you read this okay?


YoonIsForYoonOnly – found ya! What took you dear ttal daughter? Keke. Who doesn’t love a shikshin cousin moment kekeke. Hope you love this chapter better! Thanks fooor the comment dear!


Yy_08kkuma - ^_^:) that’s a double smiley you just made kekek. I copied it ~  you’re welcome for the gift. Hahaha! well right now I’m watching a movie with my buddies sooo come on join in, though it’s a slasher movie, with killers and stuff keke, *passes popcorn and some soda to you ~ ^_^:)

Oooh that’s whyyy you have these uhm quick smileys, kekek even so  thanks for the bouncy comments kekeke ~ I’m touched :3

Well here’s another update and uhmm I hope you find it moreee cute? Keke.

Thanks for the comments and love!


Minogue – kekeke, gracias por el comentario! a veces se inicia con la preocupación o atención después - keke.Your’e awesome ;) ya sabes que tuve mi hermana escribir este comentario ya que apesto en este hermoso idioma LOL! mi abuelo seguramente me estrangular por ello ;P LOL.

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Chapter 7: This Chapter is so gay XD they kissed!!! HOMOGWAD!! XD

I hope yuwi wont see her weal husband xD
Chapter 7: Oh my! =0 the Im is on Sooyoung's house, this is getting complicated.

Pfff I was like ''Damn! They are so cute!!! I can't, I can't stop smiling'' that scene, the kiss scene, was very tender.

Poor Yoong u-u she is scared ;n;

Oh hahaha I know THAT scene can't happen yet xD I guess the y time will come later.

Ahora me hablas en español? Aww *-* que lindo!!! Y si hahaha esos trajes rebelan mucho -w-

Thanks for update ;)
Chapter 7: Yoonyul kissing scene... they r finally kissed.kyahhh...! Another impossible thing.. XD
wuttt...??? Corporal I'm...? Like seriously...?
Chapter 6: OMO! I don't want that the Corporal Im ruin the Yoonyul love :c

Update soon ^^
hkinki #5
Chapter 6: Love yoonyul !!!! This is so fun and cute !!!!!
Chapter 6: What do you mean by that umma? XD

Wait Cowpowal Im Is Yuwi's Weal Hubby wight umma?? aww what will happen to YoonYul When yuwi see him??
yy_08kkuma #7
Chapter 6: wowwwowwwwww^____^*giggling here*gigglesgigglesgiggles*^__^ kekeke:XDXDXDXD yeahhh unnie..Its CUTE and AMAZING at the same time ohaohaoha heeheXDXDXD opppssss sorry just excited kekekekeXDXDXD*giggles*^_^V.
unnie so cuteeee..hehe:) *giggling* yahhh aissshhhh unnie i cant stop giggling here *shakes head*tsk.tsk.-___- ohoh ohh really unnie your watching horror?? wahhh..i want that tho really really like horror movies with some killers slushing their bodies,or some zombies wowwww thats WOW*sigh* i love that movies kekekeXDXDXD*pass the popcorn back im done eating unnie but oppss i finish the popcorn kekekeXDXDXD sorry^_____^* heheXDXD
omg two seobang yul unnie what you gonna do???your lucky kekekeXDXD
update soon unnie..i rreally love your story:)^__^
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 6: They play hide and seek? kekeke.. ^^

but..... Yoona meet with colonel Im? Yuri's real husband?
O____o" wow!!

So that's mean you give me two imagination!
1. Yoona will talked more about Yuri with colonel IM and know more about their past life, OR
2. Yuri will crazy because she will meet with two person who really have simliar face at that building! "OMG i have two seobangggg~!!" kekeke..

So, If yuri meet with her real husband.. she will leaving Yoona alone?
T_____T OMG!!
Please update soon!! SOON!!! very soon author~ >//< because i really curious now!
Thanks for update author, i really miss you.. Oops i mean i miss your story! kekeke ^^
Do you will make some drama in this story, right? kekeke.. Colonel IM and Yoona in the same time! Just WOW~ hahaha...