Chapter 3


Chapter 3

A/N: didn't have patience to mark needed to be italicized words or sentences or thoughts - you guys can make it out anway:), crappy connection uggh


" ..look what insomnia dragged in.. "

Yoona's co worker, Desk Sergeant Choi Siwon stated though slouched on his chair like a lazy sack of potatoes, was also curiously looking to where the zombie walking doe was going.

She went straight for the office pantry, but when she accidentally hit one of the coffee mugs, her whole drowsy stature went berserk, like an electrocuted cat, eyes widened in shock and limbs moving about reaching for something or whatever in Siwon's eyes.

" take it easy Im! coffee ain't going nowhere" Siwon shouted from his seat.

But oddly calling her name has become dreadful and alarming as well.

" IM??? IM?? IM??? where?? " even with the apparent bags of lacking sleep under her eyes, the constant anxiousness was as apparent.

" what the hell has gotten into you?? " the sack of potatoes, Siwon was getting jumpy as well with her odd behaviour.

" her patients might have finally gotten into her head - spooked at last "

Her other co worker Sergeant Kim Hyoyeon was not helping at all, only passing her by after grabbing a donut from the table.

After moments of barely gripping on her bearings, Yoona had finally sat down in her office, but the images of last night slowly crawled into her again,

She remembers having to forcefully eat the meal the misunderstood apparition made for her, in all truthness it was fresh - and real, but she couldn't savor it, feeling the oddly attentive other half staring intently at her while she eats.

If anyone was in her place at that time, they would have committed suicide after, for such traumatic bizarre experience, but Yoona wasn't even close to taking her own life, she was - at that time concerned - for so many things that is; her kitchen, and probably her whole house if she does anything that would upset Yuri, Yuri of course trying to understand or better yet solve her depressing and haunted past.

" uggghhh.. ~ " her eye lids were heavy as heck.

is this..even real..

Due to her sluggish state, she couldn't even concentrate with work, even the smalles task of sitting down and trying to keep herself awake was tasky already.


= = = =

Luckily she passed through her shift awake, but her other queries need answers, and who else could help her rather than her Paranormal Expert Cousin Sooyoung, even though she does most of the work during their partnership trips, and she questions her long legged cousin's integrity with her work, there's just no one else she could talk to right now.

Door bell rang for a couple of times, and Sooyoung finally attended the door.

" wooow - look what insomnia dragged in " she greeted, outfitted like she was on a general cleaning activity.

Yoona only smirked at her mockingly.

" but seriously? what happened to you?? "

" just let me in - " her patience was short, apparently from the lack of sleep.

" alright - alright - blood is thicker than dog poo "

Yoona didn't even pay attention to Sooyoung's inconsistent sayings, she walked straight to the living room sofa and plunged her face unto the heavenly foam.

" geez - If I knew your just going to sleep here then - "

" Soo unnie? do we have an uncle that served in the army during world war 2? "

She cut her unnie this time around, though she was fortunate with Sooyoung's knowledge on their family tree, though she stinks with facts on her work.

" yes we - do "

" I mean I do "

" mmm? " Yoona turned her head to face her unnie, who sat beside her carrying a photo album.

" wait up - " she instructed while rapidly leafing through the family album.

" there he is ... "

Yoona stretched from her position and stared at the corroding frayed picture, at first glance it was eerie.

" what can I say - he definitley is your man version "

A sudden wind of depression filled the doe's heart, he was standing beside a couple of soldiers, no one even made an effort to smile, honest people facing the inevitable death and there was no use in thinking or making effort for a brighter day.

" does he have any other ...grand ...grand ..grand children? "

Sooyoung quickly shook her head, which surprised Yoona.

" they all died with different types of cancer - it's in our blood - and directly yours " her cousin said nonchalantly - how exciting

Yoona tilted her head in confusion.

" since you're his only living direct descendant "

Only living direct descendant - man version of me....Yoona was trying to piece the sub puzzles of her shotgun wife.

While Sooyoung stretched her aching limbs around waiting for her cousin to reply, who was in deep thought, Yoona jumped from her rest and sat up, causing Sooyoung to raise brows at her.

" is there anyway that a ghost of sorts, mistake someone as SOMEONE from their past? - " Yoona was struggling with her choice of words, doing hand gestures subconsciously compensating deficiency.

" you mean like Mama? " fortunatley her cousin understood her well, though her reply was indirect.

" what? " Yoona had no idea what that was.

" I mean, yes they do - they mistake the living for someone they love in the past, and in some cases they go off a bit too delusional "

delusional - Yoona would like to add that to her puzzle, but it sounded a bit too harsh.

" oh wait scratch that, more like love in the past that they lost or couldn't accept to have lost causing them to float around the world of the living, looking for them "

Yoona was beginning to connect the dots in her puzzle.

delusio - I mean, mistook me for her long dead husband -  only living direct descendant - man version of me - .....what else...

" so cousin, what grab something to eat I'm really getting hungry " Sooyoung twitched around with her hungry face, which wasn't pleasing for anyone to see, good thing her cousin was enduring - and distracted.

" wait unnie - is there anyway that these unseen can touch us? and vice versa.."

and Sooyoung was caught in a dead end, she never encountered such before, therefore having no knowledge of it.

" not that I know of...but - some of them can touch us more likely harm us, during 12 to 3 am..or 4 at times...5, they do get very uhmm..visible? and physical? - "

Now that Yoona remembers, it was 11 in the evening when she arrived from work and onwards....


Sooyoung gave a mocking glare at Yoona's tummy, and just that she pulled her cousin to the kitchen where they both rummaged on whatever they could eat.


= = = =

Yoona never felt more anxious instead of glad to go home, since she didn't notice the time she spent too much with her cousin, it was exactly midnight that she arrived at her residence, and she could only swallow a huge nervous gulp as she prepared to open the main door.

She inhaled deeply before finally swinging it open, and the second she landed her senses in her premises -

" ?? " Nothing, everything was in it's place, carefully walking into the kitchen expecting her to be there instead, but nothing also was at present.

She didn't know if she was relieved or not, but she double checked the whole apartment, even going as far as opening her kitchen cupboards and examining her kitchen utensils if they were moved or used.

Still nothing, she took notice of the time, it was 12: 30 -

" hmmm " she doubted it, maybe her stalker - shotgun wife had been running late.

She was still expecting the unexpected,  she decided to freshen up - take a shower then busy herself to sleep,searching through her family documents hoping to find more information about the real husband Im/Im Seobang.

Yawning, her sluggish mental state got into her concentration and anaylsis, frustatedly walking unto her bed and follow her body's need for rest.

Conciousness quickly drifting  away, that was the measure of how tired she was, which was caused by a mere apparition, none would even believe such a ridiculous reason, not even Yoona as she was still wavering through reality with that particular experience - but not until a voice surged into her heavy asleep self, calling her - she didn't pay attention to it inkling it could be part of a dream.

But the voice only became louder when she doesn't heed to it.

" Im Seobang .. " something nudged her back - though softly.

" Seobang.... " this time around, something was shaking her, holding her shoulders gently.

Yoona was about to wake up and heed to it, but it suddenly stop, there was not much reaction from her, just wanting to get her needed rest, but there was a weakness in the Im blood line that had been passed down from generation to generation, it was there overly sensitive rib cage - which that something used to its advantage

" eeoowww ~ " she reached for her rib, protecting it.

" could you move over my seobang, I can't fit - our bed is snug... "

Yoona's senses shot up from that voice, she quickly turned her head to where it came from, and it was inches away from her face.

what??? OUR BED???


Nose to nose, eye to eye, forehead to forehead, chin to chin - you get the picture, but as I said inches apart - so don't get your hopes up ;P

Both had nervous stricken faces, with differences though as how they feel, Yoona scared of course, Yuri embarassed, quickly assuming her Im Seobang was actually this aggressive, in her time that is, men were already aggressive at that gesture.

" wha.wha.wha.what are you doing here??? "

Yuri hid bowed her head first, desperatley hiding her apparent embarassment.
" I ..Uh.. " she struggled spewing words out, but judging Yoona's reaction, she thought she was once again being rejected.

Which of course Yoona immediatley took notice of, seeing some of her bedroom furniture floating, light's flickering -

oh heavens..please not this again - I just want a good night sleep -

And due to her desperation for peace ... and quiet, she decided to scoot over for her self proclaimed wife to fit.

But that wasn't enough, Yuri still had her head bowed which means a lot of things, it wasn't enough and now she has to convince or woo her to calm down and sleep too, do they even ...sleep???? Yoona's list of queries just seem to pile.

She gulped before doing another unthinkable move, husband - y gesture, lifting her blanket over to them and then using her in born weapons of mass - whatsoever, her doe eye flash, of course it worked the latter finally broke a smile and then slowly following Yoona to lay beside her.

Initially Yoona just laid neutrally flat on her back, but as Yuri turned around to face her causing something to really be disturbingly awkward on her peripheral vision - a pair of eyes seemingly pleading or suggesting for something else -

" ..I'm cold... "

of course you cold! your dead!

aeeesshh - Yoona couldn't even tell which and what is rediculous or not anymore.

But some elements just seem to pull her to do such unthinkable things, elements of irritability and wanting to badly sleep, furniture moving by themselves again, misunderstood actions from the present living human which was her, and the past deceased human which was Yuri.

good me - forgive me...

She reluctlantly spread and carefully wrapped her arms around Yuri, which the latter initially squirmed with -

what the hell? what does she really want??  - she could only sigh, indecisive women indeed. (don't get offended author is also one, including the womanly man she just refused to argue with a while ago - enough -.-)

But she didn't loosen her grip, hoping to send a message that she was really tired and only wanted sleep - but no - Yuri interpreted a different message, causing her to respond comfortably, snuggling her head unto Yoona's chest then wrapping her arms unto the doe's waist.

Though Yoona barely had the conciousness to notice all that as she quickly fell asleep right after, unbeknowst to her mind, her body actually felt comfort with the Yuri's embrace.

And so finally she fell asleep, what caused her lack of rest became the reason for the opposite.




NoviLimz - OMO too ~ keke, I kinda explained it in this chapter of what Yuri is really about, though not really in some ways - keke - thanks a bunch still for landing a comment here specially with your thoughts and queries bout the chapter :) by the way what does 'GBU' mean?

Sammy1396 - well good thing you liked the recent chapter, but it didn't scare you? keke - hope you like this one better - thanks for the support - ;p

Syn_3apple - nyehehe - thanks for giving out your observations/comment on the recent chap! yeah, it's somewhat fluff and angsty indeed - though I struggled with the the first chapters to show their backgrounds and the prologue? keke

KumaKey88 - hahahha! I love how you placed a comment as if talking to Yoona, one of my major characters in this fic -thanks! you don't know how much I love such a comment!

yoonggator - kekekke ~ me too! since she's the only one who could naturally put Yuri in a skirt hahahah! thanks for the support bud!

LovableMischief - waaahhh! dongsaeng, okay pretend that we're eating right now at a seafood resto *unnie is currently eating shrimp cocktails, yuuummmm! hahahha! 'touchable' kinda cute and ....byun - sorry bout that hahaha!
hahahha! I love your queries as well dear dongsaeng! *sips on the expensive lemonade served, though I hope I answered all of them in this chapter - if not then please do tell more of your queries, since it helps a lot~ you know I even noted your comment last chapter - cause you foudn a loop hole on my fic....., it was good actually hahahha! I won't tell what that loop hole is though, but I patched it up in this chapter kekek *burps, then excuse herself but then the steamed buttered crabs were served and she dives into it ~ thanks a lot dongsaenggg!  

yy_08kkuma - uhmm could I say this in all honesty to you - keke :) I love how "artsy" how you type your comments...hahahha! I get distracted and awed by it at the same time - it's sooo wonderful of you to take time and do such things hahhahah! - I like it though - hahahha! sure! why not! a canine indeed - who doesn't get fooled by puppy eyes anyway hahahha!

ListeningToBTS - thanks for the drop of support! and here goes another update - hope you like it!

YoonIsForYulOnly - hahah! oh bout that rank dear daughter, I explained it on this chapter - keke, ahahha well uhmm, what mother doesn't want her children to get fat right? JUST KIDDING hahahahhaha! it's funny how you concentrated on that part hahahhaha! thanks Ttal!

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Chapter 7: This Chapter is so gay XD they kissed!!! HOMOGWAD!! XD

I hope yuwi wont see her weal husband xD
Chapter 7: Oh my! =0 the Im is on Sooyoung's house, this is getting complicated.

Pfff I was like ''Damn! They are so cute!!! I can't, I can't stop smiling'' that scene, the kiss scene, was very tender.

Poor Yoong u-u she is scared ;n;

Oh hahaha I know THAT scene can't happen yet xD I guess the y time will come later.

Ahora me hablas en español? Aww *-* que lindo!!! Y si hahaha esos trajes rebelan mucho -w-

Thanks for update ;)
Chapter 7: Yoonyul kissing scene... they r finally kissed.kyahhh...! Another impossible thing.. XD
wuttt...??? Corporal I'm...? Like seriously...?
Chapter 6: OMO! I don't want that the Corporal Im ruin the Yoonyul love :c

Update soon ^^
hkinki #5
Chapter 6: Love yoonyul !!!! This is so fun and cute !!!!!
Chapter 6: What do you mean by that umma? XD

Wait Cowpowal Im Is Yuwi's Weal Hubby wight umma?? aww what will happen to YoonYul When yuwi see him??
yy_08kkuma #7
Chapter 6: wowwwowwwwww^____^*giggling here*gigglesgigglesgiggles*^__^ kekeke:XDXDXDXD yeahhh unnie..Its CUTE and AMAZING at the same time ohaohaoha heeheXDXDXD opppssss sorry just excited kekekekeXDXDXD*giggles*^_^V.
unnie so cuteeee..hehe:) *giggling* yahhh aissshhhh unnie i cant stop giggling here *shakes head*tsk.tsk.-___- ohoh ohh really unnie your watching horror?? wahhh..i want that tho really really like horror movies with some killers slushing their bodies,or some zombies wowwww thats WOW*sigh* i love that movies kekekeXDXDXD*pass the popcorn back im done eating unnie but oppss i finish the popcorn kekekeXDXDXD sorry^_____^* heheXDXD
omg two seobang yul unnie what you gonna do???your lucky kekekeXDXD
update soon unnie..i rreally love your story:)^__^
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 6: They play hide and seek? kekeke.. ^^

but..... Yoona meet with colonel Im? Yuri's real husband?
O____o" wow!!

So that's mean you give me two imagination!
1. Yoona will talked more about Yuri with colonel IM and know more about their past life, OR
2. Yuri will crazy because she will meet with two person who really have simliar face at that building! "OMG i have two seobangggg~!!" kekeke..

So, If yuri meet with her real husband.. she will leaving Yoona alone?
T_____T OMG!!
Please update soon!! SOON!!! very soon author~ >//< because i really curious now!
Thanks for update author, i really miss you.. Oops i mean i miss your story! kekeke ^^
Do you will make some drama in this story, right? kekeke.. Colonel IM and Yoona in the same time! Just WOW~ hahaha...