Chapter 1


Seobang .....who??

Pup II will be updated a bit later, bear with me~ toodles!


" Sooyoung unnie I told you this isn't my department - I'm a forensic body ide - "


Her wonderful cousin had cut her introduction, as she was pulled into a living room of one of her cousin's clients,


" Hello I'm Choi Sooyoung your current Paranormal Investigator - and this is, my cousin Im Yoona - my partner - "


Sooyoung shook hands with each of the terrified family member's hands, there were four of them, parents and their children, a daughter and one wannabe daughter - son.


Yoona only bowed her head in shame and annoyance with her cousin, she had always been dragged into her Paranormal Cases, she doesn't know why she does this for her, all she could think of was, blood is ....always a heavy burden - of course changing her cousin's stolen saying; blood is thicker than water or spit.


Or her dear cousin had always dragged her into her so called work, because of an unnatural ability she possesses...


Introductions were made, and the family complained about a paranormal activity in their kitchen at exactly 12 midnight and continuing up to the witching hour, then it stops at 5 am.


Sooyoung nodded knowingly before asking their permission to search the hunted area of the house.


Out of respect and sympathy to the terrified family, Yoona goes along.


As soon as they arrived in the kitchen, cupboards started harshfully opening and forcefully throwing its contents, Yoona was quick to pull her long legged cousin away from a mushroom soup can almost vertically stomping her face.


"..right...Yoona work your magic " Sooyoung whispered not wanting to disturb the entity.


Yoona sighed, before reluctantly doing what she was told, she always doubted her particular ability, being of course part of the forensic department why would she believe such to be roaming about living alongside the earth's biosphere.


Science of course plays a huge part on her doubt, she bowed her head slightly then stared at one point in the room, which were the cupboards, this particular ritual she does strengthens her peripheral vision, where she initially sees those paranormal entities.


" many are there...? " her cousin asked patting her shoulder.


A pot was about to fly straight to Yoona's face, when it stopped in mid air inches away from her doe featured appearance, her cousin ducked, thinking it was her again that was about to me slapped with an object.


Yoona saw something initially in her peripheral vision, something hovered really quick and unto the pots and pans sections, and she barely saw the vigorously flung object unto her face, but instead what stopped the pot from hitting her was what she clearly sees at the moment.


It was a woman, with no apparent phsysical evidences of her death but the sorrow in her eyes was - apparent.


If Yoona could judge, she looked about her age with emotions mixed with anger and depression, she couldn't help but give her sympathy, gazing at her with her doe like eyes.


Yoona was never afraid of them, the unseen, ever since she had gained concsiousness into this world, she had always seen them, but not rampant, fortunatley it is indeed an ability since she controls wether to see them or not, which starts with her peripheral vision.


Her cousin always nags her to use it in her line of work, but she never does, she hates it, it frustrates her to see those dead bodies with their ghosts floating about looking for justice or peace, she questions herself many times, if she can use her ability in her line of work then what can she do to the dead? they've already passed away? there's nothing she can do rather than inspect their causes of death, she couldn't save them from death so what's the point of using her paranormal abilities in her work.


Yoona was caught in a trance of emotions, while Sooyoung just had to cut her off by shouting her senses back to reality.


" where is it???!! "


" the pot stopped in mid air and ....then carefully landed on the table.... " she sounded really creeped out, since it was one of the most bizarre cases she tackled.


Yoona shook her head and the woman was gone, she was still preoccupied thinking though, of the last words that the apparition said to her as those really cold hands tenderly clasped unto her face.


" Seobang.. "


= = = =


Several days had passed and that particular paranormal case was solved, the whole family thanked them and they actually lived in peace, Yoona still couldn't shake the fact she felt overwhelmed of what she just did for them, her cousin thanked her for it they celebrated with ..eating what they call since childhood; eating night. Simple as it sounds and simple as it gets, they try out new restos or hop around their favorite eating spots.


After a long shift of work, Yoona wearily made her way into her apartment, turning on the lights in the living room as usual the place was a mess, she smirked mockingly at herself, then hearing her tummy complain of its hollowness, she walked into the kitchen turning on the lights once again.


She was anticipating her usual mess, crumbs on the table, counters, stove, oily stove and pots and pans and spatulas, disheveled cupboards, what else is there not isn't not in it's usual place....


She was too sluggish mentally that the only thing that wasn't in it's usual filthy place was a prepared mushroom soup, a carefully placed kimbap, and an omurice but with a ketchup neatly designed into a heart on its center.


It took her a moment to realize the contents of the table, and when she finally did, she was caught with -


" good evening my seobang ... "



TBC - mwuaahhahahahha! ...I don't really know what I'm laughing evily about but I just gave myself a workload of YoonYul craziness...hahahhahah!

Queries will be answered ...gradually throughout the story - If I can alright :)


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Chapter 7: This Chapter is so gay XD they kissed!!! HOMOGWAD!! XD

I hope yuwi wont see her weal husband xD
Chapter 7: Oh my! =0 the Im is on Sooyoung's house, this is getting complicated.

Pfff I was like ''Damn! They are so cute!!! I can't, I can't stop smiling'' that scene, the kiss scene, was very tender.

Poor Yoong u-u she is scared ;n;

Oh hahaha I know THAT scene can't happen yet xD I guess the y time will come later.

Ahora me hablas en español? Aww *-* que lindo!!! Y si hahaha esos trajes rebelan mucho -w-

Thanks for update ;)
Chapter 7: Yoonyul kissing scene... they r finally kissed.kyahhh...! Another impossible thing.. XD
wuttt...??? Corporal I'm...? Like seriously...?
Chapter 6: OMO! I don't want that the Corporal Im ruin the Yoonyul love :c

Update soon ^^
hkinki #5
Chapter 6: Love yoonyul !!!! This is so fun and cute !!!!!
Chapter 6: What do you mean by that umma? XD

Wait Cowpowal Im Is Yuwi's Weal Hubby wight umma?? aww what will happen to YoonYul When yuwi see him??
yy_08kkuma #7
Chapter 6: wowwwowwwwww^____^*giggling here*gigglesgigglesgiggles*^__^ kekeke:XDXDXDXD yeahhh unnie..Its CUTE and AMAZING at the same time ohaohaoha heeheXDXDXD opppssss sorry just excited kekekekeXDXDXD*giggles*^_^V.
unnie so cuteeee..hehe:) *giggling* yahhh aissshhhh unnie i cant stop giggling here *shakes head*tsk.tsk.-___- ohoh ohh really unnie your watching horror?? wahhh..i want that tho really really like horror movies with some killers slushing their bodies,or some zombies wowwww thats WOW*sigh* i love that movies kekekeXDXDXD*pass the popcorn back im done eating unnie but oppss i finish the popcorn kekekeXDXDXD sorry^_____^* heheXDXD
omg two seobang yul unnie what you gonna do???your lucky kekekeXDXD
update soon unnie..i rreally love your story:)^__^
NoviLimz #8
Chapter 6: They play hide and seek? kekeke.. ^^

but..... Yoona meet with colonel Im? Yuri's real husband?
O____o" wow!!

So that's mean you give me two imagination!
1. Yoona will talked more about Yuri with colonel IM and know more about their past life, OR
2. Yuri will crazy because she will meet with two person who really have simliar face at that building! "OMG i have two seobangggg~!!" kekeke..

So, If yuri meet with her real husband.. she will leaving Yoona alone?
T_____T OMG!!
Please update soon!! SOON!!! very soon author~ >//< because i really curious now!
Thanks for update author, i really miss you.. Oops i mean i miss your story! kekeke ^^
Do you will make some drama in this story, right? kekeke.. Colonel IM and Yoona in the same time! Just WOW~ hahaha...