H is for Hips



He pinched himself. Nope, definitely not dreaming. He stared again and groaned. He followed every move, drooled at every and swooned at every shake.

"I told you you'll like this class. See how y his hips are?" One of his classmates, he didn't bother remembering the name, whispered.

"Look at that fine piece of ." Another guy commented, eyes fixated on their instructor's behind, and Kyuhyun had to supress the urge to deck the guy hard and claw the his eyes out.

He decided that it was a good idea to listen to Ryeowook sometimes. He did has to take this class. Especially since some idiots thought they could get a piece of what rightfully belongs to him.

Oh, he couldn't wait to show these fools how wrong they were.

After an agonizing hour of -inducing hip s, plotting massacre out of dumb college guys and shooting death glares on an unsuspecting raven, the class had come to an end. Making sure that none of the 'soon-to-be-dead' erts had leave the room, he sneaked his way behind their dance instructor and grabbed him by his hips. Without skipping a beat, Kyuhyun turned him around and kissed their instructor on the lips. Satisfied, he pulled away from the dazed Jongwoon and smirked at the gaping boys.

"You...dared kissed Sir Jongwoon?" One of the boys accused, looking scandalized.

He smirked and pulled said man closer to him. "Of course, had to congratulate MY boyfriend for doing a splendid job teaching the class." And just like that, he dragged his boyfriend away, who had recovered from his trance and was blushing madly. And now, he had to punish his boyfriend for swaying his hips like that in public, something he should be doing just for Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun only.


Word Count: 290

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411 streak #1
Chapter 9: Damn it, I wish it's not a drabble 😭
411 streak #2
Chapter 8: Oh! Didn't see that coming 😂
411 streak #3
Chapter 7: I need to say that Kyuhyun's father is awesome!
411 streak #4
Chapter 6: So fluffy! And sweet! And adorable! Gyaaaa~
411 streak #5
Chapter 5: Okaaaay, now I want to know how it's done?!? 😂 damn it, it should have been longer than this 😂
411 streak #6
Chapter 4: Whaaat 😭 so sad 😭
411 streak #7
Chapter 3: Uuuh... I don't like cheating whatsoever so... Yeah...
411 streak #8
Chapter 2: Lol! You should have let Yesung being a forever bottom, dearest Kyu! 😂
411 streak #9
Chapter 1: Aaaw, I won't mind snuggling my face into Kyu's sweaty neck too, thank you very much 🤭
Chapter 9: I really liked your drabbles, I hope you'll finish the series some day.