F is for Fanboy


Kyuhyun scanned the crowd, loving his fans' reaction. They were all singing along, getting crazy with his music and chanting his name like he's some god. And he loved it. During his encore, he went down the stage and noticed a particular male fan (he had to be one if he's seeing his concert right?) sitting in the upper box. He wasn't standing and jumping like most of his fans and he wasn't singing along as well. If anything, he looked bored and seemed to be more engrossed on his nail-biting than watch him sing. He was offended to say the least. He was giving his best in his performances and there was this guy (who was freaking hot and so his type) who couldn't even have the decency to look at him and listen. He moved closer to his seat, all the while keeping up with his performance and doing a bit fanservice. He saw the male fan shifted on his seat and took out his phone. He watched the y raven on the corner of his eye. He saw how the other fiddled with his phone before he took selcas with his female companion. His lips curved into a fond smile at how adorable the intriguing fanboy was.

Luckily for him, for this particular song, he had to ask a fan to sing along with him. Slow dancing his way in front of the fanboy's seat, he cheerfully greeted him and asked him to sing the next line of the song.

"Hi there you lucky fanboy, care to sing the next verse for me?" He asked in his seductive voice, winking at the stoic raven. The female companion of his male fan squealed like crazy and nudged the other, urging him to sing. The male fan stood up lazily and eyed him like he had grown another head. He reached out to cover the mic he had offered and said in a low, husky voice (that made him twitch for all the wrong reasons). "First off, I'm not your fanboy." Then he faked a smile to the camera (Kyuhyun marveled on his beautiful smile) before singing the next verse of his ballad.

The world seemed to have stopped around Kyuhyun. The moment the raven opened his mouth and sang, he was lost. The raven had the most beautiful voice he has ever heard (and that was saying something because Kyuhyun was egoistic and vowed that he owned the best voice ever). It was husky and a bit dark and was full of emotions. It's as if he had made the song alive and anyone who listened to it would feel the emotions, the underlying message of the song. It was a song about a lover who lost his love and right at that moment, Kyuhyun felt as if he had lost a loved one himself. Kyuhyun barely noticed that the raven had already stopped singing and was already giving him the microphone, he was still in a trance. Good thing, the raven had sang up till the instrumental. The hot fanboy (he still insists that this guy is his fanboy) smirked and leaned closer to whisper something in his ear.

"You're a great singer but I am not your fanboy because you sing just for the sake of singing. You lacked the emotions I wanted to hear from a song"

With that, the raven took his seat and played with his phone again. The concert was soon finished and Kyuhyun was ushered into his dressing room. His album was a complete success and he was offered a lot of guestings, OSTs and even dramas and movies. He had concerts outside the country too but he never forgot that one concert with the fan he's fanboying. (Yeah, he became a fan of his fan)

The next year, he was called to the training room along with some of his old friends from training days. They were summoned by the president and from what he heard from the others, they were to form a boygroup. And then he saw him. The raven with the y smile, captivating kohl-lined eyes and beautiful voice. He was standing right in the corner of the room talking with the guy named Youngwoon. Later that day, after the president explained to them how he planned to make them all present debut as members of a boygroup, he approached the raven whose named he discovered was Kim Jongwoon.


The raven raised a brow at him before continuing packing his things. He was undeterred though. "Uhm, so you and I will be on the same group huh?"

"It seems."

"So I think we should, uhm, you know, hang out sometime?" There was slight hesitance in his voice and if Jongwoon noticed it, he didn't say anything.

"With the others?"


"...are you trying to ask me out then?"


"I'm leaving, bye"

He grabbed Jongwoon's arm and blurted out the one thing he wanted to say. "I-I'm your fan. And yes, I'd like to ask you out on a date?"

The raven pried his fingers away in order to touch his philtrum (in which he let out an unmanly yelp). "I'd like that. See you at eight tomorrow?"

"Yeah, and oh maybe you could teach me how to put my emotion into singing?"

"Sure let's try a love song?"

"Definitely a love song."


Word Count: 878

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404 streak #1
Chapter 9: Damn it, I wish it's not a drabble 😭
404 streak #2
Chapter 8: Oh! Didn't see that coming 😂
404 streak #3
Chapter 7: I need to say that Kyuhyun's father is awesome!
404 streak #4
Chapter 6: So fluffy! And sweet! And adorable! Gyaaaa~
404 streak #5
Chapter 5: Okaaaay, now I want to know how it's done?!? 😂 damn it, it should have been longer than this 😂
404 streak #6
Chapter 4: Whaaat 😭 so sad 😭
404 streak #7
Chapter 3: Uuuh... I don't like cheating whatsoever so... Yeah...
404 streak #8
Chapter 2: Lol! You should have let Yesung being a forever bottom, dearest Kyu! 😂
404 streak #9
Chapter 1: Aaaw, I won't mind snuggling my face into Kyu's sweaty neck too, thank you very much 🤭
Chapter 9: I really liked your drabbles, I hope you'll finish the series some day.