D is for Delusion


The room was pitch-dark and his eyes already started to hurt from squinting too hard. He reached out for his bed lamp and flicked it on. His eyes adjusted to the pale light illuminating the room. He got off the bed and checked the turtle-shaped clock on the wall. It was already midnight and his lover wasn't home yet. Putting on his robes, he went down the kitchen to fix himself a cup of coffee. He glanced at the clock once more, it was ten minutes past midnight. He was starting to worry. Kyuhyun had never come home this late. If he does, he would always call him because the other knew how much of a worrywart he was. Pacing the room, his coffee forgotten, he tried to calm himself down. Maybe Kyuhyun had to work overtime and was already on his way home. Or maybe he had fallen asleep on his office from too much exhaustion. Or maybe...

The phone rang. He immediately run to answer it, knocking the vase when he did. A few seconds later, he was on the floor. His hands started to bleed from the shards of the broken vase but he didn't even notice, all he did was weep and call out his lover's name.

"This was my fault, I shouldn't have believed him when he told me he was going to be okay alone. He had been doing this every year."

Sungmin patted Ryeowook on the back, comforting him. "We didn't realize he would have a relapse again. We all thought he had moved on completely."

Ryeowook turned to face his boyfriend. "Last night was Kyuhyun's death anniversary. How could I forgot Min? I'm a bad person. Not only did I forgot about it, I even left Jongwoon-hyung alone in his apartment. I'm so stupid." He broke down to tears and Sungmin wrapped his arms around him, whispering words of comfort. On the other side of the glass window, Jongwoon lied on the hospital bed, sedated.

It had been five years since Kyuhyun died. He had worked overtime and was on his to the subway when a man cornered him in an alley, mugged him of his belongings and stabbed him on his chest. Jongwoon was at home then, he had woken up on a bed without Kyuhyun and had gone down to the kitchen to make coffee. He had been pacing around the kitchen when he received the call. It was thirty minutes past midnight. And every year, at the night of Kyuhyun's death, Jongwoon would do the exact same thing he did that night. And he would do it again next year.

Word Count: 436


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411 streak #1
Chapter 9: Damn it, I wish it's not a drabble 😭
411 streak #2
Chapter 8: Oh! Didn't see that coming 😂
411 streak #3
Chapter 7: I need to say that Kyuhyun's father is awesome!
411 streak #4
Chapter 6: So fluffy! And sweet! And adorable! Gyaaaa~
411 streak #5
Chapter 5: Okaaaay, now I want to know how it's done?!? 😂 damn it, it should have been longer than this 😂
411 streak #6
Chapter 4: Whaaat 😭 so sad 😭
411 streak #7
Chapter 3: Uuuh... I don't like cheating whatsoever so... Yeah...
411 streak #8
Chapter 2: Lol! You should have let Yesung being a forever bottom, dearest Kyu! 😂
411 streak #9
Chapter 1: Aaaw, I won't mind snuggling my face into Kyu's sweaty neck too, thank you very much 🤭
Chapter 9: I really liked your drabbles, I hope you'll finish the series some day.