G is for Gangster



Kyuhyun clenched and unclenched his fist under his father's scrutinizing gaze. It was rare for him to be given such treatment but he knew, somehow, that it has something to do with his relationship Yesung. He had come home from university that day and was pulled to the side by his mother warning him about his father. True enough, after eating, he was told to go to his father's study.

"Do you remember when you came up to me and said that you wanted to study music instead of becoming a teacher?" His father finally asked.

Kyuhyun nodded. "You tried to convince me otherwise but I'm..."

"Stubborn." His father interrupted him.

"I am"

Kyuhyun's father stood up and went to look out the window. "And there was that time when you told me that you're...about your...ual orientation"

"I told you I am gay"

"...Yes and even if it was against tradition, even if it was against my beliefs, I disregarded my own principles and accepted it. Accepted you. Because you are my son."

Kyuhyun kept his silence, willing his father to go on. He knew his father to be a man of principle. He was someone he deeply loved and respected and knowing that his father might, if it was indeed about Yesung, asked him to leave Yesung was breaking his heart.

"And I knew eventually that you would be in a relationship with...a man. And I would have no qualms about it."

The words gave him hope. Maybe his father would be more understanding...more accepting.

"But I couldn't allow this, Kyuhyun. You are dating a gangster!" His father's voice emphasizing the last word, looking at him with stern eyes.

Kyuhyun's heart sank. It pained him to give his father another disappointment, he hated denying him anything but he couldn't give Yesung up.

"Yesung isn't what you think he is, Father." He reasoned out. It was true. Despite his reputation, Yesung was the sweetest and nicest person he had ever met. Yet he could be the scariest if the situation called for it. Like that first time they met when Yesung rescued him from being bullied because of his ual preference. The look Yesung had when he was punching the guy still scared him less.

"He's a gangster, how else would I think of him besides violent, rude and impertinent?"

"Yesung is a gangster because he was adopted and raised by gangsters but he is nice and respectful. He's definitely different from what others perceived him to be."

"He is still a gangster. And I don't want my son to be involved with some punk."

"I told you he is not like that"

"And I told you that I don't want him for you. I don't want my son becoming a gangster too! You're much better than that, son"

Kyuhyun laughed mirthlessly. "I am nothing without him, father. Ask me anything but this"

"You dare defy me?!"

Kyuhyun looked at his father and with determined voice, he answered. "Yes father, I'm sorry."

"This Yesung...did he threatened you? Was that why you refused to leave him?" His father asked, trying to keep his bearings and not lose his patience. He loved his son and his Kyuhyun was smart and even if he hadn't completely accepted that his only son was gay, he was proud of Kyuhyun. And that was exactly the reason why he could not accept his son's relationship. He was afraid that Kyuhyun would be hated not just because he's gay but because he's in a relationship with a gangster. He didn't want his son to suffer.

Kyuhyun vehemently denied his accusation and insisted on continuing his relationship with Yesung. He even pointed out to his father that he hadn't even seen Yesung yet and Kyuhyun was sure that once he get to know the real Yesung, his Yesung, he would liked him.

"My answer is still no, Kyuhyun. I already consented to your decisions twice and I'll be damned if I will allow you to ruin your life!" His father almost yelled the words.

"I am not breaking up with Yesung."

"I'd disown you!"

"Father please. I love Yesung" Kyuhyun pleaded. He didn't want his father to disown but he could not leave Yesung either. He got up and kneeled in front of his stunned father, sobbing. "Just give him a chance, please. Please."

His father was shocked to see his son crying and begging like that. Kyuhyun had always been a prideful man and he never begged for anything. His heart swelled with so many emotions as he took his son in his arms.

"You are always so stubborn, you silly kid. Crying like that in front of your old man...where's your pride?" He shook his head and ruffled his son's hair. Kyuhyun sniffed as a reply. "So when could I meet this gangster boyfriend of yours?"

Kyuhyun pulled back from his father's embrace in surprise. His father smiled warmly at him, nodding in acceptance. Kyuhyun beamed happily back at him.

And the rest of their day was spent with Kyuhyun telling his father about Yesung and needless to say, when his father met Yesung the week after, he knew his son was in good hands. Even if said hands belonged to a gangster.


Word Count: 846

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411 streak #1
Chapter 9: Damn it, I wish it's not a drabble 😭
411 streak #2
Chapter 8: Oh! Didn't see that coming 😂
411 streak #3
Chapter 7: I need to say that Kyuhyun's father is awesome!
411 streak #4
Chapter 6: So fluffy! And sweet! And adorable! Gyaaaa~
411 streak #5
Chapter 5: Okaaaay, now I want to know how it's done?!? 😂 damn it, it should have been longer than this 😂
411 streak #6
Chapter 4: Whaaat 😭 so sad 😭
411 streak #7
Chapter 3: Uuuh... I don't like cheating whatsoever so... Yeah...
411 streak #8
Chapter 2: Lol! You should have let Yesung being a forever bottom, dearest Kyu! 😂
411 streak #9
Chapter 1: Aaaw, I won't mind snuggling my face into Kyu's sweaty neck too, thank you very much 🤭
Chapter 9: I really liked your drabbles, I hope you'll finish the series some day.