Chapter 39: A Beautiful Life

Scared To Death

“Ji calm down!” Youngbae tried to ease his friend who was pacing frantically in front of them all.


“How the can I calm down?!” Jiyong said, fear and anxiety obvious in his voice.


“It’s not like she’s leaving you or anything.”


Jiyong came to a halt as his best friend said that and glared furiously at him. “Don’t ing say that.” his tone laced with venom.


“Sorry, just tryin’ to calm you down.” Youngbae raised both arms in defeat and settled back down to his seat beside Dara who was also very nervous and furiously rubbing her hands together. “Babe, you should calm down too. Everything’s gonna be fine.” Youngbae took both of her hands and kissed them lovingly and holding it securely in his.


“I just can’t help to rethink the last time we were here.” Dara said teary eyed. She didn’t welcome the dark memory surrounding her brain right now. She needed to be strong once again for her best friend.


“How long are they gonna take?” Jiyong hissed to no one in particular while taking a peek at his watch and still pacing.


“Jiyong honey. Everything’s fine. You should sit down.” Mama Kwon tried to usher his son to a seat but to no success.


“Yah Jiyong-ah! I know you’re worried. We all are. But you pacing around like that isn’t helping. It’s making me more anxious. Sit your tiny down!” Bom said authoritatively and Jiyong immediately complied. No one wants a cranky Bom around. TOP continued to rub her back and whisper comfort to her since she was almost shaking with worry and anxiety too.


The silence is eating them all up and after an agonizing time, the double doors open revealing two lady doctors in scrub suit.


“Mrs. Kwon Chaerin’s family.” The taller doctor said and almost simultaneously everybody in the waiting area stood up taking the two doctors by surprise. It was rare to see many people coming to support a delivery and it was heart-warming. Plus, they were prominent personalities too.


“I’m her husband.” Jiyong proudly said walking to them. He was followed by the rest and they were all now forming a semicircle around the doctors.


“O-okay. Mrs. Kwon is stable now.” --Everybody released a sigh of relief.-- “There were some complications during the delivery but all is well. You should be able to see her shortly in her room but she is still unconscious as of the moment--“


“How about the baby?” YG asked a bit impatiently.


“Yes, I was getting to that.” -- The doctor smiled at him.— “The baby is in good condition. Great in fact. He is healthy and a bit heavy.” –The doctor chuckled— “He’s a very handsome little boy.” Both doctors smiled warmly at everyone present who were also smiling and have tears in their eyes.


“Thank you so much.” Jiyong said and shook both their hands. He couldn’t wait to see the two gems in his life.




I hear shuffling around me and people talking but what they were saying was unclear. I feel tired. Too tired. I didn’t know C-section would take up all this energy from me. Then I remember why I was here. My eyes shoot open and immediately closed as the light almost blinded me.


I groan, probably catching the attention of the people in the room. I scrunch my face trying to wake myself more and I immediately felt a presence beside me.


“Baby, are you awake? Are you okay?” I hear the voice of the man I love and opened my eyes slowly. He was hovering over me with eyes filled with worry.  I was just staring at him not saying anything. I know he would still be worried even if we knew beforehand that I wasn’t gonna deliver naturally. The doctor pre-informed us that because of my state, it would be better to have Caesarean section. But he always still worried about the complications. Always trying to reassure me about it but I was sure he was reassuring himself instead. “Hunchae?” he shook me lightly and that did it. I smiled at him. My billion dollar smile and his face mirrored mine. “Welcome back, Mrs. Kwon. I missed you.” He said and kissed my forehead lovingly.


“I missed you too.” I managed to croak out. Jiyong frowns probably because of my very low, husky and unladylike voice. He reached out and gave me a cup of water.


He helped sit me up and pushed the water in front of me. “Drink.” I rolled my eyes at him but took the water. He could be so bossy if he wanted to. Then I remember the duration of my pregnancy and unconsciously smiled.


Eight months ago


“Babe listen to this.” Jiyong pressed a button on his laptop and the studio was suddenly filled with music. It was an up tempo song that everyone could dance to. It was good. Well, of course it was. He’s G-Dragon—scratch that—my husband after all.


I bobbed my head trying to look interested and in the zone but I think I failed because the song stopped and I’m sure it wasn’t supposed to finish yet. I look at Jiyong and he was eyeing me.


“You don’t like it?” he asked softly and a look of hurt and some disappointment flashed in his face.


“What? Of course not, I like it!”


He sighed, stood up and walked to me. “Babe, it’s okay if you don’t like it. Not all of my songs are good. I know that.” he said as he sat beside me, taking my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles sweetly. ‘Oh Jiyong…’


I feel guilty. It’s not that I don’t like the song. I’m just very anxious and nervous and worried and distracted today. I just got back from the hospital yesterday and what they told me shook me up real good. I was just supposed to have my regular check-up when my doctor suddenly blurted out that I was pregnant. It took me by surprise of course. I didn’t expect it. I mean I am happy. Very. But it was just so sudden and I don’t know how Jiyong would react to this. When we got married we went to the doctor and she told us that we had a small chance of getting pregnant considering what happened to me before. She said it made my womb become too sensitive and fragile. I could practically see Jiyong’s world crash before him in his eyes and it made me tear up. I know he wanted kids and this piece of information was a real shock and dream crusher to us both. I feel too guilty being the one who killed his dream to become a dad but of course he came to comfort me. I can still clearly remember what he said to me ‘Babe, don’t cry. It’s not your fault. It doesn’t matter I love you. That’s not gonna change. I love you.’ After he said that I felt worse. Of course it matters! We both wanted kids but I couldn’t give him that. I felt terrible. But he has always been there for me. The best days of my life were the ones with him in it.


“Babe, you okay?” Jiyong said holding my chin to steady my face and searched for my eyes. When our eyes met I saw worry in his. “You’ve been acting weird since last night. Are you sick?” he placed the back of his palm on my forehead.


“No.” I mutter. I am such a coward. Part of the reason I don’t wanna tell him yet is because I don’t want him to have high hopes. The doctor clearly told me that I have to be extra careful so that I won’t lose it because of my fragile womb. I wanted to wait and be sure that our baby holds on.


“What is it? Tell me. Is it work?” he’s now rubbing my hands probably to coax me to talk.


Oh it


I breathed loudly and looked him in the eye. “Ji… I’m pregnant.” I keep looking at him trying to gauge his reaction but he doesn’t give anything away. We keep looking at each other for seconds.


“What?” he whispered.


“I’m pregnant.” I said again. Softly this time. Probably trying to convince myself as well.


“Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my God!!!” he was practically screaming with a face splitting grin. “Oh my God Chae!”


“Yeah you said that.” I chuckled. It was amusing seeing him like this.


“You’re pregnant? I’m gonna be a dad?” he asked his hand now gripping mine strongly.


I nod and not even a second later he was carrying me and turning around the room, laughing and hooting.


“Ji!! Put me down. I’m getting nauseous.” I said but with a wide grin on my face.


“Oh sorry.” He immediately settled me back on my feet but still in his arms. “Oh Chae, I haven’t been this happy since you agreed to marry me and when you said ‘I do’.” He buried his face on my hair as I continued to rub his back. We’re both so happy right now and I love it. I love making him happy. He’s the love of my life. And now I just really wish that our little human would hang real tight in me and let me keep him/ her for eight more months until he or she’s ready to go out to the world.


“Hey wassup guys? What’s with the hugging?” Youngbae entered the room while sipping on what I could see as a mango shake which Dara unnie probably made for him.


“I’m gonna be a dad!” Jiyong beamed excitedly and I could see Youngbae almost spit out his drink but was able to swallow it in time.


“Whoa.”—he coughed—“totally not what I expected. But way to go!!!” he said and fist bumped Jiyong then gave me a hug. “I’m happy for you both. I can’t wait to spoil the little one! Wait, I’m gonna be his or her godfather right?” he looked at us expectantly and I nod at him. “YASSS!!!”


His reaction made me and Jiyong chuckle. And that was generally the reaction of the rest of the family too when we told them. It was heart-warming really.



Ever since I told Jiyong about the pregnancy he was extra attentive and focused on me which I loved... most of the time. Buuuut, having extra attention and time from him also meant everything I do gets monitored which was tiresome because he would ask me every little detail in my schedule which made him annoying. Early in my second trimester he told me to stop working. He said he didn’t want to risk it. I was gonna retaliate but seeing the look in his eyes I didn’t. Of course I didn’t want to risk it too.


He and monitored everything I ate and told me to read the pamphlet of dos and donts during pregnancy. I don’t even know how he got that. He was present in every check-up. I felt like I was the only girl in the world. Well, his world anyway.


He was so bossy during that time, telling me everything I should and shouldn’t do. It made me irritated at him but of course I know he was doing it for me and for our baby and I love it.


I love him.



“What are you thinking about?” he said touching his nose to my cheek and gently kissing it.


“Oh nothing. Just you and your bossy self.”


He looked at me with a fake shocked face. “Mrs. Kwon Chaerin! Of course I’m bossy. I’m your husband. It’s my job.” He said then smiled sweetly at me.


“Speaking of being a husband. Can you bring me our baby? I want to see him.”


“Of course. Wait a second.” He kissed my temple and stood up to go the right side of the room. Only then did I see the other humans in the room. Mama Kwon was sleeping on the shoulder of Papa Kwon who smiled kindly at me when we looked  eye to eye to which I returned with a smile of my own. Then next to them on the sofa was Seungri, head laid back on the back rest of the sofa, with mouth open. He was probably sleeping. I giggled at his form. On the sofa beside them was a peacefully sleeping Bom unnie who was cradled on the lap of TOP oppa who was sleeping too. They look really cute. I want to take a picture.


“Don’t worry Pudong-ah. I already took a picture. And the others just went out to eat because Mingkki got hungry and your family is on their way here. I think their plane is gonna land in an hour.” Dara unnie said, smiling beside me.


“Oh unnie.” I said and opened my arms out to hug her. Tears suddenly trying to escape my eyes. I remember the last time we were together in a hospital. Just us two. Oh God. The sadness we dealt that time.


“Don’t cry wifey. It’s a happy time. We should be happy.” She said but I can clearly hear her holding down her tears.


“Of course unnie. Thank you so much. Thank you for everything.” I held her tighter.


“Aigoo this baby. Come on, stop crying or Jiyong’s gonna be all ballistic again trying to find out who made you cry.” She said and we both laugh at the memory.


“Baby…” I heard Jiyong’s voice and Dara unnie moved to the side to give him space. He was holding our little one in his arms. I can’t see his face yet because of the blanket around him. Now, all I see is Jiyong gazing down at him lovingly and at that moment I knew. I just knew he was gonna be a great father. He lowered down and handed him to me. He was sleeping. He looked so peaceful. So beautiful. I can’t stop the tears from falling from my eyes. He’s my miracle. I looked at Jiyong and he has tear filled eyes as well.


“Our miracle.” I whispered softly and he nodded his head effectively freeing the tears from his eyes. I reached out to him and caressed his cheek. He leaned into my hand and held it tighter.




We looked and Dara unnie had her phone pointing at us.


“Sorry. I couldn’t let the moment slip away.” She said while wiping her tears.


I smiled at her. She is my best friend. I love her. She has been my rock for a long time and every day I am grateful that I have her.


“Noona. How could you take a picture of me crying?! I should always look handsome.” Jiyong whined and wiped his tears. “Take another noona.” He said and stood straight beside me while putting his arm around my shoulder. He leaned down to me. “Let’s smile Hunchae. This is a great day. I have you, the love of my life and him, our pride and joy.” He said and kissed me gently. "I'm gonna love you to death baby."


“Okay. On three, 1, 2…”


We smile brightly in front of the camera even though tears were obvious in our eyes. I hold little Jiyong closer to me and hold him up to be seen by the camera and we take our first of many family picture.



A sudden inspiration hit. This is probably the last of this story. I just thought it needed this as a closing. A beautiful life for them. Thank you guys for your comments. And I see some people are still subscribing to this. Thank you. And to those coming back to read it again. Thank you :) I have another SkyDragon story I'm working on if you're interested. It's The Chasing Game You can check it out in my stories. I hope everyone would have a Beautiful Life ahead. xxx

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khyzlxx #1
Chapter 39: Such a beautiful story ?❤️
Vipcamille003 #2
Chapter 39: This is one of the best stories Ive ever tead in this site... Thank you so much for this!!! Hope to read more of your great stories! Fighting!!!
iamanadea #3
Chapter 39: WAAAHHHHHH.. i finished it.. aurhornim.
Daebak.. this is such a beautiful story...
iamanadea #4
Chapter 32: Hahahhahaha... because of ur fangirling mode authornim.. i listened to YB songs throughout the day and thia 1am ia my fav.. hahhah...high five!!
just finished reading.. it was awesome!!!
Chapter 39: Love love love this!
Chapter 39: Rereading this fic all night as a gift to myself for this special day. ^^ I need a skydragon vibe, so thank you for making this wonderful story, it is a great help. ^^
Merry Christmas!
fandhate #8
Chapter 39: a sweet happy ending XD love this forever <3 ^^
Yvetth #9
Chapter 39: Awwwweeee what a great way to end this history thanx