The Fight

Difficult Romance

"Ugh!!! I left my gym clothes at home!" I yelled and stomped my feet on the ground. It was almost the end of the school year and I'm going to need to change my D in physical education to at least a B. 

"Guess what?" V said. I looked behind me and mouthed 'what'. He checked to see if the P.E teacher was watching them and replied back. "I also forgot my gym clothes. I guess that we both will be walking in the hot sun."

"No clothes Soo Jin?" The P.E coach asked. I shook my head and she marked her attendance sheet disappointingly. "Your grade isn't very good. I suggest that you should dress out more."

"Alright kids, go get changed." Many kids, mostly boys, ran to the locker room excitingly. While the girls, walked coolly to the locker room. I saw that only me and V were the only kids that didn't dress out. When all the kids dressed out, the P.E coach told them to go out. 

"Okay, you two will be walking the whole time, you can talk, but just walk at least five times around the track," The coach said. We nodded and started walking, while the other kids were running laps.

"Hey, how's your arm?" I asked. He shrugged and looked at me.

"It's fine. It's almost completely healed. What about you?" He asked. What about me?

"Me? I'm fine, just peachy," I said. He then stopped and I looked at him confused.

"You say that you're okay, when you're not. You say that you can do it yourself, when you can't. Can't you just let somebody help you for once?" He asked me seriously. 

"I-I don't k-know what you're ta-talking about," I stuttered. He then looked at me.

"When I left, I called you everyday. And when I ask you how you're feeling, you say that you're absolutely fine, even though I hear you sniffling," He pointed out.

"Maybe I just want to be strong." 

"Or maybe, it'll just build up every misery one by one. And then you will break down from all that stress," he shot back.

"Maybe, I should've never been friends with you," I said. He then looked hurt and walked by himself. Shocked at what was happening, I ran to catch up with him, but he was walking too fast. By the time I caught up to him, I was out of breath.

"Listen." I looked at him, but he avoided my gaze. "You do know that I say random things when I'm angry." He then looked at me. I saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"You are really something aren't you?" He asked. "Do you really think that something that hurtful can be just whisked away by some apology?" I then looked down, suddenly amazed by my old sneakers.

"A true friend would forgive me," I said. He flared his nostrils.

"A true friend would never say something as hurtful as that," he said back. "A true friend would also know each other feelings."  He then walked to the gymnasium, where all the tired kids were just about to go in.

What feelings? 

I walked back inside and looked around for V. He was nowhere to be found.

"Oppa, you'll be fine. You have me, not that nasty girl," A shrilly voice said.

I walked to the sound of that voice and saw something that made my heart burn with jealousy.

V was kissing Soon Ah.

A/N: Hey! Sorry for not updating in a week. I had exams and homework. Yesterday, I went on a field trip to an aquarium and it was so fun! Now, I have homework to do. Until the next chapter! What do you think about V and Soon Ah? Does your heart also burn?


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(05.06.14) I'm trying to make a longer and more better ending. I need ideas!! 'Cause what I'm writing right now, is making the boys being creepy. LOL.


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I randomly stumble upon this fic and kinda wish it's updated. the foreword seems interesting
kyungismine #2
Chapter 19: She ended with jungkook? I thought she would end up with Taehyung.
mk8346 #3
Chapter 19: so she ends with jungkook?
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I need to know who Soo Jin ends up with!
SongMandii #5
Chapter 17: Huhuhuhuuu. Can't wait to find out what happens >< great story BTW :)
qinyin1023 #6
Chapter 16: update soon~
daetaebaek #7
Chapter 16: I love thsi story~!
Aurasyqa #8
Chapter 15: Update soon^^
Chapter 14: Really?! You are just going to kill me! Why?!
Chapter 14: God V is really pissing me off. Girls are really dense dont expect them to know how you feel because you dont even know how she feels. And kissing a girl you just met is really f-ing low! God I ship her with Jin and Jungkook until you can prove to be a freakin man! Gosh!