Chapter 7.5

7 days to Forever?

“maybe we should set our bonding next time” Chanyeol said in an almost a whisper, because the couple right now is having a cold war,

Baekhyun elbowed him hard for being such an idiot, because first of all, it’s no need to blurt out such thing because there’s no use to say the obvious

Deafening silence engulfed them inside Chanyeol’s car, and no one’s bother to break it, they know much better that being awkward for now is a good thing..

Their clock hit the afternoon part as Chanyeol pulled his car for they already reached Jong In’s house, they can still consume those many hours of the day before it ends but the group decide to call it a day..

Jong In get out of the car, Chanyeol helped him with the luggage..

While Minji just stayed inside.. not badgering, and decided that she’s already tired of her crappy love life so she need a break.. and a break for her means no Jong In within the area.. maybe she could request this two lovely bestfriends of Jong In to drive her to the nearest place she can actually stay

Or maybe she doesn’t really need a break..

Maybe she needs a one begging Jong In..

The Jong In that used to be her husband.. the Jong In that would cry for her forgiveness and confess to the truth.. to clear everything and assure her...

Either of the two, she doesn’t really know.. and before she could decide a harsh hand already pulled her outside the car,

“YAH! JONG IN!” Baekhyun said in aghast.. not believing what just his bestfriend did to Minji, he immediately unbuckle from his seat to follow the couple..

“Jong In stop!” Chanyeol said trying to pull Minji from the tight grip of the guy, while Minji is not that strong enough to pull herself off and instead, string of tears start to stream from her face, an act that cause a halt to an argument that about to start

“Kim Jong IN! you!” Chanyeol said, flaring up and threw a punch to the guy, Minji on the other hand already surrendered to the fatigue and depression she’s battling for the pass days..

Her sight start to blur, static sounds start to be heard.. she felt numb and even though she would not admit it… she doesn’t have enough strength to stand up on her own  and right now.. Baekhyun is already have his hand on her waist…

“Oh Gosh.. what have I done?” that’s the only thing that escaped from Jong In’s mouth as he watch.. as if in slow motion.. Minji, falling apart..

He’s guilty he knows it..

And he’s willing to punch himself right now if only panic is not creeping to his heart,

He immediately pull Minji from Baekhyun and carry her on the bridal style himself, allowing Chanyeol to take over the driving seat and Baekhyun to assist them..

Oh gosh.. oh gosh.. Minji.. please.. what happened to you?


“KIM ING JONG IN!” that’s how Kim Taeyon, the angel of the family Kim, greet her younger brother, hitting him with her pink Gucci bag, the said woman is still on her office attire,  

They are now on the parking lot, Minji is already settled down and he and Baekyun just came back to the car to get his wallet and cards.. so technically they’re now gathering attention

and clearly no one dares to save him..

Who would want to save a bastard?

And who the ing idiot wants to face Taeyon’s wrath..

“Noona! Noona! Stop!” Jong In tried his luck by pleading the raging woman and blocking some of her hits, but it’s not really a lucky day for him..

“No I won’t stop! I won’t because you’re a jerk!” Taeyon exclaimed still hitting her brother, some passerby are already giving them a weird look..

“yah! I didn’t do anything!” Jong In exclaimed, successfully earning a “Yah!” from Baekhyun throwing a pillow to the battered brother

“You didn’t do anything when you’re allegedly sleeping around your secretary!”  Now Baekhyun actually said it.. Taeyon stop hitting.. because of course she can take that Jong In is being an irresponsible husband.. but not a cheating one

“WHAT THE JONG IN?!” Taeyon looked at her brother who’s very shocked as she, as if he doesn’t know a thing about the issue

“WHAT THE BYUN BAEKHYUN!” he that aloud, almost in disbelief tone, eyes bulging out.. “ I don’t sleep around for pete’s sake!” he declared, angry and confident..

“Oh really?!” Baekhyun asked sarcastically, because of course the tattletales about how Ms. Bae is so close to Jong In,  Ms. Bae occasionally being inside Jong In’s rooms is not a secret to him.. of course Byun family is in partner to Kim family.. how he cannot he when he always encounter the employees of his?

“My goodness Baekhyun!  First Minji was accusing me of cheating! Now you?! one of my bestfriend for life accusing me?! What the Mr. Byun? What did you do to my bestfriend Baekhyun who trust me?!” Jong In said exasperated and walked out on them.. that’s when Taeyon and Baekhyun actually realize that Jong In is having a hunched back.. a hollow cheeks and a very very dark eyebags..

“I think I made a mistake huh” Baekhyun said under his breath.. very guilty about the fact that he just accuse his friend.. but he can’t help it.. Jong In used to be a playboy who changes his girl like changing his ball pen that he always do!

While one the other hand, Jong In is huffing and fuming about the gossip that going around him..

What mistake did he done to deserve such judgment when he is just working his off for their ing business? Where’s the justice with that?

Goodness.. maybe Minji can flare up at him for neglecting her because of work.. but no one have the right to judge him.. no one but Minji.. and he is more than willing to take the consequences on her

Yes he neglect her.. and their relationship but he swear to God that he’s not cheating!

When he arrived inside the emergency, the doctor informed him that she’s already transferred to her private room, it was also said that it’s just because of fatigue and she can be discharged by the day after tomorrow,,

He quickly rush to the room number that the nurse gave to him..

And to his relieved he saw her on the bed, very much alive and awake,.. but still with puffy eyes..

“Minji” he manage to call even though his mouth is starting to dry up just because of the magnitude of events are too heavy for him to carry.. he run to her and hugged her..

“Jong In..” she said.. and softly pushes him back.. so soft that it’s not enough to offend him but rather to get the message that she want to say something..

“What it is?” he said, sounding so worried because he is,. He is worried.. he is guilty.. and he is a bit of agitated because of the accusation

For a moment.. Minji just stare at him.. hitching a sobs.. and he just know that it’s his fault because he neglect her for being too much workaholic..

“Please tell me..” she trailed off, putting a hand on his lips as if suppressing a sob.. but she failed to because he start to spill the tears.. and Jong In’s heart just torn into pieces..

Goodness? How can I neglect this person?

He asked himself but he can’t grasp the answer for that.. he’s expecting a demand.. a demand that  he should tell her that he will make time for her.. but it’s not.. and it just fuel his anger earlier..

“Please tell me if you have another woman..”  Minji said it at last after trying herself to weep but the tears resumed and it seems that she’s not that strong at all.

“What?!” he asked in disbelief,.. realizing that Minji’s mind is also poisoned by the gossip.. and he can’t help but to be disappointed.. Minji doesn’t really have a faith on him.. does she?

“just tell me!” she answered now a crying mess, he hug her and muttered  a simple oh goodness

They stayed hugging for a few minutes before Jong In actually had strength to answer her question. He cupped her face and wiped her tears..

“Minji..” he said.. also crying shamelessly in front of her.. slightly stuttering “I only love you.. you’re my only one.. ok? Please believe me” he said.. no.. he begged..

But the full of insecurities Minji is now ready for a confession of adultery.. because she already heard enough.. from Krizia.. from that girl on the phone.. from his employee..  so she can’t just accept his answer..

“Please.. Jong In! please just be honest, just confess and promise.. we can start new!” Minji said.. crying, begging and Jong In cannot do that.. because he doesn’t have to confess to and.. he’s being honest here..

“But.. Minji.. I’m being honest here” he said.. staring at her like an idiot.. almost begging for her to believe him..

“No.. you’re not!” she exclaimed painfully.. tearfully and accusingly.. and that maked Jong In burst out..

“Minji! Don’t tell me that you’re not believing me because ! I’m being truthful here!  Yes I neglect you! yes I do! But for ing goodness sake! you just have a faith to me! You don’t have such thing for me when I have a plenty for you! for ’s sake! I don’t even doubt you cheating on me with Sehun even though you’re so close! Though I said those! I know in my heart that I’m the only one to you because I trust you! because I want you to do the same! BUT ! Why you can’t?!” after that long dramatic and hysterical retaliation Minji just stayed crying over there..

Jong In expecting for her to say at least that she believes him now.. but he receives nothing…  he can’t take it.. he can’t take the pain of being not trusted by the girl he only love.. by his wife.. by the girl he dream his life with..

So he turn his back.. he’s not giving up..  but he needs space.. and ing pete’s sake.. he knows that he need to fix something for Minji to believe him..

But for now,,

He can’t take it..

He take his exit fast.. so fast that he almost bump a man from the doorway..

And just like him,, the man is not on the right state of mind.. it’s obvious to him, disheveled hair, not ironed untucked button dress shirt denim pants and a pair of pink slippers,,

So no one bothers to muttered an apology..

“Sehun..” Minji said.. whimpering by the sight of the newcomer man who just entered her room..

“oh goodness.. Minji..” he said and hug her in instant,.. they no need words.. they just know that the each other are suffering.


A/n: How's my update huh? please comment! sorry for the gaps of my updates! thank you for still reading this! and sorry for making you all angry with Jong In.. Love you all! ^_^


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sorry for not updating! I just got my laptop back ^_^


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jiwonku #1
Chapter 12: Authornimmmm i think i just find this story nowwww. Am i being insane if i beg you to update? hehe
Chapter 12: i hope you will be better :) fighting!!
new reader here. hope you will update soon. with happy stories about them kkk
XXIncha #3
Chapter 12: Authornim update juseyo
Chapter 12: I'm still here,,, ~_~
Soooooo fighting nde.....???
^ ^
Forever beside you,,, from here.. ^_~
xoxreyannaxox #5
Chapter 12: On Tuesday, 5/20/14 you are to write Galaxy FanFan on your LEFT WRIST & 6+6=1 on your RIGHT WRIST ... please do it so if you see some1 else with that, you can share a fandom hug with them. SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥
#WeBelieveInYouKris #EXOis1
mairimzm #6
Chapter 12: #Staystrongkris #WeBeliveInYouKris
Chapter 12: you choose the right decision,
we will wait even if it was by day, week or month ..
so keep the spirit ... And then FIGHTING...

yeyeyeyeeee gumawoooo chingu ahh... ~_~
Chapter 11: OMG!~~~ I'm so sad to hear that your not gonna continue updating Authornim~~~ I hope you'll change your mind about deleting this FF and still continue to update even if it will take you months for you to update Authornim...TT.TT~~~~*
Chapter 10: belated Happy birthday Authorniiiim!~~* Poor Sehun he was dumped bcoz of Krystal's ambition :( good thing Sehun understands Krystal. I hope Kai and Minzy will also solve their problems soon~~ Kai and Minzy also deserved to live happily. Thanks for updating Authorniiiim!~~ ^^
xoxreyannaxox #10
Chapter 11: I had just started getting really into the group EXO ... I had been "YG for Life" type of person since I started listening to KPOP ... I felt a really genuine connection between EXO members and I'm fairly upset and sad that Kris has decided this ... I just hope she can maintain a steady life afterwards and a healthy friendship with his band members.