Chapter 3

7 days to Forever?

A/N: Hello my readers! authornim is really sorry for not updating! i hope you'll continue reading my fic, it just that works and things pile up on me, plus the fact that i'm graduating student! YAY! I'm going graduate tomorrow! ^_^ so happy :D but also sad :( my highschool life meet it's end, BY THE WAY! enought with my endless talks :D I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS! *Read*Subscribe*Comment*Upvote!


Can we do it even if we can talk to other people freely than each other?


“Minji.. keep calm” Sehun said as he sipped a swig of his bubble tea while Minji just shamelessly crying in front of him because of her recent fight with Jong In.. she is just so ed up right now..


It’s late at night and here she is.. disturbing Sehun on his 24 hours bubble tea shop


“How can I Sehun? How can I? he’s accusing me of cheating when he is the one who have a potential to that!” she said loudly, a great reason to gather attention, but Sehun is just in front of her, keeping cool,


“I’m very grateful that Krystal doesn’t think of me like that even though she’s often a to me” he said lightly and ordered a tea for Minji, Krystal is his long distance girlfriend.. and how she envy their tandem,


Sehun is cool and always calm while Krystal is loud and straightforward so they live a harmonious life.


While the both of her and Jong In are bipolar, gosh, she realized that they are really amazing to manage their relationship in one year smoothly,


“Yeah.. you should be thankful that Krystal doesn’t accuse you of cheating” she managed to reply with clogged nose and really really messed up face, she grabbed a tissue from her side and blow her nose, careless about what people think of her..


“No, I think I should be thankful that Krystal is not thinking that I have the potential to cheat” he said bluntly, Minji is in aghast that Sehun actually siding that ing idiot than her, his friend


“I hate you!” she screeches and threw one of her used tissue on him, and he just coolly put it aside, then she remembered Jong In…whenever she have this hysterical episode he will never be cool and blunt like Sehun,,..


But Sehun makes her somehow comfortable on how she load off her feelings, anyway,, it’s really good to have someone who’s very honest on their opinion as confidante,


“Please Minji, stop that, you’ll shoo my customer away!” Sehun said but then laugh at it, but then she didn’t gave a damn about beside she can see that sehun is not really angry with her..


“Sehun.. do you think that I’m not good enough?” she asked and lay her head down on the table in front of her, her eyes star to swell and hurt but it is nothing compare to her heart who misses Jong In so much..


“Why don’t you ask Jong In about that?” Sehun replied and laid back on his seat, by the thought of her asking Jong In that question, she know that she just cannot.. because she is so emotional exhausted just to add another insecurity on her chest..


Maybe Jong In will say yes, but Jong In cannot actually prove to her that..


“Sehun.. I’m afraid that he can find another woman,, I’m afraid that he will see another woman who’s dignified, beautiful a woman that so beautiful and sophisticated.. just a woman unlike me” she said instead of answering his question..


“Why don’t you tell Jong In about that?” Sehun asked once again..


“Because Sehun I’m afraid that he will get ed up about my insecurities” she confessed and cried a river, she felt a hand on his back, Sehun is planting soothing circle on her back to console her..


“Minji, in a strong relationship.. you should be able to express your feeling to your partner more than anyone else” Sehun said, giving a piece to her, but she just shook her head..


“we used to be like that.. we used to say every bit of our thoughts to each other.. but now..  I don’t know Sehun.. maybe I just miss him so much”


Minji just let her feelings spill on Sehun, while Sehun, like a sponge just absorb everything that she’s saying, and that night, the bubble tea Sehun ordered for her make her calm but still crying,,


Eventually she fell asleep.. and she had a not very peaceful sleep with…



…with OH Sehun..




Jong In grunt as he felt the sting pain on his head, maybe it is because of the alcohol he drunk last night, well he drink all he can last night because at last he is rewarded a single day off from his hard works..


How he wish that he can call Minji right now.. he want to apologize, but he is just so emotionally exhausted to add some drama from his day off..


“Sir..” he is surprised to hear another voice from his hotel room, because as far as he know he is alone at his room right?


“Suzy?!” he asked and get up, good thing that Minji already removed his habit wearing nothing in sleep., he’s decent right now,


“Oh, sir, sorry for barging in into your room but you forgot your cellphone last night and Ms Kim is actually calling you” Suzy said in a very very fast pace but nonetheless, he understand what she said .


He is glad that he actually forgot about that damn cellphone because if not then there’s a possibility that his noona will actually bombard him with nagging about how he can’t take care of Minji,,


Chanyeol and Baekhyun are no better because they always take the side of Minji when it comes to their fight because they always reason out that he actually a lucky bastard just to be married to Minji..


Why the world always taking the side of Minji when he also need someone to talk to?


“Sir, are you ok?” it seems that his secretary is bothered by his silence, but nonetheless he just nod and sit on the chair on his room,


“Ms. Bae, what do you think of me?” he doesn’t really know what got into his head, but suddenly he want to ask other people about their opinion on him..


Because.. maybe he is a real jerk right?


“Pardon me sir?” Suzy asked him, as if in confusion, then he realized that what he said is like a confession for her, well, just a year ago, these things are normal to him, but now than Minji came to his life, these things are really awkward for him,


He shook his head and chuckle..


“Ah.. what I mean is.. am I a jerk? What do you think of me as a person?” he asked and smile at him, then he is stunned to see that the creases for the beautiful face of Ms Bae start to disappear, he start to realize that he actually have a pretty secretary


That’s an evidence that he really love Minji so much that he gone blind for so many pretty girls because for him, Minji is a goddess, the most beautiful.. and of course the most  y one, and he didn’t sleep with a girl for a year because he love her so much.. he just do the men’s thing and doesn’t have with other woman or even with Minji because he pledge to respect that woman.. and he will only get her ity on the wedding’s night..


After all his love and trust.. he is just so hurt that Minji is actually thinking that he have a potential to cheat on her?


“Sir, I think you’re very kind?” Suzy said, Jong In didn’t need to analyze that hesitation is on her voice, he chuckles and shook his head once again..


“Ms. Bae, I need a true answer, don’t say good things just because I’m your boss” he said and in one moment, he felt happy, not actually happy.. but just a little because it’s been a long time since he talk about a non-business topic,


“well sir, I think you’re too much of workaholic to have another description for you” Suzy said, he is surprised from her answer..


“You’re just exaggerating right?” He asked, with that childish face and Ms. Bae just giggle at him, well this is the first time that he actually show this side to a person who’s not close to him, he is often laid back and a snob


“Nope sir, I’m not really surprised that your quarrel w/ Ms. Gong got often, your call for her got fewer and shorter” she answered straightforward, w/c he found adorable, he never thought that his secretary would be this straightforward to him


“You know what? I love Minji so much” he said out of the blue, maybe because he hadn’t say that for a while.. because all he can say to Minji is he miss her so much and that he’s willing to drown himself to work because if not he will die on missing her..


“You should tell Ms. Gong about that” Ms. Bae said w/c he agreed quickly with a simple nod, he heave a deep sigh and laid back on his chair, 


“Ms. Bae do you know it feels when you cannot open your insecurities to the people you love?” He asked, again, out of nowhere, he doesn’t know, but he felt very comfortable with Suzy,


“Nope.. because sir, if you really trust them, you’ll open that to them” she replied, is that so? But he can’t take her advice for he gain so much insecurities on his chest just by the knowledge that Minji thinks that he have the potential to cheat on her..


“By the way Ms. Bae, thanks for the shoulder last night” He said and smile at her


“Anytime sir!” she said cheerfully that Jong In cannot help but to be influenced 

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sorry for not updating! I just got my laptop back ^_^


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jiwonku #1
Chapter 12: Authornimmmm i think i just find this story nowwww. Am i being insane if i beg you to update? hehe
Chapter 12: i hope you will be better :) fighting!!
new reader here. hope you will update soon. with happy stories about them kkk
XXIncha #3
Chapter 12: Authornim update juseyo
Chapter 12: I'm still here,,, ~_~
Soooooo fighting nde.....???
^ ^
Forever beside you,,, from here.. ^_~
xoxreyannaxox #5
Chapter 12: On Tuesday, 5/20/14 you are to write Galaxy FanFan on your LEFT WRIST & 6+6=1 on your RIGHT WRIST ... please do it so if you see some1 else with that, you can share a fandom hug with them. SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥
#WeBelieveInYouKris #EXOis1
mairimzm #6
Chapter 12: #Staystrongkris #WeBeliveInYouKris
Chapter 12: you choose the right decision,
we will wait even if it was by day, week or month ..
so keep the spirit ... And then FIGHTING...

yeyeyeyeeee gumawoooo chingu ahh... ~_~
Chapter 11: OMG!~~~ I'm so sad to hear that your not gonna continue updating Authornim~~~ I hope you'll change your mind about deleting this FF and still continue to update even if it will take you months for you to update Authornim...TT.TT~~~~*
Chapter 10: belated Happy birthday Authorniiiim!~~* Poor Sehun he was dumped bcoz of Krystal's ambition :( good thing Sehun understands Krystal. I hope Kai and Minzy will also solve their problems soon~~ Kai and Minzy also deserved to live happily. Thanks for updating Authorniiiim!~~ ^^
xoxreyannaxox #10
Chapter 11: I had just started getting really into the group EXO ... I had been "YG for Life" type of person since I started listening to KPOP ... I felt a really genuine connection between EXO members and I'm fairly upset and sad that Kris has decided this ... I just hope she can maintain a steady life afterwards and a healthy friendship with his band members.