Chapter 8

7 days to Forever?

an/: first of all i want to apologize because it's a lame one! really sorry! the truth, yesterday I intend to edit this.. but unfortunately or rather fortunately my friends and family gave me a surprise birthday party ^_^ yes! yesterday was my birthday! I have the same birthday with my beloved Huang Zi Tao! :D one of my bias! love love love! anyways! ENJOY! READ*SUBSCRIBE*COMMENT*UPVOTE


“what?!”  It is Chaerin voice that echoed through her office as a model and a dear friend visit her on the middle of the busy day she’s having..

“Unnie.. please, just help me with this” Krystal said crying, thanks to the waterproof cosmetics that she stay beautiful as ever even though a waterfalls is already flowing through her eyes

“Krystal.. I’m telling you, don’t push Sehun to his limit,” Chaerin said, sternly to the younger female, of course she knows Sehun, the boyfriend of Krystal.. but Sehun has been neglected for a long time..

Still the kind kid still loves the model here more than anything..

But Krystal just dropped the bomb that she just dumped the lovely and kind Sehun because she would sign a contract with a dating ban stated there..

And Krystal wants Chaerin to help her by terminating her contract to Chaerin’s company.. well she would be glad to do that because Krystal already talked to her about this thing but of course dumping her kind boyfriend is not counted..

She can’t terminate her contract because she knows that at the end Krystal will regret it..

Chaerin cannot see the sense with that..

How can some people view work as more important than a great love of a lovable person?

Maybe no one can understand her.. who would understand a girl who was leave there alone, in front of altar, on her best look and elegant wedding gown just to be mock and be on verge of being disowned by her own parents?

No one really..

No one.. maybe she also blamed herself for what happen.. it’s because she became too cocky that because Jiyong love her since they’re young and the fact that they’re already tied by the fixed marriage, she let Jiyong slipped through her lovely hands..

She didn’t expect that Jiyong would find a great woman other than her.. but she’s wrong.. because the loving Jiyong was the one who killed her by leaving her side and still killing her..

She’s a liar if she would say that she doesn’t hate Jiyong..

He could leave her and talked to her.. but no.. he just leave just like that and made his comeback last year with that lovely girl with baby bump on his hand..

How unfair it is? Jiyong is happy while she’s not..

Or maybe she’s at fault also for pushing Jiyong to his limit..

“But Unnie.. that contract is my dream! It is once in a life time opportunity!” Krystal reasoned “and Sehun said he loves me and I trust him” she continued in almost a whisper

“Krystal.. I know that you trust Sehun too much.. a little too much that you can’t see if he’s pain or not.. for pete’s sake!” Chaerin exclaimed and stared at Krystal with her fierce eyes.. completely decided that she should convince this insensitive girl to get her lovesick boyfriend..

“Unnie.. I’m torn apart, I can come back to Sehun when I’m older and ready but this dream is just once in my life” Krystal once again said in defensive tone… now Chaerin see herself in Krystal.. on how this girl is so independent, ambitious but selfish..

Very typical of the people who’s in the circle of their industry..

“Krystal.. think about it.. I can grab you a better opportunity”


“Krystal dumped me” those are the first words that Minji heard first thing in the morning in the hospital, with her puffy eyes and heavy heart.. but then.. Sehun is hear.. with an appropriate appearance.. dropping a big bomb..

“WHAT?!” that’s the reaction of Minji, chinky and puffy eyes being widen, disbelief is the only thing you can see from her face.. “is that a joke? Because if it is, that is not nice Oh Sehun”

“Minji.. she dumped ok? The vacation.. it’s all about saying farewell to me” he said in somewhat cheerful tone..

Though.. of course.. everybody knows that Sehun is not cheerful right now.. Sehun is not fine.. maybe he’s more than wreck right now.. maybe more wrecked that Minji

“but why?! I just talked to her! and she said that.. the two of you are getting through..” replied.. still thinking that Sehun is just playing a not so nice prank on her..

But when Sehun didn’t say a words.. she knew that it’s not..

“” she said, in shock, in disbelief, and tears once again start to brim on her eyes..

“Don’t cry Minji” Sehun immediately pull himself up from the chair and hug his bestfriend.. although they just met months ago.. they already considered themselves as bestfriend..

“How can I not cry Sehun?  When there’s nothing right at the moment?” she said and cling into the strong arm of the male..

“Minji.. everything is right.. what’s happening is always right.. we just need to accept it and trust that everything’s gonna be alright” Sehun replied.. trying to be so strong when the insides of him are now crashing.. he need to be strong.. and he trust Krystal so much.. she said that she would come back to him after she reached her goals.. he trust her..

“really?” Minji asked like a child.. craving for assurance for she is battered with all the insecurity dawns on her.. she cannot just trust like before with a poof.. now.. she cannot just do that..

“Yes of course.. Oh Goodness Minji.. we’re going to be strong” Sehun hush her as she start once again to weep..

“Sehun.. how could I? Jong In is cheating on me..”  Minji start to weep hysterically making every hush of Sehun invalid.. this is bad for Minji because she just faint because of fatigue so Sehun decided to call the nurse immediately

A nurse quickly entered the room and inject some sedative to Minji..

And Sehun.. Sehun doesn’t really know what to do..


“Ok.. I’m sorry about that thing” Lee Taemin start the conversation with his ex-fiancee’s husband, the latter just nod his head, obviously emotional battered by the events

“It’s ok,.. it’s also my fault, If I just kept a safe distance with my secretary then there will be no rumor at all” he answered in monotone, right now, they’re inside Lee Taemin’s office, discussing the gossip swirling around Jong In…

The truth Taemin is the one who offered the help.. w/c Jong In gladly accept..

Lee Taemin and he became a not really close friends since the wedding fiasco, so they can rely to each other like at this very moment.

And by the fact that his girlfriend is the one who told Minji about the gossip, so Lee Taemin is very well felt burdened about it..

“You know.. I already had my investigation beforehand” Taemin informed and gave Jong In an brown envelope, Jong In open it immediately and take some pictures out…

Those are the picture of him and his secretary Ms. Bae.., even at his office!

The others are the picture of  him,Ms. Bae and a certain photographer that taking their picture..

“! How did you get this?” Jong In muttered in amazement..

“well.. I hired a great detective” Taemin smirked proudly at his achievement

And as if on cue, someone knocks and it reveals a tall young guys,,,

“Kim Jong In meet Huag Zi Tao,”

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sorry for not updating! I just got my laptop back ^_^


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jiwonku #1
Chapter 12: Authornimmmm i think i just find this story nowwww. Am i being insane if i beg you to update? hehe
Chapter 12: i hope you will be better :) fighting!!
new reader here. hope you will update soon. with happy stories about them kkk
XXIncha #3
Chapter 12: Authornim update juseyo
Chapter 12: I'm still here,,, ~_~
Soooooo fighting nde.....???
^ ^
Forever beside you,,, from here.. ^_~
xoxreyannaxox #5
Chapter 12: On Tuesday, 5/20/14 you are to write Galaxy FanFan on your LEFT WRIST & 6+6=1 on your RIGHT WRIST ... please do it so if you see some1 else with that, you can share a fandom hug with them. SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥
#WeBelieveInYouKris #EXOis1
mairimzm #6
Chapter 12: #Staystrongkris #WeBeliveInYouKris
Chapter 12: you choose the right decision,
we will wait even if it was by day, week or month ..
so keep the spirit ... And then FIGHTING...

yeyeyeyeeee gumawoooo chingu ahh... ~_~
Chapter 11: OMG!~~~ I'm so sad to hear that your not gonna continue updating Authornim~~~ I hope you'll change your mind about deleting this FF and still continue to update even if it will take you months for you to update Authornim...TT.TT~~~~*
Chapter 10: belated Happy birthday Authorniiiim!~~* Poor Sehun he was dumped bcoz of Krystal's ambition :( good thing Sehun understands Krystal. I hope Kai and Minzy will also solve their problems soon~~ Kai and Minzy also deserved to live happily. Thanks for updating Authorniiiim!~~ ^^
xoxreyannaxox #10
Chapter 11: I had just started getting really into the group EXO ... I had been "YG for Life" type of person since I started listening to KPOP ... I felt a really genuine connection between EXO members and I'm fairly upset and sad that Kris has decided this ... I just hope she can maintain a steady life afterwards and a healthy friendship with his band members.