Chapter 5

7 days to Forever?

A/n: Annyeong!!! I"M REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I'M VERY GUILTY OKAY! I hope you enjoy this one.. i hope you keep reading my fic ^_^ please leave a comment.. pretty please! ^_^ Read*subscribe*comment*upvote


“No you will not do that!” Taemin said to his girlfriend, it’s not because he want to make a fool out of Minji, it’s just that he doesn’t want to have a misunderstanding in the situation

“Taemin! YOU HAVE TWO EYES! BOTH WITHOUT DAMAGE!” Krizia hiss to him, he knows his girlfriend, she hate cheaters most of all.. and he could see the percentage of Jong In cheating to Minji but he can’t just bring himself to tell Minji that..

“ Kri.. it’s not that I don’t want to tell Minji what we saw .. but it just that it’s really hard to say such things to her right?” he tried to reason out to her, but it seems that there is nothing that she can understand right now for she is fuming and literally smoking

“I will so call Minji right now!” Krizia declared and Taemin just know that he can’t do anything about it but he had to do something to stop Krizia.. and he also doesn’t want their little romantic bonding to be ruin by the scene they saw made by the husband of his ex-fiancée

“Krizia! Ok.. ok.. don’t call Minji,, we’re going to tell her this thing when we get back to Korea”  he tried to persuade her with all of his might but Krizia just give him the give-your-ing-reason-lee-taemin

“There’s no one that can comfort her right now when we tell her that thing right now” he doesn’t really know where that came from but Krizia just rolled her eyes and start dialing a number that’s so familiar to him

“MINJI!”  she exclaimed as soon as the ringing cut off.. While Taemin.. he is just so sorry that Minji needs to accept such bad news today..


“So we meet at last” Krystal start their conversation, while Sehun  is in the kitchen, cooking a breakfast for the three of them,

“Yeah.. nice to meet you” she manage to say and give a smile to the goddess in front of her, Krystal is nonetheless look Icy but flustered at the same time.. the fact that she saw her and his boyfriend making out is something to be flustered right..

“Good thing that you’re kind enough to be a friend to my klutz boyfriend” she said causing a glimpse of laughter between them.. breaking the thin ice that prevailing above them

“well.. it just that we have something in common and poof! Your boyfriend is just good enough to- you know,- supply some facts that fetching me up from a party of depression” Minji said causing Krystal to feel very proud of her boyfriend..

Though in matter of fact… Oh Sehun is a childish wreck boyfriend.. but she still loves him..

“What common thing do you have?” Krystal asked out of curiosity.. it is just Minji give off a very mature and kind image.. very far from childish Sehun..

“You know, my boyfriend is far away from me.. so we both have long distance relationship with our respective partners” she said,  remembering the unfixed fight between her and Jong In..

Jong In still doesn’t contact her after that fight which is very strange, Jong In cannot last a day without a call to her, even though every call just last a minute or so..

Does Jong In reached his limit with her?

With that thought, a big cold hand squeeze her heart that she cannot breath.. she just wish that her thought will stay as a thought and never be a reality that can kill her..

“umh.. it’s good thing that you’re getting through” Krystal said, and even with a smile on her face, the glint of sadness is very visible on her eyes.

“I can’t deny that’s it’s hard” Minji said.. actually it’s almost a whisper, as if tons of hardship is already choking her down that her vocal cords can’t work out well

“Yeah” Krystal agreed and reach out to her hand, “there are time where you will said to yourself that you can understand him why he can’t be ing be with you but the truth you just miss the hell out of him that you want to be unreasonable towards him”

Minji cannot help but to be amze how Krystal can actually summarize how she feels throughout the times where Jong In is out of nowhere.. it’s like she’s a mind reader..

“It must be also hard for you” Minji asked and look at Krystal, the latter just get her hand back, laid her back on the sofa and chuckles,

“yes.. you know, it’s hard.. and this kind of hardship is not kind of you can used to.. it’s kind of you’ll crave more and more for him every day..” then she smiled.. a glint of proudness through her eyes. “but we can get through without that much fuss and all” Krystal said, and it’s not the notes of proudness she sang.. it’s a relief..

“Well..” Minji’s voice trailed off.. “it’s amazing because it has been an opposite for me” she manage to say..

“You know this kind of relationship.. we need to be more understanding.. and a bit of selfless and selfish at the same time” Krystal said, giving an advice to her,

“What do you mean?” Minji asked..

“Minji, selfish because the reason why you need to  far away from your boyfriend is because you need to get you dreams up and be a better person, just like Sehun managing his business here when he can actually have a work traveling around me.. and me traveling there and here being a model when I can actually help Sehun with his business ,,,selfless.. because you need to trust and understand him with all of your heart, understand him when he’s jealous because it is how life works with men.. they’re always jealous or irrational or unreasonable.. then just trust him and then poof! Everything will back on where it supposed to be”  it’s a very long answer from Krystal.. but nonetheless she digest it very well.. then she realize that she also have fault..

Maybe she should really coaxed Jong In down.. because it’s always him that coaxing her despite of his busy schedule and she can’t deny that she’s not trusting him enough

Maybe a call for him later.. after a breakfast with the couple sounds good..


It’s been late at night, and already done packing his clothes, well,, it’s not like he’s going to be free at last.. but he’s going back to Korea.. tomorrow is the last day of him and his team here..

But it seems that the fatigue already eats him just now because he feels as if the fires of hell has been burning him down, he’s been shivering and cannot pluck himself out from the bed..

Maybe those sleepless nights and skipped meals are getting revenge on him..

Suddenly his phone rings..

Good things that he still have some strength to answer it.. he didn’t even bother to look who’s calling him..

“hello?” he said.. maybe not heard, because it’s awfully husky because of the fire that burning him down..

“Sir, are you ok?” it’s the same voice that’s talking merrily with him inside the office.. it’s Miss Bae, his secretary.

“Ah.. neh” he said. Denying the fact that he felt that he’s clos to dying right now,

“I’m going in there” she said and hung up just before he can even protest.., he didn’t wait really long when he heard a actual knock from his door after five minutes or 10....

It takes him forever before he can actually open the door just to collapse on the arms of the girl, who came for him..,

Not aware that his phone that's ringing- for the girl who’s calling him and ready to fix what’s remaining on their hands- is answered. 

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sorry for not updating! I just got my laptop back ^_^


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jiwonku #1
Chapter 12: Authornimmmm i think i just find this story nowwww. Am i being insane if i beg you to update? hehe
Chapter 12: i hope you will be better :) fighting!!
new reader here. hope you will update soon. with happy stories about them kkk
XXIncha #3
Chapter 12: Authornim update juseyo
Chapter 12: I'm still here,,, ~_~
Soooooo fighting nde.....???
^ ^
Forever beside you,,, from here.. ^_~
xoxreyannaxox #5
Chapter 12: On Tuesday, 5/20/14 you are to write Galaxy FanFan on your LEFT WRIST & 6+6=1 on your RIGHT WRIST ... please do it so if you see some1 else with that, you can share a fandom hug with them. SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥
#WeBelieveInYouKris #EXOis1
mairimzm #6
Chapter 12: #Staystrongkris #WeBeliveInYouKris
Chapter 12: you choose the right decision,
we will wait even if it was by day, week or month ..
so keep the spirit ... And then FIGHTING...

yeyeyeyeeee gumawoooo chingu ahh... ~_~
Chapter 11: OMG!~~~ I'm so sad to hear that your not gonna continue updating Authornim~~~ I hope you'll change your mind about deleting this FF and still continue to update even if it will take you months for you to update Authornim...TT.TT~~~~*
Chapter 10: belated Happy birthday Authorniiiim!~~* Poor Sehun he was dumped bcoz of Krystal's ambition :( good thing Sehun understands Krystal. I hope Kai and Minzy will also solve their problems soon~~ Kai and Minzy also deserved to live happily. Thanks for updating Authorniiiim!~~ ^^
xoxreyannaxox #10
Chapter 11: I had just started getting really into the group EXO ... I had been "YG for Life" type of person since I started listening to KPOP ... I felt a really genuine connection between EXO members and I'm fairly upset and sad that Kris has decided this ... I just hope she can maintain a steady life afterwards and a healthy friendship with his band members.