Chapter 7.5

7 days to Forever?

That ride from Jong In’s house to the airport to fetch him is the most silent moment for Baekhyun and Chanyeol.. no one even bother to break the silence for it means staggering a new lashed out wound Minji’s heart..

Though the two of them doesn’t really know the real score, they both know that Minji and Jong In’s so called perfect relationship is on the corner of every imperfection of it.. the couple should just pass away from that corner or stay there and be broken

Minji is wearing a casual denim pants, and sweatshirt underneath a red bloody coat, and on her face is a pair of sunglass even though it’s not a sunny day today..

After an hour or two, they at last arrived at the airport, just really on the right time for Jong In is right there, sitting on a waiting area, with his baggage.. and an unknown girl on beside him, as if nursing him..

Nonetheless.. it is obvious that Jong in doesn’t feel well.. for he have a close eyes, he’s sleeping while sitting actually.. a very uncomfortable position

The three of them run towards Jong In as soon as they figured out the way from where they are to him, of course they reached him fast, especially Minji who waste no time to hug Jong In…

“umh..” Jong In’s face crunches up, seems that being disturb from his sleep is not a good thing but the girl who already have her arms wrapped around him doesn’t mind at all..

It take a few moments before Jong In actually get out of his sleepy head and actually made a proper response to his oh-so-called-wife

“Minji?” he asked, as if in disbelief that the girl is actually beside him, Minji looked up in a swish as he called her name.. it’s just so fascinating for it’s the first time he called her name personally after being separated for almost a year..

“Neh… neh.. it’s me”  Minji answered, undeniable that’s something’s wrong with her today.. but Jong In is just so covered up by exhaustion, sickness, and his undeniably missing towards his wife who he has an unfixed fight that he cannot help but to be dazed and asked himself if it’s a dream..

“O gosh.. Minji.. you’re here!” Jong In said and finally stretching his lips forming a very blissful smile.. and grasping that tiny body closer to him, nonetheless.. happiness engulfed his being.. too much happiness on his part that he failed to notice that the girl on his arms lost some kilos,..

Whilst relief is the counterpart for Minji for she thought that Jong In is going to give her a good cold shoulders.. even though insecurities still fill her unknown gap to her beloved, she felt a little assured by just his warmth

“Jong In! welcome back!” Baekyun chirped cheerfully, trying to push down the question welling up in his mind, it seems that there is no issue between the two.. but why Minji seemed to be wrecked?

Minji already unclasp herself from Jong In but an arm already snake on her waste, Jong In, now standing up kiss the temple of his loving wife..

“Uh…by the way.. I almost forgot” then a wide grin appeared on his face, forming two crescent eyes and  cute creases around the cheeks.. “This is my secretary Ms. Bae”  he introduced the girl,

Minji tensed up..

Chanyeol beamed..

Baekhyun sensed something..

Nonetheless.. the girl just gave a polite bow..

“wow.. you didn’t say that you have a very pretty secretary here” Chanyeol said in awe and look at Ms. Bae from head to toe..

Baekhyun being the most sensitive one could see that there is something wrong in Minji.. the way the girl almost flinch at her husband’s secretary he knew right away that’s something is not right

“Oh really Chanyeol? What happen to ‘Dara noona is the goddess of my life’?” Baekhyun said bluntly.. in a teasing way but hoping that his klutz friend can actually get a hint that complimenting Ms. Bae in front of Minji is not actually a good thing

“who’s this Dara Noona huh?” Jong In ask.. well because of course he’s away for almost a year.. it’s an understatement that he’s not updated on his bestfriend’s lives,

“Omygosh! Chanyeol you have a thing for Dara unnie?” Minji asked out of confusion, of course, she knows Dara, Dara is one of her helper in her little business but Dara decided to take another path so she need to let her go..

“yeah.. like he’s been tailing Dara for almost three straight months totally ditching me off” Baekhyun huffs shooting hate daggers on his guilty friend

“You’ll never understand because you don’t know what ing love is” Chanyeol replied defiantly which cause a simple yet little laughter around the group..

A laughter just enough to wipe off the miss but not totally breaking the almost inexistent ice

“jeez.. now Chanyeol is in love, what else I don’t know?” Jong In asked, coating his voice with amazement how he could not know such things from his bestfriend..



He’s separated from them for almost a year.. heck.. expansion of hotel chains is not really easy, considering the fact that he needs to work his off to impress the board members and especially his kind father for letting him to take over their family business

Anyways.. Baekhyun actually wants to answer that little question Jong In ask.. he wants to tell his bestfriend that one more thing he doesn’t know is how his wife is miserable without him..

But of course..

Baekhyun is still on his right mind to spurt such thing..

Also another person want to answer that question.. but of course.. it’s a secret that Ms. Bae should keep to herself..

While on the other hand.. Minji also asked herself.. what else is she doesn’t know?

But then.. only Chanyeol have the guts to answer that little question..

“umh.. that Taeyon noona and Baekhyun  are an item!” Chanyel beamed, as usual being his cheerful self that would annoy the whole being of a certain Byun Baekhyun who’s actually burning at this very moment,

Jong In snap his head, though still feels a little dizzy, to his friend.. looking through if that the his small guy bestfriend who they actually suspect as a gay is actually a candidate for being his brother in law

“damn you! you giant doofus! Noona and I are..” Baekhyun is at loss of words… three pairs of eyes anticipating what the next word will be..


*kring* *kring*

It’s from Ms. Bae..

“Ah.. excuse me” she said and smiled apologetically towards the disturbed conversation..

“What the hell is it?” Chanyeol asked impatiently but then.. Baekhyun being Baekhyun just kick his shin..

An action where Jong In’s react merrily.. maybe he just missed these stuffs, and he can’t deny it makes him feel better though he’s still engulfed by fatigue

“Oh.. I think I need to catch with you guys.. how about we should eat something nice today? And you can spill all the missed events to me there” Jong In suggested happily, w/c the three of them agreed,

Though Minji just being quite about the suggestion the guys take it as a yes

Few seconds later, a flustered Ms. Bae came back.. claiming that need to go, because there is something urgent happened on her house,

Well.. it should be easy right? just bid a goodbye and Ms. Bae will go home..

but of course.. since Jong In is oblivious on what’s happening on his wife.. he offered a helping hand to Ms. Bae

“oh.. you have a lot of baggage Ms. Bae, I think it’s not really bother us to give you a lift, right guys?” Jong In look up to the three as to confirm..

“I don’t think that it’s a good idea” Minji suddenly voice out, earning a rather confused look from Jong In..

“and why is that so?” Jong In asked, really confused on how Minji react.. because for the record.. Minji is a kind of helping person..

“I-I-It..” stammers and start to fidget over her coat, a manner that vanished through the security Jong In gave to her..  but strike a comeback to her list of habit

“what?” Jong In asked, now, arms unclasp from the wife

“It just that I want more time with you”  Minji managed to say..

“Oh come on Minji.. you have me later.. let’s give a hand to Ms. Bae right now”

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sorry for not updating! I just got my laptop back ^_^


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jiwonku #1
Chapter 12: Authornimmmm i think i just find this story nowwww. Am i being insane if i beg you to update? hehe
Chapter 12: i hope you will be better :) fighting!!
new reader here. hope you will update soon. with happy stories about them kkk
XXIncha #3
Chapter 12: Authornim update juseyo
Chapter 12: I'm still here,,, ~_~
Soooooo fighting nde.....???
^ ^
Forever beside you,,, from here.. ^_~
xoxreyannaxox #5
Chapter 12: On Tuesday, 5/20/14 you are to write Galaxy FanFan on your LEFT WRIST & 6+6=1 on your RIGHT WRIST ... please do it so if you see some1 else with that, you can share a fandom hug with them. SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ SPREAD THE WORD! ♥
#WeBelieveInYouKris #EXOis1
mairimzm #6
Chapter 12: #Staystrongkris #WeBeliveInYouKris
Chapter 12: you choose the right decision,
we will wait even if it was by day, week or month ..
so keep the spirit ... And then FIGHTING...

yeyeyeyeeee gumawoooo chingu ahh... ~_~
Chapter 11: OMG!~~~ I'm so sad to hear that your not gonna continue updating Authornim~~~ I hope you'll change your mind about deleting this FF and still continue to update even if it will take you months for you to update Authornim...TT.TT~~~~*
Chapter 10: belated Happy birthday Authorniiiim!~~* Poor Sehun he was dumped bcoz of Krystal's ambition :( good thing Sehun understands Krystal. I hope Kai and Minzy will also solve their problems soon~~ Kai and Minzy also deserved to live happily. Thanks for updating Authorniiiim!~~ ^^
xoxreyannaxox #10
Chapter 11: I had just started getting really into the group EXO ... I had been "YG for Life" type of person since I started listening to KPOP ... I felt a really genuine connection between EXO members and I'm fairly upset and sad that Kris has decided this ... I just hope she can maintain a steady life afterwards and a healthy friendship with his band members.