
Daehyun grabbed Yongguk and pulled him out of the RV then dragged him away as fast as he could.
The blast from the explosion knocked them to the ground and Daehyun used one hand to protect his head and the other to protect his hyungs head.

"Hyung, you ok?" Daehyun asked and looked at Yongguk.
The other gave him a curt nod and a warm smile.
Daehyun sighed and smiled tiredly back at him.
"You have no idea how much I was worried about you..." Yongguk said as he rolled over his back with a painful groan.
"Same here...I thought you died..." Daehyun muttered and the older smiled.
"It's funny though...if this goes on, i might not die because of the zombies..." Yongguk joked and as he laughed pain spread across his body.
"Shut up you're not going to die...I have too much to say so you can't die now..."

"Guys...I have a bad feeling about this..." Zelo said and they all exchanged concerned glances.
"We should go and search for them, if that explosion is from where they are then they will need help since they're probably injured" Youngjae said and they all nodded.
"Whose going and whose staying?" Jongup and Zelo lifted their hands, "going" they said in unison and the older two nodded.
"Be careful guys..." Himchan said and they turned to walk away, "wait guys!" He stopped them and they turned back around, "if they're dead...leave their bodies there, it will be pointless to carry both all the way here..." Jongup and Zelo both hesitantly nodded then left.

After a long quiet stride through the forest Zelo finally broke the ice, "hyung...shouldn't they at least get a proper burial if they're dead?"
"I know but Himchan is right...it'll be troublesome to carry two grown ups back just to bury them...as much as I don't like it that's how it is..." He answered and Zelo stopped in his tracks, hoping with all his heart that the two were ok.
They approached the location of the explosion cautiously, looking out for zombies.

They heard rustles behind the trees and looked worriedly at each other.

"We should go..." Daehyun whispered.
Yongguk nodded and the younger got up with a painful groan and helped him up.

"Hyung!" They heard someone call and they both looked up at the source of noise.
"Zelo?!" Daehyun breathed in relief.
The said man hugged him, relived that he can return to a 'feast' and not a mourning session.
Daehyun groaned in pain as the younger tightened his arms around him.
"Ya...you're hurting me" he could barely say.
Zelo pulled away, embarrassed, as he apologized quietly.

"Guys...this is Yongguk" Daehyun smiled warmly as he once again helped his hyung to properly stand.
"Hyung this is Zelo and this is Jongup" he pointed at each of them, "Jongup found me in the forest and brought me to his camp where Zelo was" he explained and the older smile warmly.
"Thank you" he said as he bowed his head, if he could he would've bowed 90 degrees.
"Thank them later, right now we need to take care of your injuries" Daehyun said after hearing the older groan in pain once again.

They suddenly heard the low growling and rustling of leaves as feet dragged against the ground.
"We need to get out of here!" Jongup said and helped with Yongguk who injured his leg badly.

The younger of them, Zelo, was in charge of annihilating any zombie getting too close and trying to bite them.
They made a run for it to the deeper part of the woods, opposite to where the zombies came from.
Yongguk slightly jumped to fasten their pace with no luck.

A zombie grabbed Jongup and pulled him back.

The younger struggled against it, managing to finally lift his hand properly and stab him in the head.
He stood there huffing.
"Hyung comm'on! Let's go!" Zelo said and the other turned around with a wry smile.
Blood dripped from his shoulder and down his arm, a clear bite mark.

"No..." Zelo mumbled in disbelief.
"Go guys...I'll be fine..." He said as he reached his hand to his back, where a completely different weapon was.
"M-maybe you'll be fine!" Zelo tried but Jongup shook his head.
"You know I won't be..." He said, his hand still behind his back, holding onto something, "hyung..." He turned to Daehyun who couldn't look him in the eye, "tell Himchan hyung that I'm sorry, I know I promised we'll fight this whole thing 'till the end but I'll have to break my promise..."
Daehyun took in a shaky breath as he nodded.
"Now go...I'll be fine so go..." He added.

Daehyun grabbed Zelos wrist and pulled him away, the younger was too shocked to even fight him.
Once they were far away enough, a single gun shot echoed loudly in the forest and the trio tried to block the truth from hitting them.

"Guys!" Himchan said excitedly, he looked at each and every one of them as they walked into the camp then frowned, noticing they were missing one person.
"Where's Uppie?" He asked and Daehyun, after helping Yongguk sit, led him to the side and told him.

The camp was quiet as a heart breaking cry broke the silence.
Incoherent words were thrown into the air and only two could be made out clearly- "he promised".

Youngjae looked at Yongguk, who, in all that commotion, was suffering silently from extreme pains, trying not to burden the group.
"Where does it hurt?" He asked as he bent down to the others eye level, worry evident in his eyes and voice.
"I'll be fine..." He said, feeling guilty about Jongups death.

He blamed himself and knowing Daehyun, the other also blamed himself.
Jongup wouldn't have been there if they weren't there.

"It's not your fault...he volunteered, he knew perfectly well what could happen so it's not your fault..." Youngjae said as he sat beside him.
"I'm not sure that guy will agree with me..." Yongguk answered and Youngjae shook his head.
"If he was to blame anybody it would be Dae, he went out all alone, but to be honest, I don't see him blaming Daehyun" he said as he looked at the two males who stood further away from the group, Himchan was hugging Daehyun, the latter held him up so he wouldn't crush to his knees as he sobbed.
"That's not how Himchan shows he blames you..." He added and Yongguk turned to look at the sight as well.

"Where does it hurt?" Youngjae tried again.
Yongguk lifted his shirt, revealing a dark bruise all over his chest, the reason why he had a hard time moving.
He then revealed his ankle, swollen and blue.
"Well the ankle will heal, it's the least of my worries...my biggest concern is your chest, I'm worried you might have internal damage to the lungs or worse, your heart..." Youngjae pressed his fingers on the bruise on his chest, "do you have a hard time breathing?" He asked as he continued to examine it.

It was way over his head, he was no doctor and Yongguks bruise needed proper medical care.

Yongguk shook his head and the other sighed.
"Well we won't know without a proper MRI and X-rays...I'll bandage you but if you feel faint or that you can't breath properly, say, don't be afraid to be a burden...he didn't save you so you could die..." He nodded his head towards Daehyun who was still comforting Himchan.
Yongguk chuckled, "you're a doctor?" He asked and Youngjae shook his head with a smile.
"Just a very bored guy..."

"What's their relation?" He asked as he looked at Himchan, "you know...with..."
Youngjae smiled wryly, "they were dating...I think this year was their 5th year anniversary..." He said and Yongguk felt even more guilty.
"I never knew him...he didn't know Dae that well too, and he came to our rescue...he's a good guy..." Youngjae smiled at his words and nodded.
"The best..." He walked away from the older and towards Daehyun.
"What's your name?" Yongguk asked before he got too far, the other stopped in his tracks, "Youngjae" he said and approached Daehyun.

"You found him..." He said to his new tent mate as the other stared at his hyung.
"He blames himself right?" He asked.
"Just like you, common lift your shirt" Youngjae said and Daehyun complied.

"You don't seem to have any damage, are you hurt any where else?"
"I dislocated my shoulder..." He said and Youngjae nodded.
"It's not your fault...count to three...he chose to go on his own...1...2...3!" He snapped his shoulder back in place and the other cried out in pain, causing Yongguk to look at him worriedly.

"He shot himself...that gun shot...he knew there wasn't a chance...I knew there wasn't a chance" he sighed as he attempted to rub the tiredness out of his eyes, "Zelo is the one who needs counseling..." Youngjae chuckled and nodded.
"I'll go and talk to him."

They heard another gun shot and they all froze.



the reason for all these cliffhangers is because i have a minute count, every ch. is read between 6-7 min and i never go beyond that so... yep! please don't kill me!

don't kill a peace loving person ><
and the fact that the subscribers count is rising is just....

thank you! :')


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Chapter 11: I wanted revenge on ken and hyuk tho
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: YESSS BAP AND VIXX as you can tell by my username I love them both
Chapter 7: RIP himchan and jongup ???
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 11: I had mini heart attacks as I was reading this T T but soo good!!
Oh God I finally find a Bangdae story a good length and it's about zombies! I can't deal with zombies. They freak me out, dude. They're like, really freaky.

Chapter 11: The gift tho! ♥ daehyun creepy xD lol thanks for the story; love to see 'em realized each others feeling at the end. I like it
Loljkjk #7
Chapter 11: YAY! He's alive!
Chapter 11: *SNIFF*
I-i's over!? Andwae. ( / TT ATT)/
BUT! I like the ending. It was a bit abrupt though, I think. But DAE'S ALIVE! Mah baby's still human and can still Bang Yongguk. > u> See what I did there? *slapped*
Now I'm wondering what would happen to 'em afterwards. Make little BangDae babies, overpopulate the earth, I think. Yes, yes. That's it. :D

Good work, author-nim! *throws sparkles at you~*
I'm looking forward to your next/new stories, yes~ ^ w ^
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 11: yeah, the most awkward couple in B.A.P: BangDae!
thanks for the ending ^^
Chapter 11: Im glad that they are alive. I might cry a lot if they die. Hahaha xD Btw, author-nim you're daebak ~! ^^