
Yongguk drove off down the highway, the chance of seeing Daehyun echoed in his mind and he looked around as he drove, making sure he wouldn't pass by him or any clues the younger left.

He could see a stumbling figure from the distance.
He discarded its existence at first, thinking it was just another zombie, he was proved wrong when the figures hand rose up to its face and it wiped the sweat off of its forehead.
He pressed the paddle and as he got closer he noticed the long and dirty brown locks of hair as they swayed in the wind.
The girl turned around and he could see the hope as her posture changed and she straightened up.
She lifted her hand, trying to hitch a ride with him.

He stopped.
Because she was alive and because even if there wasn't a zombie apocalypse he was still a gentleman.
The light in her eyes showed that he was the first person she's seen alive in a while and if not then he was the first kind one.
He rolled down the window of the passenger sit and smiled at her.

"Where to?" He asked and she smiled back.
"Not very far...I need to get to the city, I can walk but I think I'm starting to get blisters" she said as she subconsciously lifted her foot and slightly massaged it.
He chuckled as he shook his head "hop on" the girl seemed as if she just won the lottery.
"Thank you" she mumbled as she closed the door and buckled up.
After a long and uncomfortable silence he cleared his throat, "what's your name?" She fiddled with the buckles strap and he smiled softly, "I promise you, I'm not a bad person".
Even though he thought it wouldn't really help she seemed to slightly relax, "Jieun..." She answered and glanced at him, "you..."
"Yongguk..." He answered and she nodded.

Daehyun stared at the roof of the tent when he heard someone shift on the opposite side.
"Can't sleep?" Youngjae asked and he nodded.
"I don't know who you lost and how but I'm sure that seeing you like this...they wouldn't be happy" he said as he sat up.
"You don't know him" he said as he glared at him, he tried to convince himself but he knew better.
Unlike Youngjae he did know Yongguk and like the other said...Bang would never be happy to see him like this.
"You know I'm right..." He muttered as he laid back with a deep sigh.

"What happened to her? To your girlfriend I mean..." He wasn't sure whether it was his place to ask but he needed the distraction, it was cold but if distraction meant another persons pain then he didn't mind, as long as it wasn't his he didn't mind.
"Are you sure you want to hear it?" He asked and Daehyun nodded.

"We went here camping every end of the year, this year we decided to change our plans and come earlier, we wanted to come when it's more chilly and not as hot..." He paused for a second then shifted and turned to lay on his back.
"She was one of those girls who liked to do dumb and irrational stuff...she decided to go and wash up at the river just up ahead...I know, stupid..." He let out an airy and emotionless laugh.
"She screamed, I thought it was a prank since I refused to come with her..." He swallowed thickly.
"I yelled at her to stop being such a drama queen and about 10 minutes later I heard some rustling, I knew she came back..." This time he paused for a longer time, trying to find the right words to describe his girlfriend while keeping intact her sacred memory, afraid of contemplating it.
"She came out and tried to bite me...I knew something was wrong when I saw the bloody wound on her neck...if Jongup and Himchan hadn't passed us in their hike when they did then I probably would've had the same fate..." He turned his head and locked his gaze with the other.
"So you guys weren't together from the start..." Daehyun stated quietly to himself.

"Want to share?" Youngjae said and Daehyun chuckled.
"He's dead...well I'm pretty sure he is, I didn't actually see it happen but I'm 99.99% sure..." He said and Youngjae shook his head.
"Then he isn't..." He said and Daehyun sat up and gave him an odd look.
"Let me ask you...are you 99.99% sure he is dead or is that what you need to believe?" He asked as he sat up as well.
Daehyun stared at him for a while.

Why would he need to believe that? Yongguk was everything so why would he just throw his everything away?

"Are you sure you're not just scared of finding out if it's true..that you're not afraid of seeing him as one of those things...are you ridding yourself of the responsibility of having to kill him because you just can't?" He asked and everything cleared up.
Daehyun lowered his head as he stared at his hands.
"I need him...I can't go back with hope and then find out that he turned...I'd rather live with the doubt then be certain..." His voice broke and he cursed himself for acting like a .
He heard the other chuckle, "and if he was still alive...If he was searching for you and you're here, doubting whether to confront your fear or let yourself drown in it? How would you live with that?" He asked an Daehyun smiled wary.
"I hate how we don't know each other but you read me so well".

"It's because I know the taste of regret...if I had gone with her to the river, if I had come when she screamed...would she still be alive? Don't let your fear or, like in my case-stupidity and laziness, get the better of you, fear has an ability to mess with our mind..." He laid back down and turned to lay with his back towards Daehyun, "sleep then go and search for him in the morning...we both know that's what you'll do so at least get some rest."
Daehyun remained in his position for another few minutes then he decided it was a good idea and laid down to sleep as well.

"where are you going?" Himchan said as Youngjae continued to pack supplies into a duffle bag.
"Not me...Daehyun" he answered as he finally managed to close the bag.
"And where is he going?" The older frowned and Youngjae huffed, annoyed.
"He left behind a friend...he's going to get him."
"Alone?" Youngjae paused, he was bothered by it as well, he didn't want to send such a wreck of a person out alone but he reasoned with himself, "it's his decision..." He shrugged his shoulders then heard the other scoff.
"Where is he?"
"By the river...he wanted to see it" he said, feeling a little anxious knowing that he went there alone.
When he turned to say that Daehyun wanted to be alone the older wasn't there anymore, at least listen until I finish, jerk...

"Why are you leaving?" Himchan asked and Daehyun turned around, surprised.
"Because...there's someone waiting for me" he said as ripped off the petals of the flower in his hand.
"What if he's dead? It's too dangerous, just stay here" Daehyun chuckled, feeling as if his fear had just grew into a human form.
"There are things I never said to him, things that I need to say now or else I'll lose my mind."
"You've already lost it...going alone is even more crazy...just stay" Himchan tried to convince the other.

More people meant better chances of survival and better rehabilitation of the community once they find a cure.

"I'm not staying Himchan...this isn't my place..."
Himchan scoffed, "it became your place the minute you stepped foot in this camp, if you go alone it'll be a suicide mission, do you have a death wish?!" Daehyun looked up at him and then bowed his head and walked past him.

They both walked back silently, Himchan understood that Daehyuns choice couldn't be changed and he was too determined.
They heard the screaming of a young woman from the camp and they ran to it, when they arrived they saw a girl covered with blood as she shook violently.

"What's wrong?!" they asked and Youngjae shook his head, indicating he didn't know as well.
"Well we need to calm her down if we want to know..." Himchan said and went to get her water, he returned with a bottle and handed it to her.
She took it and drank it all.
"Now...are you calm?" Himchan bent down to her eye level and she gave a hesitant nod.

"Daehyun get another bottle" he instructed the other and her head shot up at the guy who immediately responded to the order.
"Y-you're him..." she said, her voice shaking once again.
He looked at her, taken aback, then exchanged confused glances with the others.
"You know him?" Zelo was the one to ask, he just couldn't bear sitting on the sidelines any more.
She shook her head and they were even more confused.
"Then how...?" Daehyun said as he approached her.
Himchan sighed and put his hand up, stopping Daehyun mid step, the other complied and stopped in his tracks, the older then turned back to the girl and smiled warmly at her.
"What's you're name?" he asked in the most gentle tone he could pull.
She hesitated at first as she looked at the other three men then back at Himchan.


BAM! haha is that a good enough cliffhanger?? i don't know...i watched a movie,( non stop with Liam Neeson ) it was brilliant...then i went to eat at a resturant and decided to write this one... they don't kid when they say food is for the soul ;)
hahaha... i don't know how you even put up with this story ㅠㅠ


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Chapter 11: I wanted revenge on ken and hyuk tho
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: YESSS BAP AND VIXX as you can tell by my username I love them both
Chapter 7: RIP himchan and jongup ???
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 11: I had mini heart attacks as I was reading this T T but soo good!!
Oh God I finally find a Bangdae story a good length and it's about zombies! I can't deal with zombies. They freak me out, dude. They're like, really freaky.

Chapter 11: The gift tho! ♥ daehyun creepy xD lol thanks for the story; love to see 'em realized each others feeling at the end. I like it
Loljkjk #7
Chapter 11: YAY! He's alive!
Chapter 11: *SNIFF*
I-i's over!? Andwae. ( / TT ATT)/
BUT! I like the ending. It was a bit abrupt though, I think. But DAE'S ALIVE! Mah baby's still human and can still Bang Yongguk. > u> See what I did there? *slapped*
Now I'm wondering what would happen to 'em afterwards. Make little BangDae babies, overpopulate the earth, I think. Yes, yes. That's it. :D

Good work, author-nim! *throws sparkles at you~*
I'm looking forward to your next/new stories, yes~ ^ w ^
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 11: yeah, the most awkward couple in B.A.P: BangDae!
thanks for the ending ^^
Chapter 11: Im glad that they are alive. I might cry a lot if they die. Hahaha xD Btw, author-nim you're daebak ~! ^^