
"How do we get out without being noticed??" They looked outside.
It was crowded with walking corpses, walking aimlessly until their next prey arrives.

The older of the two sighed and sat down on the floor, leaning against the glass doors.
Daehyun sat beside him and hugged his knees.
"It's good that we can't go out yet though...we still need something to cut the fence before we can even think of going out..." He said and turned his head to look at Yongguk.
"Maybe there are some work tools in the janitors closet...but we still need to think how to get out of here" he answered the silent question behind Daehyuns words.

Daehyun leaned his head on Yongguks shoulder and sighed.
"We can't stay here, most of the food has gone bad..."
Daehyun just nodded.
"Common lets find the janitors closet" he finally got up and reached his hand out to help his friend up.

They both wandered around the corridors, hiding whenever they heard zombies.
After about 15 minutes of wandering they found the closet at the far end of one of the corridors.

They heard loud banging against the door from inside the closet while about 5 zombies outside of it tried to get their way in.
Daehyuns hand clenched tightly onto the older's sleeve, and Yongguk turned around and gave his friend a reassuring smile.

He slowly advanced forward, being as quiet as he could be.
He then stabbed one of them straight between its eyes, the knife slid in and out of the flesh easily thanks to its decaying state.
It didn't take long before the other 4 noticed them and turned around to grab at Yongguk.
He immediately stabbed another one.

Daehyun didn't hide this time, being alone scared him more then dying, and if he won't help his hyung that's exactly what will happen.

He jumped on the zombie that was about to pounce on Yongguk from behind and stabbed him in the head.
Yongguk had already managed to get rid of the rest and he slumped against the wall, feeling tired for really no reason.

"You okay?" He asked and Daehyun nodded.
Yongguk grabbed the door knob, giving Daehyun a worried look and then twisting the knob slowly.
He opened it slightly to peek inside and two hands and a face tried to grab at him.

"Daehyun, stab him, I'll hold the door" he said and Daehyun complied.
He stood in front of what seemed to previously be the janitor, he lifted his knife and stabbed him in the head.
When the hands flailing around for its prey stopped and remained motionless, Yongguk opened the door, still slowly in case there is another one.
Once he saw it was clear he opened the door in a hurry and walked in, searching for anything that might help them cut the fence.

"Do they have wire cutters?" Daehyun, who was standing watch, asked from out side and the other immediately started searching for it.
He found it in a metal box of other work tools and examined the other tools in the box.

A slightly bigger then Daehyuns knife screwdriver drew his attention and he pulled it out.
"Here it's better when it comes to defense then that knife" he handed it to the younger after stepping out with the wire cutters.
Daehyun took it but kept the knife, you can never be sure.

"What do we do now? It'll be a suicide mission if we go out with only knives and a screwdriver...we need to get them away from the door" Daehyun said as he followed Yongguk to the cafeterias kitchen.
"Well I had this idea...as we saw they react to sound so what if we create a sound big enough to draw their attention to the opposite side while we sneak to the fence and cut it" the older said and they passed another corner of another long corridor, it seemed like a maze.

"But with what?!" The younger struggled to keep up the pace and he raised his voice a little.
Yongguk stopped and the other bumped onto his back, not expecting such an abrupt stop, he groaned and the older turned around.
"We'll use alcohol, any piece of fabric and fire" he said and gained a doubtful glare.

They were about to continue their stride towards the cafeteria when a zombie launched on Yongguk from behind.
He tried to lift his hand and stab the zombie in the head.
It turned into a struggle, the knife fell out of his hand and he screamed Daehyuns name.
The younger latched onto the zombie and stabbed it frantically in the head.
The zombie fell limp on the floor though Daehyun continued to stab him.

Yongguk grabbed the younger's wrist and tried to stop him.
"Daehyun! Calm down! I'm fine, I'm alright!" He yelled, giving no disregard to his surroundings.
Daehyun heaved as he looked up, frightened, tears welling in his eyes.

"Hyung...hyung!" He cried as he stood up and hugged the older burying his face in his neck.
Yongguk petted Daehyuns back gently, trying to comfort his dongsaeng.

Daehyun pulled back and wiped the tears off his face with both hands, "you weren't bitten right?!" He asked and Yongguk nodded.
A sigh of relief came out of the younger's mouth and he hugged the older again.
"I thought I lost you..." He mumbled softly and tightened his grip onto Yongguk.

"We can't stay like this, as much as I like it we still need to get out" Yongguk said and the other pulled away, blushing scarlet.

They went to the kitchen and started searching for an alcohol bottle, a rag and match sticks.
Yongguk found a whiskey bottle in one of the lower cabinets, on a shelf above it he found match sticks.
He took the cleaning rag,that Daehyun found, and soaked it with the liquor.

"Listen...I'm going to open the front door then light this and throw it to the opposite direction." He stopped for a few seconds, "no matter what just run until you reach the fence, here" he gave him the wire cutters, "cut it so you could go out, I'll be right behind you so don't worry, just keep on running!"
Daehyun looked at the wire cutters in his hand then up to his hyung.
"You'll be right behind me right?!" He asked, worried.
Yongguk smiled at him and gave him a curt nod.
A small insecure smile crept onto his lips and they both got up and walked to the front entrance.

Yongguk took a deep breath as he held the bottle in his hands and stared at it.
He opened the door slightly, opening a big enough gap to throw the bottle through it.

"Light it" he said to his friend and the other complied and lighted the match stick.
Before lightening the fabric he looked at his hyung, worry evident in his eyes, the other gave him a nod and he lightened it.
Seconds later the bottle was in mid air and then they both heard a loud boom sound.

As the zombies outside walked towards the source of the noise, Daehyun sneaked out first, Yongguk following behind him.

The first half of the premises was nearly empty since those zombies were closer, the other half was still quite packed.

They passed the first half, with Daehyun ahead.
He stabbed the zombies that surrounded him and Yongguk finally caught up to him.
He started making noise, drawing the large group of corpses towards him.

"Go! I'll be right behind you! Just go, cut the fence and get out of here!" He urged the younger.
There was no debate, he immediately ran towards the fence and started cutting it.

One by one, it seemed like it was too slow.

He finally managed to cut a big enough opening and he turned around, expecting to see his hyung already making his way to him.

He wasn't.

Yongguk was struggling with an amount of zombies too big for him.

Daehyun was only able to take one step closer when he suddenly heard the older yell, "don't! I'll be fine so don't come here! Just go I'll catch up with you!"
Daehyun hesitated, he didn't want to leave the other behind, it was no longer because he couldn't protect himself, he learned well enough that he could, it's just that it's easier to stay sane knowing that you're not alone.

He heard Yongguk groan as he stabbed one zombie, then another and another non stop, "Dae! On your left! Watch out!" He yelled.
It took the said man a few seconds to realize he was that 'Dae' Yongguk referred to and he turned to look at his side, where Yongguk warned him.

A zombie stumbled towards him, his stomach slashed, his jaw dislocated, one of his hands seemed like it was broken, on his throat there was a huge gash and his eyes were glazed.

Daehyun took a step backwards, his back meeting the fence, "Your knife!" Yongguk yelled and the younger immediately remembered he had a weapon in his hand.

He lifted it an stabbed the zombie in the head, the stab was deep enough and the zombie fell to the ground, dead once again and this time for good.

"Daehyun just run!" Yongguk yelled once again and this time there was no hesitation.
He exited through the opening he made in the fence and ran without looking back.

He's there! He told me he'll be right behind me so it's fine he mentally encouraged himself.
He ran so much and so fast, he wasn't sure where he was anymore.
When he finally stopped to look around he noticed he was in a forest.
He crashed to his knees, using his palms to support his upper torso from the ground as he tried to breath properly once again.
He rolled around and sat down, using his arms for support once again as he looked at the direction he came from.

The bushes rustled and he stood up with anticipation as he excitedly threw the word into the air- "hyung?!"


andddd here! the second one is up! hope you liked it ;)


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Chapter 11: I wanted revenge on ken and hyuk tho
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: YESSS BAP AND VIXX as you can tell by my username I love them both
Chapter 7: RIP himchan and jongup ???
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 11: I had mini heart attacks as I was reading this T T but soo good!!
Oh God I finally find a Bangdae story a good length and it's about zombies! I can't deal with zombies. They freak me out, dude. They're like, really freaky.

Chapter 11: The gift tho! ♥ daehyun creepy xD lol thanks for the story; love to see 'em realized each others feeling at the end. I like it
Loljkjk #7
Chapter 11: YAY! He's alive!
Chapter 11: *SNIFF*
I-i's over!? Andwae. ( / TT ATT)/
BUT! I like the ending. It was a bit abrupt though, I think. But DAE'S ALIVE! Mah baby's still human and can still Bang Yongguk. > u> See what I did there? *slapped*
Now I'm wondering what would happen to 'em afterwards. Make little BangDae babies, overpopulate the earth, I think. Yes, yes. That's it. :D

Good work, author-nim! *throws sparkles at you~*
I'm looking forward to your next/new stories, yes~ ^ w ^
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 11: yeah, the most awkward couple in B.A.P: BangDae!
thanks for the ending ^^
Chapter 11: Im glad that they are alive. I might cry a lot if they die. Hahaha xD Btw, author-nim you're daebak ~! ^^