
**recomandation- read this while hearing Kim Taylors 'Build You Up'

Ken gave him a quick introduction of the small group.
"Here" Hyuk, the guy who was with Hongbin in the car, handed him a gun.

Daehyun hesitated.
It was his first time dealing with firearm, was he really qualified, was it really okay for him to use it without any experience.
He took it and gave the other an insecure smile.

They all hopped onto the familiar SUV.
As they set out of the refugee center the atmosphere around the group slowly went from light to tense, they were all on high alert for whatever came their way.
Daehyun finally felt the weight of the decision he made, he might not come back.

He might die.

He slowly started regretting the fact he never got to talk properly to Yongguk.
They pulled by an abandoned infirmary building and Ken had to nudge Daehyun to awake him from his dazed state.
The other snapped out of his thoughts and scanned the abandoned building with his eyes.

"Come on, we shouldn't waste time" Ken said and Daehyun got off of the SUV in a hurry.
Fearing what would come if they did take too long.
They all walked in carefully, checking for any corpses.
The relief they all felt was evident on their faces as they started rummaging through stuff in search for supply.
They did one mistake, how happy they were to find the place zombie free they forgot to do one thing before searching for supplies.

They forgot to check the other rooms.

Yongguk laid quietly in his bed as he waited for Daehyun to return.

He would return.
He had to return.
Because the younger said they'd never split up again if they both survive, Yongguk promised to protect him for as long as he remained alive.
So Daehyun had to return.

But the minutes were ticking by and he started to fear that maybe he was mistaken.
That maybe Daehyuns intentions were never to come back.

Youngjae walked in with a tray of food.
"Did you see Dae anywhere?" He asked and the other shook his head.
"I can ask around" Youngjae offered as he adjusted the tray comfortably on Yongguks lap.
The older nodded with a grateful smile.

"Hongbin!" Youngjae called the man walking about and minding his own business, "have you seen Daehyun anywhere?" The other frowned, a little surprised.
"He didn't tell you? He went out with the supply team about 2-3 hours ago, they should actually be back already" he looked at his watch, calculating whether he was right or not, "yep, should be back any time now" he said.

Youngjae frowned then ran to Yongguk.
"hyung!" He said as he tried to settle his breath, "Daehyun went with the supply team!"
"Supply team?" The older questioned.
"Yes! He went outside!"

Yongguk froze, he felt like every organ in his body rattled with fear.
It was a wave of realization that washed over him and he played every thing he did since he woke up in his head, trying to understand what caused the other to make such a stupid decision.

Just then Hongbin entered the room and smiled at them, "the team is back" he informed them.
"Is Daehyun with them?!" Yongguk questioned and the other just shrugged his shoulders and walked away.
"I need to go" Yongguk threw the blanket off of him and managed to sit himself at the edge of the bed.
"You can't, you're not in the condition to move around yet! I'll go so just stay here!" Youngjae pleaded.

"Youngjae!" He wasn't going to listen, "move goddamnit!" Why would he?, "I'm going whether you approve of it or not!" Youngjae had no upper hand on him, not only Yongguk was older, he was also his own man, meaning he would do whatever he wants.

He got off the bed, stumbling a little on his way out.
When he got out he stood in his place, feet rooted into the ground as he couldn't find the most important person in the world to him with the group.
Daehyun wasn't there and that means something bad had happened.

"Where is he?!" He grabbed one of the man from the team by his collar.
"Where is who?!" The other panicked.
"Daehyun! Where is Daehyun?!" The look of guilt on the others face said it all but he needed to hear it, Yongguk needed to hear whether he died or not.
"I'm sorry...we had to leave him behind" the stranger mumbled and Yongguks grip on his collar loosened, tears welled in his eyes and a constricting feeling filled his chest.
"Yongguk..." Youngjae approached the older, he heard it all, "let's go in..." He knew what it felt like, "you need to rest" rest wasn't going to cut it, Yongguk wasn't thinking about rest.

Earlier on at the search:

They heard the familiar growling and the dragging of feet and they all looked at each other with fear.
Only then it dawned them that they didn't check the rest of the floor.
"It sounds like there are a lot of them..." Daehyun said in disbelief.

Was this where he dies? Alone with people he barely knew? Is that what the voice in his head tried to tell him?

He inhaled shakily then pulled his gun out.
A herd of zombies stumbled in and tried to grab at the members of the team.
They all protected themselves using their knives and guns.
There was no end to them and Hyuk said something quickly to Ken.

Ken glanced at Daehyun then gave him a nod, he then turned to look at Daehyun once again and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry'.
Why would he be sorry? He doesn't know Daehyun long enough to do anything wrong and apologize for it.

Everything cleared when he heard a gun shot and felt a massive pain in his abdomen.
He looked down at his stomach, tears from the shock and the pain welling in his eyes, a blood stain was clearly visible as it grew bigger and bigger.
He stumbled a little as he looked at his surroundings, he was starting to loose focus and as everything became a blur he heard another shot then a loud crash.

They shot at the rotten ceiling and it collapsed onto the herd of zombies.
Daehyun collapsed to the floor, his eyes slowly closing.

He was at a strategic place as he stood closer to the zombies.
Ken and Hyuk needed a bait to distract the zombies that weren't caught in the remains of the ceiling.
He was just another casualty in this time and age and the decision to do that and use him as bait was easy since they didn't really know him that well.
He was left behind as they all ran out and drove off in the SUV.

Yongguk heard the whole story he then turned to Hyuk and Ken, fuming with anger.
He landed a paunch at Ken and tried to get Hyuk but of no use, he was held back as Youngjae pleaded him that he would worsen his condition.

"I don't care!" He lost him, "they left him" he lost Daehyun, "Dae is dead because of them!" How was he going to move on? Everything that happened since he woke up revolved around Daehyun, how could he simply ignore that and move on.

A long silence fell upon them.
"He's not dead..." He suddenly said and his heels.
"Hyung where are you going?!" Youngjae questioned.
"To get him back."

"You're not in the condition to move around so much! You have to understand that you can start bleeding from your stitches any time now!" The younger pleaded.
He understood, with all his heart, the pain, how hard it is to accept the death of an important person, he understood it all too well.

"Don't be stupid...he's dead we saw it ourselves..." Ken said a little too coldly.
"And if it weren't for you he would've still be alive! You didn't have the right to kill a living breathing human being!" He roared in anger and pain started spreading from his surgical scar, he ignored it though.

"He saved us all...it was either him or all of us, it was an honorable sacrifice!" Hyuk defended Ken, he wasn't the only one to make the decision, Hyuk was the one to suggest it so why was only Ken being despised.
"It wasn't a sacrifice because you never told him! He didn't know he would die for the sake of your motherer !" This was unbelievable, "I promised him that we will meet this to the end, that this damned hell on earth won't separate us!" It was ridicules, "and we survived the out there only for him to be betrayed by humans?!" This whole situation was ed up.

"Hyung please...just go back in and lay down" Youngjae continue to sound his pleas.
"No! Because, and so help me god i swear, I'm going to get him back and he will be alive!"
"No he won't!" The youngers voice broke and he took a deep breath as he smothered back his tears.
"He's dead hyung..." He said softly.

"He's not!" Because that's how it goes, "if there is really a god and I really hope there is, then he's not dead" because even if god unleashed hell on earth upon them it wasn't right, "it isn't right" because there was too much unsaid, "it's not right because I love him" because it wasn't fair that he realizes his feelings once it's to late, "because god separated us once and we were both alive at the end" he missed his chance, "because he told me he'd never leave! That he'll comeback every time! That's why I need to tell him he has something to return to...he has someone to say I love you to and hear it back with as much care and love...it's not how god works..."
"God or not...he's dead, accept it." Ken said bitterly.

Yongguk managed to hit him once again but the pain from his fresh surgical scar worsened and he groaned in pain.
He pressed slightly on his chest to try and relive the pain but felt that it was damp.
He looked at his hand and shirt and saw the red liquid seethe through the fabric of his shirt and bandages, he started to feel light headed and he stumbled back, slightly losing balance.

"! Your bleeding!" Youngjae hissed and urged one of the man there to call for a doctor.
"Stay awake! I'm not going to let you die as well!"
"Isn't it ironic? We both die on the same day...i guess god does have a plan...though I can't help but think that it's a pretty ed up one, right?" He let out an airy laugh.
"You're not going to die..." Youngjae sniffed.
"Shut up...I know very well that if not now then I would, sooner or later, die of an infection, they didn't have the proper medical tools here anyway..."
The doctor was late, god knows if he would even come when Youngjae sent one of the members from the supply team.
"Just hang on hyung...the doctor is coming."

Yongguk felt like the whole world was spinning around, out of reach, he tried to grasp at reality, but it now dawned him.
If Daehyun was really dead then what good is this reality for?
What else does he have left?
But if Daehyun survived? Didn't he need to survive as well? because heaven or hell, they would both be a nightmare if he was still alone...

Was this how everything was going to end?


i feel bad for doing this on his birthday...
and somehow i broke my promise (to myself that is) to not go beyond 10 chapters...how the hell did i manage to do it?
sorry about this one though...it really is hard to write a chapter when you run out of ideas...and i know this one kinda but i didn't want to leave you hanging for the next one...
I'm still not sure whether to leave this story at that or to add another chapter...ugh~ conflicts...

thank you guys though...i know this one really really but the fact that no one unsubscribed till now is just amazing and i literally want to hug you :')

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Chapter 11: I wanted revenge on ken and hyuk tho
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: YESSS BAP AND VIXX as you can tell by my username I love them both
Chapter 7: RIP himchan and jongup ???
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 11: I had mini heart attacks as I was reading this T T but soo good!!
Oh God I finally find a Bangdae story a good length and it's about zombies! I can't deal with zombies. They freak me out, dude. They're like, really freaky.

Chapter 11: The gift tho! ♥ daehyun creepy xD lol thanks for the story; love to see 'em realized each others feeling at the end. I like it
Loljkjk #7
Chapter 11: YAY! He's alive!
Chapter 11: *SNIFF*
I-i's over!? Andwae. ( / TT ATT)/
BUT! I like the ending. It was a bit abrupt though, I think. But DAE'S ALIVE! Mah baby's still human and can still Bang Yongguk. > u> See what I did there? *slapped*
Now I'm wondering what would happen to 'em afterwards. Make little BangDae babies, overpopulate the earth, I think. Yes, yes. That's it. :D

Good work, author-nim! *throws sparkles at you~*
I'm looking forward to your next/new stories, yes~ ^ w ^
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 11: yeah, the most awkward couple in B.A.P: BangDae!
thanks for the ending ^^
Chapter 11: Im glad that they are alive. I might cry a lot if they die. Hahaha xD Btw, author-nim you're daebak ~! ^^