Player versus Heartbreaker

Sehun tapped his fingers on the lunch table. He had no appetite for his lunch today and he stared blankly at his tray while he pondered about the earlier incident today.

He had actually never factored in that Krystal would reject him; and publically as well! He hadn't been able to hide his shock from Krystal and he found himself wallowing in embarrassment that Krystal's friends had been there when he was rejected.


God, how he hated Krystal.


Now he thought about it, he had never gone on dates or even asked anyone out on a date! The first time he had done so in high school and he was shot down. What a great way to boost his self-confidence.


Sehun continued to think about his plan. He had to get Krystal to go on a date with him. But how? Obviously she had some twisted standards because she rejected Sehun. 'I don't date players'. The words rung in Sehun's head and the more he thought about her words, the more frustrated and annoyed he became.


"What's wrong Sehun?" Tao interrupted Sehun who was deeply immersed in his own thoughts. Sehun glanced up and looked at Tao.


"What? Nothing" Sehun replied as an automatic reflex.


"Really? You look like you want to stab someone." Tao commented, not believing anything that Sehun said. Sehun sighed; clearly exasperated that Tao had chosen today to be observant.


"Fine. I got rejected today!" Sehun snapped, feeling his temper rise. Tao's eyes widen and he let out a loud bark of laughter.


"Sehun? You got rejected? Who's the clever girl?" Tao sniggered; looking very amused and happy about the fact Sehun had gotten rejected. Sehun gave him a very deadly glare and Tao stopped laughing at that. "Geez, I'm sorry. It's just that you getting rejected is a good thing; I mean it's a good thing for your ego. It's getting way too big."


"I'm not telling you who the girl is." Sehun growled.


"Fine, fine Sehun." Tao calmed down slightly despite having a wide grin on his face. "Since I'm a great friend, I'll tell you how to get the girl to go out with you. After all, I am a ladies man."


Sehun scoffed at Tao's words. "Like hell."




"Remember, you're Oh Sehun. You can get any girl you want." Tao hissed at Sehun, his palms shoving Sehun's back in the general direction of Krystal.


"Are you sure it will actually work?" rather unusually Sehun was feeling nervous; his chest was rising and falling in a pattern, and annoyingly, his heart was thumping at a rapid rate. His palms were sweaty and he wiped his hand on his pants as he stared nervously at Tao.


"Of course. You're Oh Sehun." Tao growled, his patience being tested by Sehun's reluctance and hesitance. Sehun however was not convinced and continued to linger.


"How embarrassing would it be if I got rejected again." Sehun complained, twisting the bottom of his white shirt with his fingers. Tao slapped Sehun's hand away and moved closer to fix Sehun's collar.


"You won't get rejected Sehun, just follow exactly what I said." Tao assured Sehun confidently while he adjusted and patted out Sehun's protruding collar. "Also, here." Tao suddenly remembered something and turned around and dug into his bag for something. He spent ten seconds searching before he finally pulled out a bottle of cologne and passed it to Sehun very carefully. "It's very expensive cologne; Gucci as a matter of fact." 


"I'm surprised it didn't break it your bag." Sehun commented, as he untwisted the top off and sprayed himself on his shirt. Tao's eyes bulged out in shock and horror.


"What are you doing??" Tao shouted, flabbergasted. He ripped the bottle of cologne from Sehun's hands and glared at him. Sehun raised his hands in the air, confused about Tao's response. "You don't spray cologne on your clothes, you spray it on your skin, you moronic idiot!"


"What? It's perfume though!" Sehun replied defensively. Tao's face suddenly contorted in anger and he stayed still for a few seconds, muttering quiet phrases under his breath.


"It's not perfume." Tao said very calmly while his face was twitching. "It’s cologne." the word 'cologne' acted as a trigger for Tao and he flew in action, spraying the cologne in places Sehun had never thought about. Behind his ears, on his Adam's apple, on his nose, on his wrists and as Tao tried to Sehun's shirt to spray on his chest, Sehun started to protest. "You've got to rub it in." Tao muttered, as he ran his fingers over Sehun's wrists and rubbed in the cologne into Sehun's skin. Tao easily ignored Sehun's struggling with his brutal strength and continued on pressing his fingers with overly unnecessary extra force on his wrists.


"I'll rub it in myself!" Sehun exclaimed, finally shoving Tao's hands away from behind his ears. Tao rolled his eyes and then once again tried to Sehun's shirt. "Stop!" Sehun snapped but Tao ignored him and succeeded getting enough buttons to expose Sehun's chest. Spraying the cologne on Sehun's chest at an incredibly fast rate, Tao then moved his hands towards Sehun's chest.

"Okay seriously stop now." Sehun roughly shoved Tao away from him and massaged the cologne into his chest himself. Then when he was done, he quickly buttoned his shirt again.


"I'm just being a nice friend." Tao huffed but he beamed at Sehun. "Now you don't smell like crap!" Tao smiled at Sehun while Sehun responded with a beautiful view of his middle finger. "Go get 'em tiger!" Tao cheered.


Sehun inhaled deeply and nodded. "I'm Oh ing Sehun. I can do this." Sehun muttered to himself before he finally set off and walked towards Krystal who was sitting or rather posing with her friends.


Painfully aware that Krystal and her friends were watching Sehun, he carefully measured each step. He wiped his palms against his pants and hoped that he didn't look too nervous. Sehun then opted a small but confident smirk on his face and took longer strides to them. Hopefully his acting was good enough.


Finally when he reached the group of girls sitting together, they all paused from their conversation and gave Sehun a knowing glance.


"Hi." Sehun said and was instantly pleased that his voice came out confident and calm. "I need to talk to you Krystal. Alone." he deliberately said those words more forcefully and this time he cast a gaze around Krystal's friends and not very subtlety told them to go away.


Sehun assumed most of them received the message because they all mumbled something and hastily got up from their stationary positions.


"Wait." Krystal stood up and walked towards Sehun, her high heels clacking noisily against the floors. "I'll walk with you Sehun." her tone left no doubt that it wasn't a question or even a request, simply just a demand. Sehun glanced at Krystal thoughtfully; already Krystal had taken control and gained the upper hand in authority. But right now, Sehun had to pass the reins of control to her if he wanted to continue with his plans.


It was all a game of chess; Krystal may have thought she was a few steps ahead of Sehun but in reality he was right behind her and ready to undermine her.


"Okay." Sehun nodded, his face indicating none of the thoughts racing through his mind. Instead he maintained a cool and composed image.


Both of them walked side to side each other, only a few centimetres between them and once again Sehun was overcome with the urge to close the distance between them.

"I really like you." Sehun decided to be blunt and get straight to the point. Krystal stopped walking and turned to stare at Sehun sceptically. She had her perfect arched eyebrows raised, her eyes showing nothing but disbelief.


"Do you?" Krystal asked rhetorically, her tone dripping with sarcasm but Sehun sensed underneath her sarcastic question there was a slight challenge imposed by her. Sehun turned to face Krystal and stepped closer to her. Briefly he allowed his gaze to fall down and onto her bare neck and her chest.


"Of course." Sehun muttered huskily and he noticed how Krystal's chest rose and fell at an uneven pace. The close proximity of them allowed Sehun to hear her irregular breathing and for Sehun to smell the fragrance from her skin. He then allowed right hand to sweep her black silky hair back and he rested his hand on her shoulders. "How can I prove it to you?" he murmured, and his right hand slid to the nape of her neck and pulled her even closer to him.


"I don't want you to." Krystal replied, attempting to be snarky but Sehun could see her dilated pupils and her slightly flushed cheeks.

"I think you do." Sehun mumbled before he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against her delicate neck. He exhaled lightly, letting his hot breath tickle her neck. Sehun then nipped at her neck gently and moved upwards to her jawline. Krystal closed her eyes and relaxed underneath Sehun's grasp and in response a small smirk appeared on his face.

He continued to kiss along her jawline and he reached her face; their foreheads nearly touching and his lips hovering over her lips. He leaned in slowly, savouring the moment and the heavy tension in the air.

"I told you." Krystal's eyes opened and Sehun could still see her dilated pupils. He paused as Krystal placed one finger on Sehun's lips, stopping him from kissing her. "I don't date players."



Author's Note

I updated, woot woot. Comment and subscribe!

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Jungoh2412 #1
I'm very, extremely, eager to know what will happen next, so....
update soon, pretty pleasee? : )
lol goodluck!
lucefer #2
Chapter 5: wwwoooooowwwwww
what a Krystal !
Chapter 5: uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im excited what will happen later with them, ugh i love my krystal shes amazing hahaha u go girl!! but feel bad for jongin :( i wonder what will sehun do to break krystal heart
u shud update this story, jebal, curiosity might kill me
Chapter 5: hahhahah sehun XD don't play with jung ;)))
hwangrin #5
Chapter 5: update soon, please^^
justadreamer21 #6
Chapter 5: ooo la laaaa it's getting realllllyyyyyyyyyyy good omggggg
update soon please!
hwangrin #7
Chapter 4: omooooo...
i just found this fanfic and i'm like...
i love this story..

update soon, please^^
Chapter 4: Ohmygod that kiss is so damn hot hagsfdhdgfjsjajaj sehun krystal is a great paring afterall..
Chapter 4: omg sehuna omg krystal u two were enjoying it i know!!! wew krystal will make sehun falling hard for her later. what will kai do i wonder
Chapter 3: lol Chanyeol happy virus!:D I wonder if Sehun's plan is not gonna damage his friendship with Kai instead...as long as he does not fall for Krystal... If not, I can see a few possibilities of what could happen next, and I am really curious... And those girls...omg so bad...>.< I hope Krystal didn't refuse Sehun because of Amber! Looking forward to more of this, please update soon!^^