Player versus Heartbreaker

At lunchtime, Sehun walked to his usual table with his tray of food balanced on his hands. Normally Krystal sat on Sehun's table, next to Jongin or sometimes even on Jongin. But now Jongin and Krystal had broken up, Sehun doubted Krystal would sit in his table anymore.

When he reached his table and sat down next to Kyungsoo, his suspicion was confirmed when both Jongin's and Krystal's usual seat was empty. Sehun's friends waved and nodded when he sat down before returning to their excited chattering.


"I heard Krystal and Jongin weren't going out anymore." Chanyeol asked Sehun eagerly. "Is that true?" his large eyes shined with excitement and zeal. Sehun felt disgust at his friend but didn't say anything, afraid he would lose his temper at one of his good friends. How could he be so happy when Jongin was too heartbroken to even go to school?


"Drop it." Kyungsoo stated, shooting Chanyeol dangerous looks. Sehun felt grateful that Kyungsoo read him so well and he was glad Kyungsoo intervened or Sehun might have punched Chanyeol in the face. After Kyungsoo's words, an awkward silence filled their table with only a few muted sounds of scraping trays and quiet chewing interrupting it.


"Where's Jongin anyway?" Baekhyun asked suddenly, perhaps to break the prolonging silence that lasted for a brief few minutes. He wasn't looking or asking anyone in particular but Sehun knew the question was mainly directed towards him and so Sehun made sure he finished chewing and swallowing the food he had in his mouth first.


"He's home." Sehun stated. "Sick I believe." his tone left no doubt that he wasn't going to share the truth with his friends sitting on the table. They all nodded and accepted his answer without believing it, knowing they would receive the truth when Jongin or Sehun felt ready to tell them.


Another awkward silence descended on the table and Sehun wasn't overly enthusiastic to break it so he remained quiet, staring at his half empty tray.


"I'm hosting a party tomorrow." Xiumin announced abruptly and everyone looked at Xiumin in surprise. Xiumin rarely ever threw parties considering he had an obsession with soccer and mostly spent his week practicing with the soccer club. However, when Xiumin actually did throw one, they were probably the most talked and anticipated.


The table broke out into excited talking and Chanyeol beamed at Xiumin. Kyungsoo let out a small smile and leaned over to Joonmyun to whisper something. Out of all the loud talking, Chanyeol's voice stuck out as he asked Xiumin if he would invite any girls. A huge smile burst out of Chanyeol's face as Xiumin nodded.


"Oh man this is going to be wild!" Chanyeol yelled. "Who are you going to invite?"


Xiumin considered Chanyeol's question for a few seconds. "Well, I wanted this party to be a bit smaller than usual." he continued on but noticed Chanyeol's slightly crestfallen face. "No, I'm still going to invite a lot of girls." Xiumin added reassuringly. "But I guess our group, Yoona's group and um, Krystal's group?" Xiumin asked hesitantly and shooting nervous looks at Sehun.


Instantly when Sehun heard Xiumin's words, he immediately came to a decision and he opened his mouth to say something. "I need to tell you all a secret." Sehun quickly said, without indicating he heard Xiumin's words. Everyone all raised their eyebrows and nodded, unconsciously leaning in towards Sehun. "So you guys have heard Krystal and Jongin broke up but you probably haven’t heard the full story." Sehun paused and looked around, taking in the interested faces around him. "So basically, Jongin caught Krystal cheating on him with Minho. Jongin confronted Krystal about it, asking if she was drunk or if Minho forced himself onto him. He loved her so much that he still trusted her even when he had clear evidence in front of him." Sehun's voice dropped in volume as the group quieted once more. "Krystal told Jongin she never loved him and playing him all along those few months." Sehun stopped and didn't say anymore, feeling uncomfortable that he was betraying Jongin's secret in a way.


Everyone on the table avoided looking each other and fidgeted with their hands. Xiumin cleared his throat and looked at Sehun. "I guess I won't invite Krystal then." he muttered.


"No." Sehun replied and Xiumin's eyes widened in surprise. "Invite Krystal because I'm going to need all of your help with something." Sehun smiled slowly, an unmistakable gleam in his eyes.




Sehun wasn't even ashamed to say he spent a good half an hour getting ready for Xiumin's party. Although Sehun did spend 20 minutes in the bathroom; showering, washing his hair and body, drying himself down etc., it was nothing compared to what Baekhyun did (Baekhyun applied eyeliner every day for god's sake).

He had spent a further 5 minutes picking out a good choice of clothing (the unfortunate downsides of not being rich) and had finally decided on a blue dress shirt and black skinny jeans. He ed a couple of buttons and slipped on a dark leather jacket in case it was cold.

Finally, at 8 o'clock Sehun had left his house and arrived (fashionably) late at Xiumin's. Booming music and bright flickering lights filled Xiumin's house. Frankly, he was surprised that Xiumin's neighbours hadn't complained about the noise yet.


"Sehunnie!!" the second Sehun entered Xiumin's house, a stumbling and obvious drunk Chanyeol greeted him over-enthusiastically. Sehun looked at Chanyeol in surprise; it was only 8 and Chanyeol was looking extremely dishevelled and was clutching a half empty bottle of beer. "I've been waiting for you!"


"I guess it's not really a party unless I'm here." Sehun joked lamely and Chanyeol threw his head back, loud laughs escaping from his mouth.


Chanyeol continued to chortle, his grip on the bottle loosening as he led Sehun somewhere. "I 'fink Baekhyun and Tao are in the Jacuzzi with the girls hehe" he giggled, apparently finding something amusing.


"Hmm...” Sehun replied with barely inaudible mumble and continued on walking with Chanyeol. The pair soon passed the kitchen that had Luhan, Xiumin and several cheering girls surrounding them as they chugged down several bottles of beer. Sehun's facial expression didn't even change one bit, used to the extreme tendencies of Xiumin's parties.

When Sehun reached the lounge with Chanyeol, he swerved slightly to dodge the mass sweaty bodies dancing intensely to a catchy pop song. He glanced to his right and Chanyeol had disappeared, presumably to join the dancers or perhaps grab another bottle of beer.


Sehun swung open the door that led him outside to Xiumin's backyard and walked over to the mostly filled Jacuzzi. As Chanyeol stated, Baekhyun and Tao were indeed in the Jacuzzi, sitting next to 'the girls' who consisted of Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sulli and Krystal.


"You guys are having a pool party and didn't invite me? I'm hurt." Sehun joked and they all turned to face Sehun.


"Sorry, looks like you don't have any swimwear." Taeyeon replied instantly.


"Who said I needed swimwear?" Sehun asked. Taeyeon's eyes widened in surprise as Sehun proceeded to take off his leather jacket and throw it at the pile of clothes strewn a few metres from where he was standing. "I'm going skinny dipping, is it alright with you ladies?" Sehun winked as he slowly ed his dress shirt, exposing his well-defined chest. "I need to make sure all that working out pays off after all," Sehun added carelessly while unbuckling and taking off his jeans.


"Ewww!" Tiffany shrieked and splashed Sehun with water while she covered her eyes.


"I'm wearing speedos if that helps?" Sehun said when he finally undressed himself and lowered himself into the Jacuzzi. Baekhyun and Tao burst out into laughter at Sehun's comment.


"Yep, you're definitely gay Sehun." Baekhyun sniggered, his arm wrapped around Taeyeon's and Krystal's bare shoulders. Sulli, who was sitting next to Tao, moved closer to Sehun when he sat down.


"Where's your boyfriend huh?" Sehun whispered as he wrapped his arm around Sulli's shoulder. Sulli rolled her eyes at Sehun and muttered something about Chanyeol getting drunk again. "Well I'll guess I'll have to accommodate you and replace your boyfriend for this night" it didn’t hurt to flirt with Sulli; even if she was Chanyeol's girlfriend. Their relationship was actually quite complicated and both of them frequently cheated on each other; with each other's permission of course.


"Anyway, we were playing Truth or Dare before you so rudely interrupted Sehun. Wanna join?" Taeyeon announced and Sehun looked up, considering the question. Normally, he would have declined considering the game was pretty stupid but since Krystal was here and playing as well, it might help him to do so as well.


"Fine, who's up now though?" Sehun replied boredly. Sulli leaned on Sehun's shoulders and laid one of her hands on his chest.


"Tiffany and she chose truth." Taeyeon said. "Who was the youngest guy you ever slept with?" Taeyeon asked without missing a beat and Tiffany blushed suddenly.


"Are you trying to make me sound like a e?" Tiffany shot back defensively, her cheeks burning red. Taeyeon just shook her head, smirking heavily. "Fine, this might bore you but it’s Sehun."


"What? I'm pretty sure you slept with Tao as well!" Sehun complained, not even feeling a little sense of embarrassment at the fact he and Tiffany had slept together. A general roar of laughter erupted from the group sitting together.


"I'm older than you, you idiot!" Tao snapped back at Sehun and Sehun only replied with a roguish grin.


"Sehun, your turn; truth or dare?" Taeyeon questioned after she stopped laughing. 


"Dare." Sehun replied, his voice b with confidence, challenging anyone in the group to give him a dare he couldn't possibly do. Taeyeon arched her perfect eyebrows, fully understanding what Sehun meant.


"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in this Jacuzzi." Tao swiftly answered. Inside, Sehun felt pleased; this question was what he needed for tonight. Thank god Tao had enough brains to help Sehun.


"What a stupid dare." Sehun retorted, despite feeling triumphant inside but he had to play it cool. "Well, considering I'm feeling kind tonight…" Sehun trailed off and stood up, Sulli jerking away from him in surprise. His gaze slid over the girl dressed scantily in a bikini. Sehun wadded over to Baekhyun and pulled off his arm on Krystal before crashing his lips against hers.


While Tao said kiss, Sehun wasn't the type to merely kiss someone and so he had roughly grabbed her. At first Krystal was frozen for a brief second before she responded to Sehun's lips. Their lips moved in sync as Sehun ran his hand through her hair. A warm feeling stirred inside Sehun's chest; it was somewhat electrical; he wasn't aware of anything else besides Krystal's cherry favoured lips against his own.


"You guys can stop now." Baekhyun interrupted, his voice raised and Sehun and Krystal broke apart. Baekhyun looked slightly annoyed; perhaps Baekhyun had a thing for Krystal?


Sehun stepped backwards, his eyes on Krystal. While Sehun had to admit Krystal was probably the best kisser he had ever known, surely she would have felt the same way? However Krystal's face betrayed nothing as she looked at Sehun before arching her perfect eyebrows.


"I need to get a drink." Sehun suddenly mumbled, stepping out of the Jacuzzi and ignoring his dripping body. A chill that had nothing to do with the cold entered his body. How could he do this? Jongin was his best friend and here he was, at a party, kissing the girl he loved. Worst of all, he actually enjoyed the kiss and wished Krystal did as well. Was this even part of this plan? With the feeling of disgust overwhelming him, Sehun quickly grabbed a cold bottle of beer before chugging it down quickly.


"Sehun?" Yixing walked up to Sehun and stared at him questioningly. "You never drink beer, what are you doing?" while Yixing was quite oblivious, he also had a knack of noticing details like that. Trust him to notice Sehun was drinking and not be able to piece of together what Sehun was doing.


"I just need to relax." Sehun muttered after finishing the entire bottle. Already, he was feeling more relaxed but dizzy as well, but even in his slightly drunken state his excuse sounded lame. Sehun proceeded to pick up another bottle of beer but Yixing stopped him.


"Hey, I think you shouldn’t. You have a really bad alcohol tolerance... “Yixing’s soft words wandered off and were soon lost in the noise of the party. Sehun wrenched the bottle away from Yixing's hands and stumbled inside the house to an empty couch.


Sehun let out a groan as he collapsed onto the couch. His head was swimming and he felt his stomach churning uncomfortably inside of him. But despite that, he felt more relaxed than he had felt in the last few days. He hadn't realised how tensed up he was until his shoulders loosened up.


The pounding beat of the pop song changed into an even more upbeat song and Sehun smiled foolishly, feeling extremely happy. 


The party around him grew slippery and shiny as Sehun finished his second bottle of beer and he blinked a few times to try to clear his vision. Suddenly feeling bold, Sehun heaved himself from the couch and joined the dance floor, his hips swaying to the pulsing beat. As he made his way there, he took a random girl's hand and tugged her towards the dance floor, a foolish smile on his lips.


"Dance with me." Sehun slurred, his mind was currently too affected by the alcohol to identify the girl in front of him. She raised her eyebrows at him but allowed herself to be led to the dance floor. "You look like Yoona." Sehun blurted out to the girl and he laughed at his comment despite it not being funny.


Without waiting for any answer, Sehun wrapped his arm around her neck and pushed his body against hers. He leaned in closer and kissed her roughly, searching for same feeling he felt with Krystal. But the girl didn't respond and she pushed Sehun away.


"You're drunk." she said flatly and Sehun laughed at her response, the taste of cherry lip palm and beer lingering in his mouth.


"Everything is drunk." Sehun mumbled, his hands resting on her bare shoulders. "I mean everyone. Hehe." Sehun laughed, shaking in amusement. "Oh wait I shouldn't do that." his thoughts tumbled out of his mouth without being censored.


Sehun abruptly stepped backwards and turned away, the uncomfortable churning in his stomach increasing. He felt something rise into his stomach and automatically turned to hurry to a nearby bathroom. However, Sehun didn't look where he was going and somehow managed to trip on the carpet. Bile and vomit rising up his throat, he couldn't stop himself and vomited all over the thick, white carpet.


Even through his drunken haze, all Sehun could think about was how Xiumin was going to be pissed off at him.


Author's Note

Sorry for the long time it took for me to update. Expect an update tomorrow though! Comment and subscribe! :D

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Jungoh2412 #1
I'm very, extremely, eager to know what will happen next, so....
update soon, pretty pleasee? : )
lol goodluck!
lucefer #2
Chapter 5: wwwoooooowwwwww
what a Krystal !
Chapter 5: uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im excited what will happen later with them, ugh i love my krystal shes amazing hahaha u go girl!! but feel bad for jongin :( i wonder what will sehun do to break krystal heart
u shud update this story, jebal, curiosity might kill me
Chapter 5: hahhahah sehun XD don't play with jung ;)))
hwangrin #5
Chapter 5: update soon, please^^
justadreamer21 #6
Chapter 5: ooo la laaaa it's getting realllllyyyyyyyyyyy good omggggg
update soon please!
hwangrin #7
Chapter 4: omooooo...
i just found this fanfic and i'm like...
i love this story..

update soon, please^^
Chapter 4: Ohmygod that kiss is so damn hot hagsfdhdgfjsjajaj sehun krystal is a great paring afterall..
Chapter 4: omg sehuna omg krystal u two were enjoying it i know!!! wew krystal will make sehun falling hard for her later. what will kai do i wonder
Chapter 3: lol Chanyeol happy virus!:D I wonder if Sehun's plan is not gonna damage his friendship with Kai instead...as long as he does not fall for Krystal... If not, I can see a few possibilities of what could happen next, and I am really curious... And those girls...omg so bad...>.< I hope Krystal didn't refuse Sehun because of Amber! Looking forward to more of this, please update soon!^^