- I'm Not Kidding -

Falling in Love with My Enemy
"Choi MinHo. Choi MinHo! CHOI MINHO!" Victoria stopped running, her brother was some fast walker.
MinHo stopped walking, but didn't turn around, "I know you're my sister and everything, but you should know for a fact; that I'm not in the mood to talk."
Victoria finally ran over, facing him; looking up at him. "What's gotten into you?"
He looked at her confused, "What are you talking about? That wasn't the first time I've stormed out of a classroom."
"But that was the first time you've stormed out of a classroom because of a GIRL." She tried her best to make proper eye contact, but he wouldn't budge.
MinHo looked towards a poster hanging on the left wall, "I don't get why this matter's so much to everyone."
"YOU'RE the one making it seem like a big matter, do you not even realize that?" Victoria held her hands up in the air, sometimes; she could've sworn her brother was bi-polar.
He finally looked down at her, "I'm just so sick of everyone saying I like Krystal. And I-I don't!" MinHo stuttered, he pushed Victoria out of the way; but once again, she had something to say; "and what's wrong if you did like Krystal anyways?" 
One more time, he stopped walking; turning around, keeping his distance. "Krystal Jung? I CAN'T like Krystal. Can't you figure that out by now?! I'm Choi MinHo for crying out loud! I could give you a hundred reasons right now on why I can't like someone like her." 
Victoria crossed her arms, raising her eye brows; "Give me five, right now."
MinHo wasn't expecting that, his eyes widened as he tried to think; "One, she's Jessica's sister." 
Jessica was one of the girls that were truly obsessed with MinHo, and that annoyed the fu*k out of him. "Two, she's nothing but a wall between me and everything I want." 
That was true, but he obviously wasn't thinking straight; 'cause he was the same exact thing, "Three, she doesn't act girly in any way, shape, or form."
Honestly, MinHo hated crazy girly girls; but come on, you can't be that much of a tomboy. "Four, she doesn't like ME."
Seriously, who doesn't like him? He's PERFECT. To what HE thought anyways. "and five, everything she does; it seems she does it just to piss me off." 
He breathed out, surprised he came up with five reasons; "There! Now you can quit bugging me." MinHo turned back around, but not to his surprise; Victoria spoke up, "You pretty much just described the way Krystal thinks of you."
"What the fu*k are you talking about?" Every single time he wanted to leave, of course; his witty twin sister had to make up something. 
Victoria walked towards him, tapping her fingers on her arm; "You're her wall between herself and everything she wants, you don't like her, and; I know for a FACT that half the things you do, are just to piss her off and grab her attention." She knew he had him there, nothing could beat the knowledge of a sibling. Anyone who walked by could feel the tension in the air.
MinHo was done. He couldn't talk about this any longer, "You know what-" at that very moment, the bell rang. He sighed in happiness, heading off to his next class; AP Chemistry.
- meanwhile -
While L.Joe and L were hanging out in the back corner, talking about who was hot; and who was not, Chunji and SungYeol had a normal conversation; just talking about stupid things.
SungYeol could tell something was on Chunji's mind, he looked over to where he was looking at; and not to his surprise, it was L.Joe; "You still haven't told him huh?"
Chunji shooked his head slowly, "How the heck can I tell Lee Byung Hun, one of the most popular guys at our school, with all the girls all over him; that I think I've fallen in love with him?"
SungYeol realized that Chunji waaas in an awkward position, he wanted to help him; but he had no clue how; "Well are you gonna tell him before we debut or-"
Chunji quickly covered his mouth, looking around to make sure no one heard; "You DO realize that NO ONE is supposed to know that we're entering the KPOP world, right?!" he whisper yelled at him, sometimes SungYeol didn't really pay attention. to anything.
SungYeol scratched his head, "Omo, I forgot." 
"Hey SungYeol!" L yelled from the back, "Can I borrow a pen?"
He turned around, "You want one, come here L."
L stood up, scratching his head; pulling up L.Joe along with him, "You should start to get used to calling me MyungSoo, once me and L.Joe are in the same group-"
L.Joe quickly covered his mouth, making sure no one was paying attention; "What the fu*k dude, we're screwed if anyone finds out."
Chunji eyed SungYeol, it was like dejavu; SungYeol rolled his eyes, grabbing a pen out of his back pocket and handed it to him. "Here ya go, 'MyungSoo'." he said in a special type tone. L smiled, "Thanks best friend."
Chunji had a rush of jealously creep down his spine, but then he suddenly jumped when L.Joe wrapped his arms around his neck from behind; "Hyung, how come you haven't been the same these past few days?"
SungYeol watched at how uncomfortable Chunji was feeling; he swallowed, looked around, and even bit his bottom lip. Something was really odd about this L.Joe, was he into him or not? Aish. 
"No-nothing's wrong, I-I'm fine.." Chunji lied.
L.Joe's hot breath was colliding with Chunji's fair skinned cheeks, "We've been best friends since we were in diapers, we've even been in the same shower before; I can tell that's a lie." as he talked, his arms were still wrapped around Chunji's neck.
MyungSoo leaned down towards SungYeol, "What the fu*k is up with those two?"
"I don't even know." SungYeol's eyes widened, confused as hell. He stood up, grabbing L along with him; leaving L.Joe and Chunji with their 'business'.
- meanwhile -
As Krystal made her way down to her regular seat for AP Chemistry, she noticed someone already sat there; which was a giant surprise. But she wasn't just gonna let that slide, she walked over to the person; tapping her shoulder, "Excuse me, you're in my-"
Sungjong smiled up at her once he saw her face, "Krystal sshi right?" 
She covered , "I'm so sorry, I mistook you for a girl."
DongWoo laughed in the back, "Don't worry, that's not a first." he pulled Sungjong up, heading over to their lockers.
Krystal sat down in her seat, it's been a long time since she's embarrassed herself over something like that. She sighed, pulling out the homework due in two weeks; call her an overachiever? Hell to the yes, and she was proud about that.
"Can we talk?" 
A voice behind Krystal spoke, as she turned around; she knew the face was familiar, just could not remember the name; "You're one of those new students right?"
The boy nodded his head, grabbing the desk right next to hers; holding out his hand, "We haven't properly met, I'm Niel." 
"Krystal." She shook his hand, still wondering what he needed to talk about; "So, what'd you need to say.?" she asked, while scanning through her homework; If x times y equals 48% of 92, then the number of atoms-
Niel snapped his fingers right in front of her face various times, "You haven't listened to one word I said, have you?"
Her eyes were still glued to her book, "Uh, yeah; your name's Niel."
He was getting quite annoyed with this, without any hesitation; he grabbed her book out of her hand, shoving it inside of his backpack; "My cousin's KwangMin and YoungMin have already told me a bunch about you." 
"I need that back." she demanded.
"Jeez." Who's that demanding over a book? "You'll get it back after we talk."
Krystal rolled her eyes, "Speak. I don't have much time."
'Sassy' was the first word that came into Niel's mind, but he ignored his own thoughts; "You shouldn't date CAP."
Krystal couldn't believe it, "I just met you. today to be exact. and you're already telling me who I should date or not?"
At that moment, MinHo finally found his way to class; hearing Krystal's last sentence, he listened on to their conversation; it seemed quite interesting.
"I'm not telling you who you should date or not, I'm just saying; CAP's not the type of guy you want." Niel was becoming intimidated just looking at Krystal, it was like she owned the school or something. It reminded him of someone from the past class.. Oh right, that was MinHo.
Krystal rolled her eyes, ignoring every word; "Just give me back my book. And you know what I like in guys how?" she held out her hand, awaiting for her wish.
Niel stood up, backpack on; "No. Look, CAP is one of my best friends and all; but he's the type of guy that doesn't stop until he get's what he wants. And you're giving him exactly that."
She looked at him with a WTF type expression.
Niel couldn't believe it, "For a top valedictorian candidate, you're not that smart."
Krystal glared at him, standing up to face him; he was pretty tall. "Look; Big Lips, if there's anything that I hate more than Choi MinHo; it's drama, and you seem to be wanting to start something with me.
"What the fu*k was this chick's issue?" MinHo mumbled to himself, listening on.
He took a step backward, yeah; this girl was vicious. "Ya know what, fine. If you wanna get fu*ked on the first night, have fun raising a baby." Niel shooked his head, "Oh, and I noticed this right when I walked through this door this morning; you owe me fifty dollars once you and MinHo start dating." that girl was really something else.
"HAH." Krystal fake laughed and coughed, "You're really funny. Now get the fu*k away from me before I REALLY get pissed off." 
MinHo still hid behind the door, he watched as Niel walked out; and noticed that he turned back around, "And FYI, girls LOVE kissing these big  lips of mine. MWUAH." he mocked.
"YAH! I need my book back!" 
Niel grabbed it out of his backpack, tossing it to MinHo; "You must really like her since I noticed you hiding for a long time." he mumbled, watching MinHo's heavy glare towards him. "Give that to that ." After that, Niel left.
MinHo had no idea how he got into this, but whatever. He handed Krystal her book, and she strongly grabbed it out of his hand. Not even saying thank you.
"I really hate you.." he mumbled under his breath.
She turned around, "Excuse me?"
He faked a giant smile, "Nothing, please go on with your amazing life."
Krystal knew that smile was fake, and she fake smiled back; "You too.. douche." she mumbled, and walked back to her seat.
MinHo clenched his fists, if she was a boy; she'd be dead by now.
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Chapter 9: Omg I love this story so much!!! Please update, it can just be one or two more chapters??
Shineelovingshawol #2
Omg this was such a good story please update it! Just maybe one more chapter? Pretty pretty pretty please with a cherry on top? :(((((((
Chapter 9: this is sooo good!!! :D I hate CAP!! I love this <3
Minstal is the only third girl pairing I like with Minho. First is Minyul and then its Mintoria! I like this fic, its good:)
minstal_1 #5
we will wait good luck ^^
minstal_1 #7
i enjoy the krystal x niel moments this fanfic rocks!
KhunKrystal #9
hahaha Finally, Minho and Krystal!!!! Even though they not yet get back together, but it's a good sign. hehehe^^ And that L guy is a real jerk!! <br />
<br />
Update soon pls^^