
You Only Have One Chance

    "Hyung, you have to help me!" Daehyun's voice shouted across the auto shop. I looked up from the car I was working on, wiping my greasy hand on a rag, and looked up. 
    "What is it?" I asked. Daehyun ran up, skidding to a stop, and raked his fingers through his hair. He was breathing hard, his eyes wide, and panted with his hands on his knees. 
    "You have!" Daehyun said again, looking panicked. I helped him sit down, handing him a drink of water, and Daehyun gulped it noisily. 
    "What's wrong?" I asked again, forcing Daehyun to look at me. I was worried, wondering what had spooked Daehyun so badly. He had faced a gunfight no sweat, so something was clearly really wrong now. 
    "I have a—I have a date." Daehyun said, sounding terrified. I took a moment to absorb this and then burst out laughing, falling off my chair and rolling on the floor. 
    "You're this worried about a date?" I asked, still laughing. Daehyun looked at me incredulously, stomping a booted foot down on my stomach and making me groan. 
    "Stop it! This is serious! I don't know what to do or say or what to wear!" Daehyun exclaimed worriedly, throwing up his hands. 
    "Okay, okay! Jeez, watch those things!" I said, standing up and gesturing to his boots. Daehyun nodded, still quite freaked out. 
    "Come on, I'll help you with everything." I said, gesturing for Daehyun to start talking. 
     "Okay, so I was at the book store where she works and we just started talking and before I knew it I asked her out to the movies and I don't what I'm doing and what I'm thinking and I just—" I stopped him, recognizing panic when I saw it. 
    "Okay, stop! First of all, it's just the movies. Secondly, if she said yes, she's obviously into you." I said. Daehyun nodded, still looking slightly panicked. 
    "You'll just wear some jeans and a button-down, nothing fancy. You'll go, pick her up, pay for the tickets, watch the movies, and take her home. Simple. Maybe out for ice cream or something afterwards." I said. Daehyun nodded, calming down a little, and I patted his shoulder comfortingly. 
    "There, you see? Nothing to be scared of." I said, and Daehyun nodded. He stood up, looking slightly more confident, and nodded to me. 
    "Okay. I've got this. Nothing to be afraid of." Daehyun said, straightening his jacket. He opened the door next to me, walking through. I stayed still, waiting for him to come out again. 
    "That's a closet." Daehyun said, appearing a second later, looking embarrassed. "I'm going this way." Daehyun pointed towards the exit, walking off. 
    "See you later!" I called, shaking my head. No matter how much he tried to pretend, it was obvious Daehyun was still terrified. I opened my phone, sending a text to the rest of the boys. 
Meet me at the movie theater at 7. 
    A reply cam from Jong Up immediately, questioning why, and the other boys asked the same. 
We're shadowing Daehyun on a date. He looks terrified. Nobody say a word! 
    I got agreements from the boys and closed my phone, willing to spend a night at the movies with four guys to make sure Daehyun doesn't screw anything up for himself. 

    "How do I look? Do I look okay? I should go change right? Yeah, I'm gonna go change!" Daehyun said, turning abruptly and running back down the hallway towards his bedroom. Zelo rolled his eyes from his seat in front of the tv and Himchan shook his head. 
    "That's the third time he's done that!" Himchan said, and the rest of us nodded. 
    "If he does it again, I'm gonna wring his neck." Youngjae threatened, making the rest of us laugh. 
    "Guys, go easy on him! It's his first date." I said. All of us stopped talking when Daehyun appeared again, this time in jeans and a black t-shirt. He looked down, and before he could start again, Jong Up shoved him towards the door. 
    "You look fine, you're gonna be late!" I said. Daehyun looked down at his watch, yelped, and took off running out of the door. 
    "Aish, that kid." Himchan shook his head. We nodded, waiting a few minutes and walking to the movie theater. We saw Daehyun and a girl walk inside, followed them. 
    "Guys look, he's doing the move!" Youngjae said after a few minutes of silence. We looked down to see Daehyun stretching his arm across his shoulders, smiling when he landed it successfully, and enjoyed the rest of the movie. 
    Afterwards we followed them to a ice cream shop. Daehyun and the girl took a small table and chatted for a while. We watched from another table, consuming massive portions of ice cream and trying to hear their conversation. 
    " that's why I don't think it'll work out." I heard a snatch of conversation before the girl stood up and walked away, leaving Daehyun completely stunned. 
    "She just left him." Youngjae whispered. Jong Up turned around, Zelo explaining rapidly to him. 
    "She did what?!" Jong Up exclaimed, drawing the attention of the entire restaurant. We shushed him, but Daehyun had already heard and turned to us. 
    "Hey, Daehyun." Youngjae said sheepishly, cringing. Instead of being angry, Daehyun pulled out a chair and plunked down. 
    "She said we had conflicting interests." Daehyun said, looking depressed. We patted his back, saying comforting words while Daehyun singlehandedly polished off an entire tub. 
    "I just don't understand!" Daehyun said through another mouthful. The rest of us had fallen silent long ago, Zelo and Jong Up were actually asleep, and I was the last one rallying. 
    "Daehyun, girls are really strange. This was just not the right girl for you, but I'm sorry this happened." I said. Daehyun nodded, looking over at the two sleeping maknae's, and picked up the tub he was eating out of. 
    "Let's go." Daehyun said, standing up. Youngjae and Himchan stopped talking, waking up Zelo and Jong Up, and Daehyun walked over to the counter.
    "Could I get three of these, please?" Daehyun asked, shaking his tub demonstratively. The stunned girl behind the counter nodded, giving him his order. I watched as Daehyun reached into his pocket to pay, and was stopped by the girl. 
    "Oh no, it's on the house." she said, smiling at Daehyun. He shook his head, looking back at our table. 
    "Are you sure? We ate a lot." Daehyun said. The girl nodded, scribbling something on a piece of paper and handing it to Daehyun. 
    "I'm sure. That girl was an idiot, call me sometime." she said, turning around and walking into the back part of the ice cream shop. Daehyun stood there, frozen in shock for a second, and I walked up. 
    "Don't just stand there like an idiot, let's go!" I said, grabbing the number from the counter and steering Daehyun outside where the boys were waiting. 
    "When are you gonna ask her out?" I asked. Daehyun shook his head, looking panicked. 
    "I am not going through this again!" Daehyun said. I nodded, letting him think what he wanted to now, and thought of how we could convince the ice cream monster to go on another date. 

Okay, this is just terrible. I'm gonna update again soon, bare with me, I have like five stories right now, please comment, subscribe or upvote!

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Chapter 8: The way you portray Jongup is perfect! I feel like that's probably how he is in real life. Goofy puppy (^o^) I really like the story and the cute, fluffy chapters afterward. They make me feel all fuzzy ^^
update soon ^^