
You Only Have One Chance

    "Yong Guk!" I looked up, hearing Jong Up shout. He walked up, still slighting favoring his arm. It had been three months since Youngjae had been kidnapped, and we were all healing nicely. I smiled, walking towards him and wondering at what he was holding. 
    "What's that?" I asked, pointing to the bundle Jong Up was carrying. He shifted the towel in his arm, revealing a small brown rabbit with long ears. He smiled when I patted the rabbit gently, rubbing its ears. 
    "Can we—" Jong Up started, giving me a pleading look. I immediately shook my head, realizing the rabbit was covered in a layer of dust and grime, and looked skinny. 
    "No! We are not taking care of a rabbit!" I said, making Jong Up pout. He shifted his arms a little, ing the bunny closer to me, and I tried to look stern. 
    "Please, hyung? We can keep him in the living room, and we can take turns feeding him and taking him out for walks and stuff!" Jong Up pleaded, speaking quickly and resembling a child. It's a good thing Zelo isn't here, the maknae would make this rabbit impossible to say no to.  
    "I'm not giving up my living room for a rabbit!" I said, shaking my head and crossing my arms. Jong Up pouted, giving me a face that told me he was close to tears. I shook my head again, channeling the inner leader. Both Jong Up and the rabbit were staring at me with these imploring eyes, but I looked away. 
    "No, Moon Angel! We don't have time to take care of a rabbit! Youngjae and I are working full-time in Himchan's garage, Daehyun's busy with his new restaurant and Zelo is working at the coffee shop! And you—" I paused, checking my watch to see where Jong Up was supposed to be. 
    "And you are supposed to be at dance lessons!" I exclaimed frustratedly. Jong Up looked contrite, slumping his shoulders and snuggling the rabbit under his chin. 
    "Mianhamnida, hyung. I just found him on the way to dance and I've been looking for you and I found this towel in the lost and found—" Jong Up said forlornly, rubbing his hand absentmindedly on the rabbit's back. 
    "Stop! You need to get to dance class before the teacher gets mad and kicks you out for good! Now go!" I said, pointing towards the dance studio sternly. Jong Up opened his mouth to protest, snuggling the rabbit even closer. 
    "But what about Fluffy?" Jong Up asked, putting out his lower lip. I sighed, bracing my hands on my hips, and rolled my eyes. 
    "First of all, we are not naming this rabbit Fluffy. Second, you're going to be late!" I said again, wondering what I had done in a past life to deserve this. 
    "What about Chris Brown?" Jong Up asked, completely ignoring dance class. 
    "No! Now get to—"
    "Michael Jackson?" 
    "Oh my god, just give me the creature!" I yelled, taking the rabbit from Jong Up and making him give me a hurt look. 
    "I'll handle this, just...go to class." I said, making an effort to keep my voice calm. Jong Up twisted his hands nervously, cracking his knuckles, and shook his head. 
    "What now?" I asked, feeling the rabbit sniff my chin. Its whiskers and breath tickled, and I made an effort not to laugh. 
    "Are you going to keep him?" Jong Up pleaded. I shook my head and he made his crying face again. Forget the charisma of this powerful rapper and gangster...just give him a pet and he'll start crying. 
    "Please, hyung! Please! Jebal!" Jong Up cried, hanging onto my arm and yelling dramatically. I sighed, feeling myself giving in, and nodded my head. 
    "Fine! Stop yelling! But this creature is on probation..." I warned, making Jong Up nod and smile. I laughed a little as the rabbit tickled my chin again, shifting my hand to pet it. 
    "See? J-hop likes you!" Jong Up said. I stopped, wondering where in the world he got that name, and gave him an 'are you insane' look. 
    "Who?" I asked. Jong Up smiled widely like an idiot and shrugged. 
    "Well, you know J-hope from BTS? Yeah, this is J-hop. You're welcome, I know it's an amazing name." Jong said smugly, gesturing to the rabbit. 
    "Oh, just get to class!" I looked down at my watch again, yelping. Jong Up gave me a questioning look, cocking his head to the side. 
    "What's wrong, hyung?" Jong Up asked sweetly, happy now that I had let him keep the rabbit. 
    "I promised Daehyun I would meet him 30 minutes ago!" I cried, wondering what I was going to do with a rabbit at an auto shop. Jong Up carefully took J-hop from me, shooting me a cunning smile. 
    "Here, I'm late enough to dance class there's no point in going now. I'll just take J-hop back to the house and wash him up, and I'll go buy everything we need for him." Jong Up said, giving me a manipulative look. I sighed, not wanting to be even more late, and let him take the rabbit. 
    "Fine. But don't make a mess! Himchan will make you clean the house top to bottom!" I said, running off to the auto shop. Before I got two feet away, Jong Up stopped me. 
    "What now?!" I exclaimed. Jong Up gave me a shy look, holding his hand out and smiling. 
    "Hyung, I need 50,000 won." Jong Up said. I stopped in disbelief—50,000 won? How could a rabbit cost that much?
    "50,000? Why do you need so much?" I asked, dancing in place to stop from running away. Jong Up bit his lip, thinking, and started listing everything he needed. 
    "Okay, okay! Just take it!" I the bill at him, running away, and dreaded what Himchan would do when he found out about our little friend. 

    "Jong Up?!" I called, opening the door to our house and calling his name. A few weeks ago, we had all pitched in—the six of us—and bought a large house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a decent living room and kitchen. 
    "Don't leave the door open!" Jong Up yelled frantically, skidding into the room in a pair of boxers, socks and a sideways SnapBack cap. He threw his hands up, looking concerned, and slammed the door behind me. 
    "What are you doing? What are you wearing?" I asked, setting down my bag and taking off my coat. Jong Up turned to me, giving me a sheepish look, and I gave him 'the look'. 
    "Well, I was going to give J-hop a bath and he sorta...hopped...away?" Jong Up said, cringing. 
    "You what?!" I yelled, making Jong Up put a finger over his lips frantically. 
    "Hyung, shhh! You'll scare him and we'll never get J-hop back!" Jong Up said. I made an attempt to lower my voice, still not believing what Jong Up had done. This is why you don't leave Jong Up home alone with another creature.  
    "Himchan is going to kill us if we don't find that rabbit!" I said in a fierce whisper. Jong Up nodded, knowing just as well as I did that the 'mom' of our group would not be pleased to come home and find a rabbit running around. 
    "Yeah, where should we look?" Jong Up asked, shrugging his shoulders. He gave me a confused look and bit his lip. "I've looked everywhere." 
    "Look in you and Zelo's room, I'll look in Himchan and my room. If we don't find him, meet in Daehyun and Youngjae's room." I said. Jong Up shook his head, making me hiss in frustration. 
    "What? What's wrong with that?! And for god's sake, put a shirt on!" I said, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. Jong Up obediently snagged a tank top off the top of a chair—Himchan's—and slid into it. 
    "If you go into my room, you'll wake Zelo. You might have already done that!" Jong Up said, sitting down. I rolled my eyes, giving him another look. 
    "Zelo's here? And you didn't ask for his help?!" I said, wondering why I always had to fix the maknaes' problems. Jong Up lowered his eyes and shoulders, looking like he was going to cry again. 
    "I'm sorry, hyung. He just looked so sleepy and I—"
    "It's okay, Jong Up. I'm not mad. Well, I'm not that mad." I said, patting his back. He looked up, brightening again, and I rolled my eyes. 
    "Does Zelo know about J-hop?" I asked. Jong Up shook his head and I stood, facing towards him. 
    "While we're looking for this rabbit, we have to be sure not to wake Zelo. He can't know yet, I want to tell everyone together." I said, making Jong Up nod. 
    "Guys? Did we get a rabbit?" Zelo appeared in the hallway, barefoot with tousled hair, and holding J-hop. Jong Up and I immediately froze, and Jong Up held his hands out. 
    "Zelo, don't let him—" I said, watching as J-hop wriggled free and dropped to the floor in front of Zelo. "—go." 
    "When did we get a rabbit?" Zelo asked, rubbing his head and watching J-hop sniff around on the floor. "Jong Up, where are your pants?" 
    "It doesn't matter now! Just...catch that rabbit!" I said, all three of us freezing as J-hop turned his head, nose twitching. We leaned forward, lunging forward down the hall when J-hop leapt forward. 
    "Cut him off!" I yelled, running in my bare feet down the hardwood hall. Zelo went through the door connecting our bedrooms and appeared at the end of the hall, Jong Up sliding along behind me in his socks. 
    We started closing in, stopping when J-hop veered off into one of the bathrooms. Zelo went in, chasing him out, and he slipped through my fingers. 
    "I almost had him!" I cried in frustration, taking off down the hall. We all tripped multiple times, especially Jong Up in his socks, and spent the better part of half an hour chasing J-hop around the house through all the rooms. 
    "Here, move slowly!" I said, all of us moving forwards slowly towards where J-hop sat in between the refrigerator and the front door. 
    "Here, Jong Up, slide a little that way. Zelo, you and I will drive him towards Jong Up. Jong Up, you have socks so you can slide and grab him." I said in a loud whisper, making them nod. 
    We all started moving gradually towards the rabbit, Jong Up jumping forward and diving head first towards J-hop. He skid along the wood floor on his stomach, dirtying Himchan's white tank top beyond repair, and catching J-hop between his outstretched fingers. Zelo and I high-fived and Jong Up smiled widely, bringing J-hop close to his chest. We turned, our faces falling at the dangerous figure in the doorway. 
    "What the HELL is going on?!" Himchan shrieked, Youngjae and Daehyun behind him smothering laughs. Jong Up immediately stood, brushing himself off with one hand, and walked over in between Zelo and me. 
    "Hyung can explain." Jong Up said, hiding with J-hop behind me. I opened my mouth, facing Himchan's furious face with all my courage. 
    "Well?! I'm waiting!" Himchan boomed, filling the doorway completely. I stuttered for a few seconds, making Himchan hold up his hands. 
    "Stop! Just get rid of that thing. Then you will clean this house spotless, do you hear me?!" Himchan ordered. Although he was younger, I nodded my head meekly. 
    "Hyung, please don't make us get rid of J-hop!" Jong Up said, surprising us all with his bravery. Himchan's head snapped towards him, homing in like shark. 
    "What?" Himchan said, slightly calmer. Jong Up put on his pleading face, cuddling the filthy rabbit closer. 
    "I found him today and he's so cute! Please, hyung? Zelo and I'll clean him up, and I already bought all the stuff I need and Yong Guk hyung said it was okay!" Jong Up pleaded, directing Himchan's attention towards me. 
    "You said yes to a rabbit?" Himchan said in disbelief, coming inside after Daehyun shoved his way through with Youngjae. They took their shoes off and went over to Jong Up, petting J-hop. 
    "Oh, come on! Don't look at me like that, they'll take good care of him!" I said, not mentioning that Jong Up had already lost this rabbit for god knows how many hours. 
    "Fine. But if it makes a mess..." Himchan said threateningly, raising his finger and shaking it. Jong Up immediately showered him with thanks and smiles, making Himchan smile. 
    "Go get him cleaned, I'll make dinner." Himchan said. Jong Up nodded, turning to walk away, and Himchan stopped him. 
    "Is that my shirt?" Himchan asked dangerously, pointing at the filthy shirt Jong Up wore. Jong Up's mouth dropped and he immediately turned and ran with J-hop to the bathroom. 
    "Aish, that kid!" Himchan said, recruiting Youngjae, Daehyun and Zelo to help him with dinner. "Go help him with that rabbit, make sure he doesn't make a mess!"  
    "Why can't Youngjae do it?" I whined, sounding like a kid even to myself. Himchan stopped cutting vegetables and pointed the knife at me. 
    "Go!" I nodded, backing up and fleeing to the bathroom. I went inside carefully, finding Jong Up sitting in the bathtub with his boxers, socks and Himchan's tank top still on. 
    "What are you doing?" I asked, making Jong Up look up. I closed the door, not wanting to repeat the chase, and walked over. Jong Up was holding J-hop carefully in his arms, slowly dipping him farther into the lukewarm water. The little rabbit's nose twitched, but other than that, he was completely calm with Jong Up. 
    "Giving J-hop a bath." Jong Up said, looking at me like he was questioning my sanity. He took a small squirt of animal shampoo and starting gently massaging it into J-hop's fur. 
    "Here, can you put this on while I hold him?" Jong Up asked, making me nod. He gently held the rabbit and I worked my large hands as carefully as possible over the rabbit's soft fur. J-hop didn't struggle, and I found myself actually having a bit of fun. 
    "Jong Up, why didn't you take your socks off?" I asked after a while. Jong Up looked down at his water-covered feet in disbelief, a crease appearing between his eyes. 
    "Shoot. Guess I forgot." Jong Up shrugged, gently rinsing the soap off J-hop. I rolled my eyes, smiling, and held the towel out. 
    "There you go, all clean!" Jong Up said in a singsong voice to J-hop, gently taking him from me and toweling the rabbit off. I drained the tub, forbidding Jong Up from exiting the tub in his wet clothes. 
    "There's no way I'm cleaning the bathroom too!" I said, letting Jong Up hold J-hop while I grabbed Jong Up's sweatpants and a tank top. 
    "Here." I let Jong Up towel off and change while I held J-hop, gently working the towel in circles. The water had revealed that J-hop was actually pure white, except the whole lower half of his face was jet black. 
    "It looks like he's wearing a mask!" Jong Up pointed out, plugging in Daehyun's hair dryer and setting it to low, gently drying J-hop's fur. 
    "Our own little masked toki." I said, letting Jong Up carry the now-dry J-hop out to the living room and put him in his newly prepared house. 
    I showered, putting on some clean pajamas, and went out. Dinner smelled fantastic, and we all helped ourselves to heaping bowls of rice. We sat in the living room, in front of the tv, and Daehyun and Jong Up took turns feeding J-hop fresh lettuce. 
    "He's just so cute!" Youngjae said, picking up J-hop and petting between his ears. J-hop twitched his nose and Youngjae smiled, giving him back to Jong Up. Zelo continued petting J-hop, and Daehyun fed him another lettuce leaf. 
    "Just keep him away from my food!" Himchan said gruffly. "He'll make himself sick by eating too much at once." Himchan's tone become sweet suddenly, and I saw him looking at J-hop rather fondly. I motioned for Daehyun to give Himchan J-hop, and Daehyun abruptly dropped the rabbit in Himchan's lap. 
    "What? I don't want—" Himchan's protests were cut off by J-hop carefully climbing up Himchan's chest and falling asleep on his chest. Himchan petted J-hop carefully, sighing deeply and smiling. 
    "Okay, he can stay." Himchan said. Jong Up cheered and Zelo pumped his fist in the air. I was just happy the others wouldn't be upset by J-hop having to leave. Okay, I admit it, J-hop was growing on me. 
    "He'll be like our mascot!" Zelo said suddenly, and Jong Up gave him a high-five. We laughed, settling in and turning on a movie, and fell asleep one by one. 
    I took J-hop from Himchan when he fell asleep, placing J-hop in his cage. 
    "Good night, little one. Don't ever run away again!" I scolded softly, tapping J-hop's ever-twitching nose gently and feeding him another lettuce leaf. I think this rabbit made us soft. 

Okay, so I thought I finished this book, but I got inspired to write more. I'm showing the everyday, softer side to them! There's gonna be like a series of one-shot style chapters that are just cute and fluffy. I hope everyone likes, please subscribe, upvote and comment!

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Chapter 8: The way you portray Jongup is perfect! I feel like that's probably how he is in real life. Goofy puppy (^o^) I really like the story and the cute, fluffy chapters afterward. They make me feel all fuzzy ^^
update soon ^^