Epilogue—maybe not

You Only Have One Chance

    I hopped on one foot, reaching up to grab something from a high shelf in the kitchen. The cut from the bullet that had grazed my arm had healed up, and I only needed crutches. 
    "Show off." Jong Up muttered teasingly from his seat at the table. His arm was in a sling, from the bullets that had gone into his chest and shoulder, and he couldn't reach above him. 
    "You bet." I said, sitting back down with him while my Instant Ramen cooked in the microwave. Zelo entered the kitchen, nursing his hurt ribs. When he had covered me in the fight, a bullet had grazed from his ribs to the middle of his back. 
    "Are you making more Ramen?" Zelo asked, wrinkling his nose. He and Jong Up shared a look, and I crossed my arms. 
    "Hey, Ramen is a gift from the gods!" I defended, hearing Youngjae chuckle from the doorway. He and Himchan helped each other in, both sensitive from bullets through their chests. It was a miracle we were all alive, and I thanked the universe every day. 
    "Do I smell more Ramen?" Daehyun asked, limping inside the kitchen and sitting down. "Oh, come on! Give it a break!" Daehyun protested. 
    "We'll start hiding the Ramen..." Zelo threatened, making everyone laugh. I was content at last, just being here, laughing with my friends. I knew no matter what the world threw at us, we would get along just fine. 

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Chapter 8: The way you portray Jongup is perfect! I feel like that's probably how he is in real life. Goofy puppy (^o^) I really like the story and the cute, fluffy chapters afterward. They make me feel all fuzzy ^^
update soon ^^