
You Only Have One Chance

    My brother and I looked up at the abandoned warehouse. Youngjae shrugged, smiling at me as I took out the keys and unlocked the large garage door. I slid it up, dragging our duffel bags inside. Sizing up the place, I decided it could've been worse. 
    "Yong Guk, over here!" Youngjae called, unlocking a small door and taking me inside the actual house part of the abandoned auto body shop. 
    "Smells like oil." I wrinkled my nose, looking around. There were comfy looking couches all around, and a further search revealed bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. 
    "We'll be fine." Youngjae said, unpacking the bags of groceries. The refrigerator and the other appliances all worked, and I knew we would be happy living here just the two of us. 
    "You should go to sleep. It's getting late." I advised, going to the bed in the smaller room. I laid down my duffel and sighed, changing into a tank top and boxers. 
    "Good night." Youngjae called from his room. I smiled, glad I was here with my kid brother. Things hadn't been good back home, and we weren't exactly what you called law-abiding. Neither were our friends, but my buddy Daehyun had been nice to lend us the shop/house for free. 
    "Good night." 


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Chapter 8: The way you portray Jongup is perfect! I feel like that's probably how he is in real life. Goofy puppy (^o^) I really like the story and the cute, fluffy chapters afterward. They make me feel all fuzzy ^^
update soon ^^