Young, powerful & rich

Opposites attract

While walking to school, I was thinking about what Baekhyun and Chanyeol said... "Ugly and poor".. I know I'm ugly, but not poor... I'm from a rich family, and since that incident, Kai believes that I'm like him... Should I told him that I'm not? No...Or he wouldn't stay with me..  As I was walking in the schoolyard, I heard screams coming from behind, like yesterday.. I turned my head, and it was a group of girls around a black car, a lamborghini, some were wearing the school uniform and some were not. The door opened and a tall guy came out wearing black sunglasses and the school uniform, as he was walking, the group of girls was following him, but the security guard took the girls who weren't wearing the school uniform, outside of the school. I was wondering ''Is there a celebrity in the school or what?''. As the guy removed his sunglasses, I immediatly recognized him, it was Sehun. He was now walking with two other guys, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, and the girls behind them. While they were walking towards the school's doors, I was just behind the girls, trying to be discret.. "Oh my god, he is looking at us !!" said one of the girls, I looked up, and remarked that Sehun smirked. At me.

Today's first class was maths, even though it's a special school teaching arts, we still have to learn maths, english, history... etc

Lay is in the same class as me, so I decided to sit next to him. The class started, I took some pencils from my backpack and noticed that someone was looking at me from behind. He looked scary...

When the class finished, I was walking with Lay, and he decided to go to the restroom, so I was waiting for him outside.. I was thinking, and saw the scary guy from earlier coming to me, and was now in front of me, he looked me up and down, ''Where did you got it ?" he said "What do you mean ?" He was looking at my bag "Where did you got that bag ?" "why ?" It's a bag, I though..Nothing special about it.. "Well, this is a gucci bag,  it's from the new collection and it's not even in stores... So where did you got it?" Ah....It's because of my brothers, they are the ones who gave it to me.. But I can't say that..  "Did you stole it ?" .. "Well..." As I was walking backward, Lay finally came out, looked at me, telling me that we could go, then he noticed the guy... "Oh, Tao, what are you doing ?" as he saw him, Tao walked away.. Lay then looked at me, asking what he told me.."Nothing...", then we went to see Kai and Kris. While they were all talking, I was just listening to them..  ''Kris, we saw your panda earlier, why does he always looks scary ?" "Panda ? Do you mean Tao ? He is not scary at all ! It's just his face, in fact he is like a baby" said Kris, "Oh, really ? It's like you with your b*tch face right? Haha" "What are you guys talking about ?" said Kai to Lay and Kris, "Well, Tao was talking to Luhan while I was in the restroom" answered Lay "Why ?"  Kai looked at me waiting for an answer.. "Well, he.. hm..." The bell rang..  Saved by the bell.
My history class went pretty well, then I went to the cafeteria, searching for the others, and saw them eating. "Hey" said Kai while eating his pasta. "Hm.. Guys, I was wondering.. Is that Sehun guy a celebrity or something ?" as I said that, Kai spited some of his pasta, and looked at me "Why?" "Well, this morning, there were girls waiting for him and following him.." I said, then he looked back at his pasta"Since he got a contract with a big agency, he did some shootings for popular brands and he is friend with some celebrities.. some fans of these celebrities noticed him, and they became "fans" of him as well..I hate guys like him... Pretentious guys.." he said, then Lay looked at Kai
"Kai, you forgot something, his parents... His parents are basically, the richest parents of the school.. His mother is an actress/model and is father is the president of a big company... they make millions of dollars in one year, that's crazy... and that's the reason why he gets a special treatment in school, even if he misses some days, the teachers won't say anything." "Wow..."  As I said that, I heard some girls voices, I looked behind me, and saw Sehun walking, with Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Tao and a guy which I don't know the name, he looks small compared to the others, then I noticed that there was another guy behind all of them. "Who is that guy behind them ?" I asked, Kai looked at me, then looked at the group picking a table at the back, with a disguted face, "That's a student like us, who happens to be the poorest person in school...  since Sehun have a lot of "power" here, he took him as a "servant"... I don't understand how the school can let him do that, but if he tried to do something, Sehun would expell him..and if we wanted to help him, he would expell us too" he said angrily, "Can we stop talking about him ? It piss me off" said Kai, looking at his empty plate, not happy at all. Lay looked at him, with a sad expression. Kris was quiet, and was looking at Sehun's group... and I remarked that Tao was looking to his direction. 
The last bell finally rang, and as I was going to go, Kai stopped me, and asked me to give him my cellphone number, it sounds stupid, but I don't have a cellphone..Since I never had any real friends and I was always at home, never going out, I didn't need one... "I don't have a cellphone...". He didn't looked surprised from my answer, and asked for my house's phone number. "Tomorrow, would you like to come with Lay, Kris and me to go do some shopping  ? We could get to know each other better" he said with a smile. For the first time, someone asked me to do something outside of school. I was happy, and turned a little bit red "Sure I would like to".

It's hard to write my ideas in english, in my language, I feel like I could explain more lol >< , but anyways, I hope it's good and doesn't sounds too cliche lol ! Thanks for reading ! :)

gif is not mine.


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sung_young_a99 #1
Chapter 6: Pleasee update soon ^^
MiglenaTerzieva #2
Chapter 6: NEEEEEEEXT♡♡
Still waiting for the update .....
nadyanurlaily #4
Chapter 6: please update soon !!!
Chapter 6: Updateeeeeeeee
Chapter 6: You're not updating as you updated in the past
But atleast you've updated
-,- i hate sehunnie
Fall for Lulu! NOW
bdz357998 #7
Chapter 6: Omg please update soon!!
manlymaknae #8
Update pleaseee! *puppy eyes*