The new servant

Opposites attract

"My name, it's.. D.Do Kyungsoo.." 
"I'm Luhan, nice to meet you !" I said, with a big smile.. For some reasons, I don't feel shy around him.
"Ah, su-sure, nice to meet you too !" He said while bowing his head a little.
"I guess you are in the singing section, right ?" I said, while looking at his book.
"Yes.. How do you know that ?" he said 
"Well, your book... the title is *How to sing well*" 
"Ah, yes, that's true, sorry.." He said while looking down
"You don't have to apologize.." I said, smiling. 
"I have to go...It's going to ring in 5 minutes" He was looking at the library's doors..
"Ah, sure, bye.." I said, looking at him going.. 

Oh, he forgot his book about singing on the table..
I started the day with a korean class, Kai is in the same class as me, so I was happy, "Luhan, your place will be.. Next to Youngjae, in the back" said the teacher, as I sat, there was another place next to me but empty. I was wondering who was sitting there. Then the teacher started to take the attendance 
"Sehun ? Oh Sehun ? Not here.. again.." he said while letting out a sigh.. Since Sehun was the only one absent, he would be the one next to me.. "Oh no.. I hope he always misses this class" I thought a little nervous.  The class ended quiclky, and so did the other class, maybe I was becoming used to this school.. 
It was lunchtime, we went to the same table as usual, and I saw Sehun's group going to their table in the back, but without Sehun. I remarked that Kyungsoo was behind them, standing up and looking at the group. "I talked with Kyungsoo this morning.." I said while eating, "he is really shy.." I continued.. "It's funny to hear a shy person tell that another person is shy" said Lay, looking at his plate, amused...I turned a little red. "No, seriously, I think he is a nice person, why nobody talk to him ? Because of that servant thing ?" I asked. "Well, that's a little complicate..." answered Lay, "Why are you so curious about him?" said Kai who was quiet until now "...I just thought that he seemed nice..." I said, feeling a little guilty for nothing. "Anyways, I have to leave earlier, I have a dance practice" said Kai, who left as he said that. "You know, you shouldn't talk about Kyungsoo in front of Kai.." said Kris, "Why ?" I said, intrigued. "Well..." then Lay interrupted him, "Because things are complicate between them..".. Then he looked at Kris and back at me, "You know Luhan, I noticed that Kai smiles a lot more since you came.. It's been a long time since I saw him like that honestly, and I think it's because of you, he kind of likes you.." I blushed "He likes me ?!" I said, feeling my face becoming hotter. "Yes, he likes you.. as a friend haha" said Lay, "Oh-h, yes, as a friend.." I said.. I misunderstood what he meant..
I wanted to ask what happened between Kai and Kyungsoo, but I didn't, since they didn't look like they wanted to talk about it, I will maybe learn about it myself...
I looked at Sehun's group's and remarked that Kyungsoo was not with them.... I remembered that I had to give him back his book and since Sehun was not here, I  could ask questions to Kyungsoo.. "Guys, I have to go, I have something to do.." I said while standing up. "See you later" said Lay, then I left.
I went to my locker and took Kyungsoo's book. When I finally arrived at the library, I found him writing at the same table the morning I talked with him.. 
"Hi" I said to Kyungsoo who looked very concentrate on what he was writting. 
"Hi.." He said five seconds after "Oh, it's my book ! I want wondering where I lost it.." he said with a smile, it was the first time I saw him smile. "Thank you.."
"No problem !" I said. "What are you writing" I asked curiously, while looking at him
"Euhm... Lyrics.." he said while trying to hide the papers with his arms
"Oh, you are writing a song ? Can I read it ?" I said 
"Well... it's not complete, it's a part of it.. " He hesitated before giving me his sheet

폭풍이 몰아치는 아찔한 순간에도                                                                     Even at the dizzying moment as the storm rages
뱃머릴 돌리지마 항해를 멈추지마                                                               Don’t turn the boat around, don’t stop sailing  
이 정도에 겁을 먹고 물러날 줄 알았다면 시작조차 하지 않았다          If I knew I’d go back cowering at this level of peril I wouldn’t have started in the first place
너를 감춰놓은 바다의 장난엔 기꺼이 내가 맞서준다                                             I face the sea that stole you away to play games with me             


"I like it !" I said
"Thank you.." he said
"What is going to be the name of the song ?" I asked
"Black pearl.." he answered.. 
"Why?" I said
".. It's because of something that happened in my life.." he said, looking sad
"Ah...." I tried to change the subject by asking him another question,  "You want to be a singer, is that right ?" 
"Yes, it's my dream" he said..then continued "I'm happy to be here, because I'm learning a lot of things about singing..I'm becoming a better singer.." he said, smiling.
"I see.. I would like to ask you something.." I said, smiling too, and thinking how great it is to have a passion, a dream.. And that you still didn't find yours.
"Euhm... ok.." he said, looking back at his papers and rewriting
"I heard that you are.. well.. "Sehun's servant" " and as I said that, his hands started to shake.
"y-yes.." he said nervously
"Why don't you tell to the director what is happening ? He doesn't have the rights to treat you like his servant, you are a student like us... It's stupid.." I said
"It's not like I could do something..." He said, his voice was shaking.. then he stood up, and went out of the library.. I was following him to ask him about Kai, then I stopped, Sehun was talking with Kyungsoo.. But wasn't he absent this morning ? I tried to hear what they were saying, and since Sehun's back was in front of me, he couldn't see me.
"Ah, good timing, go take my books in my locker, I have maths.. and don't come late !" Sehun said
"Su-sure.." said Kyungsoo all red and nervous.. 
"and bring me some juice from the cafeteria after.."  he said
I couldn't stay there, doing nothing, looking at what was happening like everyone else, so without thinking, I took Sehun's arm and told him that he didn't have any rights to do that.. He looked at me surprised, then smirk.
"Who do you think you are to touch me and to tell me that ?" said Sehun, staring at me while removing my hand
"And who do you think you are to treat him like that ?" I answered back, even though he was taller than me, and maybe stronger, I tried to look like I was the strongest. I was red.. and even thought I was nervous, I had to do something.. It's not like I was going to loose anything...
"What a funny interesting ugly guy" he mumbled. "You want to save him that much, your little friend ? Then.... you are going to be my next "servant", I'm getting tired of him, anyways. He is not that fun. If you don't, it's Kyungsoo who is going to get expelled." he said while walking away. Kyungsoo looked at me with teary eyes...   "Ok, I'm going to do whatever the hell you want, but let Kyungsoo alone..." I said out loud, without thinking.. It's not like I could loose something, right ? I'm used of being bullied.. I'm stronger in this domain than Kyungsoo, so I can take it.. Sehun turned his head and smirk again "Kyungsoo, tell him what he have to do" and he left.

Yeaaay, chapter four ! There is going to have more action now ~ Thanks for reading :)!

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sung_young_a99 #1
Chapter 6: Pleasee update soon ^^
MiglenaTerzieva #2
Chapter 6: NEEEEEEEXT♡♡
Still waiting for the update .....
nadyanurlaily #4
Chapter 6: please update soon !!!
Chapter 6: Updateeeeeeeee
Chapter 6: You're not updating as you updated in the past
But atleast you've updated
-,- i hate sehunnie
Fall for Lulu! NOW
bdz357998 #7
Chapter 6: Omg please update soon!!
manlymaknae #8
Update pleaseee! *puppy eyes*