
Hello Goodbye


A few weeks before...

"I'm really not sure if Ji Yoon would marry Jong In just like that. I mean, she's been living in Indonesia for a very long time, and yes, I always keep contact with her, but I'm still afraid that she wouldn't accept this arrangement so easily. She's really became an Indonesian after had lived there for years and her mind is just like an Indonesian and not a Korean. Beside, she's not 18 in global age, yet," Lee Hyeon Seok, Ji Yoon's father, said.

"Yes, I already think about it. So, oppa-deul, I have a plan already," Kim Ah Rin, Kai's mother, said quickly. Yes, when they were alone without the children, they would use banmal and get really close. Not really like a business partner. Beside they were bestfriends in highschool. In fact, before Hyeon Seok met his ex-wife, the three of them get involved in a triangle love. "Here it is... Ups, wait until the food came first," Ah Rin cutted her own statement.

They were gathering in a Chinese restaurant to talk about their children's arranged marriage. They were in silence for a while when the waiter was serving food. After Ah Rin thanked the waiter, and he finally gone, she continued what she was saying, "So, here's the plan, just let them be close first, how 'bout that? And also, Hyeon Seok-oppa, don't forget to place Ji Yoon-ah at Jong In's school, okay. That way, they will become really close," Ah Rin explained, "Then, to make them REALLY close, let's make them move in together! Just like in the dramas. In a house with just one bedroom and one bed. Oh my God, I really excited!"

Hyeon Seok immediatly shook his head when he heard Ah Rin explaination. "No, that wouldn't work," he said.

Kim Jeon Sung, Ah Rin's husband, furrowed his brows, "Why? I think Ah Rin's plan was flawless."

Hyeon Seok still shook his head. "Well, though I didn't spend much time with her, I spent enough time to understand that she wouldn't let her self sleep in the same bed with a guy before she married. Another Indonesian strict rules. So, she probably going to buy matress or she even going to let her self sleep on the couch or on the floor. So that's wouldn't work," Hyeon Seok explained.

"Wow, what a smart and petite girl," Jeon Sung complimented.

"Okay, then, just confiscate her credit cards, so she can't buy any matress," Ah Rin stated.

Once again, Hyeon Seok shook his head, "I can't because all her credit cards is under her name and the money is all hers, so we can't do anything about it. Also, if we do that, she probably just going to fly back to Indonesia."

"Oppa, why is your daughter being so hard? We just have to threatened him that we would confiscate his car and credit cards if he wouldn't obey us," Ah Rin frowned at Hyeon Seok statement.

"Hyung, you daughter is so independent, good for you," Jeon Sung complimented, AGAIN.

"Ya! Yeobo!" Ah Rin frowned at her husband.

Hyeon Seok just chuckled at his best friends and dongsaengs silliness. "I got an idea, actually," he said in a mysterious tone.

* * *

Present time...

Ji Yoon and Kai finally arrived at their house. Kai was happy with the fact that Ji Yoon like the house. He also didn't know why, he just feel like it. Ji Yoon enter the house first. Kai looked up to see the whole look of his new house. His mom surely picked a great house. It looked elegant and comfortable. That house looks like this.

They walked inside and they are greeted by a white hallway that leads them to a great big living room. Next to the living room, there's a kitchen set with the dining table right next to it. Kai watched that girl's every movement and he followed her whereever she goes. He shouldn't be doing this, but he wants to, so he just did it. Ah Jin was nowhere in his thoughts. There's only that girl, Lee Ji Yoon.

"I'm going upstairs. Are you coming?" Ji Yoon's sudden question made him startled for a second, but he just nodded and followed her to the second floor.

There are two bedrooms which is odd because Kai was sure that his mom wouldn't let an opportunity like this to slip. Beside, she always wanted to do things in dramas and novels. Like making Ji Yoon and him sleep in the same bedroom and in the same bed for example. But on the other hand, Kai was glad that he and that girl, Ji Yoon, could sleep like how normal people would and no one will sleep on the floor.

A sudden squeal woke him up from his chain of thoughts. He immediately went to the source of the sound, which is the bathroom. There, he saw Ji Yoon sitting on the floor with her knees folded and her face buried in between her legs. "Yah, what are you doing?" Kai asked. 

Ji Yoon mumbled some words as an answer but Kai doesn't have super hearing. "What? Say it clearly," he said.

"Islippedandfell," she muttered, more clearly, but not clear enough for Kai who asked, "What did you say?"


The boy scratched the back of his neck. Well, he just realized how obvious it was when Ji Yoon pointed that out. He walked over to the embarrassed girl and overed his hand. "Here," he mumbled, his face turning shades of red.

Ji Yoon looked up and took a glance at Kai streched arm. "Whoa, you're kinda nice," she said as she took his hand and pulled herself up on her feet.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, because of our first meeting, I tought you were a jerk, which is also kinda true."


"So, that makes you a nice jerk, then."


For the first time after she came to Korea, Ji Yoon laughed. She laughed so hard, she had to crouch her back because her stomach started to ache and she had tears in her eyes.

Seeing that, Kai unintentionally smiled. She's cute.

Hey, I know I haven't update anything for the longest time. I was having a massive writer's block and so many things happened. I'm so so so sorry. But I promise, I'll try to update more frequently now that I get the feel for this story again. And thank you for all those who subscribe to my story while I was gone. You're the best, chingu-deul. I won't let you down.




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xoxo1401 #1
Chapter 6: Maybe if they just met at the restaurant for the first time they will fell in love in first sight hahaa..
Chapter 6: wow really good story i fell in love authornim please keep up the good work
Chapter 6: Authornim~~ pls update soon i like ur story~~
iluvinfinee #4
Chapter 6: This story is getting rrreaaaalllly good authornim :P keep updating FIGHTING :D
krisehun_99 #5
kmjii88 #6
Chapter 4: Love your story^^ update soon<3
kaisproperty #7
Wahhhh..... I love it