
Hello Goodbye

"Yoon-ah, aren't you going to tell me how you met Kai?" Ha Na kept on nagged at Ji Yoon about what happened earlier at the cafetaria. Ji Yoon her self didn't really want to talk about it. She was still flustered and mesmerized. How could a bastard she met on a bus, became one of the kingkas of her new school?

Aish, she's getting on my nerves, Ji Yoon complained about Ha Na. "Okay, I'll tell you about that bastard. But first, tell me what's wrong with you and that kingkas and queenkas, Exo?" Ji Yoon retorded. Ha Na only replied with a wide grin.

"Thank you and good afternoon, Class," the teacher said. The school finally over. Ji Yoon get her first day kinda fine. Not really, actually, after what happened with the kingkas in the cafetaria. But for Ji Yoon who usually hard to adapt with new things, that was quite great for her first day. Especially, she got new bestfriend. Her desk-mate, Ha Na.

Ji Yoon got up first and went to the door. Ha Na shortly coming after her. "Ya!" Ha Na called for her. But Ji Yoon, who was trying to prank Ha Na, walked faster. "Ya! Ji Yoon! Lee Ji Yoon!" Ha Na yelled, calling for Ji Yoon. But Ji Yoon ignored Ha Na while laughing crazily loud.

Everyone in the hallways just looking at the two bestfriends weirdly. First at the school's and second at the unknown girl. They watched them like they were some endangered creatures. But the two just don't bother to be bother with all of that.

Finally, Ha Na could catch up with Ji Yoon when they arrived at the school gate. "Ya! Why were you running?!" Ha Na yelled at Ji Yoon. Ji Yoon replied with a loud laugh. Ha Na was trying to catch her breath when suddenly a luxury car arrived in front of them. Ji Yoon stopped her laugh. "I'm going home. Bye, Ha Na! Call me later, okay?" Ji Yoon ran to her car with Ha Na yelling at her.

* * *

"Appa, what do you meant?" Ji Yoon asked with shaky voice. Her eyes were teary, but she wouldn't cry in front of her dad. That is her promise to someone from her past. That she wouldn't cry anymore, at least not in front of anyone. Because she got to show everyone that she is as strong as a reef.

Her appa was kneeling in front of her. He was crying. Feeling guilty as a to his daughter. Because of him, she has to bear the risk. This is his fault. He shouldn't be to greedy with money. She deserves a better father. But right now, she is his only way out. "Marriage, Ji Yoon. I arranged you into a marriage. I'm so sorry, Ji Yoon-ah," her dad looked down.

Ji Yoon's thought about life in Korea would be good has changed within a few hours when her father told her the reason, the real one, why is she sent back to Korea. "What? Marriage?" Ji Yoon is mentally kill her self. What the hell? She doesn't want a marriage! She's just seventeen for God's sake. Ji Yoon wiped the tears off her eyes. This is sooo cannot be true

Her dad look at her, looked really guilty. "I'm sorry, Ji Yoon-ah. Your mom already agreed to this plan. That is why you were sent here. This is the only way to make the company stronger. If not, our company will meet it's end, and many employee will loose their job. Besides, it's not the you're going to get married now. We, parents, already agreed that we should wait for the both of you to finished school first."

Whatever her dad's said wouldn't make her feel better. This news just ruin her good mood. Oh God, she never imagined, her second day in Korea would be THIS miserable.

Ji Yoon, who feel to dissapointed of her father, ran to her room. For 's sake, she prefered to stay in Indonesia than went here and met this kind of responsibility. She slammed the innocent door and laid down in her bed. What to do now? In one side of her heart, she felt kind of guilty and sad towards her dad, who KNEELT DOWN in front of her. She felt like an unworthy child. There is not, NOT, any children who would let their dad kneel in front of them. But she did it. She is just too unworthy. Then again, her dad cannot did that to her. Whoever would be her mate is her choice, not her dad. And she wouldn't get married in this age. Her dream is always to get married when she turned 27 which was when she would graduate from college or university and get a job. Not when she was seventeen and haven't even finished school!

She shook her head in frustration. She decided to picked up her phone and call the fourth number on her list after her dad's, mom's, and her family driver's. Ha Na's number. There was a quite long monotone before Ha Na's voice answered.


"Ha Na-ya, I'm getting married."


There was a silence before...

"WHAT THE ???!!!"

Yeah, before that.

"I said, I'm getting married," Ji Yoon repeated her statement. She knew that Ha Na heard that. But she didn't have any word to say.

"I heard that, you think I'm deaf or something? But still, WHAAAAAATTTT THE HECK??? Are you out of your mind? Did you slept with someone on your way home and get yourself pregnant so you have to get married this soon? For 's sake, we just met this afternoon and suddenly you're getting married?! So what the , Lee Ji Yoon," Ha Na said without any break.

Ji Yoon sighed. Suddenly, she regretted her decision to called Ha Na. "Ya! Am I out of my mind? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOON HA NA?! Of course that's not the case! My dad arranged me into a marriage. And now, I'm feeling guilty if I reject it. And where the hell did you get those thinkings? I. AM. NOT. CRAZY. That crazy, at least. But, still. Where was your brain go? To the dumpster? Those thoughts are too dirty, ya know," Ji Yoon scollded at Ha Na, desperately.

"Yeah, yeah, daughter of God. But puh-lease, arrangedmarriage? What era does your father think is this? This is not a drama, for heaven's sake. I'm coming over, Ji Yoon-ah," Ha Na stated. Without any answer, she hung up.

Ji Yoon decided to wait for her bestie inside her bedroom. She already text Ha Na her adress, so she shouldn't get lost. Ji Yoon pulled her legs and rested her chin in her knees. Galau, that's an Indonesian impression for what she felt. Desperate, frustrated, all blend in. How could this happen? She never expected this to happen to her. She only heard something like this only happened on dramas and novels, but not in real life. She sighed again. How's life played with her feelings.

Someone knocked on her door. "Miss, there is somebody downstairs who is looking for you. She said that she's your friend," Min Ah, her maid, said.

"Let her go upstairs," Ji Yoon answered.

Then, Min Ah excused her self, but Ji Yoon stopped her again. "Min Ah, has... has appa stand up?" Ji Yoon knew it's a stupid question, but she really worried of her dad. And also guilty. But she can't get out there and help her dad. She just can't. She's not ready yet.

"Yes, Miss. Butler Kim sent Master to his room earlier," Min Ah answered.

Ji Yoon sighed in relief. But then, an idea came. She ran to her desk and grabbed a sticky note. She wrote down a few words. "Wait, Min Ah!" Ji Yoon opened the door and faced Min Ah. She gave the sticky note to her. "Take this to dad. Please, Min Ah," Ji Yoon said, pleaded.

Min Ah excused her self and smiled when she accidentally saw what written there. Her Master would be please by what this note said.

Appa, I'm sorry. I'll think about the marriage. But I promise to try to accept.

Hi, there! I'm sorry that it took me so long to update. I hope that you're not to bored to wait and leave this crappy fanfiction. By the way, if you still remember, there used to be an error with my story. I forgot to click the hide chapter and when I save it, it's published. It wasn't done yet, and I am sorry for the error. It's my fault not Asianfanfics. So as a redemption, I'll give you this pics. Credit to it's owner.

I'm sorry, I was spamming :( ._.

Anyway, wait up for the next chapter , okay. And huge thank you for my single upvoter. Haha, thank you so much!!!


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xoxo1401 #1
Chapter 6: Maybe if they just met at the restaurant for the first time they will fell in love in first sight hahaa..
Chapter 6: wow really good story i fell in love authornim please keep up the good work
Chapter 6: Authornim~~ pls update soon i like ur story~~
iluvinfinee #4
Chapter 6: This story is getting rrreaaaalllly good authornim :P keep updating FIGHTING :D
krisehun_99 #5
kmjii88 #6
Chapter 4: Love your story^^ update soon<3
kaisproperty #7
Wahhhh..... I love it