
Hello Goodbye

Ji Yoon had wake up from the minute the sun rose. She already dressed up for school. Right now she busy, wandering around the new house. Actually, the house wasn't new, it just, for her, it was new. She decided to sit on the couch. She doesn't like going to school so early eventhough she always woke up early, except if there a homework or task and she haven't make it. She'll go really early just to copied the homework from her friends. She knew that it was a bad habit, but she doesn't really care.

Then after some times sitting on the dining chair, Ji Yoon got bored and stood up. She looked around and fixed her eyes to the front door. Maybe it's not a bad idea to go outside. She never enjoyed the morning Seoul. The morning could be different from the morning in Jakarta. Hopefully, the morning Seoul would be clearer than the morning in Jakarta. In Jakarta, the activity start from five am. It is early, but if the people there don't start early, they would be late for many things because of the traffic.

She found the door already opened by one of her father's maid. And eventually, there is someone outside the door. "Miss, what are you doing here? Are you going to school now?" she asked made Ji Yoon jumped in surprised. The maid was standing beside her, but she wasn't aware of it, and that made her so surprised when she heard her voice.

Ji Yoon punched her chest to chase away the thumped. "Ah, you scared me," Ji Yoon smiled lightly to the maid who quickly apologized. "I'm enjoying Seoul morning air. And no, I'm not going to school untill seven," she continued and end it with a smile on her face. The maid nodded and then excused her self. Ji Yoon breathe deeply. She missed Seoul, to be honest. And to be honest, she is so nervous right now.

Nervous about the first day of school, obviously. It's the first time she went to school in Korea, with Korean language as the main language. Ji Yoon wasn't nervous about the language, actually, more about what she will face at school. She spoke Korean, fluently, so there's nothing to worry about. She was worry about the  culture barrier. Also the fact that she might be the youngest in her class. It was because in Indonesia, they usually went to kindergarten when they were four years old. They went to school for the first time when they were two years old, sometimes there also kids who went to school since one year old. But here, they went to the kindergarten when they were six years old.

"Ji Yoon-ah," someone called her, again, made her jump in surprised. "What are you doing here?" Ji Yoon turned her body to face the one who spoke. It was her dad. "It still early. I know you always wake up this early in Indonesia, but here, we used to wake up not this early, because we have to end the day late as well. I don't want you to get tired," her dad said in concern.

Ji Yoon smiled at his concern. "Gwenchana, Appa. I like it to wake up this early. I can breathe nice air if I wake up this early," Ji Yoon said, tried to comfort her dad. Although they didn't see each other a lot ever since her parents got divorce long time ago, but their relationship with each other haven't change at all. Except for the fact that she lived in Indonesia while her dad live in Korea.

Her appa chuckled at his daughter stubborness, he could tell where does she get that behaviour. "It's your first day of school, right?" he changed the subject.


"Nervous about it?"


"Are you sure you don't want to switched to the lower class?"

"Appa, I'll tell you, if I want that," Ji Yoon smiled. She's only seventeen and she went for the senior class.

Mr. Lee nodded. Silence filled the room around them. It's a bit awkward since it's been a long time since the last time they had conversation. "You know that I love you, right Ji Yoon-ah?" Mr. Lee suddenly asked made Ji Yoon looked at him with confusion written all over her face.

"Of course, Appa. Why do you asked?"

"Nothing. It's seven already. You have to go to school, right?" Her dad change the subject again. Ji Yoon nodded and went inside the house to take her bag. "Ji Yoon-ah, after school, the driver will take you to the salon and the boutique, dress up nicely. We're having our dinner outside, tonight," her dad said.

"Okay, Appa. I'm going now," she said, but whe wasn't going into the car. Instead, she walked to the front gate.

"Miss Lee, the car is here," the driver tried to tell Ji Yoon.

"Let her be. I guess, she wants to look around. Beside she already grow up now. She will be fine," Mr. Lee said to the driver. The driver nodded and bowed slightly.

It's the first chapter :) Thank's to anyone who read this .

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xoxo1401 #1
Chapter 6: Maybe if they just met at the restaurant for the first time they will fell in love in first sight hahaa..
Chapter 6: wow really good story i fell in love authornim please keep up the good work
Chapter 6: Authornim~~ pls update soon i like ur story~~
iluvinfinee #4
Chapter 6: This story is getting rrreaaaalllly good authornim :P keep updating FIGHTING :D
krisehun_99 #5
kmjii88 #6
Chapter 4: Love your story^^ update soon<3
kaisproperty #7
Wahhhh..... I love it