To New Beginnings

New Beginnings

I smirk at Nichkhun as he lounges in our bed, not at all moving to get ready for work. “You know, there happens to be a concert later today,” I point out as I set my bag down. “And I think your presence is actually required.” I say sassily as I slip my shirt off to change into one of his, something that has become a habit of mine, then again Nichkhun has encourage said habit.

“I know, but I was told I’d get some snuggling in before this concert.” He says rather childishly. “I’d like to have said time.” He says getting up from the bed and dragging me back to bed before I could pick a shirt. “I like you like this.” He mutters rubbing my happily.

“You’re looking for some .” I say smirking at him. “I cannot condone to this.” I say giggling when he give me his let’s do it face.

“Lexi, you are a big tease.” He pouts cutely, I swear the more he ages, not in appearance mind you, the more childish he gets.

I roll my eyes happily snuggling into his chest, though I’ll admit the notion is tempting, but Nichkhun does have work still. “You should have thought about this before, maybe if someone got up on time we would have done a little something.” I say in a light and airy voice as I push off Nichkhun, heading to his closet I pick out a shirt to wear. As I tug a plain white shirt on I feel Nichkhun’s hands ‘helping’ the fabric along. “You need to get out of your pajamas.” I say smirking back at him. “Afterwards, when your work is all done, then we can.” I say getting on my tippy toes to peck his lips.

Nichkhun nods his head though he doesn’t remove his hands. “I’m going to hold you to it.” He says as his arms close around me. “Lexi, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I whisper back shyly still. For a moment I let the two of us indulge in said hug and romantic moment, after all Nichkhun and I can’t always have them. He tends to be a bit on the busy side, even with us living together now. We'd gone public after several pictures started circulating around of us out on dates a year and half ago, while I'd been upset, Nichkhun saw this as an opportunity for us to take another step. After things settled down between not only us, but also media and fans, Nichkhun proposed we live together, at least part of the time.

“Are you coming today?” Nichkhun asks eagerly as he reaches around me to pick a pair of jeans out and then plucking a shirt off a hanger.

“I am; Wooyoung and Chansung invited me.” I say happily, honestly I’m rather excited this, even if I’ve been to a lot of these concerts by now, I love see 2PM live. “Oh, do think Chansung will take his shirt off?” I tease my boyfriend.

“Hey now, I look good .” Nichkhun quips back immediately. “I’ll have you know I’m still a bit miffed that he’s seen you .”

“And you I’m sure.” I counter happily as I duck out of his arms with a rather sassy look on my face, which only mocks Nichkhun’s shocked expression. “Oh look I think I might have wounded your pride a little.” I tease walking out of the room rather pleased with the reaction I got from him.

“That was totally uncalled for!” Nichkhun explains following behind me quickly while pulling his pants on, then pulling a shirt on. “We’re members of the same group; of course we’ve been !”

“Together,” I add gleefully, which only flusters my Thai Prince. “Not to mention, I think I should be the jealous one, you’ve kissed Chansung!” I say pouting back at him. “Soojin is a lucky lady.” I say while crossing my arms. I continue to flabbergast my boyfriend with like comments, all of which get him more and more riled up.

“It is totally different than him seeing you , three times!” Nichkhun whisper shouts as we get out of our apartment, “Totally and completely different!”

“Then you practically making out with not just Chansung, but Wooyoung, Junho, Taec, and I want to say Min-Jun too!” I ask raising a brow; Nichkhun’s hand comes to cover my mouth before I can accuse him of using tongue.

“Lexi Kang, you are trouble!” He says as he wraps his arms around me. I grin at my boyfriend rather happily, “You’ve been spending too much time with Taecyeon. He’s a bad influence on you.” Nichkhun complains to my obvious delight at the statement.

“You’re just upset that he’s told me many stories that you never wanted me to hear ever.” I tease gleefully while kissing his chest and then happily taking his hand as I’m released and head to the car, well his car.



Nichkhun and I are walking in to the concert hall for the last practice before the boys need to get ready to be prepped when we run into one of my favorite groups. “Noona, Sunbae-nim,” GOT7 says together as we all walk in.

“Hello boys,” I say cheerfully. “Are you all opening for the goofs?” I ask semi-teasingly.

Jaebum answers this one seeing as the others are all busy eyeing said goof. “We are, though Noona they’re a bit more than just ‘goofs’.” He says smirking at me.

“I’ll say, we’re idiots, actors, trouble makers, deviants, and still a bit of beasts who happen to sing, rap and dance.” Nichkhun says pinching my side playfully.

I glance to my boyfriend and nod my head to this. “You guy will have to do Follow Me, I love that song and the dance to it!” I say smiling happily. “Soojin, Miyoung and I still fangirl every time we hear it.” I say grinning happily.

“Yah,” Nichkhun says tugging me a bit closer. “You’re supposed to be our biggest fan, you never fangirl over me.” He says, probably with a pouty face. “Lexi,” He continues to whine as I wink to Mark, who simply chuckles in return. “Mark, stop making eyes at my Lexi.” Nichkhun commands.

“Sunbae,” Mark says rather serious. “Noona is making eyes at me.” He says a bit playfully. “But, I can see why you’re so concerned. Noona is really pretty.”

I giggle grinning happily at this. “I think I can now happily gloat to Miyoung that Mark just called me pretty.” I say sighing happily, much to the annoyance of Nichkhun. “Oppa, please don’t be jealous. I’m just a bit excited is all.”

“You know,” Nichkhun says glancing at me, still pouting, “You’re very lucky that I know you love me and not this kid.”

I glance to Mark. “But, I do love him Oppa.” I say teasingly as I wink at said kid. “I’m only playing, no need to get so aggressive.” I say leaning into Nichkhun. “I love you.” I say calming my rather playful boyfriend down.

“Noona, have you always been this playful?” Jackson asks curiously as we join the rest of 2PM in a lounge like room, where Soojin and Miyoung are, the latter is busy counting or organizing a box’s contents.

Jinyoung smirks to this. “Actually when Jaebum and I first met Noona, she wasn’t as playful.” He says objectively. “Actually I think she was just woken up.”

I nod my head agreeing to this story. “That goon over there flopped onto me,” I say pointing to Wooyoung, “And then him and his partners in crime proceeded to rip me from my lovely bed on a day off.” I say pointing to Chansung and Junho.

Jaebum chuckles as BamBam looks at Wooyoung with a rather bewildered face, a very cute and bewildered face. “Back then Lexi-sshi had been 2PM’s personal assistant.” He explains. “Well, from what I actually remember they treated Noona more like part of the family.”

“That’s because she is family,” Chansung chirps while looking away from Soojin briefly. “Besides, we did not rip her out of bed at some awful hour.”

“Yeah, it was late afternoon when I jumped on you.” Wooyoung say agreeing. “Junho wanted to go in as soon as we woke up.”

I find this particular bit of information interesting, usually Junho just does whatever he wants, happily so. The fact that he didn’t come to wake me up is a bit of a shock. “Why didn’t you?” I ask turning to Junho curiously.

He smiles and points to Nichkhun. “Hyung told me to let you sleep in, well rather barked at me if I woke you up early I’d get in trouble.” He says while rolling his eyes. “Something about eggs or some strange nonsense.”

I smile over at my boyfriend who is now smiling at me rather charmingly. “You my friend should have made your move a bit sooner.” I tease leaning over and kissing his cheek.

“It wasn’t the right time.” Nichkhun argues with a pout. “Trust me, as soon as I saw a good opening I took it.” He says with a now very proud face.

Youngjae clears his throat before asking. “How did you all meet Lexi-sshi?”

I glance around seeing all of the boys looking rather uncomfortable with this story, Miyoung smirking readily at me and Soojin chuckling as Chansung sort of just gapes at Youngjae. “Seeing as you’ve done the most impressive thing of stunning them,” I say jokingly. “I actually came here looking for a new start to my life here, but to be specific, I more or less ran away from home,” I say as Nichkhun wraps his arms around me protectively. “My parents own a company,”

“She says company, but she means empire,” Miyoung interjects. “Elite Industries,” She corrects me smirking still.

“Right,” I say while shaking my head, “My parents own and run the company, I however still don’t want anything to do with it so I left. I came here and took on the rather tedious, laborious, and exciting job of catering to these six rather childish men.” I let the information sink in before one of them finally manages to look more or less ready to ask. “Yugyeom, you look like you want to ask me something.” I say teasingly.

“So how did you and Hyung get together?” The maknae of the group asks me hesitantly. “I mean, from what you’ve both said it took a while.”

“She met Jay,” Nichkhun says letting out a sigh. “Someone here happened to fall for his charms.” I roll my eyes to this, Nichkhun still gets a tad bit jealous, though I can’t exactly blame him. “So I had to bide my time until I could actually pursue Lexi here.” He says with a smile on his face. “But being like this with Lexi has definitely been worth waiting for.”

“Though Hyung and Noona really messed up for a long time.” Wooyoung says while rolling his eyes. “Both of them are too stubborn and in different ways.” He says letting out a long sigh. “Which is why you met Noona so late,” He explains while leaning back in his own chair. “Nichkhun and Lexi had been dating before two years ago, five now I guess.” He says counting on his fingers cutely. It's been two years since the trip to the beach, and five since Nichkhun and I broke up the first time.

“That is true,” I say objectively. “Though the three years without them in my life gave me a lot of perspective later on, it took me a long time to realize it, but because of them I’ve met some of the best people.”

“I just learned to be possessive.” Nichkhun says jokingly while shrugging his shoulders.

“Noona,” Jackson says from his seat across from me. “What do you do now then if you aren’t being a personal assistant?” He asks curiously.

“Soojin and I co-own our own bookstore, clothing line, and I invest.” I say simply, rather happily.

Soojin smirks to this. “That just means she rather helps other complete their dreams, Lexi rather happily keeps our stores and branches alive and thriving.” She interjects. “Don’t let her playful persona fool you; this woman is ruthless in getting what she wants.”

“Hey, I don’t see you calling yourself ruthless; you’re just as good at this as I am.” I say accusingly. “We ran your parents’ book store branches out of Seoul.”

“And several branches of your parents’ things out as well,” Soojin counters. This has our boyfriends chuckling lightly at us going back and forth on things, until Soojin asks about work. “Wait, did you remember to send that invoice out?”

“Yeah, I asked Jihoon to take care of it; he showed me the transactions for it before I left the office this morning.” I check my watch, then proceeding to check my phone to get a confirmation from Mac or Moe. “Mac sent me an e-mail a little while ago, they got it and they’re getting ready to go into pre-production on the movie, did you remember to check out that gallery?” I ask this time.

“Well of course,” Soojin replies happily. “It’s doing rather well, though I’m not so sure on the management, you might want to take a look into that, the financials are actually pretty fantastic for the area too.” She says happily.

I nod my head adding it to a memo so I remember to review management at said gallery. “Nichkhun, my parents are going to be in town next month, they want to have dinner with us.” I tell him nonchalantly.

“What?” Said boyfriend asks now alarmed and paying full attention to me as I check my phone for texts, emails and such. “Your parents want to have dinner?”

“Well yeah, they’re people too.” I say smirking. “They’re coming to see Soojin’s parents actually; they want to have dinner with you, me, Soojin, and Chansungie.” I say setting my phone back into my purse.

“That’ll be fun,” Soojin says optimistically. “Have they made reservations or is it more of a hosting kind of dinner?”

“More of a hosting kind of dinner,” I say with a smile. “I believe your parents invited them and suggested having a big dinner a couple days after our intimate dinner.”

“Wait, wait, does that mean us?” Junho asks alarmed.

I nod my head, and then point around the room to everyone. “My parents, as investment holders, want a huge party; I can’t imagine Jinyoung-oppa not wanting to have the party.” I say smirking as now everyone looks uncomfortable. “Miyoung do you think you and Hyunwoo would want to come to the dinner with Soojin and I, my mother wants to meet you.” I say happily.

“I should be able to, I’ll ask Hyunwoo, but why does she want to meet me?” Miyoung asks casually and rather happily.

“Both my parents have heard a lot about you from Nick, Isobel, and I.” I explain cheerfully. “She’s rather intrigued with you.” I say just as happily. “That and, I believe she wants some professional and trusted advice about starting a new beauty branch. Soojin and I recommended you.”

Miyoung just gapes at Soojin and I with this rather awestruck face. “Are you telling me your mother wants me as a consultant?”

“Yeah, Mrs. Kang is pretty generous with these kinds of things,” Soojin explains. “And flexible, so I’m fairly certain it’d be around your schedule and what you can do.”

“Yeah, plus my mother real likes your background work, connections, education, and recommendations from a few other people.” I say happily. “Just remember to send us a nice thank you card.” I tease my speechless Unnie.

“I think you just made her day.” Nichkhun whispers happily. “Though, I’m still rather nervous about seeing your parents again. Every time we have dinner with them I feel like your parents are plotting something.” He mutters in my ear nervously.

“They are, my dad keeps asking when I’m getting married and to whom.” I say sighing. “He in particular is set on grandchildren.”

“Oh, so no pressure.” Nichkhun says with a chuckle. “We’ve never talked about that before.”

I nod my head to this; I’ve never discussed marriage seriously with anyone other than my mother, which of course led to me being here. “Later, in a less public area,” I say casually, and I mean a one on one conversation.



Sitting at the dining room table while sipping my tea I watch as Nichkhun fiddles with his shirt. “So it has now been three weeks since marriage was brought up.” He says slightly nervous, though quickly gaining confidence.

“I know, it’s been a busy three weeks, you left to go on a short tour, Soojin and I have been planning expansions of several projects.” I say setting my mug down. “Though, I assume you’re itching to talk about it.” I say open to the idea of the topic.

“I am,” Nichkhun says finally settling down and taking a seat next to me. “I do want to marry you,” He says seriously. “I want to have kids; I want to have a family with you.”

“But?” I say leading on for him.

He lets out a long sigh. “While I’d be more than happy to get married to you right now, which I can do,” Nichkhun says with a smirk. “Kids will have to wait, though I’m not sure on how you feel about kids.”

I stare at Nichkhun shocked mostly as he slides a ring over to me. “Did you just—”

“Lexi I want to start another beginning with you, I want to have lots of beginnings and endings with you. Will you marry me?” Nichkhun asks while smiling that stunning and rather magical smile of his.

At a loss of words and still shocked I manage to nod my head. I want new beginnings, I want endings, and I want all of that with Nichkhun. Nichkhun happily slides the ring onto my finger. “I love you.” I mumble staring at the beautiful man sitting next to me.

“I love you too.” Nichkhun says leaning over to kiss my forehead. “I always have.” He mutters sweetly. “Mrs. Horvejkul.” He teases.

I chuckle. “Well, I’m told I’m rather loveable.” I tease right back. “Though I must admit I’ll always love you Mr. Horvejkul.” I say while squeezing his hand in mine. “I must say I’m looking forward to all these new beginnings with you.”


And so we have a happy ending now. c:
I didn't have too much planned out for this, though I did kind of resolve things
faster between Lexi and 2PM than I was thinking I would have.

However, I'm still rather happy with this little ficlet.
Even though the ending is a little bit clich
è-y. > n>
Also, isn't the poster and background nice! ; u;

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading~!
Thank you for reading and subscribing! 

Side note:
Will be posting Jackson's story later today or tomorrow,

Mark's is coming soon too~!


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Chapter 7: I can't get over how long the time-span is in this story because just read this and Rebelling Heart in a few days:) dang five years...well all I have to say is that these two really caught me and my feels
G-DestherKwon #2
Chapter 7: Please write more.. I mean please continue
Chapter 7: Wow i love the ending. Kinda makes me curious if Khun has ever planned to wed.. Because he mentioned that, if i remember it right. Then again, every story has its ending and i’m glad this is a happy one =)
Aha, Got7 babies’ participation which i love too.

Anyway, thanks for this ficlet! I look forward to more 2PM fanfincs tho but knowing you have Jark (a separate tho~) i am beyond excited. You write your stories so well and that’s just one of the reasons why i do anticipate it. Fighting!
namzUd #4
Chapter 7: A very good ending that tied up loose ends quite nicely:)
Chapter 7: Wonderful, very satisfying in your end!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 7: C: you never disappoint me with your endings. They are always so good and you wrap everything up so nicely :) can't wait to read your next stories
70V3LY #7
Chapter 7: GREAT JOB! It had a satisfying ending. Thank you! :)
70V3LY #8
Chapter 6: Ah, this is so freaken adorable. I can't take it anymore. Such a great story/sequel! <3
namzUd #9
Chapter 6: It's sad that u r ending this bt I understand that this wonderful story has reached its end :'). Great chapter and I look forward to the ending n many more other fanfics to luck^^
babyphoenix #10
Chapter 4: i like your story..pls. update soon..i'm really looking forward to it..!!!