Starting Over

New Beginnings

In my room on my bed I stare at Nichkhun curiously, the way he just leans back resting his eyes and the way he smiles. “I love you too Lexi.” He says opening his eyes and staring into mine. Something in me just crumbles away, “Why are you crying?” Nichkhun asks chuckling slightly while wiping my tears away. I can’t say anything; all I know is that so much grief and worry I’ve had has just melted away by his words. “I’m always going to love you.”

I nod my head crying a little harder at these words. “I’ll always love you too.” I say trying to calm down. Nichkhun pulls me back into his arms. “I can’t stop crying.” I mutter apologetically.

“You’re just relieved, same with me.” Nichkhun says sounding at ease. “My Lexi,” He says possessively. It takes me a while to calm down, but when I do Nichkhun and I agree to go out to the beach.

I change into a bathing suit that had been packed; one that I’ll note must have been bought by someone that isn’t me because I certainly haven’t had time to go swimming in the last three years.

I slip a white tank over and pull my shorts back on, as I exit my room I see Nichkhun waiting, smiling when he sees me. “Sorry, I’m just now finding out what I do and don’t have packed.” I explain the wait. Nichkhun just nods his head, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers he leads me down the stairs and out towards the beach. I follow nervously; I feel like we’ve only just started dating again, then again I suppose this is the truth of it. It’s a new beginning for Nichkhun and me.

“We have a lot to talk about.” Nichkhun says as we walk along the edge of the water, our feet getting wet, the sand is cool beneath our feet. “I’m not going to be so passive this time.” He declares while smirking at me.

“I won’t be so reserved either.” I say mimicking the smirk. As mine fades I glance to the water. “How exactly did you fill the last three years?” I ask curiously, though I am dreading the answer I still remain curious. I know from our talk he’d tried to move on, tried to forget.

Nichkhun seems hesitant to say, when I don’t say anything Nichkhun lets out an annoyed sigh. “I dated around, tried to just forget. I kept thinking that maybe the next one, maybe it’ll seem not so painful,” Nichkhun says spitefully. “I’d been so focused on how angry I’d been with you, but I hadn’t even bothered to remember how horribly I’d treated you that night.”

Hugging his arm I kiss it softly. “It’d been a bad fight, but you know as I keep hearing, just forgive yourself a little, I’ve already forgiven you.” I say carefully.

“How can you just forgive me like that?” He asks me sadly. “I tried to forget you, I wanted to move on with my life, and when I couldn’t I was settling for being alone.”

I let out a sigh as well. “Because I rather have you in my life, I can’t be angry at you for things when I wasn’t part of your life like that.” I say delicately. “Besides it wasn’t like I’d made anything better.” I say, while I can’t quite forgive myself like everyone keeps saying, I am a bit more comfortable with everything that had happened.

“So just like that, no jealous snaps?”

I glance at him and narrow my eyes. “Was Victoria one of the girls?” I ask him lowering my hands.

Nichkhun quickly grabs mine and slides them back up. “No, but no need to let go of me.” He says quickly, “I told you, it wasn’t like that with her.” I nod my head while eyeing him. “I wouldn’t lie.”

“No, I believe you; I’m just thinking who I absolutely wouldn’t be able to stand.” I explain. While no one comes to mind I realize something very serious for me. “As long as I never meet them,” I say pouting slightly at the thought of Nichkhun with another girl.

Nichkhun chuckles slightly. “I wouldn’t want you to; you’d go running to Chansung.” He mutters playfully.

“I’ll go running to Chansung for anything,” I with a smirk, Nichkhun’s smile drops and he gives me a very serious look. “I know, I know you’re jealous of him.” I say while smiling at him.

“You know Junho and Wooyoung are right, you’re a bit more teasing now.” Nichkhun says smiling again. “But seriously speaking, I will get jealous if you cling at all to Chansung.”

“Looks like you’re in for a very jealous ridden week.” I say smirking at him, with the seven of us seeing each other for the first time, we’re bound to hand out extensively together. Nichkhun lets out a tortured sigh. “You’re sighing a lot.” I point out with a smile.

“As soon as I can, I’m taking you away on a just you and me trip.” Nichkhun says flatly. “I’m not going to share you at all on this someday trip.” He declares while wrapping his arms around me and holds me close to him.

“This sounds like it’ll be a very well planned trip,” I coo happily. I grin delighted as I look out at the water, the last time we’d been here it was just in time to celebrate Nichkhun’s birthday, this time it’s just shy of it. “The beach looks the same as last time we were here.” I murmur relieved to see that this place as remained the same.

“Do you remember the night before my birthday?” Nichkhun says randomly as we walk in the surf. When I nod my head he goes on. “I’d said I liked seeing you happy, that I wanted you to stay like that.” He murmurs. I can’t tell where Nichkhun is going with this, but I listen. “I still want for you to be happy.”

“I’m happy right now.” I point out quietly. “Is this going to have a happy ending to this conversation?” I ask nervously. I’ll have a hard time handling all this if it doesn’t.

Nichkhun chuckles lightly, the way he always has. “Lexi, I’m happy right now too.” He says twirling me around, and then pressing his lips against my forehead in one fluid motion. “I’m really happy.”

Slightly dazed and confused I simply look up at Nichkhun, while I’m not entirely sure about this, I know I am happy too, and more than anything I want Nichkhun to be happy too. “I want you to be happy,” I say taking his hand and tracing a smiley face on his palm. A large part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop, so much of this feels like a dream.

“You’re awake,” Nichkhun says knowingly. “You’re too easy to read.” He says chuckling as he takes my hand. “Lexi, never play poker, not unless you’re playing for charity.”



I smirk at Nichkhun as I’m dropped off at my apartment. He’s taking my suitcase up for me. “Don’t think I’m not aware what you’re after.” I say chuckling as I unlock my door. Nichkhun however is eagerly waiting for me to open the door. “I have a shopping trip with Miyoung and Soojin,” I explain as I push the door open.

“It’ll give me time to get acquainted with your new place.” Nichkhun says sassily, looking around he sends me a smirk. “Princess again, are you?” He teases me. I forget that Nichkhun hasn’t ever seen me in my pampered lifestyle at least not like this. I tried so hard to keep this part of my life from them; it was something I didn’t want to have define who I’d been to them.

“It’s not much really,” I say trying to defend my apartment, the only demand my dad had made. Though the whole place is rather large and for once person, I’ve kinda grown attached to it. It’s spacious enough that I can roam around, but not so large that I feel alone in it, well at least I pretend I don’t. “My dad wanted me to have this place; he came to visit me over the holidays and picked this place out.” I explain smiling slightly at the memory. It had been another almost happy moment.

“Why don’t you give me a tour before you have to go,” Nichkhun says softly, nudging me along. I nod my head, “It’s rather nice, isn’t it.” He muses looking around as we enter the sitting room.

“My dad did pick it out,” I reiterate sassily. “But, you know, whatever makes him feel better about me being here versus in America.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. “Here we have my sitting room, which connects to the small dining room and then the kitchen,” I say as we walk through.

Nichkhun simply smiles as he again looks through my apartment, a flash of the time I first brought him to my old apartment comes to mind. He does the same here, looks at things, and sends me questioning looks if it’s alright to touch.

“I see you still favor Junho, Wooyoung and Chansung,” Nichkhun says looking at the bit of 2PM merchandise I kept out. “The posters?”

“Back of my closet,” I answer honestly, I have a lot of things in the back of my closest to be honest, a lot of things from the time I spent with them. “Moving on to the back rooms,” I say nodding for us to walk back through the rooms and to the hall, “I have three guest rooms, well two, one was an office, but I’ll probably make it a guest room again or something.” I say absently as I stop at the one Chansung stayed in, the one closest to my room. “This is the room Chansung stayed in.” I say opening the door.

“Making this one your room,” Nichkhun says smartly while pointing to the room at the end of the hall. “That’s a bathroom, and those are linen closets.” He walks towards my room undaunted. Opening the door and walking in, he glances back at me nodding for me to come with him. “It’s the same way you had it set up at your old place.”

“Is it?” I ask looking at it from the door; I’m slightly put off as I realize he’s right. While things are different I have it set up similarly. My bed, the table, the things around it, I suppose I couldn’t let go. “I never noticed.” I mumble while resting against the doorway.

“You wouldn’t, you’re too dense most of the time.” Nichkhun says grinning back at me cheekily. “It’s one of your charms, while so in tuned to other things; you might as well be lost at sea sometimes with your personal life.” Nichkhun says smirking still.

I shrug my shoulders in response, he’s pretty much right. “Your things are in the back of the closet.” I say motioning to the room in the corner.

Nichkhun walks over; opening the door he looks back at me and rolls his eyes. “This is a pretty big closet.” He mutters as he walks in.

I wait a while, I let Nichkhun poke around a for a little, when he comes back out he stares at me slightly shocked, I’m sure he wasn’t expecting what he saw. “I kept everything, clothes, shoes, gifts, posters, every single thing you gave me. The others too, but I’m sure you realized quickly it’s all there, even things you left at my apartment.” I say quietly. “I wasn’t ever sure how to give them back to you, I wasn’t sure you’d take them back.”

Nichkhun doesn’t say anything as he walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. “I’m seriously never going to let you go again.” Nichkhun mutters hugging me tightly; I chuckle as I return the hug. For a while we just stand there his arms around me and mine around his. “Come back here soon, well as soon as you, Soojin and Miyoung can manage.”

“You know you’re talking Miyoung here, and shopping with her is always fun,” I say smirking happily. “Plus Soojin loves shopping almost as much as Miyoung does.” I say feeling more than happy with Nichkhun’s arms around me.

I can picture him rolling his eyes as he tugs me to the bed, sitting down and then spinning me around to face him. “Alright sassy,” He says smirking at me. “Just remember that I’ll be waiting here, just call me before you start heading home, I’ll make dinner.”

“So you were quite serious about spending the night here.” I say raising a brow to this. “Very aggressive there Mr. Horvejkul.” I lean a bit more into his grasp as he tightens his arms around my waist. “I find this just a bit attractive when you do things like this.” I whisper as I wrap my arms around his neck. “It may just be that you’re using a certain voice that you happen to know I have a weak spot for though.” I say smirking.

“Well I can’t help it, can I?” Nichkhun teases as he kisses my collar bone. “I have you right here, what else am I supposed to do?” He asks in a quiet voice. “I’ve missed you and it feels a bit like a dream still.”

I smile knowing exactly what he means. “I know, it is rather nice isn’t it?” I mumble running my fingers through his soft hair. Nichkhun groans slightly at the action. “I know Wooyoung always loved this, but I think I’m going to get a bit possessive about this.” He mutters as I simply giggle.

I attempt to step away when I hear my doorbell, noting that it is probably Soojin and Miyoung here to pick me up. “I have to answer it, I happen to want to go shopping too.” I tease as I tug him along with me. Nichkhun keeps his arms around me, forcing me to waddle down the hall and to my door. As I open the door, both Miyoung and Soojin send me interested looks. “I swear, I just need to get my purse and to get this guy off me.”

“Hey,” Nichkhun says in a pouty tone. “I happen to like where I am.”

Miyoung smirks happily. “You know, I am totally looking forward to hanging out with you again, so you better get off Nichkhun.”

“Unnie had been waiting all week for this.” Soojin says chuckling. “We promise to bring her back.” She adds as Nichkhun and I retrieve my bag.

“Hear that, they won’t be keeping me.” I mumble kissing his arms. “Oh, you’ve been keeping up with working your arms out.” I tease happily. Nichkhun does eventually let me go, smiling at me with a rather y look on his face. “I’ll be back, probably with bags so you know, make yourself at home and what not.” I say pecking his lips before Miyoung drags me away with Soojin smiling happily.

I'm actually planning on finishing this up within the next chapter or so.
I have a lot of things planned that I want to write and while I love Nichkhun, I also what to give him and
Lexi an ending.
I hope that you guys have enjoyed this and are looking forward, even if grudgingly, to the end~!
I also apologize for this being so late!

I don't usually advertise, but just in case you guys aren't checking my blog:
Started a Jin, from Bangtan Boys/BTS fic
Will start posting a Jackson and then a separate Mark fic soon as well~!


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Chapter 7: I can't get over how long the time-span is in this story because just read this and Rebelling Heart in a few days:) dang five years...well all I have to say is that these two really caught me and my feels
G-DestherKwon #2
Chapter 7: Please write more.. I mean please continue
Chapter 7: Wow i love the ending. Kinda makes me curious if Khun has ever planned to wed.. Because he mentioned that, if i remember it right. Then again, every story has its ending and i’m glad this is a happy one =)
Aha, Got7 babies’ participation which i love too.

Anyway, thanks for this ficlet! I look forward to more 2PM fanfincs tho but knowing you have Jark (a separate tho~) i am beyond excited. You write your stories so well and that’s just one of the reasons why i do anticipate it. Fighting!
namzUd #4
Chapter 7: A very good ending that tied up loose ends quite nicely:)
Chapter 7: Wonderful, very satisfying in your end!
ch3nya #6
Chapter 7: C: you never disappoint me with your endings. They are always so good and you wrap everything up so nicely :) can't wait to read your next stories
70V3LY #7
Chapter 7: GREAT JOB! It had a satisfying ending. Thank you! :)
70V3LY #8
Chapter 6: Ah, this is so freaken adorable. I can't take it anymore. Such a great story/sequel! <3
namzUd #9
Chapter 6: It's sad that u r ending this bt I understand that this wonderful story has reached its end :'). Great chapter and I look forward to the ending n many more other fanfics to luck^^
babyphoenix #10
Chapter 4: i like your story..pls. update soon..i'm really looking forward to it..!!!