♒ Teaser # Two ♒

♒Swept Away♒ - Apply Closed!
♒  Teaser # Two ♒

        Aboard the ship everyone was relaxed an having a good time, the soft sound of ChanYeol strumming his guitar was in the air as the rest of the sailors enjoyed thier afternoon. 

        "I swear, I have never been on a better vacation." JoonMyeon cooed to his friends, "You guys really are great you know?" He added with a grin as he slung his arm over Sehun's shoulder.

        "You are so sappy Suho, but I am glad we are here too. I feel free from all of the burdens at home, work ." MinSeok wandered up behind Sehun and JoonMyeon and smiled as he leaned against the railing surronding the boat. 

        "What are we even doing today? Can we dock up for a while in Florida? I really want bubble tea and we are out of the mix and pearls." Sehun chimed in followed by Luhan who was quick to agree.

        "Ask everyone then, I don't mind." MinSeok and JoonMyeon said in unison and waved the two off. "It would be nice to mabe relax at the beach or get some shopping done I think." MinSeok said, beginning a light conversation with JoonMyeon.

        Meanwhile joined by Luhan, Sehun began asking the other men their thoughts on docking up for the remainder of the day. "What do you say guys? It would be nice to get off the boat for more than a dip in the ocean." Luhan reasoned with KyungSoo and Tao who were inside the boat hiding from the sun for a while.

        "I suppose so, it doesn't sound too menacing," Kyungsoo began, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

        "I want to buy new clothes, so consider it a yes from me." Zitao grinned and began fanning himself. 

       "Yeah, and I wouldn't mind grocery shopping. The ship is running low on meat, apart from fish of course."

        Luhan nodded, mentioning how he doesn't just want eggs for breakfast anymore. It wasn't long until Luhan and Sehun made it around the boat asking everyone. 

        The general consensus was yes, going to the coast of Florida wasn't a bad idea at all, so they informed the man driving the ship, Yifan, to head Florida bound.

        Roughly two hours later the twelve boys were safe at shore and had to boat tied up nice and tight to the dock, they were ready to run errands or go and relax.


        "Excuse me ma'm, but do you know where the supermarket is?" Tapping a young woman on the shoulder Kyungsoo asked for directions to get some grocery shopping done. The woman shrugged and told him tht if he followed the road and turned left on the next street he was good to go. 
Graciously thanking the American girl, Kyungsoo scampered off to buy food.

        While KyungSoo was busy at the store Luhan and Sehun were off to get some bubble tea and the supplies needed to make it while at sea. 

        "Uhm, could I please get strawberry bubble tea with the pearls?" Luhan asked the young girl behind the counter, she smiled and nodded, nervous being in the presence of two very attractive men.

        Sehun looked at the girl and shrugged, "I will get a banana bubble tea, pearls too." She nodded and gave them their total, before she could scamper off to make their tea, Sehun asked her a quick question. "Do you know where we can buy the supplies to make bubble tea?"

        "U-Uhm, you can get it here..." The worker mumbled, looking at Luhan. 

        Luhan smiled gratefully and thanked the girl quickly, it wasn't long before she came back with the supplies and their teas. The two males thanked her and left to go and return their items to the ship and spend the rest of their day bumming around at the beach.

        When the two boys arrived at the beach they were greeted by Yixing and Jongdae. They waved them over to their spot on the beach and Jongdae began telling them how he saw some girl fall face first into the water.

        "It was the funniest thing, I mean I felt kinda bad for her, but it was too funny not to laugh." Jongdae was still chuckling about the earlier incident, Yixing nodded in agreement to his statement.

        "It was only funny for a moment, then I went to check if she was okay. She hurt her knee so I helped her to the beach patrol house for first aid. Jongdae here still won't stop laughing about it though." Yixing said with a small laugh, gesturing towards Jongdae. 

        Sehun smiled and agreed that it did sound kind of funny, while Luhan sided with Yixing a bit more.

        While the four boys were at the beach, Zitao and Yifan were wandering the shopping boulevard. It was no surprise when Zitao grabbed Yifan's wrist and dragged him into yet another store. 

        "Are these sunglasses ugly?" Yifan turned to Zitao and nodded slightly. The glasses didn't suit Zitao at all. The younger man frowned and placed them back on the rack. "They look so nice off but terrible on." He pouted childishly before turning around and leaving the store.

        It wasn't long until Yifan found himself in a store that had a variety of different things. "Tao, look at these underwear, are they nice?" He asked his friend, his tone relaxed but curious. 

        "Eh, they are okay. They would look good on you, but probably no one else." The sharp eyed male answered the taller mans question. Yifan nodded and thanked the boy before purchasing the item.

        "Hey, Yifan, is that you?" A deep voice chimed, a huge grin on the askers face. "Oh, and Tao too?" It was the cheerful Chanyeol who was accompanied by his so called idol, Kai, as well as Baekhyun.

        "You guys are shopping too?" Kai spoke up, wandering over to wear Tao was looking through muscle tops. "That one is really nice, I might get it actually." He said, motioning to a black, white and blue striped muscle shirt.

        "Try it on first." Chanyeol and Tao chimed in unison, Zitao motioning to the fitting room in the back.

        In the background Baekhyun was trying on pairs of sunglasses, most of which looked ridiculous.

        At this point KyungSoo was back in the boat where Minseok and JoonMyeon were sitting having a bite to eat. Kyungsoo was putting away the groceries, chatting with the two older males. 

        "Did you get lots of meat?" JoonMyeon asked, "Did you have enough money, should I have give you more? I can pay you back if you want." He chattered and started to pull out his wallet.

        "It was fine, I had enough." The younger said as he placed the vegitable in the lower compartments on the fridge. "And I got lots of meat. I can barbeque tomorrow probably." He murmured.

        "That sounds great!' Miseok chimed in at once, "I love your barbeque, both you and Chen do it so well." The oldest of the group grinned from ear to ear. After another few minutes of the three babbling on about random things Minseok turned to JoonMyeon and popped a question, "When did we say everyone had to come back? Are we leaving tonight?"

        "They will be here in about half an hour, Yifan will probably say we should sleep here and leave in the morning." JoonMyeon smiled, and just as he said within half an hour everyone was back on board watching the sunset.

Author's Notes: Yo! So I hope this is alright guysss. I am sorry for any spelling errors, if you see any please tell me and I will fix it. Also, what do you want to see in the next teaser? Apply soon guys! Pleeeease! <3

You're super pretty. <3




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Hello all my lovely subscribers, I will be talking with my co author soon! :)


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Chapter 10: Did you abandoned the story?
Chapter 10: I'm so excited. I keep checking XD
Chapter 10: sooo excited i'm going to cry #what
Kawaii-san_ #4
Chapter 10: Good luck everyone! ♡
Chapter 10: omg i thought it was something bad
that 'yo~' was like vaguely threatening |D
good luck deliberating!
Chapter 10: XD
<- is super excited! ^^
Good luck to everyone!
loveyeollie #8
Chapter 3: LOL! I'm excited to the death!
hella hella hella
good luck to everyone!
Kawaii-san_ #10
Yayy April the 11th has already passed ;3