♒ Teaser # One ♒

♒Swept Away♒ - Apply Closed!
♒  Teaser # One ♒

        The water rippled behind the large sailboat, the wind having died down long ago causing the large transporter to slowly inch across the pristine waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. Underway swam a school of Siren, 12 beautiful young ladies to be exact, all seeming to chatter about the lack of excitement as of late. When one of them pointed out that their was a sailboat above and infront of them they squealed and spun with joy. It had been atleast two weeks since the last cargo ship had come through, the girls were dyings for some action.

        Silently the twelve sirens crept alongside the well kept boat, listening to the rambling of those on board. They all chuckled in unison, hearing the commotion and all the yelling.

          "KyungSoo! Is breakfast done yet? Feed me." A young man with a slightly higher pitched tone of voice whined. "Hurry, hurry!"

           "Don't be so impatient ZiTao, he doesn't even need to cook. So zip it." 

         "Well you are hungry too, aren't you? Can't you help him?" The one named ZiTao resonded brashly before apologizing to the person he was speaking too. The Siren's assumed the person must have looked annoyed.

          "It is done." A velvet voice spoke gently, the sound of twelve seperate sets of feet scurrying to a certain area on board was heard. 

            "It isn't long until they are in our territory." One of the twelve Sirens smirked gleefully, hoping to bag a good one this time. The others grinned and agreed that it would be very nice to have a bit of well deserved fun.

          "KyungSoo you burnt my toast." Someone muttered in jokingly upset way.

          "Awe, do you need your mommy to make you a new piece BaekHyun?" A voice sarcastically cooed before letting out a hearty chuckle. A course of laughter followed, it seemed like it would be a good day.


Author's Notes: So, I finished this really quick before I forgot the idea, I will do touch ups later, and I will add an updates page. :)

You are really coooool. ;D



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Hello all my lovely subscribers, I will be talking with my co author soon! :)


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Chapter 10: Did you abandoned the story?
Chapter 10: I'm so excited. I keep checking XD
Chapter 10: sooo excited i'm going to cry #what
Kawaii-san_ #4
Chapter 10: Good luck everyone! ♡
Chapter 10: omg i thought it was something bad
that 'yo~' was like vaguely threatening |D
good luck deliberating!
Chapter 10: XD
<- is super excited! ^^
Good luck to everyone!
loveyeollie #8
Chapter 3: LOL! I'm excited to the death!
hella hella hella
good luck to everyone!
Kawaii-san_ #10
Yayy April the 11th has already passed ;3