Lunchroom Chaos

Skool Luv Affair

Note: So I feel terrible for not writing anymore on this in forever!! When I started this it was during a school vacation so I had tons of time and now its Summer Vacation so I'm starting to write it again!! Also just so it's clear usually the sentences written in italics mean they are talking in there heads to themselves. You can usually tell when that is.  Anyway here it is:


*Emma's Pov.*

The first actual day had been pretty good so far, well unless you include Gabbie being extremely cranky and dramtic after first period becasue Jungkook "ignored" her the whole time, then being stuck right in the middle of two idiots glaring at eachother an entire 80 minutes and finding out this morning that only one of my ear buds on my earphones work, bad. Then my day has been horible. But at least now it's lunch time and I finally get to eat something. Eun Ae and I met up outside the classroom Gabbie was in because her teacher was still explaining their homework.

"Hey so, just a warning Gabbie's mood isn't so great right now. She said that Jungkook ignored her during their first period." I told her as some of the students started to head out the door. 

"Oh yea... Actually my friend Min He is in their class and she even said Jungkook was a lot quieter than usual." She explained.

Finally Gabbie came out the door last and sighed. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled at her exaggeration. 

We got to the lunchroom and got our lunches then sat at a table near the middle of the lunchroom, Min He, Eun Ae's friend joined us. Gabbie and I talked about how our first day had been so far and we both lied and said with smiles "We've had  a great day!" not wanting to say that both of our days have actually been terrible. Gabbie and I ate silently and listened to Min He and Eun Ae talk. My eyes scanned around the room and saw a a mass of orange hair, knowing it was V,  I shook my head remembering him and Jr. glaring at eachother during second period. Rap Monster must have noticed me shaking my head at V because he pointed at my table and V turned around and smiled. I quickly changed my attention onto what Min He was saying.

"--Out of nowhere it happened and the boys screamed louder than most of the girls!' She laughed and so did Eun Ae but Gabbie was looking at me with wide eyes,  then looking back over at V's table and back at me. Stop it Gabbie i'm not looking over there. I wil not. Stahp looking at me like that. Ugh you made me look! And I really wish I hadn't because as I looked I saw Bambam pouring milk over Jungkook, Rap Monster had JB shoved up against the wall by his collar, V was on top of Jr., and J- Hope and Youngjae were yelling at eachother.I looked back at Gabbie and she had stood up obviously she wanted to go over to Jungkook but I grabbed her sleeve. 

"Gabbie mind your own buisness! Don't get involved." I told her trying to tug her into her chair.

"Emma there is bullying happening right infront of us and you don't want to do anythinabout it?!" She said pointing to the scene infront of us. Gosh Gabbie why must you think like that! I let go of her and she ran over I got up too but I headed out the lunchroom doors and went looking for a teacher. 


*Jungkook's Pov.*

I'm completely embarassed. Bambam is pouring carton after carton of chocolate and strawberry milk on my head and I am sitting here with my eyes closed and my hands in fist but i'm not doing anything about it. Why? Because I don't know what to do. I want to stand up and bash his face in but I also want to storm out the door and sulk in my dorm room from the embarassment. 


*Gabbie's Pov.*

I ran over to wear Bambam had just dumped another carton of milk on Jungkook's head.

"Oh hey you! You wanna try? It's fun!" Bambam said to me offering me a carton. I scoffed and shook my head. 

"You are unbelievable! You're also a bully! Take a minute and think how you would feel if you had a carton of milk dumped on your head infront of everyone?!" I responded.

"Ha see the thing is unlike Kookie here that wouldn't happen to me!" He laughed still holding the carton of milk. I ripped the carton of milk from his hand and poured it onto his head. He gasped and froze up in shock.

"Oh really?" I said. "Because it just did!" I dropped the carton and grabbed Jungkook's hand. I pulled him out of the lunchroom and into the girls bathroom which was thankfully vacant. I grabbed a handful of paper towels and wet them down before attempting to wipe some of the milk off of his eyes and face. 

"Sorry you have to be in the girls bathroom." I said while standing on my tip toes to reach his face better. All he did was nod. Why won't you talk to me! I thought to myself. Okay just calm down Gabbie right now is not a good time just focus on cleaning him up... I sighed in defeat with myself and continued to wipe off the milk. 


*Jungkook's Pov.*

What do I do! What do I do! She's so close and she is cleaning my face! Just be cool. BE COOL JUNGKOOK! Wait? The girls bathroom? Remember cool! Just like nod don't say anything because you'll say something stupid or erted! Okay, okay that was a cool nod... Mental highfive to myself!

"Okay I think you can open your eyes safely now." Gabbie said. I slowly opened my eyes expecting a burning sensation but none came. After adjusting to the light I saw Gabbie standing infront of me looking concerned. Yah! Stop being cute! I'm trying to be cool! I thought to myself. 

"Does it burn at all?" Gabbie asked bringing the napkin up to wipe my cheek. 

"No..." I answered,  "Um thanks for helping me." 

"Your welcome." She smiled still cleaning my face. "Your probably going to want to take a shower before classes start again." She stopped wiping and threw the napkin away. 

"Yea... Probably." I said looking at the tile on the floor. Same as the boys bathroom. I concluded. 

"You don't talk much do you?" Gabbie suddenly asked. My head shot up and looked at her she was wiping her hands with a dry paper towel. What do I say? I only don't talk to you because I'm stupid and don't want you to think I'm stupid?!

So all I did was shrug. 

She sighed before she began talking again. "Well I know you can talk and I know you talk a lot with your friends and you talked quite a bit last night in the dance room but this morning and right now all you seem to do is ignore me..." My eyes widened and now I really didn't know what to say. 


*Emma's Pov.*

I got back into the lunch room with the assistant principal. Bambam had a handful of napkins and was wiping chocolate milk from his face and hair, V and Jr. were still wrestling both had visible bruises forming on their arms and faces, and Rap Monster dropped JB when the principal walked in. All of the students in the room had stopped eating and were watching the situation before them. The principal walked over to the wrestling V and Jr. and picked them both up and off of each other. 

"The rest of you, Bambam, JB and Rap Monster, come with me! Continue your lunch everyone!" He spoke as he walked out of the room still holding V and Jr.  On his way out I see V look at me but it wasn't like he usually did. Not the sweet and kind look in his eye. This time he was glaring. Almost the smae glare he gave Jr. the entire second period. I averted my eyes and looked at the ground before turning around to face a shocked Min He and Eun Ae but still no sign of Gabbie.

"Um where did Gabbie go?' I asked looking around the room. 

"Well do you mean before she dumped chocolate milk on Bambam's head then ran of with Jungkook? Or after?" Eun Ae asked giggling with Min He. 

"Oh boy! Will you guys help me find her?" I asked sighing. They both nodded and we headed out the door. 



We finished our classes, of which Gabbie was in, and Gabbie and I headed towards our dorm room. Once there we both collapsed onto our beds and let out big sighs. 

"Well that was terrible." I stated and I heard an agreeing 'yup' sound from Gabbie's side of the room.

"What now?" I asked, sitting upright. She sighed and sat up also.

"Well we can take refuge in here and not open for anyone until the year ends... I think that'll work!" She said ending with a sarcastic smile before flopping onto her back again.

I was about to comment but three light knock came from the door. I stood up and made my way  to the door, chuckling and ignoring Gabbie's comment about "not opening up to anyone so we can drown in our tears". I opened it and was surprised to see Bambam standing infront of me still covered in chocolate milk. 

"Hey Gabbie you might want to come over here." I said slightly turning my head to see she had a book open and she was reading. 

"I refuse because we said we weren't opening to anyone! We are supposed to be keeping ourselves imprisoned in here, remember? Now is the time we were going to drown in our own tears but you had to open the door and now we can't do that and I am not going against our newly set rules by getting up and seeing who is at the door, of which we should not have opened!" Gabbie ranted, then turned her back on me and continued reading. 

I turnes back to very confused looking Bambam. "She's not having a good day. Maybe next time?" I said and started closing the door only to be stopped by him.

"No. No next time. Gabbie we need to talk!" Bambam spoke to her from over my shoulder. Gabbie slammed her book shut and stood up from her bed, walked over to the door and pushed Bambam outside and followed him down the hallway. I just sighed, shut the door, and grabbed Gabbie's headphones to attempt to relax by listening to some music. 


*V's Pov.*

What the heck! She ratted me out and now I'm in trouble! Why would she do that! Not only am I introuble but Rap Monster is too! Jr. and JB aren't in trouble though because "they didn't start it" and he "didn't see them fight back"! Yea well if Jr. didn't fight back I wouldn't be all bruised up! STUPID! UGH! Why did Emma go and tattle! I didn't even start it! Young Jae did! I ranted in my head as I served one of my many detention cleaning the milk that Bambam had poured on Jungkook's head in the lunchroom. 

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Chapter 5: Wow! Finally updated???ㅋㅋㅋ now update more!!!
Chapter 4: I'm sorry hhahaha yieeee kiligers!!!!!!!! BTW kiligers means like fangirling like 'kyaaa~ or yieeeee~'
Amazing story!
Yea you really are a dramatic person... also I sent you a friend request!!