The Music Hall

Skool Luv Affair

*Emma's Pov.*

"You guys are crazy! You could have gotten hurt!" Eun Ae said while walking between Gabbie and I. We were headed back to the dormitory to get a tour of it.

"Oh tehy wouldn't have hurt us!" Gabbie said rolling her eyes and sipping her bubble tea.

"Not on purpose at least! And Gabbie could you have been sassier?!" Eun Ae said nudging Gabbie's shoulder.

"Yes!" Gabbie and I said together. We all laughed as we made our way into the building.

First Eun Ae showed us the office, which is where we can go if we need any help with problems in our dorm and if we need directions or something. Then she took down a hall way which everyone calls the music hall. The first room was a small room with a desk and a keyboard, the next was slightly bigger and had many chairs in it, their were two more smaller rooms then the last two rooms were dance studios. We went into one and saw the Got7 boys, as Jr. had told us about earlier, sitting on the floor all of them staring at us.

"Oh. Um we'll just go." Gabbie said awkwardly but before Jr. stood up.

"NO. I mean no it's ok you can stay, um, if you want." He said looking down.

"Well I was trying do give them a tour but, i f you guys want to stay." Eun Ae said looking at us for approval.

"Sure, I guess..." I answered walking in with the other two behind me. The three of us just stood their awkwardly with the other boys staring at us. Randomly Gabbie started laughing hysterically like she always does in awkward moments. She sat their laugh making Eun Ae and I start along with her. Soon enough the boys joined in too. Once we calmed down Gabbie, Eun Ae and I all sat down and joined the circle the boys were in. Jr. and I started our own conversation.

"Are you okay after that fight? Why did you hit V?" I asked trying not to seem nosey.

"I'm fine but V he's just annoying. He acts like he's better than everyone so does the rest of BTS." He answered shaking his head.

"Oh." Was all I said. V seemed sweet but Jr. said he thought he was better than everyone... That's Jr.'s opinion I don't even know either of them yet. I told myself and we talked for a little while longer before Eun Ae, Gabbie and I decided we should go.


*Gabbie's Pov.*

When we calmed down from our laughing the other girls and I joined the boy's circle on the floor. I sat down next to Bambam an dwe sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted out

"I'm really sorry for being so rude to you..." I said looking down and playing with the hem of my shirt.

"It's ok I deserved it. I was trying to act tough and cool and Jungkook was ruining it. Like he always does." He said while playing with his hair.

"Oh.. yea..." I said feeling confused. Jungkook didn't even talk... And Bambam you kinda started it... I thought to myself. Just at that time Eun Ae thought it was a good time to leave since all the conversations had quieted down. We said bye to everyone and left but went to the studio next door and Emma and I decided to dance.

"You guys can dance?" Eun Ae asked looking surprised.

"Don't act so surprised! Yes we can but Emma's a lot better than me, I'm still learning. From her actually!" I said pointing at Emma while she was setting up the music.

"What else can you guys do?!" Eun Ae asked while she sat down in one of the seats.

"Sing." Emma said bluntly. We laughed and Emma and I started dancing to 'Gowl' by Exo. We did really good, Emma getting it perfectly and I only messing up  a few movements.

"You guys are awesome! Sing something for me!" She said clapping at our dance. We laughed and took a short break and Emma and I started singing 'A Day Without You' By Jonghyun and Chen (S.M. Ballad) on of our favorite songs. We both got really into it and didn't notice BTS quietly step in halfway through the song. When we finished Eun Ae clapped but also BTS did too scaring Emma and I. I spun around my cheeks red and my eyes wide. I'm not particularly comfortable singing in front of people. I stood there awkwardly and played with my hands while Emma laughed at me.

"Um do you guys want to use this we can leave." Emma said heading over to her stuff and starting to pick up.

"If it's fine with you guys we can both use it." Rap Monster suggested and we agreed. I sat down on the floor, leaning on the wall and a boy, with black hair and a black hat on that said 'J-HOPE' in white on it, came and sat next to me.

"I'm J-Hope. Your Gabbie right? That's what Jungkook said at least." He said all bright and cheerily.

"Ya I am Gabbie and it's nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand that he had stuck out to me.

"So you are the one the at told Bambam off. Haha nice job!" He said and nodded his head.

"No. I was rude to him and Jungkook. I should say sorry."

"Jungkook doesn't care he thinks that your--. Never mind..." He stopped himself before he went on.

"He thinks I'm what?" I laughed, "Mean, rude, stupid?" I gave him some options.

"No he thinks you cute! Oh. I shouldn't have said that.."His eyes got wide when he realized what had just slipped from his mouth.

"It's ok I won't tell him you said that." I laughed at his expression.

"Thanks! I'll talk to you later!" He said and he got up then went over to Rap Monster.

I looked around the room and saw Jungkook sitting by himself on the other side of the room on his phone so I got up and sat down next to him. He glanced at me but then went back to his phone.

"I'm sorry I was mean to you today. I shouldn't have been like that..." I apologized.

"It's cool." He said and shrugged his eyes never leaving his phone.

"Ok. Glad you cared..." I said my sassiness building up again. I got up and walked away sitting back where I was. I grabbed my book from my bag and started reading. I glanced up and saw Jungkook getting up and walking towards me. I immediately looked back down. He came over and sat down next to me with a sigh. I rolled my eyes still looking at my book even though I wasn't reading anymore.

"I'm sorry." He said, sighing again.

"It's cool." I imitated him never looking away from my book. We both laughed and I finally shut my book.

*Emma's Pov.*

The boys and us all agreed to share the studio and V walked over to me.

"Hey you are a really good singer!" He said while he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Thanks. How's your stomach?" I asked.

"It's all good. He's not that strong." He laughed and showed a teethy smile.

"Hahaha I think your bluffing." I said eyeing him.

"Ok you got me it hurt a little." He said, raising his hand and showing how little it hurt with his fingers before he put it back in his pocket. We talked longer and he told me about how he's a junior, and more about the school. We also just talked about none sense stuff. He's definitely not how Jr. described him! He's sweet! I decided in my head as he told me an other joke.


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Chapter 5: Wow! Finally updated???ㅋㅋㅋ now update more!!!
Chapter 4: I'm sorry hhahaha yieeee kiligers!!!!!!!! BTW kiligers means like fangirling like 'kyaaa~ or yieeeee~'
Amazing story!
Yea you really are a dramatic person... also I sent you a friend request!!