The New Girls

Skool Luv Affair

*Jungkook's Pov.*

"They're here! The new foreign transfer girls!"

"Omo (omg) they're here? I wanna meet them!"

"I hope I have classes with them!"

Foreign transfer girls? What is everyone talking about? I thought as I walked out of the building. I walked slowly with my hands the pockets of my black sweatpants and I was looking down at the ground. I walked to the small coffee shop near the dormitory where BTS always meets. When I got there the rest of the boys were already there.

"Guys did you know about some foreign transfer girls going here now?" I asked them as I tossed my bag next to a chair and sat down.

"Dude. Seriously? We've been told about them in homeroom for the past month." Rap Monster answered as the other boys looked at me like I had a third arm.

"Whatever." I mumbled, "Some of us have more important things to worry about."

"Well, aren't they here now? Didn't they get here today?" Jimin asked.

"Yea I saw them. Said hi to one of them. One of them is blonde and the other one has black hair. The one with the black hair is pretty." V answered leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest, "They're both freshman. Eun Ae was showing them around."

"Eun Ae?" I asked and again I got weird looks from all of them.

"Yea Eun Ae. She's a freshman and her dad owns this place." J-Hope said rolling his eyes at me. I gave him a small glare back, slouched in my chair and pulled out my phone.

"Anyways  they-" V's stopped his sentence when the door to the shop opened, " Uh-oh here comes trouble."

I turned to look a the door as did everyone else and Got7 our rivals walked in and went to the counter. I glared at them the whole time they got their drinks. I only turned away when the door to the shop opened again and two unfamiliar girls walked in with Eun Ae. The blonde was giggling and showing Eun Ae and the other girl something on her iPod. They walked up to the counter and ordered drinks, while they were waiting I saw Bambam get up from his seat and walk over to the girls. My jaw clenched and someone slapped me on the back.

"Jungkook quit staring or go talk to them." Rap Monster said, " And you might want to go quick before Bambam gets them first."

"I'll go with you." V said getting up his hands in fists and when I looked back I saw Bambam and Jr., talking to them. I got up and followed V over to them.

"Hey, I'm V we spoke not to long ago and this is my friend Jungkook." V introduced us both and shook the girls hands but BamBam spoke up.

"Oh, baby Jungkook can't introduce himself?"

"I'm Gabbie and this is Emma." The girls ignored him and they shook are hands. Gabbie she's blonde and Emma has black hair. I took note in my head while I shook their hands. I glared at Bambam but turned my attention back to the girls when Emma spoke.

"So I guess we'll see you later we're gonna go sit." She said when they grabbed their drinks.

"Bye." Me and Bambam said at the same time and shot death glares at each other.

"Why must you go and do that Kookie? I was talking to them first." Bambam said as he stepped closer to me.

"Back off. And don't call me Kookie." I said my hands in fists. I looked over to V who was in an argument with Jr.

"Kookie why don't you go, sit." Bambam said as he pushed me back. My anger taking over, I shoved him and he stumbled back.

"Guys just calm down. Both of you." Gabbie was standing in front me, back to me, protectively.

"Move your not part of this." He said to Gabbie.

"No, I'm not part of this but you can take this outside. Oh wait, I have a better idea how about you just turn yourself around and walk out that door." She said pointing at that door and Bambam scoffed, shocked by her attitude. I laughed as he backed off and walked away but then she turned to me.

"And you. You need to watch yourself." She pointed at me then turned around, grabbed her drink and walked out with Emma and Eun Ae.

*V's Pov.*

"Jungkook quit staring or go talk to them. And you might want to go quick before Bambam gets them first."Rap Monster said told Jungkook as I saw that Jr., my rival, was talking to them as well.

"I'll go with you." I told Jungkook while I got up, my hands in fists at my sides. I walked over to them glaring at Jr. the whole way. I stepped in front of him and stuck my hand out to the girl with black hair.

"Hey, I'm V we talked no to long ago and this my friend Jungkook." I said and I could almost feel Jr's glare burning through the skin on my back.

"Oh, baby Jungkook can't introduce himself?" Bambam said and snickered to himself.

"I'm Gabbie and this is Emma." The blonde said pointing from her self to the black haired girl who I as standing next to. Emma. Cute name. I thought as I smiled at her and bowed my head slightly. She smiled and bowed back.

"So I guess we'll see you later we're gonna go sit." She said and the three girls grabbed their drinks.

"See ya." I said and winked at her and Jr. waved. He turned to me, furious.

"Seriously?! Why can't you just stop for once!" He practically yelled his face only inches from mine.

"Why don't you say it not spray it dude. And get out of my face!" I said shoving him away. I was about to turn and leave when he punched be in the stomach. I was about to break his face when Emma stepped in front of me.

"Stop! Enough. Just calm down!" She said making sure we were a safe distance from each other.  Jr. was about to say something when Bambam grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him out of the shop.

"Are you ok? He hit you pretty hard." She asked looking concerned. I had forgotten about it and the pain was now present.

"Oh I'm fine it was nothing." I lied and she smiled then got handed her drink from Gabbie and they walked out of the shop.

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Chapter 5: Wow! Finally updated???ㅋㅋㅋ now update more!!!
Chapter 4: I'm sorry hhahaha yieeee kiligers!!!!!!!! BTW kiligers means like fangirling like 'kyaaa~ or yieeeee~'
Amazing story!
Yea you really are a dramatic person... also I sent you a friend request!!